Forsaken OOC (Fallout RP Looking for GM!)

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Grape Me » Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:32 pm

I honestly had no idea where I was going with that... BUT I have a cool plan for this so I think I know when "chapter two" may begin. ;)

Trust me I got good ideas for this rp.

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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby That_One_Guy » Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:41 pm

Awesome :D
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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Noosie » Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:00 am

Looking forward to it. Maybe someone will rape TOG for once.
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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Grape Me » Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:02 am

Huh not a bad idea. >:D

I mean, it's kinda already happening to suraru so anythings possible

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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Suraru » Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:22 pm

If only she was as cute as Millie!

Yeah sorry Sugar, still love ya and your characters.
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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Voff » Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:10 pm

Wondering whether it is still possible to join. Will be gone a week soon and a week later in the summer though, at which time I most likely can't post...
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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Grape Me » Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:57 pm

Yes there's room! Welcome to forsaken :)

There is no deadline on your posting so don't worry about getting them in fast. Just know that you will miss a posting cycle if you don't post.

I would recommend reading the first OOC post to kinda understand the rp. Annnnd you're good to go :)
Once you put a character sheet ill include you in next cycle

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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Voff » Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:02 pm

Thanks :)

Will get right on it.
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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Voff » Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:04 am

Name: Mack

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Skills: Foraging, tracking, basic flora and fauna knowledge, knife proficiency, some crossbow proficiency

Inventory: Canteen of water, herb pouch containing basic healing herbs, hunting knife, crossbow, quiver with 10 x bolts, a box of cigars.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Mack spent his younger years scowering the wastes in close proximity to settlements. Learning how to scavenge and hunt by trial and error, which left him either hungry or sick several nights. Eventually he got the knack of tracking, putting out snares, and learning what plants to stay away from and which could help out in a pinch. Selling what he didn't need he managed to scrap together enough money to pay for passage from settlement to settlement. One of the merchant caravans he took up passage with had a crossbow that caught Mack's eye. It was a special two handed repeater model holding three bolts in the magazine. He bought it and a quiver of bolts, but it cost him most of his money leaving him stranded at the destination. He used the crossbow to hunt for bigger game gaining some proficiency with the weapon.

Just let me know if there is something to change. Didn't know what would be a fair amount of bolts to start of with so 10 is just a guess, and don't know what to do about the money, currency and amount...

**Edited picture and the money stuff....
Last edited by Voff on Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Grape Me » Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:10 am

Character approved. As for the money part I would say there isn't any, or any currency. When it comes down to trade it's goods you got. There is the "division dollars" which are really worth jake shit though.

Your character seems fair and I pretty much leave this rp very free flow when it comes to the mechanics.
Last edited by Grape Me on Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Grape Me » Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:13 am

oh and not that this is too important but for some reason I can't see the picture you put for the appearance.

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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby [Brand_Name] » Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:22 am

Neither can i
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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Voff » Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:22 pm

Hmm... I saw the picture just fine, but switched it out now. Hopefully it works. If all else fails I'll just write up a description.
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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Grape Me » Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:49 pm

K guys I'm back from my trip. Apparently there is no Internet on the beach but I think that's a good thing.

In any case, I'm back and ready to keep this thing rolling.

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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby napsii » Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:15 am

I'll rejoin if what's happened since I last posted is summarized in detail.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Grape Me » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:08 am

Need little bit of time for next post cycle. Have bit of work this summer. Nap I'd be happy to give you a bit of a refresher. You want me to quickly summarize everything you've done or where you're at currently?

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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby napsii » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:15 am

Ideally, both.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Grape Me » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:53 am

Well Cae's story began in the Fairtown where she was simply finding a place to stay the night. With such a violent and crime filled place with virtually no laws, Cae stumbled upon a scene where a man was beating a 12 year old boy to death. Nobody stood up for the boy, nobody got involved, except for Cae. The man beating the boy turned out to be a Division officer. From his story, it seems he was hurting the kid for stealing his food. Because of Cae's actions, the man acted aggressively towards her. However, before she could react, a mysterious man as quick as lightning took down the divisionist.

Cae didn't know this mystery man, but he sure knew her. "Caecilia, android, serial number 1725, assembled in the year," he paused for a moment, "2022." Cae was astonished, assuming the possibility that he was apart of The Collectors. It would make sense after all, considering that factions interest in androids such as herself.

With the situation of the boy at hand she was unable to further question the stranger. She took the man's generous offering of supplies to trade for the boys recovery. She picked up the wounded kid, and took him to the witch doctor's clinic. From the doc she found out this boys name was Steven, homeless and alone in the world. She asked the doc if she knew the stranger that helped her earlier, but unfortunately it wasn't much to go on.

With the promise to return tomorrow morning, Cae set back out on Fairtown's streets to look for a motel. Upon finding one, she came face to face with another despicable man by the name of Kyle. Not interested in anything Cae had to offer, he seemed to want to take advantage of her helpless situation. However for the second time that day, Cae had another rescuer. This time it was an elderly women in her eighties, her name being Marry. This kind hearted women allowed Cae to spend the night in room 212, not having to worry about payment until tomorrow. As Cae followed Marry to her room, she catches Kyle making a smirk, winking at her. He was clearly upset for being shutdown by his own mother, but he would probably be an issue tomorrow.

Entering the room, Cae quickly dressed down to more comfortable clothing. Going quickly to bed, Cae hoped for both the well being of the boy... and the mystery man.

Your last post before you left if you want a quick read:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

napsii Wrote:Cae stretched her arms over her head, happy to have a quiet moment for once. Turning around, she slid the door's deadbolt into place.

The room could have been worse. The torn wallpaper, creaky floors, lethal-looking bathroom and cracked walls were something she had learned to put up with as a wanderer of the wasteland. Experimentally, she inhaled; the perceptive could judge for bugs and waste by the aroma. Through the usual must of a Post-War building, she sniffed an ancient air freshener struggling to defuse the smell of a broken waste pipe deep beneath the building. The android's nose crinkled. As long as she didn't take any deep breaths, it'd be tolerable. The rest of the room was unimpressive at worst, a welcome sight at best. Marry's generosity wouldn't be lost on her. The room wasn't in the hottest shape, but it felt like a million bucks after what had just happened. She shrugged her bag and her gun off of her shoulders, dropping them both on the nightstand next to the simple bed. The furniture was glazed with dust, and the android wondered if Kyle ever got off his butt to clean the place. Compulsively, she peeked through the curtains out the window. Below, the streets of Fairtown were as lively as ever. Countless humans were drowning their reality with alcohol, while on the other end of the city the privileged of the Great Ruins' locked themselves tightly inside their gated apartments, ever fearful of the muggers and desperate addicts that stalked the city's alleys. Morbidly, she wondered how many humans would end up face-down in a gutter tonight, wounded or dead. Ever fatigued by the knowledge that this would be the last night alive for some unfortunate humans, she sat down on the lip of the squeaky bed and kicked off her shoes and socks.

Valuing her footwear too much to have them eaten by bugs (as had happened with her previous shoes), she placed them on the nightstand and wiggled her toes. Relief from the stress of the day cascaded over her, and for a moment she considered falling back onto the bed then and there, but she felt grimy, and wanted to explore the bathroom. Grudgingly, she rose to her feet. Her power core was pressed to sustain her, now; she resolved to hit the hay as soon as possible. The carpet feeling bristly under her bare feet, she wandered to the bathroom and carefully stepped over the cracked tiles on her way to the mirror. It was foggy, but she managed to rub out a clear image of her face. Even for an android, she looked pale and dirty; her complexion shocked her. She sighed disapprovingly, fiddling with the sink. There was no chance on Earth she'd drink from it, but it would be nice to wash up. The plumbing groaned as she turned the knob and for a moment, she thought the water pipe was about to burst, but slowly and surely cool water began to trickle out. She waved a hand under it and then sniffed her soaked palm. The water wasn't off-color, and didn't smell bad. Finding it acceptable, she splashed some on her face and across her arms and hands, scraping off the dirt that had inevitably accumulated during the day. It wasn't as refreshing as a shower, but the sensation of the cool water over her synthetic skin was invigorating. Dripping but now somewhat clean, she turned off the water and walked back to the bedroom. If she could have fixed anything in this room, it would have been the bathroom. She had never liked dirty bathrooms.

She hummed to distract herself as she flipped open her bag and procured a small towel to dry herself off. As she toweled her hands dry, she admired the moonlight streaming in through the window. Frankly, it had been a long week, and she was glad it was over. Even if it was just for a few hours, sleep provided some refuge from the stresses of this world. Dried, she placed the towel away and set to work shaking out the bed sheets to dispel the dust. Reflecting on the week made her feel without purpose. Things had been bland and dangerous as usual as she had spent the entire week traveling and scavenging, at least until today. Idly, she pondered the man in the mask. He seemed to know so much about her. Then there was Steven, the boy who had beaten badly. After she worked out something with Marry, Cae resolved to make visiting the boy the first thing she did in the morning. She knew thoughts of the masked man would perturb her until she tracked him down, but she doubted she'd be able to find him unless he willed it or it was by chance. People like that... there was always more to them than met the eyes. Satisfied with her bedding arrangements, the android sat down on the edge of the bed and began unzipping her pants. As long as she didn't get splashed in mud, her clothes could go a few more days before they'd need a wash. Exhausted, she stripped off her leggings and folded them inside her bag. Her tight-fitting white panties and bra were some of the few articles she'd scavenged perfectly intact from the Great Ruins, ironically enough, and Cae had always appreciated their comfort.

Suddenly paranoid, she stood up to close the curtains further, permitting just a sliver of moonlight into the room. Content, she fell back onto the bed and sighed, reaching out to check that her gun was within arm's reach. The pillow felt lumpy, but it was soft. She traced a hand over her inner thigh, feeling sore.

I hope that kid is okay. The masked man, too... I'll have to find him. she thought, sinking into the mattress. The thin sheets suddenly felt very inviting, so she slid them up over her lower body. Her exhaustion was overwhelming now. It would be nice to just... sleep.

She slid the sheets higher, feeling herself start to doze off.

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Grape Me
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Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby napsii » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:59 am

Mm, okay... that's pretty much how I remember it, so I'm glad I got it right. Danke.

Where can I jump in again? Seems like some time has passed in-game since then.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

Postby Grape Me » Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:08 am

No Problem.

I need to finish two posts for other people but I'll include you in the next posting cycle like everybody else. Unless you want me to start you somewhere else I was pretty much going to continue where you left off.

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