VintageBass Wrote:Well this sounds interesting... Being away leaves some really great conversations.
Yes, and I am trying the most to compact my answers, otherwise we will need to search through pages and pages.
VintageBass Wrote:I'm enjoying the base, I just haven't explored it recently since I was more focused on the mission. I might if I can download it. My Internet sucks.
I hope I can make more areas and xnaut scene 3 still tonight.
VintageBass Wrote:All right, just curious that's all. But if that is possible, that's definitely a low priority since the main focus is on Peach's story.
Yes, but again, the 'exchange character' button possible only in the worldmap will make those problems disappear at once, and it will make the change more expected (its like Peach is now resting and Daisy is playing level 2-3, then Peach is now playing 2-4). Its how SMB2 works.
VintageBass Wrote:Oh yeah I remember how difficult it was trying to work with that thing. Sure it's nice to have a big boost in jumping, but when you're trying to move in that thing? It's really annoying.
Why not making Peach walk normally (but make her not able to RUN), with the added jump bonus and maybe some bouncing? It could be 'our reaction' towards a bad implementation in the original game.
VintageBass Wrote:Plus how is it sexy to have Peach or any other girl rolling around in a giant metal spring and then be jumping up? Not to mention how one could fuck a girl other than in her mouth?
It doesnt need to be a 'entire body spring', only her torso/chest areas and maybe in each leg. Her boobs can be free (like popping out of the rings). Again, its an idea to check.
VintageBass Wrote:I am ignoring all urges to comment on your design, but the concept of it is rather interesting. That'll be fun to play around with. And with the talks of how having multiple power-ups stacking for one outfit could be a game breaker, I don't see it. All you're doing is just changing out parts of the costume for another, forming new combinations.
The problems so far:
1 - outfits are made with 'combinational points/colors', that is, its ugly to see a striker pants with a dress vest. They dont match correctly and we will see imperfections, because outfits werent made to be detached like this (we would be seeing even hollow / incomplete parts in the divisions).
2 - Lets say Luftmallow or I fixed those problems of item 1 and we can now exchange outfit parts. It will still be strange / not good looking to have a strker pants with a dress vest, a sling bikini torso with a classic skirt (pink dress), etc. Its...too different.
3 - Its not possible to freely combine parts like a bodysuit with a 'body' clothes like striker, because BOTH are regarded as 'hard glued' clothes. They are like a second skin! This is a limitation. Although I can include/exclude it (making Peach naked) I cant combine two 'second skins'. Also, the striker pants in THIGH area isnt unicque. Its a 'second skin' of the thigh, that CONNECTS to PART of the torso area that completes this pants. So if I try to use the 'striker's thigh (pants)' with 'vest torso (pants)', we will see a multi-dressed /stripped pants. Making those 'independent' right now is complex and it will take time. E.g. We have thigh clothes, leg+foot clothes, 'body clothes', each one taking one body part. I will require to retain leg+foot clothes, but I need to divide thigh clothes for lower part of the thigh/stocking clothes, then 'PANT clothes' in the upper thigh, 'LOW TORSO clothes' that is the continuation of the current pants of the thigh', then 'UPPER TORSO clothes' which will receive vest and other chest clothes.
4 - Anyway, the real intention of the game is to play with Peach like we played with Mario, but making Peach feels as Mario. So Peach is experimenting the female version of his outfits/powerups. The intention is not 'ragdolling', albeit it would be interesting to have such a resilient/flexible config.
Its much more interesting to make Lingerie (Bra, Panties) and
Luftmallow can also do that IF we wants/have time (because I really want to experiment making them too). These are independent and can work well. I can even create a way for the panties to appear as rotten / tore up / getting toren up.
VintageBass Wrote:You can have Peach buck naked and then throwing fireballs. You can have Peach dressed as a Hammer Bro and flying around without throwing a single hammer.
Please see in the prism of the entire character doing that. Its not expected to happen, its strange. Of course we can see the possibility to make the tail 'independent' and thus configure the racoon powerup to use the hammer bros, but REALLY its unenected, its too much flexibility in an area we dont need. Also check the 4 items above.
But I plan to make a way to exchange all her heels/shoes. This is easier, more possible and more controlled code I can think about. If its 'too different' from the current outfit or not, its up for the player. I may not like a white shoes while wearing a frog. The player can.
VintageBass Wrote:I know you don't like Quiz's suggestion, but for my opinion I can sort of see it working. And with that, if you really want to go with the all natural means... wouldn't Peach be something along the same lines as well? Then that means they could be sisters?
Possible, but Quiz doesnt like to see the original plots getting changed 'so much'. It works better if we let it as a mistery. The player will try to discover or connect something with Toadella. Maybe in a far future we can come with her real origin.
EDIT: Hmmmmmmm Peach past is also obscure, so it could work. Anyway, its not interesting to make it explicit (e.g. Toadella IS Peach's sister), because its not expected that way, I prefer a bit of mystery.