Public hentai?

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Re: Public hentai?

Postby maximilianos » Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:46 pm

heh, i accidently managed to find incognito-mode when searching for something else. didn't really understand why it existed.... but yeah, it kind kept such akwardnesses from occuring xD
I often find myself thinking that most people are utter shite. I try to be positive and prove myself wrong. So far I've yet to succeed in doing so.
On the otherhand: I know a few of the actually great people out there and that makes me happy enough.
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Re: Public hentai?

Postby starfox55 » Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:11 am

Hell, i don't think i was ever caught watching porn and i thank my old ass house for that. it was over 120 years old so every time i would hear my parents coming to make sure i was in bed like i was supposed to be and i quickly either got in bed or opened solitaire. It worked every time.
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Re: Public hentai?

Postby BlueLight » Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:39 am

starfox55 Wrote:Hell, i don't think i was ever caught watching porn and i thank my old ass house for that. it was over 120 years old so every time i would hear my parents coming to make sure i was in bed like i was supposed to be and i quickly either got in bed or opened solitaire. It worked every time.

No one ever believes the solitaire story, and if they check and you haven't moved... oh busted.

So your house was from the civil war was it ... -_- sure....
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Re: Public hentai?

Postby Thaedael » Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:02 pm

If you aren't american, 100+ year old houses are VERY common.

Re: Public hentai?

Postby James3167 » Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:30 am

Thaedael Wrote:If you aren't american, 100+ year old houses are VERY common.

That depends where you are, although most of them are located in the North-Eastern states. Maine has many of them (the same thing in Canada I guess, the first places to be colonized usually have the most old houses and if that area remains without a huge population boom, then they probably will continue to have old houses).


I remember I once put my penis online and in a website (can't remember which one); I was 14 at the time; when I got caught (my parents where right next to me and one of the replies involved a nude female with cuts & blood), I got more scared during that moment than I had at any other moment in my life (both now and at the time). I thankfully did not get smacked (too much), but lost a lot of confidence in my parents view... Me and my penis-egoism (I was asking/bragging about my length, 6 inches at the time) :roll: .

In other matter, I don't actually like real porn too much (find it degrading to women) and feel like shit when I do watch it every once in a while. No problems with CGI or hentai though, don't why actually.
Always in a hurry -A kick-ass developer who has contributed to Corruption of Champions is making a text-porn game and needs YOU to donate. The more you donate, the better the perks; deadline is July 31st!
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Re: Public hentai?

Postby Zeus Kabob » Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:18 am

Rough stuff, James.
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Re: Public hentai?

Postby Goryokaku » Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:35 am

I never got in trouble for it, in fact my first hentai I watched was legend of the overfiend and that was only cause it was on late night tv and I had stayed up to watch the weekly manga with my dad.
The sex offenders register... I don't even think they should be at school...
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