Rikai Wrote:The new background music seems a bit out of place. (no offense, it just doesn't seem to suit the feel of the game)
Tsukasa117 Wrote:@Rikai Technically there already is M/M and F/F if you count the monsters but I assume you are refering to more intimate animations for said situations considering most of the F/F animations are more acts of foreplay. Futa I could see what monster it might that would accommodate it I havent the foggiest (succubus perhaps), on that line of thinking we have plenty of products that change affects of monsters but I'd like to see some form of affect on the player. This might be me getting sucked into Corruption of Champions(I wish I'd known about it sooner the writing is excellent) but maybe certain fluids change the protagonists appearance and stats if only temporarily such as hypothetical fluid A makes female players a futa for a set time thus making it possible for her to impregnate female monsters and if its the male protag maybe it gives him a monster cock and higher chance to impregnate female monster or hermaphro monsters(like I said i'm running with scissors here). On the flip side hypothetical fluid B turns male protag into a women for a time and able to be impregnated by male/hermaphro monsters and makes the female protag incredibly horny and fertile and thus much more likely to get pregnant aswell. This wouldn't inadvertently increase animation time either unless the creator wants to give them new sprites for the changed forms like making the male protag into a tomboy girl for the duration of the fluid.
IrrelevantComment Wrote:Wow, nice work Dashboard, these would be really cool to find ingame
Tsukasa117 Wrote:I think the easier solution would be to just reduce the time it takes in the day to harvest because as it is right now even a super high quality has such a insignificant value to sell that you might as well just use. You could either increase the items base worth or you could decrease the time to harvest by a much shorter time so that you can sell back more in bulk. This will help if you somehow wind up in a situation were you don't have the monsters to create a clients request or even purchase the monsters to do so you can at least improve you existing monsters stats thus increasing harvested item potency and selling to the market and try to resolve the situation. I've always though that harvesting time versus the payoff if you weren't using the item yourself didn't feel cost effective so some degree of adjustment would be much appreciated in a later build, you could even roll it into the client system by making it so that you can sell requested items you can make to other breeders and this can segue into other characters and story elements since that seems to be one of the things I'm curious to see is the 'other' breeders that are mentioned during the intro.
Tsukasa117 Wrote:Update from the blog seems 2 more things will be added as winners of the current donation process Futanari Trait and Elves. Unfortunately it looks like we'll be waiting a bit longer for the next update, heres the link for all the details http://breedingseasongame.blogspot.com/ ... 783defff80.
metallord18 Wrote:I would love to see a mode in the game where I didn't have to worry about paying back the money, instead just breed for as long as I want. I was saving up to by a harpie and the money got took of me. maybe its just me but i would like to see someway of turning of the debt repayment part of the game.
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