It might be interesting to note, that there will be far less CoC updates in the future. Anyone reading Fen's blog should be already aware of this.
It seems he finally got the Offbeatr money for TITS so he'll cut down working on CoC to 1 or 2 days a week and instead start working full time on TITS.
Which is both a good thing and a bad thing. A good thing - at least for people me since I'm looking forward to TITs - because hopefully he won't disapoint and TITS is goi ng to be something akin CoC on speed.
And a bad thing because obviously there will be less game updates for some time until he gets to a working alpha of TITS. And I was hoping he might give CoC a proper ending before going full time over to TITS.
Win some, lose some, I guess. Although most likely a definite win in the long run.

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