Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Campfire » Fri May 31, 2013 11:02 am

Zoque Wrote:The current objective system for paying off debt is a little ridged and doesn't (in my opinion) add a lot to the story, I know the games still in alpha so this kind of thing could be held off for awhile but for a "Story" mode where your trying to pay off your parents' past debts having a less of an exponential growth system would add to the pacing, or as an option two it could stay the same (just rounding the numbers a bit going from 1000 to 2251 is a little wonky) and allowing a sort of New Game+ system where you start at day 1/1 with all of your past upgrades, monsters, and gil. Allowing for a more challenge and less of a "well damn" feeling when you get close to but not quite there for a deadline.

Also maybe a calender and events'? Sorry that was just a quick thought .

Love the game, good job so far.

Well at the moment the debt system is just a placeholder, or something to try to work towards while Hartista makes a more balanced debt system. Also, the way I understand the debt system to work at the moment is not exponential, but based on how much money you have left over after the debt is taken:

HartistaPipebomb Wrote: - Delilah raises her demands based on how much money you've made (this system is still a placeholder, right now she just asks for an additional amount equal to how much you have left over when she comes for the check, so it can be avoided by going on buying sprees right before she comes).

So you see that this isn't any resemblance to what is going to be the final debt system; ideally, I would assume Hartista is going to allows the debt system to adapt to the player, depending on how focused they are on breeding or producing consumables. Which makes me wonder whether there are going to be perks/stats for the player that allow for more lucrative profits, or less pregnancy times, or the speeding up of actions.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby weyutco358 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:42 pm

Hey Harista, love the game, its freakin addicting! I was thinking, when I can't come up with the money and I get beheaded, kind of kills it for me, so I was thinking instead of being beheaded and continuing the game without anymore interaction with Deleiah, maybe she can empty the bank account and have her manservant Ferris screw the hell out of the rancher?
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:43 am

Hey, sorry I've been really busy and haven't been able to give the game the attention it deserves lately.

I made an update on the blog: ... pdate.html
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby DraconisOminous » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:10 am

HartistaPipebomb Wrote:Hey, sorry I've been really busy and haven't been able to give the game the attention it deserves lately.

I made an update on the blog: ... pdate.html

Just glad to see you're still kicking. Don't worry too much. I'm sure most everybody trusts you. Keep up your good work.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Lucky777 » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:17 am

weyutco358 Wrote:being beheaded

Somebody thought this was even a remotely fucking good idea to include in a non-guro porn game?

There are not enough palms to contain all the face.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Campfire » Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:00 am

Just FYI, here is Hartista's most recent update:

HartistaPipebomb Wrote:I apologize for being absent for a while. Unfortunately, there has been a lot going on in my life and my day job and I've had very little time to work on the game or keep up with questions and correspondences. As a result I'm not going to be able to keep up the update schedule that I had hoped for.

In general I'm going to be slowing down the pace of updates, which is something that I probably should've done a while ago. I sincerely apologize to anyone who donated and will now be forced to wait longer for the features they were looking forward to. I also plan to do an overhaul of how the voting system works. The details aren't set in stone yet but anyone who has donated and will be affected by the change will be given the option to switch their money to a different feature once the new system is implemented, granted that they voted for something that hasn't already won.

For now, the voting will remain unchanged and on June 15th the two top features will go onto the list to be implemented exactly the way they have up until now. Then I'm going to freeze the voting system for a month while I finish implementing the features that have already won and add in the new system. After I've added in the new system, anyone who has donated money to a feature that hasn't won yet will be given the chance to move their money onto a different feature.

To give you guys an idea of the new schedule:
6/3: I'm going to put up a relatively small update that will be mostly bug fixes and gameplay changes
6/16: Male/Male Animations, Demons, new breeding menu
6/30: Kitten Girls, Chickies, Vealtauruses (male neoteny creatures to come later), faction reputation, dialogue choices, exploration, and event system

Also, my hope is that after the 6/30 update the back-end of the game will be complete enough to be able to allow saves to transfer between versions.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby DraconisOminous » Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:38 am

Lucky777 Wrote:
weyutco358 Wrote:being beheaded

Somebody thought this was even a remotely fucking good idea to include in a non-guro porn game?

There are not enough palms to contain all the face.

Yeah, but no. It isn't being played sexually at all, so that isn't quite right. Just a bad-end/Game Over scenario. You know, of the unfinished story-line/game. And how many times have you died in an RPG or something else that was otherwise not about death and murder? Hell, VN's have death scenarios at the ends of certain paths that have nothing to do with sex other than to give you a gameover. Try again next time.

Also, no offense to anyone, but this game does not exactly currently run on text as the main form of erotic pleasure. (This is not a fault to the game) So expecting it to be, you know, sexy or in anyway conducive to your climax of any sort is a pipe dream. I guess you could (and probably do) use the text as a help, maybe, but the images and descriptions of the monsters themselves seem like a more likely bet when it comes down to that sort of thing.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Lucky777 » Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:54 pm

DraconisOminous Wrote: It isn't being played sexually at all, so that isn't quite right.

Whether played sexually or not, it's pretty obvious that it'd be a bit of a turnoff to people who weren't into guro/snuff.

Just another one of those things that one doesn't really need a degree in rocket science to figure out.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby DraconisOminous » Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:37 pm

Lucky777 Wrote:
DraconisOminous Wrote: It isn't being played sexually at all, so that isn't quite right.

Whether played sexually or not, it's pretty obvious that it'd be a bit of a turnoff to people who weren't into guro/snuff.

Just another one of those things that one doesn't really need a degree in rocket science to figure out.

I'm just saying you can't call it guro/snuff, because there was no attempt to have the player gain sexual enjoyment. I'm all in favor of maybe just changing it to imprisonment or some such for the time being, but I don't think it is as detrimental as people think it is. It was simply a standard RPG thing, you fail and you die. It was probably the one part that could due with maybe some parodying, but it could also have been an expression of simply how 'ruthless' either the character is or the empire is. I can't argue either point (I did not make the characters after all), I simply think the reactions for the death make it seem much more graphic than it is. (I'm not at all a fan of guro, and snuff is an active turn off, but as it is a matter of opinion on the line being crossed, I find the text more annoying to actually skip as a derailment for my enjoyment rather than the text itself.)

Also, there has to be a definitive 'end' to the 'game' at the moment, both positive and negative. I'm not arguing that certain aspects can't be optimized, but since we don't even know the story direction that is going to be taken overtly much such a reaction probably isn't in the thought process at all. And while I can't for sure say anything about Harista's fetishes when it comes to guro/snuff; or his mind when it came to that line, but I sincerely doubt he even thought of it being either guro/snuff; or inhibiting to the enjoyment of the player sexually as it was deemed as just a way to get a fast GAME OVER and making sure you knew it was a hard GAME OVER. No Take's Backsies.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby LoneWolf » Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:51 pm

I sincerely doubt he even thought of it being either guro/snuff; or inhibiting to the enjoyment of the player sexually as it was deemed as just a way to get a fast GAME OVER and making sure you knew it was a hard GAME OVER. No Take's Backsies.


It looks to me like Hartista is making a game first and porn second, and that scene suits the game nicely. It fits with the storyline and characters he's created, and justifies the 'game over' part quite effectively. (The 'continue anyway' option is a different question, but at that point you've already stepped outside the bounds of the story by definition.)

It's potentially a turn-off, yes, but it's the 'game over, you lose' scene. There's absolutely no reason why someone should expect porn as a reward for failure, and it's not like there's any shortage of porn games out there where losing is impossible for anyone who just wants a simple fap (there's plenty of non-game porn as well, for that matter).
Cogito, ergo... something.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Lucky777 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:47 am

DraconisOminous Wrote:
I'm just saying you can't call it guro/snuff, because there was no attempt to have the player gain sexual enjoyment.

I'm not saying the CONTENT is guro/snuff, I'm saying that it's a poor inclusion in a sex game not aimed at the guro/snuff crowd, and astonishingly obviously so.

DraconisOminous Wrote: I sincerely doubt he even thought of it being either guro/snuff; or inhibiting to the enjoyment of the player sexually

Well the clue-train's just come through.

LoneWolf Wrote:It looks to me like Hartista is making a game first and porn second

That's totally backwards, he didn't start with "oh man, here's some plot shit" he started with "oh man, here's some porn" - and ain't no "plotshit" option on the voting.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby DraconisOminous » Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:36 pm

Lucky777 Wrote:
DraconisOminous Wrote:
I'm just saying you can't call it guro/snuff, because there was no attempt to have the player gain sexual enjoyment.

I'm not saying the CONTENT is guro/snuff, I'm saying that it's a poor inclusion in a sex game not aimed at the guro/snuff crowd, and astonishingly obviously so.

It wasn't so astonishingly obvious if it is only now that anyone has had a real problem with it. Out of how many people played it, the people who've had a problem are much smaller than the player base's total. We are looking at less than 5%, probably.

Lucky777 Wrote:
DraconisOminous Wrote: I sincerely doubt he even thought of it being either guro/snuff; or inhibiting to the enjoyment of the player sexually

Well the clue-train's just come through.

Just now. But you could be a little less, I don't know, heavy with the incrimination. And from your original post, I have to ask if you've played it at all? And seen the scene? Not that it matters much.

I'm not saying it isn't bad to vocalize displeasure, because there isn't anything bad about that, but there are better ways to go about that. I'm sorry if you don't mean it to sound as heavy as you have, but tone is hard to convey over the internet. Easiest solution for the problem is just changing the line to being jailed for life if it has no connection to the plot.

And if it does, just think about that for a minute, because he has some of the plot stuff thought out. Or wants to make the plot his. Harista is fine with adding a variety of porn and fetishes to the game, and he allows people to vote on that. He does the plot when he wants to do stuff about the plot on his time. Maybe that is going to be included in his update, but as this is a porn game with a focus on porn for the enjoyment of the players, at least initially because plot can be added relatively easily compared to programming and animating, it simply hasn't been a focus beyond what Harista does.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Tsukasa117 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:24 pm

I recently found a post about this game on another forum and am very impressed with what it is thus far and having checked I'm shocked at how many games have come out of this forum that I've played but I guess it never sunk in. Having played the update from 5/19 and the one previous I'm very happy with the expansion on the story with the elf siblings and the wild girl character and greatly look forward to further content from them in the furture. While on the subject of the elf siblings they make mention of you being able to buy there elf slaves at some point but I didn't see any mention about them in your update guidelines for this month do are they a plan in the far flung future? So far my only complaint is that the randomness of the client requirements coupled with the randomness of the monster store stat bonuses have left me constantly not able to make the deadlines on some playthroughs since I end up running out of money to try and maximize my ability to meet said requirements. Example have a Dick Wolf with 121> Fer but theres no monsters in the store that give +Fer as time goes on the prices in the monster store skyrocket so that if your not meeting client expectations regularly its impossible to make the deadline. Again keep up the great work and looking forward to updates in the future.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby LoneWolf » Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:47 pm

Lucky777 Wrote:
LoneWolf Wrote:It looks to me like Hartista is making a game first and porn second

That's totally backwards, he didn't start with "oh man, here's some plot shit" he started with "oh man, here's some porn" - and ain't no "plotshit" option on the voting.

Unless you were actually there when it happened, your guess as to what he started with is no more trustworthy than mine. Based on the game, I'd say the original inspiration was more likely to be 'this mechanic could make a cool porn game' rather than 'here's some drawings, what can I do with them?'.

I'm not saying that the porn's not a significant part of the game: it clearly is. But it's not the whole game, and not every decision has to be made primarily based on what serves the porn best. There are quite a few breeding combinations that have no animation at all, and the vast majority of the game mechanics have absolutely no effect on the porn side of things. Out of the last four updates, versions 3.2 and 3.3 were almost entirely mechanical, with one or two extra animations tacked on; version 3.5 was roughly equal parts mechanics, story and porn; and the player pregnancy update in 3.4 could be argued either way. If this is just supposed to be pure porn and the "plotshit" isn't important, then he's doing it really, really inefficiently.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:06 pm

To head off this little argument here, what happens after Delilah arrests you is left ambiguous. Margo thinks she's going to give you the death penalty but Margo doesn't know Delilah as well as she thinks she does. I don't personally intend to have any overt player death in the game, and the game in general is meant to be relatively light hearted and will not contain any guro or snuff (any death in this game will most certainly happen off-screen, like the breeder's parents).

As far as whether I personally care about this more as porn or a game, the answer is that I care about it as a porn game. Both aspects are equally important, and play off of each other. The game mechanics are meant to enhance the porn, and the porn is meant to enhance the game mechanics. Both are integral parts in my eyes. That said, the truth is that humor will probably trump these both for me, but that's just my personality.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Campfire » Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:34 am

HartistaPipebomb Wrote: That said, the truth is that humor will probably trump these both for me, but that's just my personality.

I think it's nice to have games that don't take themselves too seriously. I mean, it's a fantasy land where people and animals having sex is considered pretty par for the course. Who says fiction is meant to be serious all the time? ;)
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby TinCheese » Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:01 am

Wow! Great game Harista! I can't stop playing.
I've played LoK games before but started a post account just to say what a great job you've done on the game! Also very impressed with the voting for feature system. I've just made my vote.
Not really sure if it's okay to throw suggestions in, but, I was thinking for something different in gameplay introducing a 'Guesthouse' feature. Something along the lines of an unlockable building, that once bought can house horny Human wealthy ladies. Maybe once a month the Lawyer character could broach an invitation for guests who you'd have for one week (option to decline if you're busy on other tasks). The guests could have their own stat lines, and preferences (eg; Susan loves Dickwolves, but not as keen on Holstaurus's, or Lizzy wants a Butt Stallion impregnation). Preferences could affect breeding modifiers. For the week you could breed them to get their stats (satisfaction) up to the desired level, and if you succeed you get a big GIL tip. (maybe a Bronze/Silver/Gold level of GIL)
Sorry if suggestions are out of place, but I just love the work on the game and am looking forward to each update. Also it could break up the gameplay from monster breeding/harvesting for GIL and get some more Human/Monster interaction other than the breeder, and give another avenue of challenge.
Anyway, thanks for listening and looking forward to the next update! ( It's soon isn't it :) )
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby IrrelevantComment » Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:12 pm

Welcome to the forums TinCheese. Don't worry about making suggestions, most people here appreciate input and ideas on their games. With regards to your idea, I like it but Hartista has mentioned a guild system to replace the current client system that will be implemented at some point but hasn't really said how it would work, so I'd wait for more information on that to see how it would fit into the game.

And in the comments on the blog, 6/3 update is delayed a few days due to illness.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Lucky777 » Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:47 am

LoneWolf Wrote:Unless you were actually there when it happened, your guess as to what he started with is no more trustworthy than mine.

This is perfectly true, and I was here when he started the thread.
(Or... y'know. Within a day or a few hours of that time.)
It's an entirely moot point since he's stated his priorities, but I'm still just sayin'.

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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby eroticgrapefruit » Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:42 am

I think TinCheese's idea is fantastic. As much as I love me some monstergirls, the idea of human women showing up on your farm to be bred by your monsters is an awesome one.
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