IrrelevantComment Wrote:I think I've got it. Playing about a bit, it looks like returning to the main menu and starting a new game doesn't clear the data properly, the game content seems to alternate between the data from the last game and the current one.
I also tried a lot and was unable to replicate this. However I'm also using Firefox, so I guess that may have something to do with it...?
In response to Werefrog... You could be right, but I wonder why it is inconsistent how often the red 0's appear for stats that should be unaffected. For instance, I'm breeding two monster right now who both have no modifiers at all for CHA and FER, but one of them gets a red 0 for CHA and the other doesn't, and both get it for FER.
... Not that I really know what that indicates about the calculation, but that's just what I'm noticing. If it was always re-calculated either way, even with no modifier, you'd expect a red 0 every single time.
... Actually, I'm still messing around with it and I'm noticing that it seems like a monster will only get extra unnecessary 0's the first time it is bred; I'm just buying a bunch of new monsters and noticing that the first time they're paired with someone else, it has all or almost all stats with a number by them, and after that it's just the stuff that changed. But the problem with horse cum, etc. still persists every time...