Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby zoig » Mon May 20, 2013 1:57 pm

When typing name for your creature and entering letter ''B'' you are given a question: ''Are you sure you want to buy this monster?''.

EDIT: I guess it was one time error, now everything if fine :S
Last edited by zoig on Mon May 20, 2013 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Oringlas » Mon May 20, 2013 4:20 pm

The Gentle trait is broken as well.

not_so_gentle.png (119.4 KiB) Viewed 3360 times
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Werefrog » Mon May 20, 2013 5:52 pm

@H-Pipebomb: Judging by the occasional red zeroes (especially with new animals) I suppose you recalculate every stat, every time you breed, with 0 as argument if the animals have no modifier. And since log isn't a very nice function, there is some rounding error leading to the new value not being exactly equal to the old one. It also implies you're using the "ln(q*k + e^(q*oldStatValue))/q" option. (but correct me if I'm wrong) I guess it works well enough but it could definitely use some polish. I'd highly suggest you first check whether the modifier is nonzero before recalculating and also switch to storing the total amount of "k".

That aside I like the update. New characters, hints at new species and the notification system (altough I noticed it's not used for all notifications).

EDIT: I noticed people reporting harpy grease, horse cum and no downsides and gentle traits not working. Could it perhaps be related to what I talked about?
Last edited by Werefrog on Mon May 20, 2013 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby SapphicKatherine » Mon May 20, 2013 5:59 pm

I had something similar to IC's issue in Internet Explorer. The buttons were not as responsive as in 3.4 and often times clicking on the back button in town would cause the shading to change like the time of day was changing, but that was all that happened. It often took 3 tries to leave town.

On about the 20th day, the system went haywire for me. A monster that I'd already sold came back and none of my monsters showed in the breeding pen. I ran out of time for the day and when I hit sleep, the message at the top said the day was now 1/4, which is the date that I saved in an old save game. I loaded my old save and it seemed normal for a bit after that, but I didn't try playing anymore. The animations seemed laggier in this version as well.

Is it just me or is the fertility nerfed now? It seems like I'm breeding monsters for weeks on end and only getting one new monster out of it.

The elves mentioned leaving behind some vials. Are those impelmented yet? Can you do anything with the new characters yet, or just enjoy their little speeches? I can't wait to get that elf girl and my breeder together.

That being said, if I have to wait a few months for such a scene to happen, that's fine by me. HP has too much on his plate as it is.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby IrrelevantComment » Mon May 20, 2013 7:07 pm

I think I've got it. Playing about a bit, it looks like returning to the main menu and starting a new game doesn't clear the data properly, the game content seems to alternate between the data from the last game and the current one.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Justapuppet » Mon May 20, 2013 11:43 pm

IrrelevantComment Wrote:I think I've got it. Playing about a bit, it looks like returning to the main menu and starting a new game doesn't clear the data properly, the game content seems to alternate between the data from the last game and the current one.

I also tried a lot and was unable to replicate this. However I'm also using Firefox, so I guess that may have something to do with it...?

In response to Werefrog... You could be right, but I wonder why it is inconsistent how often the red 0's appear for stats that should be unaffected. For instance, I'm breeding two monster right now who both have no modifiers at all for CHA and FER, but one of them gets a red 0 for CHA and the other doesn't, and both get it for FER.
... Not that I really know what that indicates about the calculation, but that's just what I'm noticing. If it was always re-calculated either way, even with no modifier, you'd expect a red 0 every single time.

... Actually, I'm still messing around with it and I'm noticing that it seems like a monster will only get extra unnecessary 0's the first time it is bred; I'm just buying a bunch of new monsters and noticing that the first time they're paired with someone else, it has all or almost all stats with a number by them, and after that it's just the stuff that changed. But the problem with horse cum, etc. still persists every time...
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon May 20, 2013 11:51 pm

Will do a hotfix later today. The honest truth is that I removed the "loss immune" code while changing the way breeding was calculated and forgot to add it back in. I'll also fix the red zeroes problem.

And yeah, the marquis lies about the gift in the current version :P
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby IrrelevantComment » Tue May 21, 2013 12:45 am

In both Chrome and Flash Projector version 1.7, doing the following sequence messes up the game for me:

Start a new game
Go to town
Open monster shop
With the shop window open, open the menu and return to the main menu
Start a new game
Go to the shop again and purchase any monster
Return to the ranch

At this point everything starts malfunctioning for me.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby ygoktas78 » Tue May 21, 2013 2:08 pm

Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: file:///C|/Users/Yusuf/Downloads/Music/monstertypes.xml
at GameState/loadMonsterTypes()
at GameState/loadGameData()
at GameState/init()
at SaveLoad/newGame()
at MethodInfo-59()
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Mechaphantom » Tue May 21, 2013 6:38 pm

Omg omg omg omg omg omg just played newest version and got to the husband and wife elves. They funny as hell bravo!
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Mechaphantom » Tue May 21, 2013 6:48 pm

Also I might have found a bug, don't know, this first version I breed a monster and it gave birth to a monster with no stat modifiers, it doesn't have negative or positive stats, mating it with something doesn't benefit or detract in anyway.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby weyutco358 » Tue May 21, 2013 6:54 pm

The elves were hilarious, I didn't know what the second one was saying to me, she desired worthy wangs? I don't know
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby jacq2e » Tue May 21, 2013 7:53 pm

Harpy Grease and Horse Cum seem broken : The malus is still applied
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Mechaphantom » Tue May 21, 2013 10:33 pm

weyutco358 Wrote:The elves were hilarious, I didn't know what the second one was saying to me, she desired worthy wangs? I don't know

The hunter lady has sex with all your male monsters and complains they don't fuck hard enough, long enough or cum enough, pretty much calling your monsters weak and useless. She wants strong monsters, loved her too.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby stellated » Tue May 21, 2013 11:53 pm

I like the new NPCs' personalities. None of this stuff should be serious so having these exagerrated characters really gives a light and funny tone to the whole game. It's farcical in a good way. After all, it's a game where a catgirl can have sex with a dog and give birth to a horse with an anal fetish.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Totalcheese » Wed May 22, 2013 1:34 am

(It is an amazing game!)
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby sniff3005 » Wed May 22, 2013 5:06 am

(It is an amazing game!)

check the first post under the flash its there
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Azkart » Wed May 22, 2013 6:35 am

I'm having a weird problem with "Changeling". It seems that if you have one of the monsters with it all the other monster will use it.

for example I bought a butt stallion with the changeling ability, but when I breed a Catgirl and a Dickwolf in my stable (none of them had the ability) I got a Harpy out of the mix.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby Ironvein » Wed May 22, 2013 6:29 pm

I've noticed a stall or lack of response when selling to a client. It doesn't seem to work after the first click. Double+ clicking works eventually though.
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Re: Breeding Season: Cum-shot Endings! [Game Update 5/19/201

Postby DraconisOminous » Wed May 22, 2013 8:36 pm

I've noticed the change wrought in Human Intelligence, but at level 10, it does not seem to work 100% of the time in even grabbing one trait, though I suspect that is due to how Human Intelligence is handled. I'm guessing it just checks a random trait in the monster list after a successful roll (in case the trait is not 10), looks to see if a trait of that class (1-10 matters not) is there, and copies it if not. There is no checking to see if traits are there that the monster doesn't have. So any time a monster with more than 1 trait is being breed opposite the Human Intelligence Monster, your chances are actually much less of getting a trait you don't have (and may want) on it.

I don't know if this is a bug, or just a mistake in the coding, or your intentions, but with how the trait is worded, it seems a bit counter-intuitive. If you don't want to make changes to the code (and it would probably be a pain in the ass depending on how you've even coded the monsters to begin with) I would change the wording to reflect the nature of the trait. Like, has a 100% chance of trying to learn a random trait from a monster, or so. Not that that wording fits with how you have it, but. . . This is assuming this all isn't a bug.
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