IrrelevantComment Wrote:
Flawed logic, if I have $10 I'm willing to donate, and say Alarunes are on $50 and Bunnygirls are on $40, then at best I can make Bunnygirls equal to Alarunes. Your logic is that if I want to improve those chances I can donate more? Okay, so I have $20 to donate. My options now are either to make Bunnygirls go to $60 or Alarunes go to $70. No matter how much money you put in (unless you can afford to single-handedly send an idea to the top of the list) it is beneficial to vote for Alarunes.
And yes, of course there will be some people who want Bunnygirls much more than Alarunes who wont see it this way, but some people will, and it discourages people like me from making donations.
Wrong. It entirely depends on what you want to donate for, sure if you're wanting a species in general to win, then this logic is sound, but without this mindset then no. But considering if you personally want Bunnygirls and not Alarunes, then you wouldn't donate 20 dollars to Alarunes. Then you would have to wait until you had more money to donate or the following month when new things are added and possibly have more of a chance. Unless people actually wanted a new species and didn't care which, then your idea is feasible to group them together and choose them out of group preference like you suggested.
This is exactly my point, you're argument is based around your opinion and your preferences. Your "flaws" and opinion is completely subjective. It would take someone with the same mindset to actually see it this way. Unfortunately arguing about how you view and approach the donating system is incredibly redundant.
IrrelevantComment Wrote:
You haven't addressed the issue at all. While it may be possible for an idea with no donations to be popular enough to go straight to the top, that doesn't mean that all features can or will do that. The less popular ones will still be wasted votes.
The point was that it wasn't popular, it was hanging at the bottom for the longest time. Either one guy donated a huge amount by himself, or it somehow garnered popularity within a week. (Considering a donor came on here saying he had a lot of money to donate and he wanted Neoteny i suspect the former). Point being that it is an example that some can go to the top and do that. I never said all features WILL, but it is possible for the features to do that.
IrrelevantComment Wrote:Personally I would be pissed if I gave $50 to one idea and somebody else gave $50 to a similar idea, and we both lost because somebody gave $70 to a different idea.
Breeds of monsters aren't a "similar" idea, unless a person views any breed of monster the same and all something they want then they should have followed your logic, and spent 50 bucks on the other "similar" idea. Considering if they want something specific, then they donate for it. If it doesn't win or is hanging a bit lower than the winners, then you wait until next month. If two people donated 50$, I'm pretty sure that if they didn't have your views on this, they would be pissed if both were grouped up, and the one they donated for, didn't win. Which makes this argument incredibly flawed, as you assume people have the same view as you, not saying there aren't, but it would have to take a similar mindset, one that disregards specifics and is happy for any addition regarding monster breeds.
Your "argument" doesn't also take into account that there are people who are willing to pay large amounts of money to boost up what they prefer to the top. Your "solution" doesn't make this possible, it simply gives them the same chance as a breed or option they didn't even want or was never donated for to begin with. Let me repeat that, this is the same for every category that would be grouped together, if an option got popular vote that had 0$ but the guy who donated 100$ made that category win in the first place, he becomes excluded and doesn't get what he paid for. He may ONE day get what he paid for, but if new breeds are put in continuously then it's very well possible it could be a long time if it's unpopular with everyone BUT that individual, or even a small amount of people. Your solution only gives a chance to people who didn't donate at all or donated very little to get what they want and have precedence or the same chance as someone who gave more. This is very unfair, and a very real problem to your "solution". As your "solution" only favors you, and people who view this like you do, which seems to be in the extreme minority.
IrrelevantComment Wrote:Thanks for summarising my argument, oh wait, that wasn't what I said at all. Nice Strawman.
Your "argument" and "logic" pertains to how you as an individual view the voting, there are no problems objectively that you've stated, but subjectively. The rest was due to what you specifically stated, if you want me to quote everything you said, i very well can, but i assume you know what you yourself said.
IrrelevantComment Wrote:Because a month ago I didn't realise there was anything wrong with it? And look, another Strawman.
The voting system didn't change, it's been up for what, going on three months now? Not that it subtracts validity from your argument, but considering that fact and your entire argument being around your preferences and your opinions, i did find it worth a mention.
IrrelevantComment Wrote: uhhh... this doesn't address my argument at all.
uhhh... Yes it does. Read your solution and reread what i said about it.
IrrelevantComment Wrote:AGAIN, you seem to think I have a problem with the content being added. I don't.
You don't? You said yourself you do. Isn't this entire argument based on the content being added and your belief that a new monster should have been added? I'm pretty sure it was, as considering, you said it yourself -
IrrelevantComment Wrote: I have played your game a lot, across multiple versions, and as such I am pretty bored of the content that is already in the game, so I want to vote for more content to be added. I don't have either of the fetishes that are being voted for (Neoteny and Futanari) and I'm straight, so I M/M animations don't appeal to me. What I really want is for a new species to be added in. I don't care too much which one, but Bunnygirls is probably my top choice.
You don't consider the fetish content additions "content" here. But just above this, you say you have no problem with the "content" being added. This is a huge contradiction. This is also about the content being added as you state it right here. So you're obviously lying or simply don't remember what you yourself said. This is about the content not appealing to you, and you wanting a new breed of monster being put in. Who says this? You. You built an argument around this fact, one that brings a solution for YOUR tastes and how YOU view this.
IrrelevantComment Wrote: The advantage of this is that your donation to Bunnygirls helps the new species category in every round until Bunnygirls is chosen, so even if you vote for something like Dragon, which has hardly any votes, you are still contributing and affecting the voting each round.
You aren't specifically talking to me, but i do have something i want to add to this comment. If you vote for dragon, you're still contributing and affecting the voting each round. The flaw with your logic is that "eventually" every monster will be added, but the fact remains that it's the same as the system in place, "eventually" if you vote for it, or donate enough money, it will be added. It's entirely possible and likely that a person who donates more in this group, may not get what they donated for, and would have to wait another month for it. The only people this is entirely beneficial for, are people who want any new addition as a monster, don't care which, don't care about what specific monster and are entirely fine that the option they donated for which is possibly 50$+ as an example, has the same chance as if i donated 1$ or even none in the same category. This isn't fair in the slightest, which is what you propose in your solution.
If people specifically viewed your "problem" as you do, then there would be an issue. The fact remains that your "logic" and "argument" has no facts, no objectivity.
There is no argument actually. It's just "This is my opinion, and this is why i think it should change based on my opinion.". It's all subjectivity, there is nothing here but your opinions. The point being is that your solution and argument is fundamentally flawed.
You don't take into account how donors may have a very big issue with what you're proposing. I'm personally one of them. If you're a non-donor looking to donate your 20 bucks and want your needs being catered to by grouping everything you want together, which may very well screw the other donors which you aren't taking into account, then maybe you should re-evaluate your proposal. If your solution is "there will be an addition to monsters, just not the one you may want, no matter how much of your money you donated", compared to "There will be an addition, but it depends on how much an individual option accumulated, which relies on how much you or everyone else donated for that option." then i would take the latter. As again, it boils down to personal preference. Trading the current system for another system that is based on group preference instead of individual (Or group) preference (Depending on the option and who's donating), and a person's dollar means nothing but only his 1 vote does overall when that "category" wins, would only bring more problems than a solution. As again it's a very real problem that the person donating the most and wanting an option of his own out of these features may not be donating for the most popular option, in which case he is then screwed out of his money and according to you "should wait another month". Just that statement you mad earlier, where they should wait another month makes no sense, as you can do that now with the current system, you can wait and eventually everything will be added, and it doesn't screw an individual voter. This current system only upsets someone who views everything they find "similar", (As somehow all monster breeds and types are "similar" to you, even gender, be it male or female) who wants an addition to something they want, regardless of how much money they donated, when money is the key aspect that should be the driving force in what get's in.
IrrelevantComment Wrote:What I really want is for a new species to be added in. I don't care too much which one, but Bunnygirls is probably my top choice.
This is your entire argument summed up. You want something, and it isn't beneficial to anyone else unless they view it very specifically, as you do. It doesn't matter to you that other donors may be screwed as you didn't take them into account. It only matters the accumulative amount of money spanned by a category of something you want being the very driving force behind your "argument". Which can be summed up to your preferences, as you've stated multiple times, not just on this occasion.
Your also not taking into account, that the minute that this becomes unfair or a system that a majority of current donors do not like, then it stops/lessens support on the game. Currently the reason this game is still going, is due to the donations he's currently getting.
Your solution would only bring many....many more problems. The implementation of your "solution", would be horrific and it could very well stop current donators from continuing to donate.