In Oldale:ClaireSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Sam sighs and takes a seat next to you on the couch. That’s pretty much all there is to this room save for a bathroom, a bed, and a desk with a tv on it anyways. Pulling you into a rare, but brief comforting hug, he says, “Claire, everyone makes mistakes when they first start off. I pissed off a pack of Poochyena and, when my Pokemon got knocked out, ran home screaming like a little girl with wet drawers. Point is, you’ve gotta learn from it. So you found your Pokemon’s limits today. Now you know not to push them past it too hard in the future. You’ll be alright.” He says soothingly, though you can tell he believes every word he’s saying. And you finally found out what the Poochyena incident was, even if he didn’t mean for it to come out already.
Anything else he was going to say to you though it cut out by a muted, yet still loud crash in the distance. The sound causes Sam to sigh again and adopt a hardened look on his face. “I’ll be right back.” he says, getting up and leaving the room.
JacksonSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Lilian’s gaze stays locked on your back as you leave, not wanting to leave anything to chance. That quickly becomes the last thing on either of your minds though as an ear-splitting crack resounds through the air and almost brings you to your knees with the might of the sound. Once you regain your bearings, you see a group of rather pissed off looking people, at least 5 deep and made up of 2 average males, 1 bulky male, and 2 slender females at the center of the commotion. The source of the sound also becomes painfully obvious: They set a house on fire then destroyed a support beam or something similar, causing the house to come crashing down.
“Where did the bastard go!?” The bulky man shouts, irritated that the destruction of the house was for nothing.
“C’mon. He’s got a contact in the PokeCenter we can try next.” One of the women say, soundly equally pissed but suppressing it a bit more. Without even looking in your direction, they begin heading towards the PokeCenter. Whether you stop them or not is up to you.
Samantha and VarenSpoiler (click to show/hide):

Arriving at the PokeCenter, not a difficult feat since it sits right at the town’s entrance, Varen hands over his Pokemon in their PokeBalls to Nurse Joy at the same time Samantha does the same. Deciding it’d be quicker and easier to take the both of you at the same time, Nurse Joy takes both of your PokeBalls and goes in the back to heal them up. You’ve just barely gotten them back when you both hear a rather loud, almost ear-splittingly so, crash. You can also hear someone yelling, but with the walls of the PokeCenter around you you can’t tell what. This might be worth investigating.
In Petalburg:MadisonSpoiler (click to show/hide):
As Eevee rushes in for the Tackle, Shroomish readies its own attack, knowing it’s much slower than Eevee and will have to set things up in advance. Once Eevee makes the Tackle, Shroomish uses Absorb, both hurting Eevee and taking some of that damage as health for itself. As a result, it doesn’t look nearly as run down as it should after eating two attacks. You’ll have to be wary of any other tricks it has up its sleeve in the future, it seems.
Picking up on your advice, Nina says, “Right!” before pulling her PokeDex out and seeing what moves Chinchou has. It currently has Supersonic, Bubble, and Thunder Wave, making your earlier advice spot in for her situation. “Um, Bubble would be bad to use on Shroomish, so use it on Caterpie, Chinny.” she says uncertainly. Despite the wavering in her voice, Chinchou instantly picks up the command and spits a Bubble attack at the bug Pokemon. “Well, alright!” Nina cries out as the attack makes contact and knocks the Caterpie off balance a bit. As a counter, Caterpie runs right up to Chinchou and Tackles it, making Nina groan in displeasure. “Shake it off, Chinny! We’re still in there!” Well, it seems Nina’s gaining some idea of what to do now. That should be a load off your shoulders.
On Route 110:LisaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
“Take care and lie low, Lisa!” Lorux calls back as you go, waving you farewell and heading back to the mansion with the Electrike in tow. The safe house isn’t as extravagant as the main building, but that’s to be expected since it’s supposed to be a hideout. That’s not to say you’ll be slumming it up though. The safe house is a long, medium height log cabin and a quick look in its interior tells you that it’s well equipped and should hold you over for months. The inside is split into 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a small storage room that the supplies are kept in. There is a window in what you’d call the Master Room and one in the living room, but outside of those, the only way in is the door you used.
Setting Ditto and your bag in the Master Room, you making your way to the living room, a further trek than the outside of the house would suggest it to be. When you begin to pet Minun’s ear, it seems something in him snaps and he bounds off your shoulder and shoves you to the ground, erection raging as he tries to make his way under your clothes.
In Mauville:Elly and SteveSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Miyu doesn’t seem as eager as Dusky to jump into Steve’s arms, but she does draw a little closer. Still a bit outside of arm’s reach, but much closer than she was a moment ago. Speaking of the kitchen, it’s in quite a sorry state: There are burn stains on the marble floors from stray Ember shots, claw marks in the counters and floors from Pokemon movement, broken plates and scatter silverware everywhere, making it a small wonder no one cut themselves moving around. Overall, the place is a wreck, but Leon’s mom doesn’t seem to notice it, more intent on her son than the damage to her home. In her stead, Alexis speaks up.
“Nah, ya’ll didn’t hurt nothing. Matter of fact, this coulda gotten a lot uglier if ya’ll didn’t show up. I would’ve had to have used Seal or Iron Claw and they don’t exactly know how to hold back.” She shrugs and turns her attention back to Leon. “So, Mrs. Withers, just what the hell is going on here.”
“My son has turned into a deviant.” she says simply, though in a tone that dares anyone to ask for further clarification. It even makes Alexis back down, though that’s more out of respect than fear.
“Next problem then. What about the Meditate?”
“She’ll stop listening to Leon’s orders if she doesn’t want to see what I do with disobedient Pokemon.” Chrys must’ve seen something in the Meditate’s mind at that moment, because she lets up and moves towards Alexis.
“And Alexis’ Snorunt?” Chrys asks, getting to the point of why the two of them were here in the first place.
“In my room.” Alexis scrams at that point. “I’ll get her input later. For right now, I need to talk to you two. You see, I’m having trouble coming up with a suitable punishment for my son that doesn’t involve me flaying the skin from his back. I’m more than a little upset, you see and all my thoughts seem to come back to violence. Any other suggestions?
On Route 120:ElixiaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Looking in the mirror after you’re done, you see the mass majority of the damage is hidden from your face. Someone would have to look hard and carefully to pick up your distress at this point. Your Pokemon, gone within their PokeBalls before they had to witness the same thing you did, seem much cheerier than you as you let them know their efforts are appreciated. Not long after, you hear the cabin door burst open and hear excited steps make their way in.
“Recruit! Front and center!” Jordan calls out, her voice still carrying the excitement she had earlier, which can’t mean anything good.
In Lilycove:RaphaelSpoiler (click to show/hide):
The man immediately flinches as you mention Team Aqua, their pull in this area being enough that no one wants to try something against them. He looks to Remmi as if to see if she’ll give any indication that you’re lying, but, picking up on your intention, Remmi transforms her furious anger into haughty anger.
“Pft. Pathetic pervert. I should have Horsea teach you a lesson in respect.” she says in a tone just a few degrees warmer than yours, reaching for her PokeBall. “Or you can open your mouth and say something useful for a change. What will it be?” With her middle finger on the PokeBalls center, she starts counting down with her other fingers, putting more and more pressure on the release button with every finger gone.
“OK, OK! I don’t know anything about no Eevee girl! I just saw some furry little thing running out of town earlier and that’s it! I’m not even sure if it was an Eevee!” the man breaks down, looking on the verge of tears of fear. Remmi sighs and puts her PokeBall away.
“Perverted AND useless. Get out of my sight!” she growls and the man trips over himself to do just that. Once he’s gone, she sighs, dropping the act. “Back to square one.” she says, making her way out of town.
On the S.S. Tidal:KalSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Almost the instant you open the door to your cabin, you see Kyle and the Officer Jenny waiting for you, Kyle with the oily, lewd smile you saw before.
“Oh good, we caught you before you got off the ship. Kal, was it? I’m afraid we need to ask you about a fugitive we’re tracking. Could we come in?” Officer Jenny asks, though it sounds more like a command than a question. For some reason, you get the feeling that trapping yourself in a room with these two will not end well.
In Mossdeep:SkyeSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Packing eats up a bit of time, but obviously not enough for the Ferry to have made its rounds. Looks like you’re still in need of something to kill time with. There’s probably a few people around the island you could talk to to kill time. There’s also item shopping since your parents don’t seem to have thought ahead enough to get you some things to start off your journey with. Or just wander and hope to bump into something to do. There’s gotta be SOMETHING going on after all. It’s an island, things have GOT to be moving.