Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Lucky777 » Thu May 09, 2013 12:55 pm

Mr D Wrote:
DraconisOminous Wrote:Thanks Erotic Grape Fruit, for some reason that seemed. . . like a stupid thing to try.

How is that a stupid thing to try? If you have 1 monster with all positive modifiers and other monsters with negative modifiers than you would logically try to see if it is not possible to just breed the profitable monster that has no downsides(aka the whole point of the game).

It's a stupid thing to try because you're trying to breed one thing of one sex with itself, and that is not how breeding works.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby DraconisOminous » Thu May 09, 2013 1:14 pm

Pretty much my thoughts. I tried breeding one thing alone to see if it activated anything, but breeding something with itself was a no go.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby fristian » Thu May 09, 2013 1:23 pm

Like this game, but do have some questions and some ideas you may or may not want to reply/ use (if its ok to ask about it)

-When are the missing animations finished (no doubt asked before)
-Has futanari been added? it doesnt appear in the shop.

-Breeding/ harvest skills, example: trio breeding or harvest 2 at the same time with time reduction in regards of 2 seperate harvests

-Garden that give you flower girls and or tentacle plants

-Lizard cave with Lizards (similar to those from Kari games)

-Fox lady in cat pen/ Dick Lion in wolf pen (maybe with unique animations later on?)

-Trait idea: Diva (female only?) massive time reduction but with a chance that they refuse the action all together where the time original spend is wasted, and or Unicorn (horses) 5% chance of a +1 bonus to statts increase after feeding/ breeding.

-Loan/rend option in town where you can take one of youre stock to breed in town for a day. request cost money and increases statts with higher pregnant rate. loan is the reverse where you select an animal and leave one of yours behind to breed with it for some money.

Thanks for keeping this game alive.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby DraconisOminous » Thu May 09, 2013 4:09 pm

Futanari is supposed to be on one of the next updates, I believe.

The missing animations? When Hasta gets around to it. The missing Harpy animations? Sometime this week if not later, again refer to the first.

And since I am in the habit of asking stupid questions, how does one get the 6th monster type? I've been completing gold missions as often as possible, but I'm already beyond the traits.

Yes, my first time playing this game was 3.4.4
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Mr D » Thu May 09, 2013 4:24 pm

Lucky777 Wrote:It's a stupid thing to try because you're trying to breed one thing of one sex with itself, and that is not how breeding works.

Only if you are not looking at this as a game. The core mechanic of this game is to manipulate stats using the monsters modifiers. There are 2 windows and you can chose ANY of the monsters from those 2 windows. Even if the monster you are choosing for both windows is the same the game does let you do that and there is no reason for you not to use the "breed button" on the 2 strongest monsters from each window. Trying to "breed" the same monster was the first thing I tried in this game because in regards to stats it was an obvious choice to do. The problem here is "the lack of curiosity" because it does make sense if you look at it as an game.

Also the the word breed does not only mean fuck -_-. For example artificial insemination (had to google those words ._.) is seen as more advantages when it comes to breeding horses. So in that case picking the same monster twice still makes sense.
1 game (oh I mean story slideshow -_-) and 5 flash loop FINISHED...fuck yea
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Ironvein » Thu May 09, 2013 5:57 pm

DraconisOminous Wrote:I like the game. Very interesting premise. I'm just having two problems. The second problem is simply my inability to find the sixth species of monster. I've done more gold missions then there was gold traits for, and haven't run across it. Is it in some location I'm just not seeing?

Yes, I'm doing it in backwards order simply because this one is slightly more important and possibly buggy. . . unless I'm doing the wrong thing here. I've yet to have the character be impregnated (yes,it is running 3.4). Unless I have the worst luck ever, even 50 harvests with a Butt Stallion with a 100% Breeding modifer due to Too Stronk and four Healthy items to boost fertility by 40%. I'll run through with a few higher numbers if possible, but unless the RNG hates me or I'm doing something wrong.

2) HBomb mentioned in a previous post that the 6th monster is in the code, but not implemented (playable).

1) Player Preg is not by harvest, you have a male monster breed with itself (the monster will screw the breeder instead.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby DraconisOminous » Thu May 09, 2013 7:26 pm

Ahh, thanks Ironvein. I've already been told by a very helpful grapefruit about the whole ordeal.

I just kept reading and missed any talk about it just being implemented in the code. About the monster.

Honestly though, making a monster screw itself on the breeding pit page does not seem indicative of making it fuck the breeder. But enough complaining over spilt milk and it was an easy enough thing to fix. I'd just make it more indicative that it happens (possibly by showing the breeder in place of the monster?) with the breeder.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Lucky777 » Thu May 09, 2013 9:21 pm

Mr D Wrote:
Lucky777 Wrote:It's a stupid thing to try because you're trying to breed one thing of one sex with itself, and that is not how breeding works.

Only if you are not looking at this as a game. The core mechanic of this game is to manipulate stats using the monsters modifiers. There are 2 windows and you can chose ANY of
the monsters from those 2 windows. Even if the monster you are choosing for both windows is the same the game does let you do that and there is no reason for you not to use the "breed button" on the 2 strongest monsters from each window. Trying to "breed" the same monster was the first thing I tried in this game because in regards to stats it was an obvious choice to do. The problem here is "the lack of curiosity" because it does make sense if you look at it as an game.

The point is that it's not an obvious thing to THINK of doing because it is so absurd, or so "stupid" a thing, and that is the sense that "stupid" is really being used in, here.
Like, it seems silly to try something that is unlikely to have any beneficial effect, and which CANNOT have any beneficial effect from the point of view of "BREEDING" AT ALL.
Indeed, the RESULT is not the result you'd expect either, that being some kind of odd self-fucking behaviour of some kind by the monster, (or in my case, I'd have expected the game to produce a glitch or something of the sort).
I still did it when I first played, just to see if the game even let me, and I was amused at the result. That result is not intuitive.

Mr D Wrote:Also the the word breed does not only mean fuck -_-. For example artificial insemination (had to google those words ._.) is seen as more advantages when it comes to breeding horses. So in that case picking the same monster twice still makes sense.

Are you proposing to educate me about the meaning of an English word, my friend?
The relatively common word "Breed", in particular?
Because you see, I happen to know the meanings of that word, and I'll take the opportunity to mention that you can't inseminate a male creature (artificially or otherwise) with the male's semen, because males do not become pregnant.
They do not tend to have eggs to "inseminate", and that is by virtue of being male.

You CANNOT breed a male with a male.

Similarly, females cannot USUALLY inseminate themselves, for they shouldn't have any semen, being female... though nature is weird, and there are some exceptions I think, or... at least some asexual reproduction HAPPENS...
... I mean, at least I think I heard that one kind of frog egg can produce offspring without any contribution of the male, if you just prick it with a pin or something...

GENERALLY SPEAKING, though, you CANNOT breed a female with a female.

This is why choosing ONE monster of ONE SEX, as I said, to breed with itself, makes no sense.
Unless of course you count "hermaphrodite" as a single sex, but still, that's really just a creature that has BOTH sexes.
Anyway, If you want to feed the monster its own juices, to buff its stats in accordance with the core mechanic of the game, you can do that.
You do not do that by using the breed option, and it would ALSO make no sense to be able to do that by using the breed option, because such an action IS NOT BREEDING.
By definition.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Ironvein » Thu May 09, 2013 11:59 pm

You guys act like the English language is a 'rigid' structure where in fact, words change meaning all the time.

Examples : gay, bad, wicked, corn, and plenty of others.

It the terminology of THIS GAME: Breeding is equivalent to sex and 'Breeding with itself' means sex with the breeder.

End of DIscussion. Stop whining about it.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Lucky777 » Fri May 10, 2013 1:05 am

Ironvein Wrote:You guys act like the English language is a 'rigid' structure where in fact, words change meaning all the time.

Examples : gay, bad, wicked, corn, and plenty of others.

Patently irrelevant, as breeding has undergone no such change from its current actual meaning.

Ironvein Wrote:It the terminology of THIS GAME: Breeding is equivalent to sex and 'Breeding with itself' means sex with the breeder.

End of DIscussion.

Total fucking nonsense.
Breeding by fucking is the method of breeding preferred in the game, and that is not surprising in the interest of simplicity, though there IS harvesting of sex fluids in-game.
The word is simply misapplied when it refers to pairings between monsters of the same sex, as long as that pairing cannot result in reproduction.

An error in the use of language does not change the meaning of words in the language.

The fact that choosing to breed a monster with itself results in the monster fucking the breeder is merely a quirk of the interface.
It is an unintuitive quirk, as said, and I'd expect to see it fixed, though perhaps not as a priority.
It is in no way a sign of some game-specific and absurdly inaccurate definition of "breeding" a monster with itself.

Ironvein Wrote:Stop whining about it.

Nobody's whining, but you are testing my fairly impressive supply of patience.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Ironvein » Fri May 10, 2013 5:27 am

Lucky777 Wrote:
Ironvein Wrote:You guys act like the English language is a 'rigid' structure where in fact, words change meaning all the time.

Examples : gay, bad, wicked, corn, and plenty of others.

Patently irrelevant, as breeding has undergone no such change from its current actual meaning.

Just because it hasn't incurred a change doesn't make it immune to the possibility of change. HBomb choose Breed as his term for that action, there is no reason to go change it other than to sate your ego.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby fristian » Fri May 10, 2013 6:13 am

Thanks for answering my questions.

And what about my suggestions, total crap or is there some stuff worth considering?
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Wonderful Hawk » Fri May 10, 2013 6:41 am

oh my god who cares this is the dumbest conversation the dumbest
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby SapphicKatherine » Fri May 10, 2013 12:49 pm

fristian Wrote:Like this game, but do have some questions and some ideas you may or may not want to reply/ use (if its ok to ask about it)

-When are the missing animations finished (no doubt asked before)
-Has futanari been added? it doesnt appear in the shop.

-Breeding/ harvest skills, example: trio breeding or harvest 2 at the same time with time reduction in regards of 2 seperate harvests

-Garden that give you flower girls and or tentacle plants

-Lizard cave with Lizards (similar to those from Kari games)

-Fox lady in cat pen/ Dick Lion in wolf pen (maybe with unique animations later on?)

-Trait idea: Diva (female only?) massive time reduction but with a chance that they refuse the action all together where the time original spend is wasted, and or Unicorn (horses) 5% chance of a +1 bonus to statts increase after feeding/ breeding.

-Loan/rend option in town where you can take one of youre stock to breed in town for a day. request cost money and increases statts with higher pregnant rate. loan is the reverse where you select an animal and leave one of yours behind to breed with it for some money.

Thanks for keeping this game alive.

Several of your questions would be answered with a quick trip to the donation page.

-Futanari isn't even an official feature yet. Voting ends on 5/15 I believe and it's in a tight race with neoteny and MMF animations.

-Alarunes (plant women) and foxgirls are already available to vote on. If you'd like to see them in the game, skip eating out one night and donate. I will say that earlier in the thread was a colored pic of an alarune, so it's possible that's the secret 6th character.

-The loan/rend stuff sounds like a lazy way of getting better monsters without breeding or restocking in the pet store. The game doesn't need it.

-The traits aren't bad, but with Greased Lightning 10 it already only takes minutes to breed. Diva added in there would make the months in the endgame last forever. Unicorn is basically a watered down version of Too Stronk.

-The breeder having skills isn't a bad idea. I could see her becoming a better salesperson to the clients for higher payouts. Breeding multiple monsters at a time would make passing around traits a nightmare. I would think you'd wind up with more watered down monsters.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby DraconisOminous » Fri May 10, 2013 1:19 pm

I'm pretty sure there is much more faculty draining things to converse about.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Mr D » Fri May 10, 2013 1:25 pm

Well Lucky777 looks like we wont agree no matter what. It is plain to see than your mind is set and no amount if explanation of what I mean will change it. Clearly we see it differently so lets stop there and agree that we just wont agree. As Wonderful Hawk said there is no real merit to be had from dragging this on.
1 game (oh I mean story slideshow -_-) and 5 flash loop FINISHED...fuck yea
My mini flashes link : ... f=7&t=1972
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Lucky777 » Fri May 10, 2013 1:33 pm

Ironvein Wrote:HBomb choose Breed as his term for that action, there is no reason to go change it other than to sate your ego.

You seem to be getting confused.

His use of the word "Breed" where it refers to sexual actions that cannot cause reproduction is certainly wrong, but I am not saying that he therefore ought to change it. If he did, it would be in the interest of accuracy, to be sure, but what I am saying he ought to change in particular is the interface-input that leads to a monster fucking the breeder.
The change could be in what input HAS that result, or if that should strike him as being too much work, the change could be in the input's current UNEXPLAINED state in-game.

My reference to the literal impossibility of having a monster breed with its own sex was used to highlight the necessarily resulting literal impossibility of breeding a monster with itself (except in the case of herms, and in THAT case, breeding the monster with itself using the current interface wouldn't have the expected result) and that in turn was done in order to explain the transparently rational sentiments of Draconis Ominous that having one monster try to breed with itself was a "stupid" thing to try, though I myself might have preferred the less pejorative term "absurd", which could less readily be interpreted as saying you'd be stupid to TRY the thing - which I am sure was not the fellow's intent. Highlighting the unintuitive nature of getting a monster to bang the breeder was simply a byproduct of my explanation to Mr D of those sentiments.

Even if a person were too brain-dead to notice when the input was absurd, he'd still likely be surprised by the result, and not at first expect that result from that input.

Mr D Wrote:Well Lucky777 looks like we wont agree no matter what. It is plain to see than your mind is set and no amount if explanation of what I mean will change it. Clearly we see it differently so lets stop there and agree that we just wont agree. As Wonderful Hawk said there is no real merit to be had from dragging this on.

There's nothing else to be said to begin with.
You're right that curiosity would lead one to try breeding a monster with itself if one realises that such an option is possible in-game, and Draconis is right that nonetheless it is a pretty damned absurd thing to contemplate - and naturally, as I'm adding, it wouldn't cross a person's mind to try something that absurd unless he specifically wanted to (1)test the limits of the game, (as might be your case) or, as I say, (2)get a herm to breed with itself(which might or might not have occurred to Draconis and which WOULD NOT WORK PROPERLY) OR (like me, with one monster of one non-herm sex) (3)find a bug.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Cappy » Fri May 10, 2013 2:48 pm

To be honest, even though it's a game with breeding beasts in mind, breeding them with each other/yourself doesn't simply involve making babies, there's also the stat changes, and from the beginning Hartista has said that the breeder will be sexing some of the beasts in training. And further more, this way makes more sense than say, having the breeder him/herself available in the breeding menu as one of the beasts. I'm sure Hartista could code in another button and create an entirely new function on the menu to breed the breeder with one of the beasts, but it would honestly be a distraction and imo, a waste of effort in the current state of affairs.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Lucky777 » Fri May 10, 2013 4:02 pm

I'm pretty sure having the breeder there on the menu would actually make more sense, AND possibly help free up self-breeding to ACTUALLY WORK with herms.

Still, mentioning it in a tutorial/tool-tip would indeed be good enough, as I said, if Hartista figured that changing the interface was too much trouble for him to bother with.

I'm assuming it's actually not mentioned in the in-game tutorial, though I wouldn't know - haven't played the game almost since it came out, as I'm waiting for dem animations.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/29/2013

Postby Orbot_Vectorman » Fri May 10, 2013 5:36 pm

If I may offer a suggestion for the game, or well an add on to a previously suggested idea for the game: Perhaps in giving the breeder his/her own slot in the breeding menu, you can also (When you begin the game) pick out a couple of stats for the breeder, and maybe select 1 or two traits for the breeder... oh and please male character soon? :D
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