So.... I guess here's my char sheet.
If you think my character is a bit off- putting, please do let me know. ^^;
Name: Skye
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Also with the clothing, but wears a pair of thick sandels and a slingpack.
Personality: Skye is extreme curious, to the point of ignoring warnings and general advice. The same can be said for her sense of risk and adventure. She goes to great length to appear as a normal girl who's extremely polite, but she has a twisted/ lack of understading social norms, such as decency, modesty, or taboos. She is extremely excitable, and easily impressed, but that is normally supressed by her modest facade. Combine everything with a moderately high intellegence and a case of nymphomania, and you have Skye.
Hometown: Mossdeep City
Starter Pokemon: A Female Togepi
Background: Skye is a bit messed up, she is willing to admit that. Born in Mossdeep City, and raised a bit aways from the city border, she was quickly labeled as a black sheep among her peers. Since she was young, she had always wondered why her parents were always in their room, only coming out when they needed to work or to cook a meal. Cue a few months later, Skye found herself peering into her parents room, as a source of a strange sound emanated from there. Several minutes were spent watching in pure terror and morbid fascination. Afterwards, she dashed into her room, swearing to herself never to watch her parents have sex again. As the years past, her black sheep label had grown to the point where all of her peers actively ignored her or kept their distance. Skye fell into depression, but was soon cheerful, as her parents had obtained a pokemon egg and had given it oto her. This is how she met Togepi, one of the few friends she has left.
Soon, Skye hit puberty. And it royally sucked, as she had inherited her parents nymphomania. At around the same time, her parents began a series of "honeymoon trips", leaving the house for her. Skye never had anyone over during the time, as her black sheep status had undergone puberty as "the weird, hot chick". So it was just her and Togepi, in a (mostly) empty house. This left Skye with plenty of free time to snoop around her house, especially her parent's room... and maybe use one or two of her mother's vibrators.
At some point, she felt a sense of adventure stirring in her veins, so she had talked to her parents about leaving to be a Pokemon Treainer, maybe a breeder, and they reluctantly agreed to it.
Other:Togepi is Level 5, so she has Metronome.