HartistaPipebomb Wrote:
The equation is:
stat change = (stat growth modifier + WIL and trait effects on that modifier) * (breeding modifier * STR and trait effects) * e^(-0.00690775527 * stat value) * (2 + 2*(partner's stat value - your stat value)/1000) * 75
Egad that looks overly complicated; how did you come up with it out of curiosity?
HartistaPipebomb Wrote:Yes, 0.001 is extremely low, but this is intentional: getting to 1000 is meant to be hard to nearly impossible. In the final game you will ideally be completing the story-line with monsters that have stats in the 600-700 range. Going any higher is for very dedicated people.
I'm of the opinion that the stat caps handle that particular desire just fine. It takes work to get those caps up. Well unless you wait for a store bought monster to have caps that high I guess. Another reason I think store boughts should only be 'level 1' creatures period (only new traits should be available as they are unlocked).
HartistaPipebomb Wrote:There is, I realize, a huge problem with my system right now: If a monster has 0 in a stat and a huge modifier (like 200+) it can hit 1000 in a single breeding. Meanwhile, having the same modifier but breeding at 995 it will take a huge amount of breeding to get you to 1000.
I was reluctant to make a system where the stat increases are based on "EXP" values, but you may be right in that using a point system in which the stat values are discrete instead of continuous and just requires ever-increasing amounts of "BP" to increase to each new stat level probably just makes more sense.
The BP example does not require making a new attribute to you stats; you just loop it until your BP is insufficient to raise the level and drop the rest.
Looking at it, I think you just overcomplicating it on yourself and it's bringing out all sorts of weird buggyness. Take a step back and remember the principal of KISS and you should do fine. Keep up the good work.