Goryokaku Wrote:^_^ i think you need a tranquilizer Sirfluffles but if i find a evee I will raise just like my Vulpix :p
MiscChaos Wrote:Also, I imagine to Nurse Joy, ANY amount of damage is unacceptable, what with a love of Pokemon so strong you dedicate your life to healing them. But Claire's Pokemon were definitely well beyond what you'd expect as "Normal" damage since she basically put them through the Gauntlet. Jackson was more in the normal range, but her opinion of him is colored by the fact that news spreads in a small town like Oldale, so she made a bigger deal out of it than usual.
dragonmaster121989 Wrote:@misc remind me to head up to lilycove and look for kana later
LoneWolf Wrote:dragonmaster121989 Wrote:@misc remind me to head up to lilycove and look for kana later
*Wags a finger sternly in dragon's direction* Now, now, wait your turn. Raphael's already in Lilycove, and (possibly) on the trail of our mystery Eevee. She might be gone when you get there.
Of course, he's also not willing to beat the poor girl into the ground and try to lock her in a Pokeball while she's helpless - unlike (apparently) all you brutal thugs- so being first on the scene may not help very much...
dragonmaster121989 Wrote:are you talking about the way y battle turned out lol it wasn't that bad and not sure if you are aware but Kana used to be a playerso there is a reason we all want her she is a half human half pokemon that can change into a full eevee at will if I understand right
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