Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:24 am

Ironvein Wrote:
manillan Wrote:I find myself forgetting how much is owed at the end of each month. Would it be possible to put the amount owed in the inventory screen, or something like that?

I'm sure it's on his to-do list. You're not the only one having that problem. It had already been mentioned in the previous version.

Probably need to make another 'list of bugs/issues' again soon, So H-Bomb doesn't need to hunt through all the posts.

It would actually be a huge boon to me if someone could compile a list of bugs and suggestions (the smaller UI and gameplay related suggestions I can implement quickly) that are strewn about here on the LoK forums and my blog comments. I try to keep up with all of them but I'm pretty forgetful and disorganized, so if anyone wanted to help out this would be useful!
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Justapuppet » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:11 am


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Stat increases not working as intended
- Save-don't-work Bug
- Possible bug with availability of consumables (?)
- Apparently some crazy UI bugs (see page 33)
- "The cloud in the wall" bug (?)
- Some inconsistencies in the UI (non-marked incest causing Herp-Derp, the cut-off line for some requests' stats being hard to compare to monsters with supposedly the same value)
- "names ... overlaying eachother and interfering with the top of the screen"
- Possible bug with likelihood of getting one gender or the other as offspring (?)

- Stuff to add to donation list (namely player customization, other unlock-able monsters, male PC)
- Way to see amount owed at start of next month
- Way to see unlocked traits
- Different perspective for some scenes (e.g. ability to see "butt views", balls, etc.)
- Some sort of restriction on the way types of monsters are requested
- More sounds

* Some bugs may be hard to confirm currently or may have already been addressed

... Just lookin' at the the last dozen or so pages and the more recent blog stuff. And ignoring rework-related suggestions, etc.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Mechaphantom » Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:20 am

I was posting that as well but Justapuppet beat me to it. I'll try to help with that as well.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Werefrog » Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:22 am

I have a suggestion that I'm surprised I haven't seen here before. I hate those little windows that pop up saying something happened. Like "You harvested a consumable from this monster" or "X and Y gave birth to a Dicklops". Not sure if there are any others. Getting rid of them would make the game somewhat less tedious.
I could think of two ways to do this:
1) A global log that lists the last few events. You could just get rid of the windows and post these and any other anouncements there.
2) You could make the birth anouncement part of the "keep/release" window. As for consumables... fuck them. I know I harvested something. That's why I clicked the damn harvest button!

Also an option to disable fuck/harvest/birth/rape/orgy/whatever animations would be nice. In case you want to just play the game with no distractions or are trying to achieve something that takes a lot of work. This could speed things up a bit.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby eroticgrapefruit » Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:58 pm

That's a very good point. Such a notification is only necessary if there's some kind of chance of failure or variation involved.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Sinsun1 » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:37 pm

Seems there are stat glitches. I keep running into the problem of everyone getting "Nan" fertility with no way to bring it up even when using two fertility + breeding animals. One dickwolf even has a "nan" modifier.

Another glitch is selling items and breeding animals, I almost don't want to sell to clients now because sometimes they give you 0 gil even with high charm stats. Items are sometimes worth 0 gil when they are 2 star + in all stats.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Ironvein » Fri Apr 26, 2013 8:03 pm

Sinsun1 Wrote:Seems there are stat glitches. I keep running into the problem of everyone getting "Nan" fertility with no way to bring it up even when using two fertility + breeding animals. One dickwolf even has a "nan" modifier.

Another glitch is selling items and breeding animals, I almost don't want to sell to clients now because sometimes they give you 0 gil even with high charm stats. Items are sometimes worth 0 gil when they are 2 star + in all stats.

Nan in this case is a division by zero error. Monsters will be useless at that point. Hbomb already knows about it( part of the growth problem).

Suspect your other issues are also related.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Cippman » Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:20 pm

Ironvein Wrote:.... it is 'freetoplay'.... What made you think it wasn't?

Yes, i know that is 'free to play'... I mean it in the future it can be a free to play... ... as "facebook's games" or the "HTH studios" (...where some contents of the game are only for pay...) : D

(sorry for my eng if it isn't so good) : P
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Game Balance

Postby Krysee » Sat Apr 27, 2013 12:38 am

I find myself performing a number of restarts right at the beginning of the game, before even making my first move. What I'm looking for when I do this:

(A) Clients who aren't asking for outrageous things. By "outrageous", I mean stats over 50 on the bronze, 100 on the silver and gold.
(B) Every critter in the shop has a - stat, and it's usually STA. When a stat goes negative or hits zero, they can't seem to do a damn thing.
(C) The clients are looking for a stat or critter that isn't available in the shop on the first day.

To avoid all of these rampant restarts, I propose a few really simple tweaks.

1. Money is nigh-impossible to come by without either wasting a day or three harvesting your critters and selling it off, or actually managing to complete a client's request. I get that client requests are pivotal to gameplay and should be difficult, but I ask for one other way of earning money: change "release into the wild" to some nonsense like "sell to zoo" and get 10% of their value had they been a bronze-level turn-in. At lower levels, this'll only be about 50-70 gil, but it'll be a quick way of cashing in on the 'misfires' that occurred while trying to ramp up those stats the clients. This will take some of the pressure off and lower my standards on all points of why I restart, knowing there's an extra way of making money.

2. "If Stat < 1then Stat = 1". One line of code at the end of the evaluation while modifying a stat, to assure they don't glitch out and become completely useless. This will largely alleviate (B), but not entirely.

3. When randomly generating critters, have a - stat show up a lot more rarely. Instead of making it what appears to be at least 75%, drop it down to about 20%, but then make these critters a savant of some sort, giving them a bigger starting stat pool or an extra + stat or more powerful + stat. The - stat critters are completely unappealing, even with harpy grease, but if they came with a bonus that you have to really look at their stats long and hard to figure out, they might be worth the risk. The savant bit, of course, doesn't apply when breeding, just when generating them for the store: if you breed a stupid critter, you breed a stupid critter. This will entirely alleviate (A).

4. Apply the same logic to critter spawning in the store to what clients want. That is to say, if you don't have an aviary and the store won't populate a harpy, then also stop the a harpy from coming up in a client's desires. This will alleviate a large portion of (C) and a good bit of (A).

5. Keep up the good work. This is the kind of game I'd make if I could make heads or tails of Flash. :D
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Stazza » Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:40 am

It might just be me but I've played through the game a few times and have unlocked quite a few traits through gold clients, but the traits I unlock never turn up in the shop on any of the mosters... ever. Is it something I'm doing wrong because I can't be that unlucky can I?
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Re: Game Balance

Postby Ironvein » Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:47 am

Krysee Wrote:I find myself performing a number of restarts right at the beginning of the game, before even making my first move. What I'm looking for when I do this:

(A) Clients who aren't asking for outrageous things. By "outrageous", I mean stats over 50 on the bronze, 100 on the silver and gold.
(B) Every critter in the shop has a - stat, and it's usually STA. When a stat goes negative or hits zero, they can't seem to do a damn thing.
(C) The clients are looking for a stat or critter that isn't available in the shop on the first day.

To avoid all of these rampant restarts, I propose a few really simple tweaks.

1. Money is nigh-impossible to come by without either wasting a day or three harvesting your critters and selling it off, or actually managing to complete a client's request. I get that client requests are pivotal to gameplay and should be difficult, but I ask for one other way of earning money: change "release into the wild" to some nonsense like "sell to zoo" and get 10% of their value had they been a bronze-level turn-in. At lower levels, this'll only be about 50-70 gil, but it'll be a quick way of cashing in on the 'misfires' that occurred while trying to ramp up those stats the clients. This will take some of the pressure off and lower my standards on all points of why I restart, knowing there's an extra way of making money.

2. "If Stat < 1then Stat = 1". One line of code at the end of the evaluation while modifying a stat, to assure they don't glitch out and become completely useless. This will largely alleviate (B), but not entirely.

3. When randomly generating critters, have a - stat show up a lot more rarely. Instead of making it what appears to be at least 75%, drop it down to about 20%, but then make these critters a savant of some sort, giving them a bigger starting stat pool or an extra + stat or more powerful + stat. The - stat critters are completely unappealing, even with harpy grease, but if they came with a bonus that you have to really look at their stats long and hard to figure out, they might be worth the risk. The savant bit, of course, doesn't apply when breeding, just when generating them for the store: if you breed a stupid critter, you breed a stupid critter. This will entirely alleviate (A).

4. Apply the same logic to critter spawning in the store to what clients want. That is to say, if you don't have an aviary and the store won't populate a harpy, then also stop the a harpy from coming up in a client's desires. This will alleviate a large portion of (C) and a good bit of (A).

5. Keep up the good work. This is the kind of game I'd make if I could make heads or tails of Flash. :D

1. I think most of your gripes will be mitigated once the growth system is fixed. It'll be MUCH easier to raise (and thereby earn money). Remember the stat system in 3.3 is SEVERELY broken, making any bug/ game play issues past that is tainted just because of how hard it is.

2. Having a 0 score is supposed to be possible, but is broken by the stat system. The Nan stats are also part of this.

3. Each Breed has a natural+ and natural - stat with an extra + thrown in randomly. Unfortunately Catgirls natural - is STA, which is what you're mostly seeing I suspect. That was intentional.

4. The idea here was to give you a 'game reason' to buy the other pens. Without it, you could just stick with Dick Wolves and Catgirls the entire time with no penalty. It's awkward right now due the (again) stat system break and that he has ALL the pens available at the start. That I would change (if it were me) to have a new pen open up with either fame/time(monthly).

5. I'm impressed you can still play 3.3; the stat break is too much for me to debug past it.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby bugley » Sat Apr 27, 2013 5:07 am

something I noticed that the lower a monsters stat is, the bigger the growth the first time it's raised. after fiddling, i found out that if you lower a monsters stat to 0 (but not NaN) and then raise it, it jumps to the monster's max level in one session. I can't imagine that's intentional, but it does make monsters with negative breeding modifiers valuable
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Ironvein » Sat Apr 27, 2013 5:12 am

Justapuppet Wrote:Image

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Stat increases not working as intended
- Save-don't-work Bug
- Possible bug with availability of consumables (?)
- Apparently some crazy UI bugs (see page 33)
- "The cloud in the wall" bug (?)
- Some inconsistencies in the UI (non-marked incest causing Herp-Derp, the cut-off line for some requests' stats being hard to compare to monsters with supposedly the same value)
- "names ... overlaying eachother and interfering with the top of the screen"
- Possible bug with likelihood of getting one gender or the other as offspring (?)

- Stuff to add to donation list (namely player customization, other unlock-able monsters, male PC)
- Way to see amount owed at start of next month
- Way to see unlocked traits
- Different perspective for some scenes (e.g. ability to see "butt views", balls, etc.)
- Some sort of restriction on the way types of monsters are requested
- More sounds

* Some bugs may be hard to confirm currently or may have already been addressed

... Just lookin' at the the last dozen or so pages and the more recent blog stuff. And ignoring rework-related suggestions, etc.

Additional issues back in 3.21 that may still be in effect in 3.3 (I don't have the patience to test them with the stat break)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Client issues:

- client don't calibrate until the first visit. really should be done at game start.
- '<' requirements values should be reversed. <1000 is easy <1 is hard ( A simple way would be to take 1000(1001?) - (target stat if it were a >))

Slow downs:

I've noticed slow downs in game performance when you have a ton (order of hundreds) of consumables. Probably should limit how many consumables you have at a time just to prevent the slow down. Discovered by accident; had a lucky run with clients and forgot to sell consumables for 4-5 months while remembering to harvest as much as possible.

I've noticed similar slow downs just when filling the pens, though to a lesser degree. Can only see it getting worse as new monsters are added to the game. Sorry, no fast/easy solutions that I can think of for that.

Old Bug, New Trick

In the breeding pen, select who you will breed. Then go to client and sell one of those who you were planning to breed. Sold monster will still be there and can be breed with. Doesn't break the game, just the logic.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Ironvein » Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:27 am

Wow, just tried to recreate the slowdown due to too many consumables. Only 5 monsters, each with Greased Lightning 10, Geyser 10, All Night Long 10 (and others not important). So 21(ANL) * 11 (GEY) * 5 monsters = 1155 consumables per day * 15 days (at time of test, finished the monster without selling) = 17325. Did not notices a slow down at the time. At the beginning of the next month, tried to sell and game lags and will not get to sell screen (eventually was able to leave town). Looking at Inventory also fails in a similar fashion. Eventually flash crashed all together. Version 3.21 btw.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Justapuppet » Sat Apr 27, 2013 8:01 pm

Ironvein Wrote:Wow, just tried to recreate the slowdown due to too many consumables. Only 5 monsters, each with Greased Lightning 10, Geyser 10, All Night Long 10 (and others not important). So 21(ANL) * 11 (GEY) * 5 monsters = 1155 consumables per day * 15 days (at time of test, finished the monster without selling) = 17325. Did not notices a slow down at the time. At the beginning of the next month, tried to sell and game lags and will not get to sell screen (eventually was able to leave town). Looking at Inventory also fails in a similar fashion. Eventually flash crashed all together. Version 3.21 btw.

I remember noticing that in the older release as well, although I kinda forgot about it. It only happened when I had like a couple thousand or more, and I'm guessing it's just the way the list of consumables works, because adding a consumable is always done in constant time but looking at the inventory or anything is apparently a (surprisingly) slow linear.

I think I kinda figured it wouldn't be much of an issue in the following versions though, because if things worked out alright, there wouldn't be as much of a reason to pump out thousands of consumables rather than satisfying clients in the later game.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Ironvein » Sat Apr 27, 2013 8:55 pm

Justapuppet Wrote:
Ironvein Wrote:Wow, just tried to recreate the slowdown due to too many consumables. Only 5 monsters, each with Greased Lightning 10, Geyser 10, All Night Long 10 (and others not important). So 21(ANL) * 11 (GEY) * 5 monsters = 1155 consumables per day * 15 days (at time of test, finished the monster without selling) = 17325. Did not notices a slow down at the time. At the beginning of the next month, tried to sell and game lags and will not get to sell screen (eventually was able to leave town). Looking at Inventory also fails in a similar fashion. Eventually flash crashed all together. Version 3.21 btw.

I remember noticing that in the older release as well, although I kinda forgot about it. It only happened when I had like a couple thousand or more, and I'm guessing it's just the way the list of consumables works, because adding a consumable is always done in constant time but looking at the inventory or anything is apparently a (surprisingly) slow linear.

I think I kinda figured it wouldn't be much of an issue in the following versions though, because if things worked out alright, there wouldn't be as much of a reason to pump out thousands of consumables rather than satisfying clients in the later game.

As a programmer/game designer, you can't really count on everyone doing the 'smart' thing. This is one of those bugs that doesn't look important, but needs plugging.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:53 am

Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Justapuppet » Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:58 pm

Ironvein Wrote:
Justapuppet Wrote:
Ironvein Wrote:Wow, just tried to recreate the slowdown due to too many consumables. Only 5 monsters, each with Greased Lightning 10, Geyser 10, All Night Long 10 (and others not important). So 21(ANL) * 11 (GEY) * 5 monsters = 1155 consumables per day * 15 days (at time of test, finished the monster without selling) = 17325. Did not notices a slow down at the time. At the beginning of the next month, tried to sell and game lags and will not get to sell screen (eventually was able to leave town). Looking at Inventory also fails in a similar fashion. Eventually flash crashed all together. Version 3.21 btw.

I remember noticing that in the older release as well, although I kinda forgot about it. It only happened when I had like a couple thousand or more, and I'm guessing it's just the way the list of consumables works, because adding a consumable is always done in constant time but looking at the inventory or anything is apparently a (surprisingly) slow linear.

I think I kinda figured it wouldn't be much of an issue in the following versions though, because if things worked out alright, there wouldn't be as much of a reason to pump out thousands of consumables rather than satisfying clients in the later game.

As a programmer/game designer, you can't really count on everyone doing the 'smart' thing. This is one of those bugs that doesn't look important, but needs plugging.

I know that, me too. >.<
But it probly ain't so high on the priority list as some of these other bugs anymore, and that's all I meant (plus I dunno if this is just due to the limitations of flash, anyhow).
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:44 am

The solution will probably be more along the lines of limiting the number of consumables you can have in your inventory.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby RubenRybnick » Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:11 pm

Whats the ETA for Player Pregnancy?
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Ironvein » Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:28 pm

HartistaPipebomb Wrote:The solution will probably be more along the lines of limiting the number of consumables you can have in your inventory.

Actually after fiddling with it for a while, it looks like the slow down is due loading ALL the items into the listbox for the display. Maybe, instead of limiting the items; why not limit the number of items in the list at a time. A paging function. That should make things easier.

I point this out because we do not know how what is a 'safe' amount to limit the item amount itself.

Consider a Dickwolf maxed with Greased Lightning 10, All Night Long 10, Hunger 10, Geyser 10

Harvest/Breed : 21 Complet Harvest: 231 and its already slowing down.

If fed with DW Jizz that number doubles. And with no time used to boot.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:53 am


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