Mechaphantom Wrote:Where do I find this cum shot? I looked at several parings couldn't find it.
Cippman Wrote:HartistaPipebomb Wrote:
Suggest: You can make a game 'freetoplay' online of this falsh. ; )
ygoktas78 Wrote:ArgumentError: Error #2004: One of the parameters is invalid.
at ObjectOutput/writeObject()
at Monster/writeExternal()
at ObjectOutput/writeObject()
at GameState/writeExternal()
at SaveLoad/saveGame()
at SystemMenu/saveGame()
Oringlas Wrote:I also agree that a Trait Notebook would be quite nifty.
humanchair Wrote:OK my biggest ax to grind is that with the new system the clients can request monsters that I don't have buildings for yet. I keep getting requests for cowgirls for all three levels from the start.
So is there any way you can link whats built on the farm with the request list?
Ironvein Wrote:At the moment, the reputation system right now doesn't really serve a purpose for the players. In the past, having a high rep only made things more difficult without any benefit.
If he does bring back reputation there needs to be some rewards that come from it.
Ideas for that:
- A method for unlocking new monsters
- Cash bonus (although there needs to be more things/tools to buy before this is truly useful)
- Free Monster (or monster voucher, so you can get a choice of your freebee)
- Rare Items (ex Limit Break - an item that ups the stat limit of a monster you already have)
- Gene Splice <trait> - Adds <trait> to a current monster.
- ???? (all the ideas, I've got a the moment >.< )
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