Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby omp123 » Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:10 am

Please please PLEASE fix the stamina gain if you're going to put a decay on increased stats over time. You've made the game unplayable by making Stamina increase at a rate of maybe 5 points maximum per breeding with a DECREASE over time. I would be okay with a slower rate of growth in STA if you just got rid of that decay all-together.

Also, I made two STA-reducing dickwolves fuck each other and non it's NAN/# and they have 0 STA. Don't know if you intentionally put that in, but it just adds more fuck to the clusterfuck of issues.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby IrrelevantComment » Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:06 am

Okay so the incest warning and display of breeding time is a great improvement, as are the changes to buying pens/unlocking traits. I also like how nerfed breeding is now, to an extent. it slows the game down a lot at the start and makes it more challenging, however I think you've taken it a bit too far when my stats are increasing at 1/2 points per breed,and I'm only able to breed once a day. Also, the clients can be way too hard to do. I've started a game and had the three clients be Holstaurus/Holstaurus/WIL + CHA > 100. How am I meant to get that? You should limit it to only including the cheapest monster that is locked (Harpies at the start) and cool down on the CHA/WIL/FER requirements until they actually start appearing.

Also, loading and saving seems to be buggy, as in it sometimes doesn't work or crashes the game. One error I managed to get was "ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at GameState/loadPlace()
at Location/goBack()
at GameState/handleKeys()" when loading a game from the pause menu if that helps at all.

Edit: Error always occurs when loading from pause menu and then pressing space to close the pop up
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby LoneWolf » Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:06 pm

The stat gains from breeding seem to be rather erratic now. I've had a gains of +139 from a single session with low-level monsters on a couple of occasions, and then the same monster is giving +2-5 next time (to a different partner).

So far I've seen it with Will and Str, and it looks like it might be linked to breeding a monster with itself. (Take this with a good-sized pinch of salt, though. I've only seen the very high gains a couple of times, so it could just be coincedence.)
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby IrrelevantComment » Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:55 pm

LoneWolf Wrote:The stat gains from breeding seem to be rather erratic now. I've had a gains of +139 from a single session with low-level monsters on a couple of occasions, and then the same monster is giving +2-5 next time (to a different partner).

So far I've seen it with Will and Str, and it looks like it might be linked to breeding a monster with itself. (Take this with a good-sized pinch of salt, though. I've only seen the very high gains a couple of times, so it could just be coincedence.)

I've had this with Str as well. With me, it occurred once when breeding a monster with itself and once when breeding the same monster with another. Both times, the first time I did it had an increase of ~65 and after that only about 2-3.

Also, I've noticed that you are rounding the stats so that sometimes a displayed statistic of 70 will complete a requirement of x > 70 and sometimes it will not. For consistency, could you always ceil or floor the statistic when displaying it AND when using it for requirements?
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Ironvein » Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:41 pm

Mod does not appear to have any effect anymore. Mod is going up but the growth rate hasn't changed to reflect it. have a STR+ WIL+ Wolf breeding with itself and the growth rate is going down over time instead of up (since STR and WIL are the big stat builders; that's kinda odd).

Growth is over-nerfed to the point that getting even a bronze client in the first month is near impossible.

Cosmetic Bug: 'The cloud in the wall' bug is still there; not a game breaker.

Kudos for the monster pen animations when you hover over them; a pretty good solution over all.

Hard to judge other things since the growth thing makes doing anything else difficult.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Bla2alB » Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:44 pm

In Options menu add following options:
- Turn off Animation.
- Don't display XXX images and animations.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Bla2alB » Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:18 pm

For some reasons cannot save and load game... also game sometimes hangs and doesn't respond.
Previos versions (3.1 and 3.2 ) of the game works fine.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Ironvein » Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:43 pm

Bla2alB Wrote:For some reasons cannot save and load game... also game sometimes hangs and doesn't respond.
Previos versions (3.1 and 3.2 ) of the game works fine.

My guess is that he forgot to remove the reputation from the load game function. Saving worked for me, but hanged/broke when I tried to load it too.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Campo92 » Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:50 pm

a lot of time for a decent moster
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Ironvein » Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:25 pm

IrrelevantComment Wrote:Also, I've noticed that you are rounding the stats so that sometimes a displayed statistic of 70 will complete a requirement of x > 70 and sometimes it will not. For consistency, could you always ceil or floor the statistic when displaying it AND when using it for requirements?

That would be because he is not using integers for his stats and a text formatter that is set to only show as whole numbers. That issue has been there since the beginning (just not severe enough to continually pester him about it), not quite sure why he choose to do it that way. Sadly, it's not a simple fix to do what you're asking for as he has to track down which variables should be integers and which should not and change it in every single instance of the code.

Basically what you 'see' isn't necessary what it means: Your stat of 70 could actually be 69.89 but the formatter rounded it. Same may be true with the requirement itself (could be x > 70.2; but again the formatter rounded it to 70). Only way to be sure is to overshoot the requirement.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Ironvein » Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:42 pm

The instances where you'll breed a monster and it should of hit his cap but doesn't; and the following breed will hit the cap, but show a result of '0' as the growth modifier is also because of this. Your growth was really some remaining fraction the the formatter didn't show you due to rounding.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby IrrelevantComment » Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:08 am

Ironvein Wrote:Kudos for the monster pen animations when you hover over them; a pretty good solution over all.
Oh yeah, I was going to mention this, I thought it worked nicely as well. Also the random name gens and the name on mouseover were nice additions.

Bla2alB Wrote:In Options menu add following options:
- Don't display XXX images and animations.

That seems a kind of pointless option to add in an adult game. I mean, I get that you might want to play this at work or something, but quite simply, don't.

Ironvein Wrote:That would be because he is not using integers for his stats and a text formatter that is set to only show as whole numbers. That issue has been there since the beginning (just not severe enough to continually pester him about it), not quite sure why he choose to do it that way. Sadly, it's not a simple fix to do what you're asking for as he has to track down which variables should be integers and which should not and change it in every single instance of the code.

I may be wrong, but it shouldn't be too difficult. At some point he must be calling textfield.text = statistic and all he would need to do is replace that with Math.floor(statistic).toString();
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Ironvein » Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:13 am

IrrelevantComment Wrote:I may be wrong, but it shouldn't be too difficult. At some point he must be calling textfield.text = statistic and all he would need to do is replace that with Math.floor(statistic).toString();

On an individual basis, yes not hard. But depending on his coding, it could be a lot of instances to find. More of how many problems to fix instead of how difficult to fix.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby omp123 » Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:58 am

I can also confirm sporadic increases of +130 points for some breeds for no reason, while STA never increases by more than 1-3 points. And perhaps come up with a way to limit buyers to only requesting breeds which you have currently unlocked, with higher rewards for more expensive breeds.

In fact, something I just thought of; imagine the buyers list wasn't a bronze, silver, and gold selection, but rather a vertical list of buyers like a quest list in an MMO or other RPGs. It will display 10 or more at a time, each with ranging difficulties in a one-to-5 star difficulty rank. It will display the preferred type of breed, and the desired stats which are lower or greater, depending on how many stars are next to the request. The difficulty of the sale will affect the reward given, not only in gold gained but perhaps special high-strength foods, or potions that add traits or raise caps for monsters when fed. This could add an exciting variety of items, potions, and rare things you can't buy that help you breed together some very nice creatures and give the player a lot more control over the shaping of their monsters rather than leaving them at the mercy of the probability scales. And if gives the player a sort of quest system to enjoy instead of just the fear of not having enough money at the end of the month. Sure there's the stress of making your money, but you have to have fun rewards and goals in there as well or your game simply becomes a chore.

Edited, forgot to add that, to keep the list fresh, maybe let it go one to two weeks before the entire list refreshes.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Mechaphantom » Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:32 am

Not so much a bug as I found some typos. Not sure if anyone cares but here they are. These are found in the speech test.

Well, that's your perogative. You certainly have the hips for it!


I am dissapointed in you, young lady. I had hoped that the ignominious, and excessively sticky, deaths of your parents would've dissuaded you from this career path.


However, the empress has recently imposed a new tax upon those who breed. The tax is substantial, as well as retroactive. As your parents were quite prolific breeders this means their estate is rather deep in dept to the empire.


I the last person to come to, to correct spelling but I noticed those while writing a short story based on this game. Love this game just felt you might want to know.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby chijon72 » Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:36 am

I like both the monster pen animation solution as well as the BIG speed up of sleeping. It seems a bit abrupt now, and vaguely confusing if you sleep while it is the same lightness as at 6 am, but the game doesn't drag at all for me now on my crappy old thing.
And yeah, stat grinding is brutal now. I have had surprisingly high increases, but all of them were on stats that were very low, like below 50.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Ironvein » Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:43 am

When you guys had the huge boost of stat, did it only happen once or multiple times for that stat? What was the initial value of the stat preboost?

I've had a 0 STA boost to 99 once (probably higher if it wasn't the cap of that monster). But nothing after that (even after lowering the stat).

We need to revert back to the old breeding method, or else debugging any of this is going to be a real pain. Raising stats is a major chore now.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby kaishin » Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:39 am

Ironvein Wrote:I've had a 0 STA boost to 99 once (probably higher if it wasn't the cap of that monster). But nothing after that (even after lowering the stat).

Were you actually able to lower the stat back down to <20, though? The current "diminishing returns" for focusing on a stat are simply far too harsh. I can't accurately determine what my breeding modifiers are in these tests, but from repeated restarts to get together a system where I didn't accidentally break something (mostly testing dex gains via one catgirl, 142 str):

Starting stat - Boost
0 - Generally maxes the stat, seen up to +286 so far
2 - +163
4 - +95
5 - +55
8 - +37
10 - +20

Unfortunately I didn't pay enough attention to growth mod effect on the receivers, so in some places there it's 1.3, some 1.6, and some 2.1.

I could understand if the diminishing gains curve from 0-100 as it is now (with the lower end, especially 0, being lowered quite a bit) being applied to the full 0-1000 spectrum (or even the current 0-200 or 0-300), but the way it is now makes raising (or, for that matter, lowering) any stat that doesn't start near 0 pretty hard.

When you fulfill a bronze request, you get a window telling you your earned gil. When you fulfill a gold request, you get a window telling you your earned gil and the trait you've unlocked (quite the nice addition by the way, and thank you for that. I assume there's something to handle the case of having all traits unlocked when you finish a request?). When you fulfill a silver request, currently I have not seen any window pop up now, after finishing 3 requests. (first request on different files)

EDIT: Accidently lost a good run when I hit space to the game over dialog (good run in that I'd actually had some luck in fulfilling requests, which helped me get a monster with +s for all 6 breeding modifiers, and had begun to work on gathering traits), and realized that I hadn't noticed in the shop any of the traits which should have been unlocked on fulfilling gold requests. I don't know exactly which ones should have been unlocked, but I'm pretty sure that at least Gentle, No Downsides, and Boundless Potential should have been available.
Last edited by kaishin on Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby Justapuppet » Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:08 am

Haven't actually dabbled much in the way stats work in this current build, but I agree that there should be at least some way to normalize the rate at which clients ask for different species (I mean, nothing wrong with making them encourage you to buy new expansions, but it shouldn't happen right off the bat, at least).
Similarly, I think it would be a good idea to do something to address the way different consumables become available at the shop. Right now it seems odd... for some reason I see only Harpy Grease and Catgirl Squirts sold there, and nothing else (although, again, I haven't played very far into the game at the current build). I dunno about everybody else, but I think it helps to spend a chunk of the starting cash on a few things of Dickwolf Jizz, but now it seems that for some reason, they are virtually never sold at the start of the game.... and I wonder why that is, whereas Harpy Grease is pretty commonly sold there from day 1 (after 10 restarts, I get 60% catgirl squirts, 40% harpy grease, and a whopping 0 dickwolf jizz). I'm guessing this was likely unintended...
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 4/15/2013

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:53 am

The stat growth is not working as intended.

Unfortunately, lots of things broke that I wasn't expecting.

Will try to get this hotfixed by Friday.
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