LoneWolf Wrote:The stat gains from breeding seem to be rather erratic now. I've had a gains of +139 from a single session with low-level monsters on a couple of occasions, and then the same monster is giving +2-5 next time (to a different partner).
So far I've seen it with Will and Str, and it looks like it might be linked to breeding a monster with itself. (Take this with a good-sized pinch of salt, though. I've only seen the very high gains a couple of times, so it could just be coincedence.)
Bla2alB Wrote:For some reasons cannot save and load game... also game sometimes hangs and doesn't respond.
Previos versions (3.1 and 3.2 ) of the game works fine.
IrrelevantComment Wrote:Also, I've noticed that you are rounding the stats so that sometimes a displayed statistic of 70 will complete a requirement of x > 70 and sometimes it will not. For consistency, could you always ceil or floor the statistic when displaying it AND when using it for requirements?
Oh yeah, I was going to mention this, I thought it worked nicely as well. Also the random name gens and the name on mouseover were nice additions.Ironvein Wrote:Kudos for the monster pen animations when you hover over them; a pretty good solution over all.
Bla2alB Wrote:In Options menu add following options:
- Don't display XXX images and animations.
Ironvein Wrote:That would be because he is not using integers for his stats and a text formatter that is set to only show as whole numbers. That issue has been there since the beginning (just not severe enough to continually pester him about it), not quite sure why he choose to do it that way. Sadly, it's not a simple fix to do what you're asking for as he has to track down which variables should be integers and which should not and change it in every single instance of the code.
IrrelevantComment Wrote:I may be wrong, but it shouldn't be too difficult. At some point he must be calling textfield.text = statistic and all he would need to do is replace that with Math.floor(statistic).toString();
Ironvein Wrote:I've had a 0 STA boost to 99 once (probably higher if it wasn't the cap of that monster). But nothing after that (even after lowering the stat).
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