Throbby Wrote:Before you guys make fun of me, suck it 'cause I beat Sakyu without whining or griping or cheating or using walkthroughs. But I really, really, really suck at this game. I wander around, activate the console in the lab, and then get the living snot beaten out of me by the very first two baddies. And then I'm dead. And then I have to start all over again. "Playing" a game for two or three minutes just to get to the five seconds where I keep dying sucks. How do I save my game? Why doesn't "continue" seem to work? Why are chocolate and peanut-butter so good together, and I love Reese's Pieces, but hate Reese's Peanut-Butter Cups?
These are the things which keep me up nights.
Shayaft Wrote:Necrophilia eh, is there anything this board won't fap to?
Well 2/10 completed games is better than PlayShapes' record I guess.
I haven't put the save state in yet, which is why the continue button DOES NOTHINK. I actually think the game is too easy right now; maybe you are missing the key combat element: you have to shoot off their arms and legs to kill them, body shots won't do anything but slow them down. Two shots and they are dead, so it isn't terribly difficult... even easier if they are stacked because you can take out multiple limbs with one click.
Of course I just made the game and put in the damage mechanic, so it still needs tuned. I will probably look at revising their speed or change the fact that they spam attack you once in range without break.
Gorepete Wrote:Well 2/10 completed games is better than PlayShapes' record I guess.
10? Has it really been that many? Let me think...Dusty's Castle, Metroid: DNA Hunters, Sakyubasu no Tatakai, Sakyubasu no Tatakai 2, PsyRen, Kingdom Hearts: Light's Darkness, Dead Space: Frequency, Malicia! Dark Heroine, ummmm I think that's it?
so its 2/8. 25% Boom! I actually do plan on finishing this one though, for reals.
Gorepete Wrote: I actually do plan on finishing this one though, for reals.
Gorepete Wrote:Shayaft Wrote:Necrophilia eh, is there anything this board won't fap to?
HEY! ITS NOT NECROPHILIA! IT is.... ummm.... NECROMORPHILIA.... totally different. They have a pulse.
Mr D Wrote:Gorepete Wrote:Shayaft Wrote:Necrophilia eh, is there anything this board won't fap to?
HEY! ITS NOT NECROPHILIA! IT is.... ummm.... NECROMORPHILIA.... totally different. They have a pulse.
...THAT IS EVEN WORSE. The word necromorphilia would mean love for transformed dead. And I do think that doing stitched up corpses is a bit more extreme than doing regular corpses.
Also it is a bit odd that you can't just shoot at anytime you want or that the necromorphes do not get staggered when shooting them with an plasma cutter but whatever. Sort of feels like one Duck Hunt for nes.
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