In Littleroot:VarenSpoiler (click to show/hide):

You walk into a man picking up the lab, muttering something about hiring a maid under his breath. Once he's alerted to your presence, via happening to look your direction during his cleaning, he drops the stack of papers he had in his hands and straightens up.
“Oh, hello, young man! Wait can I do for you?” he says jovially. Looks like Professor Birch is just as messy as rumors claim him to be, if not more...
On Route 101:ClaireSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Zigzagoon looks to you briefly in confusion at the name Tail Whip, but shrugs it off, probably figuring how hard could the move be? He dashes up to the Pidgey, zig-zagging like his name suggests, and whips the Pidgey with his tail, thus learning Tail Whip. He doesn't get the chance to go on the defensive like you wanted him to though. As soon as he lands the move, Pidgey moves in and Tackles him harshly, sending the Raccoon packing right back to you. It takes a supreme effort just for him to stand again. You don't think he's going to take another one of those hits too well, if at all.
SamanthaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Watching the woman in battle, it looks like this one isn't going particularly well for her. The Zigzagoon she's using is almost to the point of unconsciousness while the Pidgey that is her opponent looks almost fresh and unscathed. It looks like this is a rather uphill battle for the girl in front of you. Shadow almost has a look of “So what?” at the idea of you seeing him reign himself in though. Nothing you haven't seen, or experienced, before after all.
In Oldale:JacksonSpoiler (click to show/hide):
“Yeah, we're done here.” Lilian says coldly as she reclips her bra and slides from under you. Before she does, you see a rather bad, yet thin scar across her back that would normally be hidden by the band of the bra, telling you exactly why she didn't want you messing with it. She looks rather pissed off. “I all but say leave my bra the fuck alone, but what do you do anyway? I'm grateful for your help and that's the only reason I'm not calling an Officer Jenny. But I told you not to push it and you did anyway. Get out.” she says as she hikes up her sundress and crosses her arms in front of her. Wow did you screw that up...
In Petalburg:TsubakiSpoiler (click to show/hide):
You duck into the shady trees before anyone sees you, making your hiding place all but perfect. From this vantage point, you can see your pursuers fine and they'll have to make an effort to see you. This is a feature that comes in handy as a Team Magma grunt stops and looks into your hiding spot. He squints for a while, looking like he's trying to come to a decision before muttering “Fuck that” and moving on. It seems most others follow the same idea and move along without investigating the dark, wooded area too closely. That seems to be the end of only one problem though. You can hear something creeping through the forest behind you and something seems to be poking you in the side. Moving too quickly to investigate will most certainly alert any Team Magma in the area that they need to look in your area more clearly, but not finding out at all may just end badly for you.
MadisonSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Hearing the recording from your PokeDex, one of the female members of the group looks up so fast it almost surprises you she didn't get whiplash.
“Oooh! I've always wanted an Eevee!” she cries with glee, jumping up off the shop keeper and bolting for your location. One of the men look up as she goes and, with a groan, shouts at her to wait up as he pulls alongside her, scolding her for going off half-cocked alone. As according to plan, as soon as they step into the alley, the dumpster flies off, straight up plowing over the girl and knocking the man to the side, then running over his ankle. The dumpster was fairly full, requiring Eevee's help to shove it, so his ankle's pretty much done for, the man screaming in pain. That's about where the success of your plan ends though, the sound of him screaming drawing the attention of the remaining 3 people into the alley and dead on you. The sound of the dumpster running away and the man's screaming does have an unplanned side effect though: It alerts the people in the Gym that something's going on outside. Once that's done, there's at least 8 people pouring out of the joint, all holding PokeBalls and ready for battle.
“Shit! Time to go!” one of them shouts, all three of them hauling the shop keeper up, throwing her over the shoulders of two of them, and making to get away. You're the closest one to them, so if anyone's gonna stop them before they get away with the lady, it's gotta be you.
On Route 117:EllySpoiler (click to show/hide):
The man on the floor almost immediately jumps up like he hadn't been stomped on a moment before and says, “Only if I can see both a what ya got hidin' under the shirt.” with a perverted, yet pleased smile. The lady sighs and hits the man on the top of the head, sending him right back down to the floor, this time for more than a little while as he rolls around clutching it.
“I swear the only reason we keep him around is we aren't getting new hires...” she mutters to herself under her breath, but still loud enough for you to hear. When she faces you again, its with a customer service smile on her face “Sure thing, miss! Just one second.” as she turns to head into the back, she kicks the man in the gut to keep him on the floor while she's gone then disappears. For a short while, the only thing lively thing in the room is the groans of pain the man gives off and he rolls. In a thankfully short amount of time, the woman is back with two PokeBalls. [color=#FF40FF]“Here you are.” she says, releasing both Pokemon onto the counter. The Skitty looks shy and rather unsure of itself, looking around haltingly before locking on you. It looks like it doesn't really know what to think of you since you're new to her. The Sableye, on the other hand, acts like it really doesn't care. It's crystal eyes look at you, but it feels more like he's looking through you.
On Route 110:LisaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
On Route 111:Steve and DuoSpoiler (click to show/hide):
The Baltoy only fits Steve with a level look before continuing on with Alexis. Miyu, on the other hand looks a bit more apprehensive. She looks to be fine with Dusky, but she still needs to get used to being around Steve, her mistrust for humans still bleeding over. Dusky does her best to alleviate this, but you can still see that she's uneasy. She'll probably have to hang around Dusky for a while before she's OK with humans. Back with Alexis, she seems to be having a psychic conversation. She must've had a Psychic Pokemon before with the ease she's doing it. It seems she has a lot less control of her facial expressions though, because you see her rapidly switch between out-and-out pissed, concerned, and thoughtful. Eventually though, it settles at fighting back tears though the look on her face is somewhere between disbelief and supreme happiness, leading one to wonder just what was said between the two of them. Once she's composed herself, Alexis leads Baltoy back to Steve.
“She'll be coming with me.” is all Alexis says about that. Miyu looks ecstatic that she gets to keep her family around while Trapinch looks wary, not having had a Trainer-bound Pokemon to talk it into things, yet more or less forced to come along at this point since it's big sister and mother figure are going along.
“If there's nothing left to do here, we should leave. We have things to do.” Baltoy says, still sounding cross, though not out and out cold like she was earlier.
On Route 120:ElixiaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
The Blaziken almost seems to sigh as you try to fake it out, following your feign and then snapping back to where you actually jumped like a bolt of lightning and shoving you back. The man that was in front of you is nowhere to be seen, meaning he either got past this Pokemon somehow or is lying in wait somewhere. It seems content to wait you out, not making a move to follow you outside of its initial shove. You don't know what it's waiting for, the Houndoom not being a possibility since they're busy with the other recruits, but you know this can't possibility be good.
In Lilycove:RaphaelSpoiler (click to show/hide):
You spend a while looking around, the people of the City still looking surprised and curious about the gear you're toting, but outside of that no one really interacts with you. Just when you're ready to leave, a 2 women in what you could only call nautical costume walk up to you with the obvious intent to talk.
“Wow, like, that get up is so cool!” one of the girls say
“Like, totally! Is there anyway we, like, could get one of those?” the other says, a sultry look starting to appear in her eyes. “We'd be, like, ever so thankful.”