Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [New Blog Post 3/16/20

Postby FruitSmoothie » Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:54 pm

Glad you're making some money off of this. Quite a bit already. A lot of people are scared to go for making monies off of these kinds of things. I say if you're good at something, never do it for free and people were saying they'd be willing to pay for this. Now we won't be spammed with polls that nobody follows, hooray.

A little sad about the previous polls being ignored/negated, but I'll try to overlook that since they could have been cheated on as well...
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [New Blog Post 3/16/20

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:00 am

FruitSmoothie Wrote:Glad you're making some money off of this. Quite a bit already. A lot of people are scared to go for making monies off of these kinds of things. I say if you're good at something, never do it for free and people were saying they'd be willing to pay for this. Now we won't be spammed with polls that nobody follows, hooray.

A little sad about the previous polls being ignored/negated, but I'll try to overlook that since they could have been cheated on as well...

The polls here are still kind of important. They helped me decide which features should go up on the list. I basically just took the top three options from both of the polls. This makes it a little bit more fair.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:13 am

New update is up.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby FruitSmoothie » Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:14 am

Already got a problem, Idle animations in pens are frozen.
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:54 pm

Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:17 am

FruitSmoothie Wrote:Already got a problem, Idle animations in pens are frozen.

Not a problem, intentional. Knew I was forgetting something.

This was to fix the lag issue. It looks a little weird so I'll see if I can find a better solution eventually.
Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:24 am

Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby FruitSmoothie » Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:33 am

HartistaPipebomb Wrote:
FruitSmoothie Wrote:Already got a problem, Idle animations in pens are frozen.

Not a problem, intentional. Knew I was forgetting something.

This was to fix the lag issue. It looks a little weird so I'll see if I can find a better solution eventually.

Okay :P I never had much problem with lag...that's kind of blargh.


My game just froze after attempting a save in the marketplace on day 1/27 at night. My time says 7:00 as it's frozen but it was later than that when I saved (Pitch black) because I couldn't perform any more actions. When I reloaded it, it started 1/27 over like it was the start of the day at 7am. I continued on and no problems yet. That was weird. It could have something to do with the hour advancing when you enter the marketplace and it having a time you can't enter it anymore that day?

Krios2401 Wrote:I spotted a pretty serious problem. If you use the space bar to exit the consumable shop Buy/Sell window, the game becomes impossible to interact with.

^ Might of been what happened to me since I'm exclusively using Space Bar now that it's so convenient. Luckily it was right after I saved.

The R Hotkey to breed became unresponsive for a day randomly (When attempting to breed a Catgirl with herself, no traits, about third generation). Fixed the next day.


The added difficulty is nice, though anybody having problems with it in the previous versions will think the game is impossible now lol. Since you can't power level Stam/Dex, you're stuck with very few actions a day just hoping your 2-4 monsters breed. It's kind of a crap shoot. You get 2-3 attempts at breeding a day with the stat cap.

The new offspring window is great, it really helps the gameplay out. "AND THEN THEY FUCKED" Thanks. Great new traits. Albino is adorable.

There's so much new stuff to test, it's going to take a while to find bugs.
Last edited by FruitSmoothie on Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:57 am, edited 7 times in total.
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:54 pm

Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby Krios2401 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:43 am

I spotted a pretty serious problem. If you use the space bar to exit the consumable shop Buy/Sell window, the game becomes impossible to interact with.
Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:46 am

Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:50 am

Krios2401 Wrote:I spotted a pretty serious problem. If you use the space bar to exit the consumable shop Buy/Sell window, the game becomes impossible to interact with.

Nice catch. This is a simple thing to fix (just forgot a line of code), should be able to upload the hotfix in a few minutes and (ideally) it shouldn't mess with saves.
Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:24 am

Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:57 am

FruitSmoothie Wrote: "AND THEN THEY FUCKED" Thanks.

I was considering removing all of the animations and just replacing them with this.

Let the people use their imaginations, you know :P.
Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:24 am

Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:07 am

FruitSmoothie Wrote:The R Hotkey to breed became unresponsive for a day randomly (When attempting to breed a Catgirl with herself, no traits, about third generation). Fixed the next day.

I think I've managed to nab this one already too. I'm going to wait a little bit to see if any more quick bugs come in before I upload the hotfix.
Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:24 am

Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby FruitSmoothie » Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:11 am

HartistaPipebomb Wrote:
FruitSmoothie Wrote:The R Hotkey to breed became unresponsive for a day randomly (When attempting to breed a Catgirl with herself, no traits, about third generation). Fixed the next day.

I think I've managed to nab this one already too. I'm going to wait a little bit to see if any more quick bugs come in before I upload the hotfix.

Yeah it's 3am here so I'm done for the night, hope you can fix it up how you want. I'll probably keep testing it later. Glad the game will be seeing consistent updates thanks to the donations.
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:54 pm

Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:12 am

FruitSmoothie Wrote:
HartistaPipebomb Wrote:
FruitSmoothie Wrote:The R Hotkey to breed became unresponsive for a day randomly (When attempting to breed a Catgirl with herself, no traits, about third generation). Fixed the next day.

I think I've managed to nab this one already too. I'm going to wait a little bit to see if any more quick bugs come in before I upload the hotfix.

Yeah it's 3am here so I'm done for the night, hope you can fix it up how you want. I'll probably keep testing it later. Glad the game will be seeing consistent updates thanks to the donations.

Thanks, I super appreciate the help testing it.
Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:24 am

Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby psyduck » Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:34 am

I'm sure some may disagree with me, but I think the stat caps REALLY slow the game down. I'm not saying get rid of them, but they may need adjusting, especially since you have a time limit. Given it's inconsequential now, but it seems to really mess with the pacing of the game. Just food for thought.
Joined: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:53 pm

Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby totallybob » Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:35 am

I can no longer play this on my kindle as I have no means of 'pressing any key' to continue to the game and am stuck on the donation screen.

You don't HAVE to make a fix for this, but I sincerely hope you do, because I really enjoy this game.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby totallybob » Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:39 am

Trying to play this game on a tablet (ipad, kindle, etc) has been made impossible due to the fact that many tablets cant "press any key" to continue to the game.

Please fix? I really enjoy this game and want to keep playing it.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:42 am

psyduck Wrote:I'm sure some may disagree with me, but I think the stat caps REALLY slow the game down. I'm not saying get rid of them, but they may need adjusting, especially since you have a time limit. Given it's inconsequential now, but it seems to really mess with the pacing of the game. Just food for thought.

The intention is definitely to slow the game down. Some of the problem, though, is that content is still pretty sparse so I could see it getting boring more quickly with the slower pace. Hopefully as I get more content added and tweak the pacing the slower pace will become more comfortable.

EDIT: And it looks like I'm going to wait until tomorrow to upload the hotfix. There's a small problem I want to fix that will require some larger, more fundamental changes so I want to get that out of the way instead of just putting a band-aid on it.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby Krios2401 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:41 am

In response to Psyduck's gripes, i actually agree with the stat cap system. If you were to introduce the ticking clock mechanic but not the stat caps than i would have already won because i've in the past been able to get monsters with max stats before the first month was up and then make a fortune selling their consumables, ESPECIALLY if i was lucky enough to get one with the geyser trait. Since the consumables for an animal with max stats can go for 450 gil, i could make over 4950 a day, and that's over 9900 gil daily if that monster had any level in the geyser trait and even more if it had All Night Long, Added Value or if i was also exploiting Holtosarus Milk to quickly squirt out monsters born with modifiers that would allow them to be sold on the day they were born.

Min you that will probably happen again before too long, but at that point in theory the monthly payment demand will be so high i'll need to use every trick to make ends meet.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby Alluvion » Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:18 pm

Hey Hartista, good update, and I'm glad that the donation system is working well (was I the first one who recommended it?) :P Anyway, are there any chances that you will add more to the list of things that can be donated for? I would still really like to donate towards dick/boob sizes being implemented.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby Ironvein » Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:28 pm

Lolz. You can get the bad end and say 'Fuck you, Bitch' and keep going anyway. That's funny :lol:

I'd think the pre title screen would be easy to fix; make it so you click anywhere but the button to donations and start the game that way.

I'm currently liking the new stat cap system; it adds a level of challenge that was lacking in the previous system and it doesn't seem too hard to get 2000 in the first month (I had 1500 in cash and plenty of consumes to sell).

Not that I don't know why you did it but, the lack of animation in the pens is a little jarring now. Maybe have only 1 or 2 animate and have the others frozen maybe?

Also glad to see that the use of client in the pen problem seems to be solved; it was the major game breaker at the time.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
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Re: Breeding Season: Donation Voting! [Game Update 3/17/2013

Postby Ironvein » Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:32 pm

Maybe add a 'resting' animation or something that isn't as complicated for the pens. Something like a catgirl curls up in a ball with 'ZZZ' floating up from it.
Life is Hard and Then You Die.
Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:53 am


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