Breeding Season: Alpha Version 5.3 [Update 11/3/14]

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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby JackalMask » Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:53 pm

Last edited by JackalMask on Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby JackalMask » Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:53 pm

Last edited by JackalMask on Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby jb28147 » Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:41 pm

JackalMask Wrote:How are Catboys first in votes? Worst monster in the poll (my opinion).

1) You might want to delete the second post, due to it being the same.

2) The poll is full of nonsense and cheating, you shouldn't be surprised at the results, considering HartistaPipebomb doesn't mind people cheating on it.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby FruitSmoothie » Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:49 pm

jb28147 Wrote:
JackalMask Wrote:How are Catboys first in votes? Worst monster in the poll (my opinion).

1) You might want to delete the second post, due to it being the same.

2) The poll is full of nonsense and cheating, you shouldn't be surprised at the results, considering HartistaPipebomb doesn't mind people cheating on it.

Yeah it's corrupt. Don't take the poll as any kind of accurate judge of anything. Catboys was below everything on the list (Had like 1 vote) until it suddenly went to first place in a day, then it's just been a joke of cheat votes back and forth between dragons and catboys. At least dragons was top 3 at the start I believe, along with minotaur (Who knows if those votes were corrupt though).

Nothing else even gets votes anymore, what would the point be in voting for anything other than those 2-3 when they appear so far ahead? Poll makes it seem like those 2-3 are the only choices now.

If there weren't already catgirls, I may have considered them but I'd like something a bit more original than just male versions that looks exactly like the females.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby deathreaper711 » Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:07 pm

FruitSmoothie Wrote:
jb28147 Wrote:
JackalMask Wrote:How are Catboys first in votes? Worst monster in the poll (my opinion).

1) You might want to delete the second post, due to it being the same.

2) The poll is full of nonsense and cheating, you shouldn't be surprised at the results, considering HartistaPipebomb doesn't mind people cheating on it.

Yeah it's corrupt. Don't take the poll as any kind of accurate judge of anything. Catboys was below everything on the list (Had like 1 vote) until it suddenly went to first place in a day, then it's just been a joke of cheat votes back and forth between dragons and catboys. At least dragons was top 3 at the start I believe, along with minotaur (Who knows if those votes were corrupt though).

Nothing else even gets votes anymore, what would the point be in voting for anything other than those 2-3 when they appear so far ahead? Poll makes it seem like those 2-3 are the only choices now.

If there weren't already catgirls, I may have considered them but I'd like something a bit more original than just male versions that looks exactly like the females.

Actually Catboy's had around 14 votes or so before it hopped up +20 votes. The Minotaur and Dragon had about a 20-30 lead on everything else and were spiking in votes (You don't just suddenly "start" cheating when there's a spike in another result, the dragon had cheating votes to begin with, most likely the minotaur as well), then the catboy spiked in votes, then it just got really out of hand when Hartista said he didn't mind cheating. Now dragons and catboys are being voted for in ridiculous amounts, i don't even understand the point of cheating when it's this obvious and hartista doesn't rely on the votes for what to put in. Though this poll is kind of redundant now, due to all of the cheating.

Any subsequent polls will likely turn out the same, and the last poll most likely had cheating also, just a lot more subtle. With that in mind you really can't trust any of the results, at all.
Last edited by deathreaper711 on Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby Vearb » Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:14 pm

JackalMask Wrote:How are Catboys first in votes? Worst monster in the poll (my opinion).

I voted for catboys (and I'm not one of the aforementioned cheaters) and it's disheartening to see the amount of cheating in this poll. Does this mean that dragons/catboys are out? I caught this being linked from 4chan's /v/ and I've been following this thread since. I just wanted to say there's some people here that want to see some of the results being cheated for, even if the cheaters ruined the poll and may have ruined the results they actually legitimately voted for.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby Gungnir » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:05 am

Minotaurs :3
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby Thaedael » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:14 am

I totally cheated, you see I paid the game maker to make cat-boys win, anticipating the rage it would cause. Delicious fan rage tears, om nom nom nom, I feel 10 years younger, om nom nom.

Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby jk103 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:36 am

I voted catboy because of this post by HartistaPipebomb

If anything, the biggest problem with male-on-male animations right now is that out of the monsters I have I imagine that the demand for male-on-male is pretty low. I imagine this will change as I add more human-esque and "prettier" male monsters.

I'd like to see m/m content and catboy seemed like a vote for m/m.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby satsuinohado1 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:50 am

jk103 Wrote:I voted catboy because of this post by HartistaPipebomb

If anything, the biggest problem with male-on-male animations right now is that out of the monsters I have I imagine that the demand for male-on-male is pretty low. I imagine this will change as I add more human-esque and "prettier" male monsters.

I'd like to see m/m content and catboy seemed like a vote for m/m.

That's the same reason i voted for the catboy also.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby jb28147 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:54 am

He's also considering options for donating. (Features, Polls)

HartistaPipebomb Wrote:In the nearish future I'm going to add avenues for people to donate for the addition of specific features that they want.

HartistaPipebomb Wrote:Currently I carry out polls on the Legend of Krystal forums, and in the future I intend to have additional donation-based polls (pay for votes, basically) that will carry a lot more weight in regards to what I intend to put in next.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:05 am

Haha, you guys got really upset about these polls.

I figure I'll just take them down if you're going to take them so personally :P.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby Thaedael » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:11 am

Let me know when the next girl one is, I got a bunch I want to see add to the list =P.

Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby deathreaper711 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:24 am

HartistaPipebomb Wrote:Haha, you guys got really upset about these polls.

I figure I'll just take them down if you're going to take them so personally :P.

Catboys Vs Male harpies, the race is on!
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby jb28147 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:24 am

Male Harpies 326
Catboys 129

Did you change the poll, so that nine of the ten choices are Male Harpies?
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:26 am

jb28147 Wrote:Male Harpies 326
Catboys 129

Did you change the poll, so that nine of the ten choices are Male Harpies?

I don't know what you're talking about it was always this way.

I'm just giving the people what they want, and this is clearly Male Harpies.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby jb28147 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:39 am

HartistaPipebomb Wrote:
jb28147 Wrote:Male Harpies 326
Catboys 129

Did you change the poll, so that nine of the ten choices are Male Harpies?

I don't know what you're talking about it was always this way.

I'm just giving the people what they want, and this is clearly Male Harpies.

Yet, you went with the one that had the least amount of votes before the poll change. :roll:

Wolfmen had more votes than Male Harpies, why didn't you use that instead?
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby HartistaPipebomb » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:41 am

jb28147 Wrote:
HartistaPipebomb Wrote:
jb28147 Wrote:Male Harpies 326
Catboys 129

Did you change the poll, so that nine of the ten choices are Male Harpies?

I don't know what you're talking about it was always this way.

I'm just giving the people what they want, and this is clearly Male Harpies.

Yet, you went with the one that had the least amount of votes before the poll change. :roll:

Wolfmen had more votes than Male Harpies, why didn't you use that instead?

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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:49 am

jb28147 Wrote:
HartistaPipebomb Wrote:
jb28147 Wrote:Male Harpies 326
Catboys 129

Did you change the poll, so that nine of the ten choices are Male Harpies?

I don't know what you're talking about it was always this way.

I'm just giving the people what they want, and this is clearly Male Harpies.

Yet, you went with the one that had the least amount of votes before the poll change. :roll:

Wolfmen had more votes than Male Harpies, why didn't you use that instead?

It's his game man, let him do what he wants.
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Re: Breeding Season (Monster Breeder) [New Poll 3/6/2013]

Postby FruitSmoothie » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:53 am

I just thought it was silly to encourage people to cheat after asking for peoples opinions. Yeah, there are probably always some cheater votes but it wasn't nearly as bad until that. I just wanted it to be obvious to people how pointless the poll had become so they didn't waste their time thinking it mattered.

I've always just said put in what you want and don't waste time with polls. People WILL get upset that their opinions are being shut out by people cheating. It just makes something that should be positive into a negative and can put a bad light on the game/thread.
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