Oh, right! I had questions! Let's get some answers!
Sirfluffles Wrote:Also... it appears my character's been forgotten in the rp today .w."
Wanna know what happened? This is typical me... I researched what I was gonna do for your character and then COMPLETELY forgot to write it in. I've got notes and everything for my plans for Elly, but I never converted it into a first post! I feel like a moron... I'll fix that ASAP
dragonmaster121989 Wrote:just a question of wonder here I will totally understand if you say no is there a possibility of poke morphs like say my Poochyena turning into one with the right amount of love and care?
I've... actually never put any thought into that. With the experiments Team Aqua and Team Magma are running, I wouldn't say it's impossible. I think I'd have to introduce someone capable of making that happen, but it should be within the realm of possibility. It should definitely have downsides though. Reduced strength or, the obvious, bigger target or something along those lines. I'll think on it, but I think I could work it in somehow.
TheDaughterOfHades14 Wrote:Dragon saying poke-morph reminded me of the characters who are pokemon/human mixed. I think this has been answered, but they are just humans with pokemon parts right? They aren't pokemorphs? Whoever the two pokemon/human crosses are (Sorry, I forgot).
Both of the characters who are mixed have both Pokemon and Human DNA, so they're definitely not Pokemorphs. A Pokemorph is a Pokemon with a human shape while having no human DNA. I wouldn't call them just humans with Pokemon parts since they can be captured and such, but they definitely aren't Pokemorphs.
EDIT: Also, I think I'll be working on mixing Leaf Green/Fire Red Pokemon into the Routes. Cause I'm really getting sick of writing everyone running into Poochyenas/Wurmples/Zigzagoons already and that's basically the most common Pokemon to run into for a while...
EDIT2: Huh. Well that was easier than I thought. I've mixed Rattata and Pidgey into Route 101 without much problem. I suppose it'll only really get tricky once there are more Pokemon to a route. Here's the break down of odds of running into each Pokemon on Route 101
30%- Poochyena
30%- Wurmple
20%- Zigzagoon
10%- Pidgey
10%- Rattata