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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Blargh » Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:29 am

bed_intruder Wrote:I like the smaller tit option, hopefully you can figure out how to get it to work right. Are the new positions like a rough draft or something? At the moment it looks like Morton just made a new hole in her taint lol. btw Flash is the most frustrating thing I've ever used :evil: I finished animating everything for the first scene thing and flash crashed on me... At least I saved the first frame fla I guess.

I feel your pain. :( So many things don't make sense, like how I finally figured out that changing the rotation point from one frame to the next in a motion tween will cause the object to travel in a totally different path from what it's supposed to. But it'll work if all you do is move that rotation point back to the same position as the previous frame, even if you don't actually move around the object.

As to the rest of it, yeah for now it's all pretty much a rough draft, especially with the anal scene. Because of the size of Morton's dick, it's hard to make it look like it's in her ass (if you zoom in you can see the asshole) because it covers the whole area. Morton's dancing back and forth there is also going to be expanded (he'll eventually be spewing cum all over Peach's back) and not repeating like it is now.

SteelSaurus Wrote:
HeadBanging Wrote:Dont know if this has been brought up, but anybody thought of creating a daisy costume? I now absolutley nothing about flash, so im just an idea guy. :lol: I think it would be a great addition to the game, when you have all your work done that is.

Done it. I just can't upload anything till about the last week of Feburary.

Well, that would save me some effort. I was going to do that once I finished with Morton (which I'm hoping to be done by the end of next week). :lol:

Zeus Kabob Wrote:Hey, about the breast resize, better to have a few that work well than a lot which don't work as well. I like it so far.

It doesn't stop me from doing the manual breast resizes that someone43 was working on, but I would've liked it if flash didn't hate doing things that make sense. :roll:
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby dryingpole » Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:48 am

I haven't said this recently. It needs to be said.

Blargh is awesome.

That is all.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:12 am

Actually, dryingpole, I haven't said that either. Blargh, what you're doing is very impressive, and I am very thankful for you doing this.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Blargh » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:19 am

Cheese-it Wrote:Yo Blargh i really like your work and hope it's going well but i want to give you a little tip:
the strange "paper" frame when she turns. you should get it out before you make more sence because if you don't you have to rewrite most of the following scenes to make it fit right
keep up the good work

Darn. I've been going lazy and hoped that no one would comment on it. >_> I'll get it fixed up for the next one for sure.

dryingpole Wrote:I haven't said this recently. It needs to be said.

Blargh is awesome.

That is all.
Zeus Kabob Wrote:Actually, dryingpole, I haven't said that either. Blargh, what you're doing is very impressive, and I am very thankful for you doing this.

Aw, thanks guys. I appreciate it! :oops:
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby bed_intruder » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:28 am

I screwed up on it again :\ As far as I know you can't place frames in between frames so I can't go back and make the animations smoother. Plus I found out that making frames inside of something you double clicked actually doesn't animate it.... oh flash, why do you have to be so overcomplicated?
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Lord Panzi » Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:53 pm

blargh... you fuckin' rock!
keep up all the excellent work
im gonna go before i start crying
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:21 pm

I wanted to say this for a long time now but i never got around to say it, Your animations isnt to bad, they just looks a bit jumpy, check out how i turned a preaty bad animation to a good one just by adding speed upsand slowdowns: viewtopic.php?f=7& t=1037 and one thing that is buging me is how his hand is rotating when he holds on to her hair, take away the rotation and it will be good.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Blargh » Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:36 pm

bed_intruder Wrote:I screwed up on it again :\ As far as I know you can't place frames in between frames so I can't go back and make the animations smoother. Plus I found out that making frames inside of something you double clicked actually doesn't animate it.... oh flash, why do you have to be so overcomplicated?

I don't get the frames within frames reference. You're saying that you can't use Insert Frame to add more frames?
To get the animation to work, inside the frame where you want the animation to start you can try putting in a single frame that contains the animation. That's what I had to do to get corta's parts and Krystal's costumes to work.

KaTsuO_O Wrote:I wanted to say this for a long time now but i never got around to say it, Your animations isnt to bad, they just looks a bit jumpy, check out how i turned a preaty bad animation to a good one just by adding speed upsand slowdowns: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1037 and one thing that is buging me is how his hand is rotating when he holds on to her hair, take away the rotation and it will be good.

To get through this quicker I'm just doing motion tweens between two frames for now, so that's why it's jumpy. I know I'll have to go back eventually and fill in the frames with better positioning later. I'll fix up the hand rotation so that it doesn't twist back as far, and that should make it look better.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby bed_intruder » Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:36 am

Oh I see apparently the right-click copy paste doesn't work for frames you actually have to go to edit>paste. Also I didn't see the insert frame thing guess I was too frustrated to find it or something lol. Do any of you know of like some kind of flash animation tutorial dvd type thing? Really want to understand it so I can make porn for all the weirdos on this site :P I tried the floated thread with the tutorials but that didn't really explain everything.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby meismike » Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:19 am

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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Blargh » Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:36 pm

I just searched google for "flash tutorials", so the newsground stuff is probably far better than my source. XD
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby KaTsuO_O » Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:36 pm

If anyone wants help with flash, please pm me. I may not be able to help you with everything but its atleast worth to ask. If you want help with like a project or something that takes time, im going to say no.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby bed_intruder » Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:08 am

Alright, thanks guys I'll check out that newgrounds page, it looks like a good place to start. Oh and thanks Katsu I'll be sure to spam your inbox with obvious questions :lol:
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby deaddog » Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:35 am

Super small request on an absolutely amazing project. Any chance we could turn the female character's (i.e. Peach) new dialog off? I liked her silently going around plowing goombas, and it'd be great to turn her new commentary off.
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Blargh » Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:50 pm

deaddog Wrote:Super small request on an absolutely amazing project. Any chance we could turn the female character's (i.e. Peach) new dialog off? I liked her silently going around plowing goombas, and it'd be great to turn her new commentary off.

It's doable, sure. The speech bubbles might have to stick around for a while, though, but they can be emptied no problem.

Alright, here's the next part. I was hoping to be this far a couple days ago, but flash decided to start sucking this week. So, the main part left is to add cumshots and speech bubbles, and from there it just becomes refining the animations to look better. With how badly flash is working, though, I may not be finished by the end of the week like I planned. :x
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Surskit » Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:14 pm

Er, Samus Aran- 1, with the armor. Giving a titjob. With the armor. yeah...
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby PetRex » Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:53 pm

Surskit Wrote:Er, Samus Aran- 1, with the armor. Giving a titjob. With the armor. yeah...

Lol, sounds like you just won a game of CLUE... with sex!!! :lol:
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby Reaver » Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:05 am

lol pretty but somehow it doesn't seem to flow together
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Re: A MiM hack

Postby anonymous174 » Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:23 am

PetRex Wrote:
Surskit Wrote:Er, Samus Aran- 1, with the armor. Giving a titjob. With the armor. yeah...

Lol, sounds like you just won a game of CLUE... with sex!!! :lol:

That would be an awesome spin-off.. Who needs murder when you got sex. :P I like the animation progress so far to be more on topic.

Re: A MiM hack

Postby Axel » Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:47 am

Certain characters, like the Midna, are a bit glitchy, and don't look too well. Otherwise, it's great.
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