Naruto: Dawn of The New Age

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Re: Naruto: Dawn of The New Age

Postby Ayame » Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:44 am


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"Lady Hokage, she has arrived." A leaf ninja spoke quietly to The Hokage as she shooed him away. She had called upon some special help for taking down Mei and her little team. She had recruited a killer among killers. One of the few clans that belonged in Konoha that specialized in murder. She was an Uchiha. Her name was Jo and she was a pretty renowned fighter. The best part of it, in the Hokage's mind was that Jo was supposed to be the third member of Mei's team. But now Jo showed usefulness. So until that usefulness wore out The Hokage would use Jo as her sword. Jo entered the room and was met with a guard on her right and left. "Welcome, Jo my name is Kimiyu." The Hokage said arm outstretched for a warm handshake.

Mei & Kasumi

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"You don't have to worry. I've never had an accident that was bad enough for someone else to get hurt." Mei said alluding to the fact that the Nine Tails had hurt her in the past, but no one else. They sat around the fire for a little while longer casually getting to know each other a little more. But before long it was time to move out. And before long they came to the half way point between Konoha and Sunagakure. "There's a bandit checkpoint up here, if we're to continue we must make it through here... One more thing. It's a brothel. Will you be alright?" Mei asked concerned.


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Your Genjutsu begins to take hold of the two models but it has harder time taking control of the man. They start losing themselves and not focusing on what their doing, much to the man's confusion. He, suspecting danger now pulls out a kunai searching for the assailant. Who, in this case, is you.
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Re: Naruto: Dawn of The New Age

Postby Taria » Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:51 am

Upset by this turn of events, Sabi keeps up on the Genjutsu to subdue the two models as she does an acrobatic back flip into the build from the bottom of the balcony. She makes sure to move as quickly and precisely as possible so that she can put down the bandit, tackle him and silence him before he can call for help. "Fine then, don't come quietly. It's more fun this way anyways, nyah!"
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Re: Naruto: Dawn of The New Age

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:04 am

Kasumi's a little more comfortable with Mei after the conversations, but she's still wary since, well, yeah. But she's not checking over her shoulder every other minute now. She shudders when she's told it's a brothel she'll be breaking into. If there are men with the same idea that the Hokage had... "I'll be fine. If I don't wanna have anything happen to me, I just have to beat everyone up. Simple as that!"
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Re: Naruto: Dawn of The New Age

Postby Thaedael » Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:10 am

Gin, it was his name at least that was always what he told himself, though with all the names and identities over the years, he was who ever who he wanted to be, so Gin it would be once more. He still laid sprawled on the muddy crags of the battle field, back to the earth and face towards the heavens as he looked at the clouds roll lazily above the tree lines of the forest. All around him he could see the damage, fragments of ice that begun to turn into piles of muddy sediment, the tip-less tanto laid discarded where it was on the floor, and the last of his chakra-infused ice struggling to maintain its form, cracks appearing along it's otherwise clean surface.

What a stupid idea the whole engagement had been, and what a stupid idea it was to have come back to the village. It was no better than ever before, if the woman who had claimer herself to be hokage was true, he would be trading one bad allegiance towards Danzo to one even worse, to one that acknowledges rape as a weapon of war. The instructor was no better, preaching friendship and unity, only to turn about face and rape them, against their will, telling him out of all people that it was the reality of the world. How the fuck would she care, it's even worse than the corruption that has taken root in the village hidden in the leaves, acts of senseless violence in teams of peace, threatening to destabalize the whole peace of the era based on what? Ambition. At least in the nation of waves it was driven out of desperation, people knowing that a lot of the acts being committed were bad, some even standing up to fight against it at the risk of their own life.

He fought for a citizenship in a city that was ruled by love, heralded as a city of equal opportunities and peace, yet it was no better than any other, the countless acts of violence committed on the part of the root organization. He killed three brothers in his graduation ceremony, his own tears running red as he wept for them, his mind slowly being forced into the corner of his conscience. He had feelings, he still felt hated, fear, love, but they were always so much more dull, so far out of reach that he was afraid that opening the box would forever send him into the downward spiral. There were things he wanted to remember, his mother, his home, his village, his childhood, however short it was. There were things he did not want to ever once more come to terms with, war, famine, the desecration of human life. You can never fully become inhuman, the whole human experience of language, sight, culture, traditions, everything is a human experience, down to the very sight, hearing, and tastes. Every part of his being knew life was precious, and yet he traded away Kasumi for the chance to gamble with their lives, never foreseeing that the instructor was both a sadist and a jinchuuri. No point worry about her now, he might as well just shit himself off a little more, the fear of of liking someone too much only to find out there was no connection, or worse a betrayal behind the face.

And why should she accept him either, after all it was directly his fault as to what happened, giving her a stupid motivational speech and stoking the ambition to succeed. He finally flexed his legs out from under him, pushing off from the ground with his forearms and sending him into an upright position, the tattered kimono stained with blood, soot, and mud. The scent of war and sex stood heavy in the air, as he picked up his sword, returning it to it's rightful sheath. He would go home, after all, it was his father he came to reconnect with.

Re: Naruto: Dawn of The New Age

Postby joeyjoey61297 » Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:05 am

Jo reached out and shook the ladys hand. Jo was curious to wonder why she had been called to the office of her Hokage.
"So what do you need of me Lady Hokage?"
Jo looked around the room and was still trying to guess what was needed of her to be called in, Jo was hoping that it would be some sort of high class mission to start her off strong in the shinobi world. All she could think about was finishing like an A class mission and going home to see how proud her parents were of her. However she was curious to why she wasn't assigned a team. So looking back at the Hokage she pondered and then asked so why i'm I going as a solo ninja.How come I wasn't assigned a team like all the other genin?
Jo had asked that question and then was actually really curious to what she would say as a response.
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Re: Naruto: Dawn of The New Age

Postby Ayame » Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:02 am


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The streets bustle with activity as you walk home. When you pass Ichiraku a boy all alone passes you and bumps into you. He looks up at you and yells at you for getting in his way.

Mei & Kasumi

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"Okay here it is, what's our plan?" Mei asked Kasumi lightly. She thought it'd be better if she left the decisions up too Kasumi for awhile, to make sure she felt wanted and like she had power.


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"You're here because I need you to find something I have lost." The Hokage began and did not leave room for Jo to interject. "It's more of something I need you to take care of, a loose end if you will. You weren't placed on a team because we know you don't need it." The Hokage said stroking Jo's ego. "They are going to the village hidden in the sand, go there now and find out as much as you can."[/color]


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"You startle the man and pin him. He is squirming around trying to get out from under you and thrashing about. He manages to punch you in the face while he thrashes.
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Re: Naruto: Dawn of The New Age

Postby Thaedael » Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:42 am

The streets of Konaha were always busy, the people going about their very lives amidst the peace that the new era had ushered in. The village hidden in the leaves had done very well for itself, having led the forces of the last alliance into the climax of the war, securing itself the position at the head of all the nations, it's powers undenied. This had led to the city's increased wealth, more people than ever before flocking to see the sights and sounds of the city, to enjoy the culture, or just find employment. The pavement was worn through-out the years, the people continual pushing against it with sandled feet about their business.

The smells and sound were as strange to him as any other, buildings made of wooden planks and paper of splendid quality. All around him the store owners shouted, selling books, tools, food;... yes food the freshest of produce or meat fresh from the butchers. It was not a city life he was accustomed to, the wrecked plaster of the nation of waves being as far from this as heaven was from hell. The food was fresh, people were warm, the city was alive, a contrast not lost on him.

A kid bumped into Gin, yelling at him as he was lost in the sights of the city. Gin looked down to the kid, looking much too healthy and energetic to be a hungry or begging youth. He tilted his head to one side, before giving the kid a smile, bringing up one grimy and bloodied hand to rest on the kid's head, ruffling his hair. "Sorry about that little one." he said feigning concern and a degree of accountability.

Wear the mask you always did Gin, and smile those hollow smiles. He wouldn't be in Konoha much longer, it's very attitude displayed by her Hokage and the Tailed-whore being Anathema to his very existence. He came back, hearing stories of team work and friendship, only to be disappointed once more, like root had done so many years before. He was already so far down in his box, that he might as well lose himself in it.


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