Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

A forum for recruitment and out-of-character role-play discussion.

Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:51 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

***3/25/13: Updated Level System
***3/10/13: Moved into the second thread.
***1/19/13: Chaos throws a few new rules out there
***1/19/13: Chaos takes over the thread
***1/12/13: Updated Starting Town In Character Application
***1/12/13: Updated The Reserve List
***1/12/13: Updated Battle Rules By Adding "Be Descriptive"
***1/12/13: Updated Character List
***1/5/13: Added Link To Character Backpack Thread.
***1/5/13: Updated The Character List.
***1/5/13: Added Reserved Character List.
***1/5/13: Updated New Questions For The Players.
***1/5/13: Added The Plot
***1/4/13: Added The Character Sheet (Had to take the spoiler tags out of the apps themselves because it caused issues. Hope nobody minds)
***1/4/13: Updated Starter Pokemon Rules. Two People May Have The Same Starter.
***1/4/13: Legends Moved To Discussions Settled.
***1/2/13: Updated the Playable Region to Hoenn.
***1/2/13: Updated the Map (Because I couldn't find one I liked, I used two that could be compared for more detail) and The Regional Pokemon List.
***1/2/13: Updated New Questions For The Players.
***1/2/13: Updated Battling Rules By Adding Realism.

Hello everyone!

MiscChaos has taken over the thread! For now anyways. I'm willing to give it back if Zeph so chooses to take it and everyone's fine with that, but for now... well, I guess I'm in charge! Thanks again Thae for that! I guess I'll make changes as I need to, so keep posted!

------------Game Description-------------

This will be a casual and laid-back game where players take the roles of Pokemon trainers just starting out on their adventure to train, breed, and conquer. After taking some suggestions into consideration, the game will be based in the Hoenn region; the setting of Pokemon from Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald (Not sure the season of the show, however.). Players are free to choose their starting town, but for Role-playing's sake, there should be at least two people starting out from the same town. That way they can interact with one-another be it travel companions or rivals. The players' goals consist of whatever they wish be it becoming Hoenn League Champion, maxing out their Pokedex, settling down and becoming a breeder, or anything in between. Intimate relationships between characters is encouraged, and if you're in to that kind of thing, Trainer/Pokemon relations are also allowed.

When a character is accepted, they should immediately create their Out Of Character Backpack, which is to be updated regularly with newly acquired items, Pokemon and such.


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Teams Aqua and Magma are at it again. With their rivalry seemingly reaching new heights, both gang's activity have recently spiked in the last year. Although they are mostly responsible for stealing and hunting special Pokemon, recently, the gangs have been associated with an uprising of human trafficking: the selling of sex slaves throughout both the Hoenn region and other neighboring regions as well. If they defeat you in a battle, they will also attempt to capture you and your Pokemon, so watch out! You can either attempt to bring down the gang's reign of rapist, sex-slave terror, or steer clear away from them. Whatever you decide, the choice is yours.

------------Hoenn Region------------

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Hoenn Map.png
Hoenn Map.png (493.57 KiB) Viewed 4823 times

List of Regional Pokemon

------------Game Rules------------

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Starter Pokemon:
To keep things from getting out of control, Players are only allowed one starter Pokemon, but they are allowed to choose others beside the standard Treecko, Torchic or Mudkip. So long as the Starter is a low-tier 1st evolution stage, it is allowed. Also, different characters may own the same starter, so if someone grabs a Pokemon you want, don't worry about it, you can still have one of your own as well.

Pokemon Levels:
For now, we're going with the "training" system. Basically, your Pokemon will grow stronger through battle and outside training. They'll learn moves either when they become strong enough or when you or someone else tutor them in a move that they can learn. For example: You're not going to teach a Torchic to use Water Gun. You're not going to teach a Pikachu Fly. Things of that nature. This is tentative though. If it works out, I'll keep it and if not, oh well.

Party Limitations:
Just like in the original series, a Trainer may only carry 6 Pokemon with them at any time. Any excess captures will immediately be beamed away to "Someone's PC"

  • As all other combat-based RPGs, there is a strict no Auto-hitting, God-modding, or Power-Playing rule constantly in affect as well as a no-killing policy unless the act is a mutual agreement.
  • All standard Pokemon Battle Rules Apply: Battles will either be One-on-One or Two-on-Two. The battle is finished when the opponent runs out of battle-ready Pokemon. Items can be legally used during battle, but at the Trainer's own risk, for in this game, the Trainers can come under attack.
  • Realism is also very much encouraged. If you're thrown into an unofficial no-holds-bar battle, feel free to use every dirty underhanded trick you can think of, even if you've gotta have the trainers duke it out themselves while their Pokemon are also fighting!
  • Be Descriptive with combat. Instead of saying your Pichu used Bolt Tackle, describe the entire motion as Pichu charged itself up, then rushed forward combining speed with electricity, and then flung itself straight towards its opponent covered in a spiral of sparks. Something like that. Again, be descriptive, and try to avoid saying the attack hit, because you always want to give your opponent a chance to dodge. We've all Roleplayed before. Act like you know :)

I will count you as inactive if I go 2 Posting Cycles (I plan to make a post every 2 to 3 days unless everyone posts before then) without any input from you. After that, you'll be thrown from the Active List into an Inactive List unless you let me know ahead of time that you'll be unable to post for a while. If you return before I go through 2 more Posting Cycles, then you'll start off having blacked out and will be recovering in the nearest PokeCenter. After that, you get thrown from the Inactive List to the Reserve List and someone on the Reserve List takes your spot.

The Ferry:
The Ferry, porting in Petalburg, Slateport, Lilycove, and Mossdeep, will take 1 Posting Cycle relative to your position to drop you off to your destination unless everyone on board has some reason to take longer (like a conversation or a Pokemon battle or something). Relative to your position means that if it's reasonably close (Like Dewpoint to either Petalburg or Slateport), then you'll make it in 1 Cycle. If it's a bit further (Like Dewpoint to Mossdeep), then it'll take 2. It'll also change based on everyone's destination. Say someone wants to be dropped off in Petalburg while someone else wants to depart from Slateport. Petalburg Trainer will get dropped off in 1 Cycle and Slateport person will get dropped off in either 2 Cycles or 1 real time day after the Petalburg trainer (Don't want ya waiting for too long!). It's luck of the coin if the ferry will be in your area when you want it, me simply flipping a penny (or rolling a dice and picking even or odds) to decide. If it isn't in your area, then it will be next Cycle. Yes, that makes the Ferry seem super fast, but I don't want to eat up a lot of your time on Ferry travel. You'll be putting in a lot of footwork as it is... If someone on board the Ferry is doing something while someone else isn't, the idle person will be dropped off at their destination and the active one will be dropped off when they're done.

------------Character Application------------

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Character Name
Age: Character Age
Gender: Character Gender
Appearance: What your character looks like. (A picture may suffice. Please Place in Spoiler if too big)
Personality: Your Character's Personality
Home Town: Your Character's Home Town. If they are not from the Hoenn Region, Please add their Starting Town within this region as well :) (Pallet Town/Littleroot Town)
Starter Pokemon: Your Starter Pokemon
Background: Your character's background.
Other: Any other tidbits you'd like to add

------------Questions For The Players------------

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***Starting Items: So yeah, while making my character's backpack I realized I wasn't really putting much into it since Zeph is literally JUST starting and doesn't have anything, but it made me think about everyone else. Sure, it is the very beginning of your journey, but even still, some characters might want to have a few Pokeballs or potions on hand and just jump right into things, and it would also make sense as well for others to already have some equipment and Items rather than others, like Zeph, who doesn't know what in the world he's getting himself into. So I wanted to ask what you guys thought? Should everyone start out with a completely empty bag and gain items throughout the game, or should they be allowed a small amount of starter items like a few potions, a couple Pokeballs, ect...?

***PokeGear: Okay, now I was wondering if PokeGear like Escape Robe, Bikes, Fishing Rods, Cellphones and all that cool techie stuff should get its own section in the bag instead of mashing it all up with your potions, antidotes, X-attacks and whatever (Totally gonna download a rom and see how they did it in game). Just another question about organization. Yay or nay?

***Pokedex: I smacked myself in the face on this one for not seeing it sooner. Should a Pokedex be added to the Backpack so you can keep track of all the Pokemon you've scanned. I vote yes entirely, but if anyone else has anything they'd like to add to that, please let me know :)

***Move List: I want to say yes, but at the same time I am uncertain. My question is, should each player's Pokemon's move list be recorded? With realism in play, there are no, you can only use four moves, restrictions, so a strong Pikachu can use all moves learned at any time without having to "forget" any. Thing is, should we be required to list all of those moves for reference. Again, I want to say yes, but then comes deciding if it should have its own category in the backpack, how to structure it... all that fancy stuff plus, others will be able to look at your move list and start planning ahead on how to beat you. Unfair, yes, but just like playing a FPS with a friend, screen-watching is just bound to happen... So its up to you guys: record the skill list or try to keep it in mind as you play through. If you want to have a recorded list, but it be in secret, you could PM it to me and I can catalog them myself, but again, its up to you all :)

------------Settled Discussions------------

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Character Tracker:
If this project takes off, I'm definitely going to want to have a Character Tracker that will double as the player's Backpack. This OOC thread will contain the character's Items, such as potions, TMs/HMs, as well as display their list of Pokemon both on and off hand.

I would like to know if there is any specific template you guys and gals think I should go with?

(Discussion Settled)

Should there or should there not be a money system? Of course, money will be used to buy items and can be earned through battles, but should it be a strict, moderated thing, or should it be something the characters themselves decide how much they have, what they spend it on, and how to make more?

(Discussion Settled)

Gym Leaders:
Since now, everyone will just be starting out, there really won't be much need for them, but I definitely want to know what everyone thinks about this topic.
Should Gym Leaders be Controlled NPCs, Should Players be allowed to control them, or should it vary upon the situation? I like the idea of players controlling the gym leaders, but it seems like it could be a lonely experience just waiting for challengers. I'd love to here more thoughts on this.

(Discussion Settled)

Should there be original characters from the story like Ash, Misty, and Brock, or should this be 100% original?
I think it'd be possible to mix and blend, but before I decide on anything definite, I'd like to hear your thoughts.

(Discussion Settled)

Legendaries: I'm iffy about this. Very iffy... but I want this to be a group decision. How should Legendaries be controlled?

***Captures: By default they'll all be NPC wilds, but should we allow captures of these Pokemon? Of course nobody is gonna come out of the box, throw a speed ball at Entei and expect I'd let them get away unsinged, but later on when a team is strong enough to take on a Legendary, should it be allowed that players be able to capture them?

***Population Limitations: Should there only be one of each Legendary, or multiples? Its understandable to want to limit it to one Mewtwo, one Deoxyx (even though he has a few variations), etc... but I don't see that logic holding true for all of them. For example, there is a near infinite number of Celebi due to its ability to time travel and I could imagine some legendaries being more than one, like the Dogs, the Birds, and the Dragons. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there. Who wouldn't want to own a Legendary, but we all know that with great power... Meh... I'm already a Pokenerd; don't need to make myself look any worse xD

(Discussion Settled)


(Discussion Settled)


I think that about raps it all up. Any questions/comments/concerns please feel free to comment here or message me. I hope this is as successful as it sounds in my head.

------------Character List By Town------------

Active List

Petalburg City:

Laughing Hyena
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Madison Sage
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Image

Brought to you by the Deviant Emeraldus
Personality: Being brought up in the Orre Region was tough and it had turned Madison from a frightened child into a determined individual that has a daredevil streak within him thanks to the powerful memory of the fearless trainer that rescued him as a child. The ruthless nature of team Cipher and the harsh life with Orre Region for those that don't have Poke'mon against those that do had made him pragmatic in nature against Poke'mon bandits such as Cipher and Snagem. They don't play by rules and neither does Madison when that happens and considers it merely karma. In regards to his Poke'mon he truly loves them and considers him his utmost friends despite how hard he pushes them from time to time when training.
Home Town: Orre - Phenac City (Poke'mon Colosseum Series)
Starter Pokemon: Eevee
Background: Originally from the Orre Reigon, Madison was a good kid in a bad part of the world growing up with the likes of Team Cipher and Team Snagem running about when he was younger. It wasn't easy to keep your head low when without poke'mon. They were very much required for one to defend one self with from the likes of them for they had no qualms about attacking others without poke'mon. Unfortunately wild poke'mon were rare in the arid regions of Orre. That frustration and isolation had to come out in some fashion so eventually he began to try and catch a poke'mon of his own. Needless to say it was an exercise in futility when one has no poke'mon to catch with.

Unfortunately that was when he ran into Team Cipher whom were doing a poke'mon raid on the city. Using the kid as a hostage they tried to extort a ransom in poke'mon from the poke'mon center in Phenac City and it's "Pre Gym". This was also his one and only encounter with another trainer. He had amber eyes and short shock white hair. The most notable thing however was a gauntlet-like device upon his right arm. He had no fear whatsoever of them and systematically took out the grunts and peons and rescued the still young Madison. The young kid had been pretty scared and still was of the trainer whom knelt down and rubbed his chin contemplating something.

The trainer had heard why he was outside the city. He asked Madison if he could make a promise. He asked him to take care of an egg for him. When Madison asked why all he did was smile at him however briefly as the answer was for Madison to figure out and then would take home back to Phenac City. Growing up Madison made the promise to take care of the poke'mon egg which the trainer then donated. At least now he could say he found a poke'mon. Eventually the egg hatched one day during schooling and out popped Eevee. He raised it and played with his newfound friend and cared for it devoutly.

But like all children the bullying simply took on a different form. Bullies that wanted an Eevee or hated the idea that Madison had a poke'mon. This time the bullying came in the form of poke'mon battles from older students with slightly more experienced poke'mon. After that day his poor Eevee needed some good rest at the poke'mon center. He honestly wondered if he should be capable of raising a poke'mon but mentally he remembered the promise he made to the trainer. Mentally he made the choice that he would be done with that. So he made the choice to have that same strength and to make sure Eevee would have a trainer and not "just a kid".

Thus he trained alongside his Eevee as soon as he was well saying that they needed to be stronger for the rematch. He ran with Eevee and played games that were meant to help Eevee become better during battle by using dodge balls for the young poke'mon to hit. They would keep trying and keep working until the two of them felt ready. This time the poke'mon battle ended in his favor with the little Eevee Madison had showing that it was a lot more tougher and consequently that it's trainer was as well. From there they would continue battling because now Madison felt he was following in his hero's footsteps. However the reality was that if he wanted to continue this path he would have to leave Orre behind. As such he scrimped and save his money so that he could eventually take the S.S Libra to Hoenn Region where his true goal lied in wait to become a legitimate Poke'mon trainer.

Other Notes: Eevee is currently a level five Poke'mon as is standard for a starter although backstory wise she started at level one and worked her way up. Eevee was born from a union between an Umbreon and an Espeon. The SS Libra is the ship that is from Orre Region and will drop Madison off in Petalburg City.

Dewford Town:

Zender Solarheart
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Name: Tsubaki Zanbo.
Age: 20.
Gender: Female.
Appearance: (Will explain her animalistic traits in the Background section. Also, don't let the pic fool you; beneath that top is a pair of C-cups, though she won't show them to just anyone...)
Tsubaki's generally in a very cheery, and perhaps even spunky mood most of the time, though she knows how to keep it toned down in more formal situations. When engaging her in a Pokemon battle, it's best to try and keep her from getting too riled up, as that's when she may go overboard, and do something like, say...riding on top of her main Flying type, paraphrasing super robot animes, as it Sky Attacks you into dust.

Tsubaki's lifetime goal, on a general level, is to travel the world seeking pure adventure. Specific things like Pokemon mastery, breeding, trading, etc, are all embarked on purely in pursuit of that primary goal. As a result, her ability to keep friends and companions generally equates to how well they can keep up with her travels; those who like to stay in one place for extensive periods of time will likely come off as "boring" to her.
Home Town: Dewford Town.
Starter Pokemon: Growlithe, with the nickname "Nobi." (Japanese for "wildfire")
Tsubaki was raised by foster parents, and while her real mother remains unknown, the anamalistic features mixed in with her anatomy makes clear that the father was a Pokemon. Which Pokemon that was also remains to be discovered, though Tsubaki herself believes it was an Arcanine. This half-blooded birthright grants her a higher chance of emotionally bonding with other Pokemon, and vice-versa, though it also makes her more likely to draw wild Pokemon attention.

Nobi was but a defenseless pup when she first found him; the Arcanine mother had birthed a litter too large for her to nurse unaided, and so, Tsubaki took Nobi under her own care, bottle-feeding him until he matured to the point he's at now. While at the same combative ability of the average starter, Nobi sees Tusbaki not just as his trainer, but also as a mother-figure, meaning that he won't hesitate to flame-broil those who threaten her. Likewise, Tsubaki's bonded with Nobi much like she would her own child, meaning she'd put herself in harm's way to defend him if needed. The two take the concept of trainer-Pokemon bonding to a new level, though not quite to the level her own mother obviously did.

Mauville City:

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Name: Lisa
Age: 19
Gender: female
Appearance: Image
Personality: trusting, cheerful, shy, optimistic, responsible
Home Town: Mauville
Starter Pokemon: DITTO
Background: She was raised like one of those normal dysfunctional families many people have nowadays. In which her parents are always working, the older sibling is always outside, and the younger sibling is always your responsibility. Well 5 days after she found her ditto she made up her mind to run away leaving a note that says.
“Dear mom, dad, older sister, and younger brother,
I’m leaving with ditto. I’m tired of all this responsibility you put on me. It’s time for me to spread my wings and fly. Goodbye…. I’ll come back one day. Hopefully.
From, Lisa"
She now works as a maid for some rich family
Other: Has a strong sexual hard drive (XD i make her sound like a robot)

Slateport City:

Crimson Nutcase37
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Name: Koben Epcouteau
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Image

Personality: As a result of years of abuse and bullying, Koben's mind has been broken, resulting in him constantly speaking in rhyme. Koben is a gentleman, calm, patient and willing to listen, despite being a horrendous flirt. However, when angered, Koben slips into a cruel, maniacal and bloodthirsty persona, doing whatever to cut down the annoyance

Home Town: Camphrier Town [Starting in Slateport]

Starter Pokemon: Honedge

Background: Koben was born in Camphrier Town in the Kalos region and spent the majority of his childhood days playing with the other young children, the young boy showing a love for poetry and rhymes, though it all changed when a new family showed up in town, bringing a new boy, who soon converted the majority of the young children into a vicious gang of bullies, Koben being a favoured target of the gang, often throwing things at the young boy, hitting him or calling him names, forcing the young boy to run to the nearby mansion for safety, where he could be alone to read his poetry books or playing with one of the almost empty mansion's suit of armour's blunted ceremonial swords. It was on one of those days that the young Koben encountered a peculiar pokemon hiding within the mansion by one of the remaining suits of armour. It was odd, a sword he didn't recognise attached to the empty armour, though he soon managed to coax it out with a few calm, gentle words, young innocent eyes meeting the teal eye of a Honedge, the young boy spending many days getting to know the blade pokemon
Years passed and the bullies died down, the gang soon alienating themselves until there was only 3 major thugs left, who would regularly beat up and steal from the other teens, though Koben was marked as 'Not A Target' after one incident where the leader had tried to mug Koben and left with a nasty cut on his face from the Honedge, who Koben had taken as his own pokemon. It seemed like things were going alright until one day when the boy returned home after a day of training with his Honedge to discover his front door kicked in and his father with his throat slit in the hallway. Running inside, the teen encountered the sight of the three thugs slitting the throat of his mother, the sight causing Koben's mind to snap allowing the Honedge temporary control of his body, Koben taking control back once the thugs were dead.
Willing himself on, he hurriedly packed a backpack full of supplies and clothes before scavenging as much money as he could from the bodies and ran, buying a ticket to the Hoenn region in an attempt to escape

Other: Koben is skilled in swordplay and commonly uses his Honedge as an actual blade when not in battle

that man
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Name: Naomi Lane
Age: 18
Gender: female
Appearance: Image
Personality: Naomi is very naive. Actually she is incredibly naive: perhaps even the most naive person in all the world. She is also a bit on the clutzy side of things, which is a terrible combination for anyone who wants to live.
Home Town: Slateport
Starter Pokemon: Poliwag
Background: Naomi lane is best described as, the kind of person you read/hear about in urban legends, but can't stop laughing because of how moronic you'd have to be to be like that. By the age of 4, she had been to the emergency room nine times for injuries, by the age of 8, she had been kidnapped three times, and at the age of 11, she had been run over by a car twice in the same day. Adding to her parent's anxieties are the fact that she loved to swim (and has nearly drowned numerous times), and that she wants to become a pokemon master, and you have a recipe for disaster. While the have tried to keep her from going for as long as possible, at age 18, they had no real say in the matter, and so Naomi is now off to become the greatest pokemon master the world has ever k-*trip*.
Other: Without mucous, your stomach would digest itself
She's a bit of a clutz, and is supposed to have a water esque them to her.

Lavaridge Town:

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Name:Steve Young
Appearance: Image

Personality: Fun loving, easy going and hard to make mad. Can be sarcastic at times but usually means it in good fun.

Hometown:Lavaridge Town
Starter Pokémon: Image

Background: Steve grew up in Lavaridge Town always around the many fire types that lived there, not to mention Flannery herself the gym leader who he admits he finds cute beyond belief, because of this he had decided he was going to be a fire type trained like her and be the best he could be! First he needed a Pokémon though and one faithful day he found one. A stray Vulpix wandering by his home that was hungry and he gave her some food and she just kept coming back.After awhile he decided to start calling her Dusky and eventually he decided to capture her and she pressed her little head right up against the pokeball. So his adventure began with his best pal Dusky.

Other: Steve plans to travel the whole region and do all that he can!

Lilycove City:

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Name: Raphael Edwards
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Appearance: 6'0, dark hair, blue eyes. Wears glasses, attached to what looks like a hands-free headset over his left ear.

Personality: Can be quiet and reserved at times. He prefers to always think before he acts, but isn't above throwing the dice if the risk seems worthwhile.
Home Town: Violet City in Johto.
Starter Pokemon: Machop

Growing up, Raphael was always something of a loner. Intelligent-but-shy generally doesn't work well on the school playground, and the fact that he was more interested in computers than pokemon battles only made that worse. Fortunately, his father's job as an assistant pokemon researcher went some way towards counteracting that. Not enough to actually make him popular - his dad was only an assistant researcher, after all - but between that and a natural talent for not reacting to bullying, he managed to edge over the line between 'bully magnet' and 'not worth bothering with'.
'Not worth bothering with' could have been the story of his life, if not for a school science fair when he was 16. His home-made apricorn pokeball caught the attention of Professor Elm, who was judging the entries. While rather crude, it was a cut above the baking soda and vinegar volcanoes and cardboard legendary pokemon dioramas that made up the bulk of the entries (on examining it, Elm eventually decided that, while it would have been unreliable and somewhat unpleasant for the pokemon inside, it might actually have worked if used). The professor became something of a mentor to Raphael, and his visits to Elm's lab in New Bark Town had a profound effect on him. Dealing with one of the world's best pokemon researchers as, if not an equal, at least someone worth talking to seriously has boosted his confidence significantly, and the pokemon and trainers he met there awakened his own interest in pokemon.
A few weeks before his planned trip to Hoenn, one of the trainers who had befriended him at Elm's lab suggested that he should take a pokemon with him, and mentioned that he had a young Machop who needed a trainer. Now he's off on an adventure with his new partner, aiming to find out what's on the other side of the horizon. He can still be quiet and thoughtful, but what would have been shyness a few years ago is now just self-possession. A single young Machop and a trainer who has never fought a pokemon battle might not seem like a formidable pair, but what the hell. He's always been a fast learner...

Other: Raphael carries a pokedex/pokegear combination that he customised himself. It has all the same functions as the standard trainer gear, but he has replaced the normal screen and speaker with a headset base on a hands-free phone and a small projector that displays information directly on his glasses. He still has to keep the body of the device on his belt so he can get at the buttons, but it helps keep his hands free - and having the audio play over a headset avoids that 'new trainer' vibe that comes from a loud pokedex description of every new pokemon you meet.

Mossdeep Town:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Skye
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
Also with the clothing, but wears a pair of thick sandels and a slingpack
Personality: Skye is extreme curious, to the point of ignoring warnings and general advice. The same can be said for her sense of risk and adventure. She goes to great length to appear as a normal girl who's extremely polite, but she has a twisted/ lack of understading social norms, such as decency, modesty, or taboos. She is extremely excitable, and easily impressed, but that is normally supressed by her modest facade. Combine everything with a moderately high intellegence and a case of nymphomania, and you have Skye.
Hometown: Mossdeep City
Starter Pokemon: A Female Togepi
Background: Skye is a bit messed up, she is willing to admit that. Born in Mossdeep City, and raised a bit aways from the city border, she was quickly labeled as a black sheep among her peers. Since she was young, she had always wondered why her parents were always in their room, only coming out when they needed to work or to cook a meal. Cue a few months later, Skye found herself peering into her parents room, as a source of a strange sound emanated from there. Several minutes were spent watching in pure terror and morbid fascination. Afterwards, she dashed into her room, swearing to herself never to watch her parents have sex again. As the years past, her black sheep label had grown to the point where all of her peers actively ignored her or kept their distance. Skye fell into depression, but was soon cheerful, as her parents had obtained a pokemon egg and had given it oto her. This is how she met Togepi, one of the few friends she has left.
Soon, Skye hit puberty. And it royally sucked, as she had inherited her parents nymphomania. At around the same time, her parents began a series of "honeymoon trips", leaving the house for her. Skye never had anyone over during the time, as her black sheep status had undergone puberty as "the weird, hot chick". So it was just her and Togepi, in a (mostly) empty house. This left Skye with plenty of free time to snoop around her house, especially her parent's room... and maybe use one or two of her mother's vibrators.
At some point, she felt a sense of adventure stirring in her veins, so she had talked to her parents about leaving to be a Pokemon Treainer, maybe a breeder, and they reluctantly agreed to it.
Other:Togepi is Level 5, so she has Metronome.

Reserve List

Mossdeep Town:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Remmi (Rem for short)
Age: 18
Gender: Female


Personality: Happy-go-lucky is the best phrase to describe her. She takes things as they come and doesn’t get upset over much outside of the mistreatment of Pokemon. She’s also a bit spacy and awkward.

Home Town: Mossdeep City

Starter Pokemon: Ralts (Female)

Remmi’s family is a family of breeders, specializing in Psychic Pokemon with a side of Ghost added to it. Like her mother before her, Rem’s always wanted to roam the world, discovering as many Pokemon as possible and finding out unique ways to breed them to yield unique moves and abilities in the offspring. When she turned 14, she started working for her parents as a way to save up money for her eventual journey and learn more about the Pokemon they take care of. As a result she has an excellent knowledge base of Psychic Pokemon and an OK one of Ghosts, though not much else.

Since her family is slightly separated from the general population in order to have a farm big enough to raise Pokemon, she’s seen a lot more Pokemon than she has people. Because of this, she’s more comfortable around Pokemon, also seeing them as more human than people are, with the exceptions of her mom and dad. So she can be very awkward around people as she’d rather hold a conversation with a Pokemon than them.

Other: Her Ralts, Seraphim, is a Pokemon she herself bred using a Duskull as a father and a Kirlia as a mother. As a result, Seraphim was born knowing the move Shadow Strike in addition to the usual Growl.

Inactive List

Zephyros- Last in Littleroot
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Name: Zephyros

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Image

Personality: Zephyros is a hot-headed young teen with a passion for adventure and fun. He likes traveling, sparring, and learning new things. Though he can sometimes come off as clueless and aloof, he is always ready to tackle new challenges and fight for what he believes in. He can be a very protective person, but isn't selfish in the bit. He doesn't get attached too easily since everyone in his life is usually just coming and going. he has a high amount of energy and is known to keep going on when others can't. When the fire is ablaze in this young man's heart, it'll take more than a simple water gun to put it out.

Home Town: Littleroot Town

Starter Pokemon: Cubone

Background: Born and raised in Littleroot Town, Zephyros always felt suppressed. Forever he wanted to get out and explore the big, wide world, but too many things seemed to hold him back. His adoptive-mother, a low-class prostitute, refused to allow her son to leave her side as he was her only protection against those who wanted a little more than what they paid for. When he was a teenager, she forced him to become her "pimp" of sorts: He would collect the money from her Johns, throw them out when it was time for them to leave, and protect her from anybody who thought they could pull one over on the woman. Though Zephyros was faithful to his mother because she did take care of him, he still knew this was not the life he wanted to live. He was forced to watch many people come and go through the small town and this only added pressure to his angst until finally, at the age of 19, his step-mother found someone who see claimed to be 'more than just a casual lay'. With this new man in her life, she didn't really need Zephyros around as much and granted him permission to go out on his journey or whatever he always whined to her about. As a bit more incentive to get the young man out of the house, the 'more than a casual lay' gave the teen a Cubone he caught just recently but hadn't had the time nor drive to train. Though at first, the arrogant little Pokemon took a disliking to the fiery red-head, eventually it grew to accept the fact that at least this new master took time out of his day to put his skills to use. And so now Zephyros gathers his final affairs and prepares to leave home for good.

Other: Will Probably Add Some Theme Music For Him Later!

ToG- Last on Route 101
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Name: Garian
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short black hair, sky blue eyes, Red Vest over a black shirt.
Personality: Friendly.
Home Town: Littleroot Town
Starter Pokemon: Charmander
Background: Garian grew up in the Kanto region, when he turned 10, he got his first pokemon, a Charmander, before heading out. But before he could, he was told that they were moving from the Kanto Region and to the Hoenn Region. Since then he lived in Littleroot, training his charmander now and then but mostly just lived with it and grew a big enough bond with his Charmander to the point of knowing what it was saying. After 10 years, he looked at the map of the region and finally found the resolve to carve himself a name whether it'd be in the form of a Gym Leader, a Master, or the Champion of the region, he would do whatever it takes for Hoenn to remember his name for years to come. And with that, he knew he was ready to set out on his quest for fame and glory.

13lack12ose- Last on the S.S. Tidal
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Name: Sladen
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Image
Personality:Fun loving and cheerful, Sladen has not a care in the world. He respects authority and power, and always has good manners. The abuse of power however is abhorrent to him, and he will make it his quest to utterly destroy anyone who misuses their power. A silver tongued serpent around women, Sladen is popular in his home town, but chooses not to date anyone, looking for the right woman.
Home Town: Dewford Town
Starter Pokemon: Shuppet (Creed)
Background: Father left home when he was young, so he was left to be raised by his mother. His mother got together with a horrible man who paid for their food and housing, but beat her and forced himself upon her when he was drunk. Eventually, Sladen could no longer take it and beat the man within an inch of his life. So, to stay out of prison, Sladen is running away from home with his trusty Shuppet.

Icaelus- Last in Oldale Town
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Name: Denieve Reinings
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
Personality: Denieve is generally a mild person, cheerful and friendly to people to know but usually shy with people she doesn't know too well.
Home Town: Littleroot Town
Starter Pokemon: Treecko(Liz)
Background: Born in Littleroot Town, Denieve lived around Pokemon ever since she was a child, due to her mother and father being avid breeders of Pokemon, also entering the Pokemon they bred into the Contest Hall competitions. It was at the Verdanturf Contest Hall where she first came into contact with her currently much-loved hobby, photography. At the age of ten, she already had her own camera and frequently made the trip all the way from Littleroot to Verdanturf, via Mom's Flygon, of course. She soon grew discontent with simply photographing the Contest Hall contestants. She wanted to take pictures of her own Pokemon, too. She wanted to get out there like all the Trainers did, raising their own Pokemon and all that. Her parents were supportive, them having been Trainers at one point of their life too and sent her packing, but of course not before Deni had chosen her very first Pokemon from one of the breeding pens, a female Treecko that was the offspring of Dad's very own Sceptile. With Liz, her Treecko in tow and almost entirely no knowledge about the world before her, Deni set off on the grand adventure that was the life of all Pokemon Trainers!
Other: Deni still harbors her love for photography and tends to snap random shots of other Trainers' Pokemon! This has caused some slight misunderstanding sometimes. She carries along a scrapbook in which she dreams of filling with the pictures of all the Pokemon in the world, her very own personified Pokedex, if you will.

jayjaycaps- Last on Route 119
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Name: Edward "Eddy" Price

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Image

Personality: Often described as "cold" or "calloused", Eddy just likes getting things done, no matter how they get done. He's not afraid to trample over friends and family to accomplish a goal, and prefers to not get emotionally attached to anyone other than his pokemon.

Home Town: Fortree City

Starter Pokemon: Bulbasaur (Male)

Background: Bullied for a large portion of his younger years, Edward swore that one day he would become the best trainer and join the Elite Four, so know one would be able to bully him again. Due to his lack of friends, he spent most of his time out in the wilderness near his home town by himself, save for the wild pokemon there. There he discovered his love for nature and the many pokemon it shelters. As soon as he was old enough, he received his first pokemon: a Bulbasaur. He immediately set about training it to it's absolute best, beating all of his bullies in battles. During a particularly nasty battle, the other trainer decided to take matters into his own hands and beat Eddy with his fists and feet, instead of pokemon. Deciding that he didn't want to be a part of a crowd like that, Eddy began preparations to set off on his adventure, to travel the lands and someday return, the strongest trainer around.

Other: Eddy chooses to only use grass, bug and poison type pokemon. He hopes to one day become a member of the Elite Four.

Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz- Last on Route 120
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Name: Kana
Age: 19
Appearance: Image
Personality: Shy
Home Town: Mossdeep City
Notes: Pokemorph
can talk while in Pokemon form, but usually doesnt
Background: Kana used to be a normal girl until team aqua/magma kidnapped her and began experiments and fused her with the DNA with that of an Eevee, she used her new found form to escape their captivivity, she has been running ever since

Ayame- Last on Route 101
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Name: Ayame
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
Personality: Ayame is a relatively outgoing girl and she always puts what she wants to do first. She is aware of her own goals in everything that she does and always aims to accomplish them. She's a bit of a slut and is overtly sexual without realizing it. She's also kind of lazy.
Home Town: Pallet Town.
Starter Pokemon: Pichu (Male)
Background: Ayame has lived in Littleroot for as long as she can remember. She's wanted to leave Littleroot even longer. It's small, lame, nothing happens and there's literally less then ten residents. She couldn't wait to start her journey to become a Pokemon master. When she was finally allowed to go she was given a Pichu, a few items and sent on her way.

dndman997- Last in Mauville
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Name: Duo Maxwell
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Appearance: Image
Personality: good natured. always willing to help others assuming they arent in his way
Home Town: Blackthorn City/Lavaridge Town
Starter Pokemon: Growlithe [Granite]
Background: Duo grew up in Blackthorn City with the ambition of becoming part of the police force, but during the academy the higher ups saw him as too reckless. sure he willing to do what was necessary even if that causes collateral damage. sadden on a dark night he stumbled upon an injured growlithe and decided to take him for himself and heal him up. as the growlithe, who he later named granite, was at his home recovering he was at the local shop and heard of some trainers leaving a fire type pokemon alone and injured having used it as a sparring partner. Duo kept to himself then but vowed to find them once Granite was at full strength, Duo eventually did go after to look for them but still have not found them.

Other: Duo and Granite are inseparable they rarely leave eyesight of each other. Duo is usually very kind and caring till something bad happens around him then he will do anything to see it is fix

Daughter of Hades- Last seen in Oldale
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Name: Claire Jones
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: 4'9, black hair with red highlights, red eyes, double d cup breasts, skinny. (God damn it. Image got deleted... Sorry. Will post an image when I find one. Or have someone find one.)
Personality: Nice, kind. (All that kind of shit.) Competitive.
Home Town: Littleroot Town
Starter Pokemon: Mudkip
Background: Claire wants to travel because she is sick and tired of her life at home. She wants to be adventurous. She lives for the exciting, fun, and joyful life. She decided to follow in her older brother and older sister's foot steps.
Other: Claire decided to choose Mudkip because she has always been fascinated with water pokemon, but she does not consider herself a water trainer. Her brother is 30, and her sister is 25. Her brother's first starter pokemon was a Bulbasaur, which has now evolved into a Venusaur, and her sister's first pokemon was a cyndaquil, which has now evolved into a typhlosion. Claire's brother's name is Samuel, or Sam/Sammy, and her sister's name is Katelin, or Katie.

dragonmaster121989- Last seen in Oldale
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Name: Jackson
Age: 20
Gender: male
Appearance: Image
Personality: Jackson is very a energetic person that enjoys gaming, long hikes and spending time with his friends when he is not out finding some new cave to explore or turn into a club house.
Home Town: Little root town
Starter Pokemon: larvitar
Background:Jackson was born and raised in Saffron City. His father is a rich business man that owns one of the four largest companies in Saffron. after his mother died because of a freak accident they moved to little root town for a new start.His father treats him well but believes that if Jackson is given enough to get him started he will get everything he ever wanted on his own. Jacksons outlook on the world is there is adventure around every corner and he just wants to get out there and find it, and that is how he found his first Pokemon. while exploring a cave one day he came open an egg that looked to be left alone.
after taking the egg home and keeping it warm and clean the egg hatched into a larvitar after awile the two became friends, when Jackson told his father about his new pokemon friend his father suggested he go out into the world and become a pokemon trainer.

Kuragari- Last seen in Oldale
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Name: Samantha (Sammy) Piley
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
Personality: Confident, Flirty, Bad Temper, Friendly
Home Town: No Home Town (family traveled alot)
Starter Pokemon: Houndour (male)
Background: Samantha was born on the road (not literally) as her family did a great deal of moving around. This was due to her parents occupations, a photographer for a big tourist agency and her father being traveling musician. Neither her mom or dad could stand being in one place for too long, and so from birth to adolescence Samantha was whisked from one place to another. She didn't mind though, as it allowed her to make friends wherever she went.
After her thirteenth birthday, she began expressing a desire to go off on an adventure on her own, like some of her friends were already beginning to do. Her parents, unlike some of their generation, weren't all that keen on letting a 13 year old out on their own. They did however promise her that when she turned 16, not only would they send her off with well wishes and pride, but they'd even get her her own pokemon.
Her sixteenth birthday is coming up, and they are making good on their word. Once they hit the next town, a small place called Littleroot, they'll throw her the best birthday/going away party ever, and her father's told her he has a special surprise for her. The only hint he's given her is a single Pokeball...
Other: Less of a character bit, but more of a player bit. Mon, Thur, Sat and Sun are nights I work, so posts on those nights might or might not be forth-coming.

Voff- Last seen in Oldale
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Name: Varen Bakk

Age: 23

Gender: Male

- Hight: 6" 4' I think (188 cm -ish I'm on the metric system...)
- Size: Not skinny, muscles from martial arts training*
- Eyes: blue
- Hair: Dark blond, just above the ears in length, ruffled.
- Clothes: Dark jeans, black t-shirt, a brown leather coat (long and a lot of pockets, would like it to act as my backpack, but that is not a necessity at all), black casual shoes.

- Steadfast on his own principles (which might change if people can convince him it is right, but that takes sound arguments)
- Loyal, Likes logic and will aim to be logical but doesn't necessarily do so when a beautiful women is involved, trying his best to be kind, treating women gently as they were all made of porcelain.

Home Town: Little root? **

Starter Pokemon: Growlithe ***


Varen grew up as an only child with a kind and supporting family, but every time he thought he made a friend he trusts they betrayed him, not necessarily in a big way, but due to his sense of loyalty enough to not allow him to trust them properly anymore. Turning to martial arts as a substitute for friends, but lacking the self discipline to advance above average. Still having great respects for the arts and enjoying practicing them.

Neglecting Pokemon to the advantage of his martial arts training, until the age of 23 when he got attacked by a raging wild pokemon and a wild growlithe saved him. The growlithe followed him and became his companion ***.

Other: ...

* Don't know what the rules about the skills of the trainer are, as the trainer can be attacked as well, but if this if off the menu just tell me ( I tried to restrict it though)... Or if it is okay, but gives no advantage "in game", I am alright with that as well.

** I'm not that familiar with the setting of Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, but hopefully this won't be a problem. Mostly used to the original Red and Blue, but I'm somewhat introduced to the newer games (but not the anime...).

*** Not quite sure what classifies as a low tier pokemone, but he's a first evolution ^^, and I will change this if it is not okay. I would prefer to have the growlithe from the Background story follow me without the need of a pokeball, restricting me to five + growlithe, but do not have a problem having him in a pokeball if that makes things easier. I can also change the background to having the wild growlithe run away and choosing/getting a growlithe as the first pokemon if the way described is out of bounds...

KingKaor- Last seen on Route 101
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Name: Kaor Ryland (just put Kaor to save space and time)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Image
Personality: Head-strong yet arrogant, brave and quick to jump into action.
Hometown: New Bark Town, Johto
Starter: Cyndaquil (Male, Name: Cynder)
Background: At the age of 13, he began the Johto Pokemon League with his Cyndaquil, whom he nicknamed Blaze. The two ran the tournament circuit for several years, until Blaze died of old age. After a four-year retirement, Kaor decided to get back into the League circuit, now in a new land with a new starter, Blaze's son. After a plane ride and a lengthy taxi drive, he ends up in Oldale Town, ready to start his journey once more.

Sirfluffles- Last seen in Mauville
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Name: Elly (Elliot)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
- Wears a blue plait skirt and a black (unbuttoned) waistcoat too
Personality: Overly curious and easily spurred on, she's somewhat naive (Not gullible) due to her insatiable curiosity. She's very cheerful, and it's rather difficult to slow her down.
Home Town: Castelia City / Verdanturf Town
Starter Pokemon: Zigzagoon (Fang) [Male]
Background: Born in Castelia, all the way in Unova, she'd often spend her childhood exploring the sewers of Castelia or the deserts of Unova's Route 4 alongside her Zigzagoon. These adventures often caused her to get scolded by her parents and harshly mistreated, her parents believing her curiosity was something that should be changed and 'abnormal'. One day, she simply left Unova, making her way to Hoenn for the sake of her curiosity. After stopping off at Slateport, she ended up staying at Verdanturf for a small period of time, now, she's ready for an adventure. Without an exactly set-out goal in mind, Elly leaves Verdanturf alongside her most trusted friend, letting herself be ushered along by the wind, planning to explore every nook and cranny of Hoenn, but first, she needs some extra friends to help her, this means pokeballs, and battles. Her first destination would probably be the Fiery Path, then Route 113, in hopes for a certain Flying type Pokemon and a Grimer.
Other: She also REALLY likes sweets, a trait she shares with Fang, who more often than not ends up finding more Pecha Berries than what could be capable of a Zigzagoon. Elly's rather peculiar, she REALLY likes Ghost, Poison and Dark types, as well as Normal type Pokemon.

Reapergod36- Last seen on Route 120
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Name: Elixia Tampier
Age: 21
Gender: herm (both genders)
Appearance: Long black hair that reaches the back of her calves.She has a teal stripe down the right side of her bangs. Egyptian style eyeliner, with pale skin. Black skirt, that goes down to her knees and a bit farther. Long black stockings that go up to her thighs. Normally a competitive smile. Short black boots that are buckled up. She has striped purple and white sleeves on her arms. Looped on her middle fingers. She has teal eyes. Her legs are kinda thin and she herself is skinny. Finally she has a urban camo hoodie, a mix of black, gray, and a darker gray. Mid C size breasts.
Personality: Competitive, Outgoing
Home Town: Lilycove
Starter Pokemon: Ghastly (can evolve into haunter and gengar)
Background: Team Aqua has always bullied her town. Stealing pokemon and selling them back, only to steal them again. Terrible tragedy causes such rampent hatred from Elixia towards the team. Whatever it takes, she will drowned team aqua in the dark waters it finds so comfortable.

Goryokaku- Last seen on Route 121
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Name: Kal Black
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Image
Personality: Curious, Adventurous, Naive.
Home Town: MossDeep
Starter Pokemon: Vulpix (Female)
Background: She was known to be a bit of a tom-boy that when she found something knew she had never seen before she would have to go investigate. This has led her into more trouble then she can care to rememeber and her parents to almost mental breakdown with worry. One particularly event had seen Kal fal down a hole in a cave where she was trapped for two days, though she did discover a Vulpix down there that seemed to be young and friendly, she named the Vulpix Hope, not for the abstract reason like she hoped it would save her but more along the lines that at the time she was hoping to get some food soon. She eventually was found and Kal had suddenly got the mad idea to become a Pokemon Trainer she used a pokeball she'd been given on Hope and captured the willing Vulpix but discovered very quickly that the vulpix didn't like pokeballs to the point of being permanently out and at her side like a pet. Her parents wouldn't let the naieve Kal set off on her journey till she hit the age of 16.
Other: Been a long time since I've done anything Pokemon so I'm entering this blind... except for what knowledge i have from Pokemon Black as i still play that.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby Ayame » Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:56 pm

Wee! New post ^-^
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby MiscChaos » Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:08 pm

Oh right, I had questions to answer.
@Fluffles- 1. I personally have always thought people put a little pouch on a Pokemon that they can reach to put Hold Items on.
2. Nope. I've been playing with the Gen III move list. If enough people want it, I can do that, but I'd have to retroactively modify everyone else's move list.

@Ayame- 1. You can most likely expect a post today. Most of my time has been funneled into your RP, but I can make some time for mine XD
2. Thus far, yeah. I'm not sure how to weave Gen I or II into Routes, so I haven't yet.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:27 pm

just making a post so I don't have to search for this tread when I want to post ooc :)
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby Ayame » Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:36 pm

Ah, if you want pm me and I can try and come up with a few lists of pokemon per route, I have a ton of free time so it's no big deal ^-^
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:12 am

dragonmaster121989 Wrote:just making a post so I don't have to search for this tread when I want to post ooc :)

Same. But, uh, I kinda want to make this post a little productive... Um. Er. So... How about that Pokemon X and Y?
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby Ayame » Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:23 am

Oh god don't get me started. I want it and it looks great but I think the legendary's look horrible and I'm sad that their going to ruin my professor oak conspiracy >.>
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby Kuragari » Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:33 am

Don't exactly understand why we had to have a new thread (another forum I frequent has a thread I think that's hit a 1000 pages and still not been told to halt) but okie dokie lokie!
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:34 am

We cut it off at 30 to keep the forum runnin' at a decent speed from what I understand
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:49 am

IC works for me just meant I needed to find the new one and post so it's easy lol
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby Sirfluffles » Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:03 am

I like Chespin :3 probably the first time I'd ever pick the grass type... (I chose Squirtle, Totodile, Torchic, Piplup then Oshawott) [Not that I don't like the grass types...] I personally really want to know what that new Eevee evolution is... if it's a normal type or if it's something magical... and also... surfing Zigzagoons, you are going to love it (When I first learnt my Zigzagoon could learn surf, I laughed, just at the idea of a raccoon smashing into another pokemon on a giant wave.) and we need more space pokemon. We only have the Clefairy series, Beldum(?) series, Solrock, Lunatone, Deoxys, and Kyurem... from memory.

EDIT: oh yeah, and what ayame said xD *my memory is dying on me* and yeah... I haven't gotten to knowing all the 5th gens yet...

Also... it appears my character's been forgotten in the rp today .w."
Last edited by Sirfluffles on Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby Ayame » Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:05 am

Rayquaza lives in the ozone layer and I think Jirachi is from space. Also I wouldn't be surprised if Egyem or whatever was an alien as well.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:48 pm

just a question of wonder here I will totally understand if you say no is there a possibility of poke morphs like say my Poochyena turning into one with the right amount of love and care?
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:19 pm

Ayame Wrote:Oh god don't get me started. I want it and it looks great but I think the legendary's look horrible and I'm sad that their going to ruin my professor oak conspiracy >.>

Oak conspiracy? Do tell.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:21 pm

dragonmaster121989 Wrote:just a question of wonder here I will totally understand if you say no is there a possibility of poke morphs like say my Poochyena turning into one with the right amount of love and care?

Dragon saying poke-morph reminded me of the characters who are pokemon/human mixed. I think this has been answered, but they are just humans with pokemon parts right? They aren't pokemorphs? Whoever the two pokemon/human crosses are (Sorry, I forgot).
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:26 pm

I mean something more along the lines of a pokemon taking the form of a human for what ever reason but is still 100% pokemon
Like this

Note the art work is not mine it's from budda91
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby Ayame » Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:45 am

Gary called oak gramps and the five evil organizations were called
G - Galactic
R - Rocket
A - Aqua
M - Magma
P - Plasma
S -
I was hoping the next organization would start with an s.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:59 am

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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby berserkerhorn » Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:47 pm

does this mark the end of the pokemon series and the beginning of gary oaks evil years?
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'Em All! (OOC, take 2)

Postby Ayame » Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:57 pm

I would absolutely love to see some huge Gary conspiracy eventually.
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