Discipline of Revenge (Finished)

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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby hoboy » Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:22 am

Kurushimi Wrote:So I've talked to the king and gotten the ship, but I can't get on the ship. Is this a bug? Intentional?

This has been mentioned previously - seems to be a bug in latest version, as it wasn't there in v8. After king bequeaths the ship and you try to enter the port, just get the guard saying the pot is under their control. I can use a save from v8 to get past this, but there IS a bug...
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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby Kurushimi » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:30 pm

shin Wrote:Seems like a bug. Post a screenshot and I'll take a look at it when I can. Also tell me which guild you chose since it would be good to know if it depends on the guild.

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I tried with both guilds - neither works.
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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby shin » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:57 pm

Just thinking about it, I think that I know what the problem is. Once again can't do anything about it right now. Also grape_juice, if you somehow have documented this grammar mistakes, then by all means PM me, and we can talk. I'll be the first to awknoledge that writing isn't me strong point, and that the story is a bit cliche. This may sound like an excuse, but this is my first game. With some proof readers, my next (already wip) should be a bit more original and a bit more story focused.
Check out my project Discipline of Revenge http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1789

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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby AwesomeDragonDude » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:08 pm

I'd be willing to be a proof reader. I've written some stories (for friends and school projects mainly) to be used in movies/comics, so if you need help with your story, I could give some basic advice on how to make a good story. You can always decide to disregard the things I said, I'm only aiming to help, not to take your story over, haha.
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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby Grape_Drink » Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:23 am

shin Wrote:Just thinking about it, I think that I know what the problem is. Once again can't do anything about it right now. Also grape_juice, if you somehow have documented this grammar mistakes, then by all means PM me, and we can talk. I'll be the first to awknoledge that writing isn't me strong point, and that the story is a bit cliche. This may sound like an excuse, but this is my first game. With some proof readers, my next (already wip) should be a bit more original and a bit more story focused.

I'd normally be willing to help proof read/document mistakes, but I'm really busy with music and everything at the moment... I don't mind cliches, they can be used very efficiently, I just wasn't sure if the mood of the game was going for "serious RPG" or "casual RPG" as it seemed to jump between the two.

My appologies if I come across as bitter or pessimistic in my comments. The internet tends to have a hard time portraying tone XD
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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby dercas » Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:12 am

Keep up the great work! Glad to see things progressing!
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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby shin » Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:58 am

Ok according to fedex I'm going to get my computer back on Tuesday. So depending on how focused I am I should have the update up between Thursday and The end of Sunday. Oh this also depends on how on time fedex is. So yeah you should see it eventually.
Check out my project Discipline of Revenge http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1789

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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby shin » Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:14 am

OK I officially hate HP. I'm not supposed to get my computer back until Thursday so yeah....sorry. I have everything planned out on paper, so once I can get to work on the game, I should be able get everything done fairly quickly. I'll just end this by saying I hate HP.
Check out my project Discipline of Revenge http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1789

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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby shin » Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:14 am

OK I officially hate HP. I'm not supposed to get my computer back until Thursday so yeah....sorry. I have everything planned out on paper, so once I can get to work on the game, I should be able get everything done fairly quickly. I'll just end this by saying I hate HP.
Check out my project Discipline of Revenge http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1789

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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013) Suggestion

Postby riddlebox1321 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:58 am

An idea in reply to the poll:
-Why not make difficulty levels you can unlock after beating the game on the highest available difficulty? (Easy->Normal->Hard->Very Hard->Impossible, etc.)
-If you did this you could possibly reward the player with something after completing each difficulty level and offer the next level of difficulty.
-If you did this you would most likely make people want to keep playing.
-If you did this you could offer exclusive content to the harder levels.
-You could use data from polls to determine how you'd go about it.
-BRAGGING RIGHTS! Gamers like bragging rights. Even if they don't have many people to talk to about how bad ass they are at a porn game, at least they will feel accomplished.
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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby shin » Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:34 am

I'M BACK!!!! After waiting for and extra week and getting pissed off at the HP costumer service reps, I can finally finish the game, and there will be bragging rights. So expect the update to be up in a week or so.
Check out my project Discipline of Revenge http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1789

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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby shin » Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:44 am

OK if anyone saw the previous message please don't worry, since it seems my programming classes have pulled through. Yeah bye.
Check out my project Discipline of Revenge http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1789

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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby Mickele » Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:16 pm

i'm not sure if this was mentioned before, but you escape from battles at the beach before the capital has a big problem,
since everytime you want to escape a fight and can't move a step backwards (because you are standing at the coast), the game freezes...

EDIT: has the problem with the black knight blocking the docks in havenstedt dealed with? i can't remeber...
Last edited by Mickele on Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby Shmole » Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:59 am

I've done the part with the mansion and finding the cult leader, and I've gone back to Havenstad but I've spent about an hour trying to figure out how to get under the castle but no dice. Has this been implemented yet, or am I just wasting my time?
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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby shin » Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:26 am

yeah it kinda hasn't been implemented yet. The next update should be in a day or two, and it should be finishing up the main story of the game. I'm just fix some glitches, and making the end
look good. I'll also make sure to fix the beach glitch.
Check out my project Discipline of Revenge http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1789

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Re: Discipline of Revenge V1.0 (2/125/2013)

Postby shin » Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:19 am

I finished. It's done. After about a year I finally finished. There probably will be an update or two in order to fix some bugs and maybe add some scenes. Later.
Check out my project Discipline of Revenge http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1789

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Re: Discipline of Revenge V1.0 (2/125/2013)

Postby riddlebox1321 » Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:59 am

shin Wrote:I finished. It's done. After about a year I finally finished. There probably will be an update or two in order to fix some bugs and maybe add some scenes. Later.

Lol, a game is never truly finished, only abandoned... ;)
My latest side projects: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2Xg68C9gNthZnZZNHFOWVBkbDg&usp=sharing
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Re: Discipline of Revenge V1.0 (2/25/2013)

Postby shin » Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:14 am

No. It actually is finished. I have a written storyboard, and I reached the end. It's done. Actually done.
Check out my project Discipline of Revenge http://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1789

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Re: Discipline of Revenge V1.0 (2/25/2013)

Postby riddlebox1321 » Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:19 pm

It was a little joke, seeing as almost every artist eventually looks back and sees what they did great on and what they missed on the piece. While you've reached a conclusion in the game you've created a perspective world where things can happen, the better your craft the more your fans will believe it is real "essentially". Since you've created a perspective world the story of the world doesn't just magically end with the conclusion of the game because so much more can be added or taken away. In the end you haven't really finished the piece just reached a conclusion, became satisfied with your conclusion and moved on...

Anyways I like your game and look forward to playing it all the way through to see what you've done with it since my last version.
My latest side projects: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2Xg68C9gNthZnZZNHFOWVBkbDg&usp=sharing
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Re: Discipline of Revenge V.09.1 (1/12/2013)

Postby Mickele » Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:19 am

hey it's me again,

I still have the same problem as mentioned before from previous version or by others:

can anyone tell me how to get on the ship in havensted???
always this happens:

Kurushimi Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


this is, what i have been doing so far,
'cause i always start a new game for feeling/seeing the whole game in it's overall view,
sothat I'm still misssing a previous save from before v0.9:

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

collecting Mina in first town, bought best possible weapons, visited bothel, won over Makaresh...
visited havensted, finished the king's quest by killing the demon rat, bought best possible weapons, joined a guild (played both), killed the assassin, king wanted to send a message to port and my guild girl went to ship (she is still in the menu)...
i got blocked off from the harbour as seen in picture...
for boredom, i talked to every person i could find and solved your riddle in the cellar for seeing your continuation of the story (but on level 10 not playable...)....
nothing changed...

maybe you want to download my save and check it yourself???
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