by Thaedael » Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:55 am
Growing to epic influence in this server. While I am no longer a combatant (boo hiss) I am able to influence who I want to win muhahaha. I also get to charge people a portion of money for storing their money, and using that I can fund other soldiers to do my bidding. I was able to craft a block of protection, so I am expanding to the next biome! This one sells weapons, armors, tools, stores money, and now has animal live stock. To finish cornering the market I need better things, like forbidden stuff, anvils, redstone, etc.
Also updated the free nation-sphere of leonis, now with hedges to stop players from blitzing after the other once they leave the area. I also have metal doors that have lock cast on them so only I can open and close them when I am there/away. Muhahahaha
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