Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby yuri102010 » Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:53 am

First of all when i managed to die in that lvl the whole character would lock be locked up unable to move left or right only the up arrow was functionable. Second I didn't load any save game. Third I think i was hitting the left button and the jump key when the shell hit me and that was it.

My laptop has 2.4ghtz processor with a 3 mb lvl 3 cache, Intel HD graphic 4000, 8 gigs of ram. I hope that's fast enough o.o;;;
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:57 am

yuri102010 Wrote:First of all when i managed to die in that lvl the whole character would lock be locked up unable to move left or right only the up arrow was functionable. Second I didn't load any save game. Third I think i was hitting the left button and the jump key when the shell hit me and that was it.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... but you havent said to me if you restarted the game or if its an entire new game: e.g. you opened your browser, loaded the game, played it right to 1-3 then 1-4, and bug appears in immediatelly.

yuri102010 Wrote:My laptop has 2.4ghtz processor with a 3 mb lvl 3 cache, Intel HD graphic 4000, 8 gigs of ram. I hope that's fast enough o.o;;;

Decent enough for the game.
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby yuri102010 » Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:13 am

Opened the forum to the game and started a new game and the bug started from 1-3 but not sure if it continues through 1-4 though...because with that bug it makes the game pretty much unplayable >.<;; and I raged quited >.<;; when that bug started to happen..

I'll continue to beta test this game out and report all the bugs that I can find...

Hopefully a final build can be made without all the bugs and stuff that people found...

Good night o3o folks..
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby Toyloli » Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:28 am

yuri102010 Wrote:Opened the forum to the game and started a new game and the bug started from 1-3 but not sure if it continues through 1-4 though...because with that bug it makes the game pretty much unplayable >.<;; and I raged quited >.<;; when that bug started to happen..

I'll continue to beta test this game out and report all the bugs that I can find...

Hopefully a final build can be made without all the bugs and stuff that people found...

Good night o3o folks..

Why didn't you screencap ???
Seriously - if you see a visible bug screencap and post it! Sheesh!
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9 (feb 17/13)

Postby coolness32 » Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:24 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
coolness32 Wrote:I'll search around for some. Do you want me to post them on here or would you like me to just PM them to you so that no one knows what hairstyles are possible? (then people can't demand certain hairstyles to be added)

Actually you can post here so we can all discuss about. Endless hairstyles can be put in the game, provided they're all blonde ones and compatible, of course. Then I can convert to dark hair (for Burn Peach). I can even use some from Playshapes (project Peachy). But of course, these new hair will be disabled in custom characters in the future.

Alright I will post them in here when I get them.

Just to make it clear, you want the pictures to be blonde only right? I'm not sure myself how difficult it would be to have a non-blonde picture and then make it blonde when you make the hair.
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:28 am

yuri102010 Wrote:Opened the forum to the game and started a new game and the bug started from 1-3 but not sure if it continues through 1-4 though...because with that bug it makes the game pretty much unplayable >.<;; and I raged quited >.<;; when that bug started to happen..I'll continue to beta test this game out and report all the bugs that I can find...Hopefully a final build can be made without all the bugs and stuff that people found...

For sure we will strive to fix them all. We only need to replicate it right. Maybe you are fiddling with certain options in the game, or restarting it (after gameover) or going in a given area in the worldmap (like the village).

coolness32 Wrote:Just to make it clear, you want the pictures to be blonde only right? I'm not sure myself how difficult it would be to have a non-blonde picture and then make it blonde when you make the hair.

Ok it could be non blonde ones, they will be remade as blonde anyway ;) But we should get inspirations by cartoonish hair, not real hair!
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby Smeardy Bro » Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:34 am

Peach haz third tit :lol:
img is selfexplaining.
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:45 am

Smeardy Bro Wrote:Peach haz third tit :lol:img is selfexplaining.

Fixing it.
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby LuftMallow » Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:57 am

The bug in 1-3 is after having sex with a koopa troopa of any color causes Peach to turn invisible but controllable. It also happens anywhere that has them so it's most likely the enemy itself. Pardon the low quality of the screen capture, my hardware is in desperate need of an upgrade soon.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Another thing I've found is you can still move left and right while holding up, causing her to slide stuck in the behind view in that direction.
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:03 am

Bloopers are now free to swim anywhere. They will swim upper/down depending on Peach location, and if they detect Peach or if Peach is horny (even being distant of them), they will 'exclamate' then start following her. UPDATED.

blooper.jpg (10.44 KiB) Viewed 1428 times

LuftMallow Wrote:The bug in 1-3 is after having sex with a koopa troopa of any color causes Peach to turn invisible but controllable. It also happens anywhere that has them so it's most likely the enemy itself.

But..is it occurring right in the first scene?? Because I cant yet reproduce. I will update a later version just to check.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby LuftMallow » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:25 am

I went back to the level after reloading the file and it didn't happen, but I started a new file and it happened on that one when I got there.
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:28 am

LuftMallow Wrote:I went back to the level after reloading the file and it didn't happen, but I started a new file and it happened on that one when I got there.

Ok I'll do more tests to investigate and I'll fix the bug as soon as I touch it. At least it's only happening on koopas.
Thanks Luftmallow!
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby LuftMallow » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:42 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
LuftMallow Wrote:I went back to the level after reloading the file and it didn't happen, but I started a new file and it happened on that one when I got there.

Ok I'll do more tests to investigate and I'll fix the bug as soon as I touch it. At least it's only happening on koopas.
Thanks Luftmallow!

Did some more testing, it seems it's actually related to unlocking the second level's end than just the koopas as the same thing happened with goombas as well. Peach can turn invisible right after that point if have sex with any enemy but goes away after reloading a save.
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:45 am

Uploaded the game with new updates! Refer to page 1.

And now, Morton attacking! Made by Knight Cream, improved a bit by me.

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

kc_MortonCS3-2.swf [ 28.7 KiB | Viewed 1397 times ]

And Morton jerking (by me) with a new hand.

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

kc_MortonCS3 jerking 2.swf [ 41.51 KiB | Viewed 1361 times ]

LuftMallow Wrote:Did some more testing, it seems it's actually related to unlocking the second level's end than just the koopas as the same thing happened with goombas as well. Peach can turn invisible right after that point if have sex with any enemy but goes away after reloading a save.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so its related to that locked door?
I will check this!

EDIT: FOUND THE CULPRIT. THE KEY! Fixing it (20 minutes).
EDIT: Fixed AND uploaded.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:58 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby theblacknphbutnotgay » Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:13 pm

i FINALLY got to play the game, the newest one and i can't pass level 1-2.
why does telling the toad no slow me down so much? it's impossible to make it across those spinning things after
i just gave up :(
to respond to i think quiz earlier : i would play frogger for some ice cream. i like ice cream
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby QuizmasterBos » Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:22 pm

theblacknphbutnotgay Wrote:i FINALLY got to play the game, the newest one and i can't pass level 1-2.
why does telling the toad no slow me down so much? it's impossible to make it across those spinning things after
i just gave up :(
to respond to i think quiz earlier : i would play frogger for some ice cream. i like ice cream

Your horniness must've hurt your eyesight, because Peach clearly gets an unbelievably large bust upon telling 'no' to the Toad. That is what slows her down. You have to lactate to shrink them back down. Also, if you keep jumping whilst on the spinning platforms, you won't fall off.
Why exactly do Peach's breasts grow that large upon saying 'no'? I have no idea myself. Can anyone come up with a good reason?

And you were discussing Frogger with Toyloli, not me.
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby BruceLuk » Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:29 pm

Hey :)
i have got a Question, i don't know how to use the cheat code (1+9+0) to switch on the cheats. I don't know where i have to enter the code... I hope anyone can help me :)
and there is another question how to download the game =? the linke which is given under the game just opens a full screen game ...

Thank you all for your help :)
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby QuizmasterBos » Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:54 pm

BruceLuk Wrote:Hey :)
i have got a Question, i don't know how to use the cheat code (1+9+0) to switch on the cheats. I don't know where i have to enter the code... I hope anyone can help me :)
and there is another question how to download the game =? the linke which is given under the game just opens a full screen game ...

Thank you all for your help :)

Just hold the buttons while you are playing the game. The moment you get control of Peach you can hold them. Only the top numbers on the keyboard work though, not the numpad.

And if you want to download the swf you have to right-click the name of the swf you find below the screen (right next to he amount of Mb the file has and the amount of time it has been viewed). Then pick 'Save link as' or whatever that translates to in the language you have set to your browser. It is the fourth option at least.
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby theblacknphbutnotgay » Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:36 pm

QuizmasterBos Wrote:
theblacknphbutnotgay Wrote:i FINALLY got to play the game, the newest one and i can't pass level 1-2.
why does telling the toad no slow me down so much? it's impossible to make it across those spinning things after
i just gave up :(
to respond to i think quiz earlier : i would play frogger for some ice cream. i like ice cream

Your horniness must've hurt your eyesight, because Peach clearly gets an unbelievably large bust upon telling 'no' to the Toad. That is what slows her down. You have to lactate to shrink them back down. Also, if you keep jumping whilst on the spinning platforms, you won't fall off.
Why exactly do Peach's breasts grow that large upon saying 'no'? I have no idea myself. Can anyone come up with a good reason?

And you were discussing Frogger with Toyloli, not me.

no hornicity today sir i was trying to finish the game as i never got to the airship... after it took me to level 9-1 and i finished that after awhile but how do i get to 2-1 and all that stuff i keep reading about? sorry for mistaking you ice cream was mentioned it's all that was on my mind

edit: nevermind there was multiple paths (awesome) the whole part after the ship is hilarious it gave me my laugh for the day.
it was very hard getting that far still embarrassed. and the game used to be a little slow but now it plays perfectly wedding dress kicks ass
Maybe there IS a God?
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Re: MiM: Peach's Untold Tale 1.9.1 (feb 21/13)

Postby QuizmasterBos » Sat Feb 23, 2013 9:16 pm

theblacknphbutnotgay Wrote:
QuizmasterBos Wrote:
theblacknphbutnotgay Wrote:i FINALLY got to play the game, the newest one and i can't pass level 1-2.
why does telling the toad no slow me down so much? it's impossible to make it across those spinning things after
i just gave up :(
to respond to i think quiz earlier : i would play frogger for some ice cream. i like ice cream

Your horniness must've hurt your eyesight, because Peach clearly gets an unbelievably large bust upon telling 'no' to the Toad. That is what slows her down. You have to lactate to shrink them back down. Also, if you keep jumping whilst on the spinning platforms, you won't fall off.
Why exactly do Peach's breasts grow that large upon saying 'no'? I have no idea myself. Can anyone come up with a good reason?

And you were discussing Frogger with Toyloli, not me.

no hornicity today sir i was trying to finish the game as i never got to the airship... after it took me to level 9-1 and i finished that after awhile but how do i get to 2-1 and all that stuff i keep reading about? sorry for mistaking you ice cream was mentioned it's all that was on my mind

edit: nevermind there was multiple paths (awesome) the whole part after the ship is hilarious it gave me my laugh for the day.
it was very hard getting that far still embarrassed. and the game used to be a little slow but now it plays perfectly wedding dress kicks ass

The shortcut to World 9 will eventually be removed, so this problem won't persist, luckily.
But you did not notice that Peach got a much larger bust upon saying no to the Toad? Because it happens, trust me.

To get to World 2, you have to enter the bunker and talk to the Bob-Omb Buddy (pink Bob-Omb). Then you can press 'up' at the computer and set the cannon to shoot you to World 2, or 3.

And you had a lot of difficulty going through world 1? Is it really that hard? Can you tell us at what parts you had difficulty getting past? I want to know, because I am all for some difficulty, but not too much for World 1.
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