MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby BigJoe » Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:37 pm

Big fan of your work, Blargh. Eagerly awaiting your return from hiatus.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Toyloli » Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:08 pm

Sorry for the double post. Posting this as an afterthought from a portable.

If Blaarg doesn't like the horde idea, perhaps make the game more like a streetfighter(streetfucker?) game, where to get out of any given section you actually have to find and lay with Every monster in that map. Then the focus of the map building would be making it so the player has to find them all and hunt out every single scene to advance.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Lucky777 » Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:26 pm

Toyloli Wrote: I fail to understand why this project has to only go one way. Issues like destructible blocks, the method of re-spawning, coin, inventory and everything else would not in my mind completely break MIMDO if they were to be present inside it.

What are you talking about?

Blargh DOES take assets and things from Ivan, which is part of why he has decided to go over and help out Ivan's project.

If he doesn't take something it's because he doesn't see fit to do so.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:40 pm

QuizmasterBos Wrote:We could however, put Blargh's game in MiM PUT as a bonus of sorts. Unlocking the game as you go would be a feature, but that might result in Blargh feeling his game has been downgraded, which it shouldn't be.

Interesting! For me, no problem. But its Blargh decision. He can do everything he realizes its better for his game. And I'll support his decision.

Toyloli Wrote:The whole premise of Mario is Missing Hacked is (as the name Hacked suggests) something to allow players to wonder around in a very simple environment, preferably using one hand, and seeing as many different sex scenes as possible with as many different costumes/body types as possible and hopefully as much jizzworthy (not sure about that term) content as possible. The whole premise of Mario is Missing: Peach's Untold Story is that Ivan wants to actually create a Princess Peach style clone that just so happens to have a script like a poorly written erotic story, or a well written hentai.

Short statement: MIM DO -> a faster game, a map system to go to the levels desired. Direct to the actions. MIM PUT -> a 'wannabe' complete game with plot, puzzles and adventure feel, to give more feeling and make Peach save Mario. Well I dont think MIM PUT would be just a 'Princess Peach style clone' because there has different styles from many Mario games. Its not just a copy of Super Princess Peach, for example.

Toyloli Wrote:That is, since Blarg is making animations for MIMPUT's system I don't understand why he couldn't use MIMPUT's improved code and simply redesign the levels to work on a hording system, with all the animations he's making for MIMPUT (plus any extras he wants) being crammed into a single set of eight simple levels with the 'pop-out' system disabled. And of course different dialog.

For sure he could do that, and I already said that to him. We can:
1) Add a new asset with improved code, pace by pace, adding code if necessary ('add' on task): e.g. Blargh wants only Peach jumping in a given time. I give him the jumping pose/action, and we add code for that (could be harder to adapt but its faster to add because fewer code).
2) Import a total newer code system (using AS files). A better way. But this would require changes in every powerup on-object code, and the use of global variables. The entire Peach game code will need to be changed. Actually, its straight forward (its just a matter to 'copy/paste' Peach, blocks...). But library items will be duplicated / will need reorganization. And backside/frontside poses should be disabled until Blargh has designers which can make backside/frontside outfits.
3) An even fast way and best of them all (and SAFE, to mitigate bugs) to do that: Blargh takes MIM PUT entirelly, then removes what he doesnt want/need, then he disable poses that uses backside/frontside until having that. He just erase levels he doesnt want and copy/paste his graphics (in every layer). Even better is for him to remodel the already made levels, changing placement, putting doors/mountains/pipes...Then he remakes the screens of his character select, gallery and he can remove gameover/peach losing a life system. And he knows, I can help him in this task if he wants to do that in the future. This option is the best because he will be receiving new hands, new code system, new camera system, and a more organized library. And with peach features (crouching, jumping, swimming)...almost 90% of them uses side peach. And he can use the living creatures! If he doesnt want them to be 'so alive', its just a matter to put blocks to limit their range. If he doesnt want Peach to grab shells, its just a matter for me to show him the area he will comment out (//). And its real easy to disable fireballs, veggies, etc, to impede them from dying. And this way, I can create new assets in MIM PUT, then tell him ('Blargh, do you want this?'), if he says 'Yes', its just a copy paste.

Toyloli Wrote:Blargh specializes in making animations and or artwork. Ivan specializes in coding and level design. Regardless what format of mapping or enemy handling is used I think the two of you either need to accept that your projects are inexorably joined and the hip and treat them as one project... Or find a way together to make sure that the two games have completely different implementations so that a player could play either of them equally without getting bored. ( My suggestion again comes back to changing the MIMDO gameplay to act like a horde mode, with enemy after enemy simply pouring out of pipes towards you making it much harder to get through the game. especially since a primary principal of MIMDO is no being able to die or anything and just allowing yourself to be raped).

Thank you for your concern. Me and Blargh will discuss this. For sure I also prefer Blargh game to be the current non-linear style, with the 'direct to the sex', 'slutty Peach' style. As I said before, I like this style! In MIM PUT, sooner or later Peach will be also a whore/slut, so the animations might be the same. But the resemblances stop here, because Blargh game surely has a different feel. So its already planned for the scenes to be different. In MIM PUT, 'scene flavours' will be toward embarassment (in code terms, just some frames of difference). In MIM DO, the scene will be 'right into RAMMING into her...' you know.

Both games for sure will use the same assets because they're compatible (art related assets). But our versions can be even more different and special. Blargh can have , say, levels with submarines with x-nauts fucking Peach as crazy, while my version will have x-nauts only in space levels, with embarassment and different environments. So YES, both games can be different, in a way People will have different feelings and they can play the 'good innocent Peach trying to save Mario' and 'the whore Peach screwed up in mushroom kingdom, with her legs wide open and her juices dripping all the time. ;)
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby QuizmasterBos » Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:11 pm

Toyloli Wrote:I follow your thinking completely, and I have no problem with it. I agree that MIMDO (MIMHAK?) is a much simpler concept in terms of gameplay.
Having said that, while this forum seams to have a lot of guys in here I would like to point out that MIMPUT has a massive female following. I myself know personally at least five other women who check in here now and then for updates for that game. Which is a matter of strangeness.

Do you know what makes women so attracted to the game? My guess is that it is the more female friendly tone (Peach isn't a cumslut, but actually a character who can choose not to have sex). I would like to be able to confirm that. We'd like everyone to enjoy MiM PUT, male or female, young (at least 18 of course) or old, in a relationship or not.

Toyloli Wrote:Even amongst us women, its a commonly commented on fact that MIM PUT gets it's replay value at the moment almost entirely on gameplay. The maps are interesting, the dialog acceptable and the game dynamics usable.
And this is I think the crux.

I've noticed you say the dialog is just 'acceptable'. Should I take this as a challenge? I know of course, that only a very limited amount of script is currently mine, but I'd still like to make the dialog better, if possible. Might it interest you to proofread my scripts before they are implemented in the game?

Toyloli Wrote:MIM DO is a game targeted at the majority of males who want to just see raw hentai. And I respect that.
But I also think that if Blarg is going to develop the game to be as such then he needs to accept the fact that his current audience does not care about the details! Most of them will be going straight for the gallery, and those who don't will probably pick an area with enemies that they favour and try to go straight there and wonder around just letting their chosen character get waped as much as possible.

If you accept these as fact, then there does not have to be a specific engine for such a thing. It depends on how simple he's going to take it. Such a concept will never be a 'Game' as such (and again this may be a female opinion) it will simple be a 'flash hentai animation'.
I can understand not wanting to get bogged down in code. But what he has so far could easily have been implemented in any other engine and other than having new sex scenes has not really made any improvements per say on the play shapes original concept.

Again I come to the same conclusion.
Blaarg specializes in making animations and or artwork. Ivan specializes in coding and level design. Regardless what format of mapping or enemy handling is used I think the two of you either need to accept that your projects are inexorably joined at the hip and treat them as one project... Or find a way together to make sure that the two games have completely different implementations so that a player could play either of them equally without getting bored.

The bonus idea might help with that. Now, if any game would see the biggest change, it would have to be MiM DO. MiM PUT has already established itself as what it wants to be: A Super Mario Bros. parody with influences from almost any Mario game. MiM DO is the game that is still unclear. It has areas, but what are these supposed to be? Levels? Existing locations? Or just areas that are 'there', so to speak? Only time will tell what will happen.

Toyloli Wrote:Sorry for the double post. Posting this as an afterthought from a portable.

If Blaarg doesn't like the horde idea, perhaps make the game more like a streetfighter(streetfucker?) game, where to get out of any given section you actually have to find and lay with Every monster in that map. Then the focus of the map building would be making it so the player has to find them all and hunt out every single scene to advance.

Actually, Street Fighter is a game where two characters fight in a small area until either one's health bars are completely depleted. You are thinking of the beat-em-ups genre, like Final Fight, or Double Dragon. Where one, or two characters (multi-player) have to defeat all the enemies on the screen until they get to move on further till more enemies arrive.

There are porn games that use this kind of style. In fact, almost every single run or rape game can be classified as this. Kill the enemies, or be raped. You don't always get to run away either. So it's a beat or rape game? Do I want to see it? Kinda, yeah. But it is up to Blargh now.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby theblacknphbutnotgay » Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:23 am

i always thought of blargh's as a more mario game. mario doesn't really stop the action ivan's game does that a lot and i know all the normal mario things ivan's has at least 2 or 30 enemies i never even heard of from this paper mario game i don't think of those as mario stuffs/

i showed my woman that women play this comment and i won't repeat what she said lol.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:05 am

theblacknphbutnotgay Wrote:I know all the normal mario things ivan's has at least 2 or 30 enemies i never even heard of from this paper mario game

Hmmm, have you played SMW? Yoshi's Island 2?
There are levels with more than 30 enemies ;) Most of them because of the koopa queues and bobomb launching.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Blargh » Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:32 am

I think I'm just going to skip this discussion that's clearly carrying on without need for my input. :P (But, like I said, I proposed an idea for a merger already. I then retracted it after realizing that an option at the start screen between playing in PUT mode or DO mode isn't really any different than starting up two different SWF files to play the version you want, as it is now.)

BigJoe Wrote:Big fan of your work, Blargh. Eagerly awaiting your return from hiatus.

Thanks. Since I'm making animations for MiMPUT it's really only a hiatus from updating MiMDO, so you'll still be able to see new animations from me there. ^_^

Toyloli Wrote:Sorry for the double post. Posting this as an afterthought from a portable.

If Blaarg doesn't like the horde idea, perhaps make the game more like a streetfighter(streetfucker?) game, where to get out of any given section you actually have to find and lay with Every monster in that map. Then the focus of the map building would be making it so the player has to find them all and hunt out every single scene to advance.

No, I like the Metroidvania idea I've been sticking to. I love 2D adventure games, and there just aren't enough to go around. :)

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:There are levels with more than 30 enemies ;) Most of them because of the koopa queues and bobomb launching.

He means the different types of enemies rather than how many show up in a level. For example, you've got 74 enemies built, but I'd be hard-pressed to name half of them even after you've told me their names.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:12 am

Blargh Wrote:He means the different types of enemies rather than how many show up in a level. For example, you've got 74 enemies built, but I'd be hard-pressed to name half of them even after you've told me their names.

Well, its easier (and fun) than memorizing all 50 US states, trust me :mrgreen:
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Toyloli » Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:22 am

Blargh Wrote:I think I'm just going to skip this discussion that's clearly carrying on without need for my input. :P (But, like I said, I proposed an idea for a merger already. I then retracted it after realizing that an option at the start screen between playing in PUT mode or DO mode isn't really any different than starting up two different SWF files to play the version you want, as it is now.)

The conversation isn't so much as going on without you, as going on around you. We're hoping that you'll jump in.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:MiM PUT has already established itself as what it wants to be: A Super Mario Bros. parody with influences from almost any Mario game. MiM DO is the game that is still unclear.

This is what we're discussing, for all that MIMDO has made a lot of progress in terms of look and added scenes/artwork it doesn't seam to know what it wants to be yet. As the 'Hacked' title suggests I get that you didn't like the platformer style of gameplay and rules that the original used and right now with infinite rape available I'm sure that you will get people wanting to play it. However they won't be 'playing' it as a game cause the gameplay is well. Unknown.
I would like to see this project become more than what it is, and certainly more than just a gallery of scenes. And again I say - if your going to be making all this artwork for MIMPUT I don't see why you cant get something in return.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Actually, Street Fighter is a game where two characters fight in a small area until either one's health bars are completely depleted. You are thinking of the beat-em-ups genre, like Final Fight, or Double Dragon. Where one, or two characters (multi-player) have to defeat all the enemies on the screen until they get to move on further till more enemies arrive.

^_^ Thankyou, I'm not a fan of most fighting genre games, I can never perform the combos and they don't have any plot! At least I didn't say Mortal Combat (it was the only other fighting game I could think of)

QuizmasterBos Wrote:I've noticed you say the dialog is just 'acceptable'. Should I take this as a challenge? I know of course, that only a very limited amount of script is currently mine, but I'd still like to make the dialog better, if possible. Might it interest you to proofread my scripts before they are implemented in the game?

It's not so much that the scripts are bad, its that they are only there peripherally. And I have discussed this with Ivan too.
MIMPUT for all the effort it has put in to give it full gameplay and all the dynamocs of a normal Mario/Peach game - all it really has for the storyline of the game is "Morton Kooper is Invading".

Now admittedly almost all the Mario games start with "Bowser has kidnapped the princess". But as you play you usually get hints and stuff about what Bowser wants This Time! And in the case of this game it would help if there was some plot device making all the characters horny. Basically, the script for the game doesn't have any Meat and Potato in it yet. At the best it's Chips and Gravy :)
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:37 am

Toyloli Wrote:I would like to see this project become more than what it is, and certainly more than just a gallery of scenes. And again I say - if your going to be making all this artwork for MIMPUT I don't see why you cant get something in return.

For sure he will! Havent you been following this thread since some pages ago?
Blargh note in the first page: Here's my note on the matter: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=744&p=200802#p200792

Toyloli Wrote:^_^ Thankyou, I'm not a fan of most fighting genre games, I can never perform the combos and they don't have any plot! At least I didn't say Mortal Combat (it was the only other fighting game I could think of)

Streets of Rage II ! 'Ohh yaaah!'

Toyloli Wrote:It's not so much that the scripts are bad, its that they are only there peripherally. And I have discussed this with Ivan too...All it really has for the storyline of the game is "Morton Kooper is Invading".

We're improving. The PUT version has less than 10 months of existence and we've been prioritizing levels, enemies, code, and now, scenes and some scripting.
I already have the restaurant scene to be added up to the starting plot/prologue. I'll add it soon.
Funny enough, I've removed 'Morton Koopa is invading' since many days ago by coincidence.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Toyloli » Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:01 am

In case I was coming accross the wrong way, I wasn't meaning to be sounding nasty or anything. To you or blarg, or quizzness.
All I was pointing out is that these games are clearly aiming to be professional works.
And that I look forward to seeing that greatly
And um... Frogger. Probably.

I've given pretty much all my critisism about both games so I'll shutta-ma-face now!
And thanks for the re-assurance that blaaaaaarg won't get jipped by this exchange. I would hate to see that.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:08 am

Toyloli Wrote:In case I was coming accross the wrong way, I wasn't meaning to be sounding nasty or anything. To you or blarg, or quizzness.

I know, LollyTop. Nasty....yes! Two nasty games :twisted:

Toyloli Wrote:And um... Frogger. Probably.

A mini game...

Toyloli Wrote:I've given pretty much all my critisism about both games so I'll shutta-ma-face now!

You can keep criticizing, its all FTW!
As for Blargh, I dont feel our work as exchange. I like to teach and to make assets for others. As for Blargh, he deserves it even more!
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Toyloli » Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:13 am

Agreed. And Lollytop! yay, lol... Does this mean you is gonna lick me nao ;)

I agree through. For all that you are clearly the master of gameplay and coding where this is concerned, since it is a Hentai game I think MIMPUT is getting the bigger amount of benifit here from Blarg coming into your team. We're both aware of the number of bagheads sitting there patiently glaring at you....
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Image

If you accept princess frogger as a mini-game, then can I design the level :3
Mwa ha ha
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:17 am

Toyloli Wrote:Agreed. And Lollytop! yay, lol... Does this mean you is gonna lick me nao ;)

Top, not Pop :D TopLess, its Top, Lol!

Toyloli Wrote:I agree through. For all that you are clearly the master of gameplay and coding where this is concerned, since it is a Hentai game I think MIMPUT is getting the bigger amount of benifit here from Blarg coming into your team. We're both aware of the number of bagheads sitting there patiently glaring at you....

Don't remind me! :| :idea: :shock: :lol:
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:43 am

I love the new crouch mode. The pussy and asshole look very well detailed.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:39 am

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I love the new crouch mode. The pussy and asshole look very well detailed.

Thank you but er...wrong thread!
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Toyloli » Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:56 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Toyloli Wrote:Agreed. And Lollytop! yay, lol... Does this mean you is gonna lick me nao ;)

Top, not Pop :D TopLess, its Top, Lol!

That's still a Lolly not a Loli. I demand if I'm going to be a Lolly that somebody lick me :D
:roll: Okay maybe not. [huggles] Thanks for the nickname though!
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:23 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I love the new crouch mode. The pussy and asshole look very well detailed.

Thank you but er...wrong thread!

...Crap! I wish I was paying attention. I'll post that comment in the right thread. We all make mistakes, right?
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Re: MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:36 am

Toyloli Wrote:That's still a Lolly not a Loli. I demand if I'm going to be a Lolly that somebody lick me :D

Ok thats it ;)

Toyloli Wrote: :roll: Okay maybe not. [huggles] Thanks for the nickname though!

I will try to be more creative next time, you deserves it, Polly, dont be Coy ;)
(#FAIL) :lol:

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:...Crap! I wish I was paying attention. I'll post that comment in the right thread. We all make mistakes, right?

Yes, no problem, really (well lets wait for the boss of this thread, I hope he doesnt mind) huh...hmmm... :?
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