Toyloli Wrote:Random question.... Since MimPut and MimDo are basically the same game (just with different level design) and will essentially have the same monsters and same sex scenes.... Why not merge the projects.
For this to work without problems, me and Blargh would need to:
1) use even more of our lack of time to code, code, code and code (stopping improvements and new sex scenes) in order to make both games compatible. I've created a whole new set of _global arrays that get the job done without making the code complex with the new features provided. Regarding Peach proportions, enemies and scenes, for sure both games are compatible, but things stop here because of the new camera, new peach poses and features like swimming and tail attack, a background color support, a moving background, a respawn_area code with dynamic casting of objects, garbage collection, 'enter-level' variable casting, worldmap mechanics and cannon-bunker roleplay.
2) have a team or designers to make all 47 costumes in frontside and backside modes.
3) Me and Blargh would need to agree on things we have some conflicts due to our different concepts, for example: I wanted a game like a real Mario, with breaking blocks, Peach with limited lives, bonus levels, inventory and stats screens.
But, as Blargh can always use MIM PUT resources any time, its up to him to import what he wants to MIM DO, so he knows I'll be always here to help him if he decides to do that in the future.
And we cant forget that Blargh can always create the animation style he wants, because MIM PUT is going to be (at least should be) a huge game with tons or possibilities, not only embarassing scenes.
Lucky777 Wrote:Merging the projects was talked about before, but it wasn't appropriate at that time (which is why Ivan made his "own".)
See the answer above.
Blargh Wrote:I proposed a similar idea to Ivan before, but it essentially came down to: many basic processes behind the scenes use different code and interactions that wouldn't work with a simple merge
Thats so true. Mostly because Playshapes was using on-object code, _root variables and 'GotoAndPlay 1-2-1-2' approach on objects, in a way it made programming complex later in development.
My code, for example, may be better than the default (a lot of them was remade/recreated from scratch), but for sure it will be improved/optimized more , using state machines. Below, just a small snack of code just to check masturbation so far. _currentFrameState just takes the current pose, and in the end of the game loop, it goes to the right 'gotoAndStop'. This avoid me using 'gotoAndPlay/Stop in each pose check (e.g. she's stopped but a following check noticed she is actually masturbating), which can be resource intensive.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
- Code: Select All Code
if (Key.isDown(_root.keyMASTURBATE))
if (_root.can_masturbate)
if (!_global.PLAYER.lockAnimation) //change animations if she's free to do so
if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT))
if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT))
if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyA))
if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyD))
if (_root.movement)
if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround)
if (!_root.masturbating)
if (!_root.jumping)
if (!_root.pausee)
if (!_root.on_action)
if (!_root.on_pipe_to_go_down) //If shes not on a pipe. Will soon be used to inside Pipe Mast button checking. {
if (peach_right)
Again, the code above IS NOT optimized, but it works 100%.
Blargh Wrote:Ivan really went off on his "own" because I wasn't willing to make the scenes that he wanted to see, and I wasn't making the game he wanted to play.
Actually, we can just say its because we have different views. Creativity is the base of all this, and they bring us novelties.
Blargh Wrote:Hence, now I'm becoming an animator for MiM PUT, where Ivan is the boss and I'll make all the scenes I didn't want to make for MiM DO
But you can always improve/change them/reuse parts to fulfill your rules, Blargh.
Blargh Wrote:Now I'll be able to focus on animating, without having to worry a great deal about making the code work.
I hope you dont worry as much as me into game code
Thats because its reaching a stage that its a living engine on its own, that needs repair all the time, and improvements.