I have been pretty vocal in the last few days on the merits of ideas people have proposed and defended. I have also contributed ideas and concepts to many side projects on and off the forums, as well as acting as a sounding board. Ultimately however I will admit once again as my usual disclaimer: I have a basic grasp of programming, can do vector art work somewhat well, and have done creative writing and mechanics design, however that being said I am not infallible and I am not capable of knowing directly what a person is capable of doing, and the logistics that go behind them. That is to say, I have ideas, but I don't know what a person can do without directly communicating with them, communication being the key.
I was originally not even drawn in by Krystal, and to this day while I don't hate her I don't particularly feel attached to her side of the story. I was drawn in to the side projects, especially a legend of peach one (go find my first posts under my profile). With that in mind this would be the kind of game I would have in mind if the logistics and talent were there.
Legend of Krystal Design Document[Objective]:-To deliver an adult genre game to the public, based on prior works by Playshapes, starring the main character Krystal from the Star Fox Franchise. The goal would be to make a semi non-linear game with an overarching win condition through which all the different scenes work together to achieve.
The key to delivering a satisfying, filling game is through innovative game mechanics, top end aesthetics and driving plot.[Genre]:-The nature of the genre to go with, is the nature of the people that would play it. The average age of the people on the forums are about ~+/-19.4 years old based on a random sampling of ages on a LoK thread on undisclosed forums (lowest being 16 (shame on you) to oldest being about 40 (yay for still geting it up). Most also complained about the difficulty level of Mario is Missing.
The most universally enabling/accessible genre would be a simple point and click game, using simple mechanics that have been used throughout old style RPG's such as item collecting and simple puzzle solving.
However the puzzles should be intuitive, fun, and non-repetitive, each one providing their own challenges.-However as an
advanced/alternative idea, incorporating an overarching mechanic that dictates how you go about puzzle solving in the form of actions per day (or as an extension to a side topic introduced by trunks: per planet), you could have another level of puzzle. I personally like Renera's idea the most but everyone is set against it, managing your stamina as a form of puzzle solving which could enable different options and even further puzzles. For those that complain, after beating it once you could get a infinite stamina cheat or a gallery mode.
Whichever of the alternate ideas is chosen, it would have to be an intuitive system to keep many of the people with less cognitive/attention span/micro managing/etc. engaged.[Mechanics]-The
biggest complaint across multiple threads and forums
has to deal with the two handed nature of the game. With having to hold buttons left or right with one hand, and the mouse to engage on the other hand.
The most intuitive use would be for the character to move where clicked to, and to streamline it more it would also move her naturally to a character when engaging a character.
To illustrate this we have a basic scenario:
There is a room with krystal in it, and an interactive NPC in the room. Krystal would not only be able to walk around the room by clicking, but would automatically move to engage the NPC if she was clicked upon.
-An extension to this mechanic would be that if you did go for item collecting or puzzle solving that involve a inventory, you could
click on krystal. This could enter her inventory screen, and have the options to interactive with items inside it. There is also a side project which i will go find and link to as a reference (its on this forum, I need to go look at the creative corner depositorium when the thumbnails are no longer showing bandwidth overuse) where you could change the different costumes on krystal and the color of her fur.
-Grabbing even more mechanics from the same example of above, when you go outside of an area, there can be
an overall map of the area (and in trunks plot the planet, and the system they are in)
with the yellow blips upon which you can click to change locations. This could be further built up by having different colored blips for different intuitive information using a legend, or in a more streamlined simplistic method a single blinking blip for the next region you go to.
-As stated many times the mechanic of Stamina can be included. However since not many people actually read all my posts or aren't current on what happens in each of threads I will re-iterate it:
Essentially Renara wanted a stamina system.
Trunks wanted a puzzle system.
A compromise between the two lead me to a concept/mechanic in which your stamina is the puzzle to a degree. It takes stamina to engage in sex, the more complicated the sex the more stamina required (before you have to go refill it by meeting conditions or using a playshapes mechanic of bathing to gain more exp when clean but in reverse).
This could be done to incorporate story elements and scenes by having to gauge how much sex is needed to satisfy the situation, which could unlock further content.
[Story:]I only ever played the original star fox, and star fox 64. The rest are new to me and as such I don't know much about Krystal, about any of the plots or interactions there in.
As such I don't find myself being comfortable putting plot ideas out there, especially because some fans can be VERY selective-I like the intro since it is what makes he vulnerable. I am not into rape or any of that stuff, but this vulnerability is what could lead her to MAKE the choice of doing the acts to get where she needs. The attitude thread (
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=909) can tie in with the morality thread, which could in turn further tie in with the stamina concept, however this synthesizing can be done later as the ideas get hammered out.
-That being said I rather be general here allowing people with more background knowledge to build up a plot but I will be mostly focusing on what Trunk has pitched.
Not to get patronizing but let us return to the basic format of a story:
Courtesy of:
http://www.hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/engramja/elements.html- Code: Select All Code
SETTING -- Trunks idea calls for multiple planets that you travel between. I like the idea but I rather just focus on one planet and her struggle to get off of it. As such the setting would be the planet upon which the plot takes place, and the time frame in which it took place.
a) place - Jungle/Sub-saharan (Ron Pepper's work sets the stage here)
b) time - If you go with an actions per day kind of method you get a couple days time frame. Calling it a week or two works.
c) weather conditions - Dependent on the places, but this could affect plots?
d) social conditions - What is the daily life of the characters like? Does the story contain local colour (writing that focuses on the speech, dress, mannerisms, customs, etc. of a particular place)? [I don't know the sharp claw but this is where Trunks' planet wide changing phenomenon can be explored, by showing how they are at first and devolving over time.]
e) mood or atmosphere - The beginning is frightening, a traumatic crash and sexual slavery. This could change to be less scary (slut alignment) or continue to darken (virgin alignment) which ties in with mood. The other components of setting can change to reflect this).
PLOT -- There are five essential parts of plot:
a) Introduction - Krystal's Arwing crashes leading to the following events.
b) Rising Action - This is where trunks can spring his concept of the planet wide changing phenomena
c) Climax - Can be argued whether krystal will turn more willing or continue her path of resistance.
d) Falling action - The actions chosen would then begin to shape the end of the game (will she go on and be free [virgin ending] or will she fall into this lifestyle [slutty ending]
e) Denouement - These are you endings here.
Follow this (once again courtesy of above mentioned link:
It is helpful to consider climax as a three-fold phenomenon: 1) the main character receives new information 2) accepts this information (realizes it but does not necessarily agree with it) 3) acts on this information (makes a choice that will determine whether or not he/she gains his objective).
[Character]The only one I was suprised not to see was the pink girl from the sewage planet on the leftern most path (the one I ALWAYS took) in star fox 64. As for the rest of the characters I don't really care but would like to see more aesthetic variations to the lizard girl model (I really like the seductress).
However focusing on base models first, and essential models needs to come first, since the animations can later be updated on these models by just changing the outfits. Either way Katsu has the right creative mind and talent for this.
[Locations]I pretty much covered this in the code section of plot, long story short I don't really care as long as it makes sense to the plot, and the artwork is ron pepper's quality.
[Sex Scenes]All the varieties we have now are good. To get more viewable vaginal penetration involves having to rework models which is a whole lot of work and as such I am fine with the ones we have now. Just try to make it look properly articulated and I won't care. Using a stamina system would make them replayable as there are going to be times you want to compromise but that is for a more complex game to keep it simple just being able to chose different branches but having the same general theme per npc should be enough.
Lizardman--->Anal sex
|--------> X
|--------> X
|--------> X
[Objectives]I had made my objectives at the top of the list since I didn't notice you added them to the list until now but essentially it can be summed up by a few main points:
Intuitive and Accessible: Make the game easy for anyone to grasp, and the methods used playing it second nature. Difficulty can be as hard as you want but as long as it is easy to understand how you go about doing things.
High quality: Good writing, good concepts,
Katsu's artwork, Ron's backgrounds. It
makes a more polished product w
hich in turn makes it more immersive.---> Immersion:
Make it draw you in through plot and mechanics. However in dialogue I want to point out one thing I hate, and it is dirty talk like the kinds that can be found in Blaaarghs edit of mario is missing. Not picking on him, some people like that but try to keep that in the "slutty" attitude of things, I want the other sides to be more... credible?
--->Scenes: It is a sex game, people will be coming to it to get off on it. I want them to be easy to understand but have little subteties that can be more challenging fun for those that don't just want to fap. That isn't to say make it hard but make it so there are options there (such as a stamina system etc).
The scenes should be easy enough to get to, but once engaged give people the time they need to finish doing what they came here to do (no pun intended).Long post, I gave it a couple of proof reads to catch most of the typos and formatting issues. Hopefully it is readable, accessible enough, and places proper emphasis on what I want to get across.