Name: Samantha (Sammy) Piley
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: See attachment
Personality: Confident, Flirty, Bad Temper, Friendly
Home Town: No Home Town (family traveled alot)
Starter Pokemon: Houndour (male)
Background: Samantha was born on the road (not literally) as her family did a great deal of moving around. This was due to her parents occupations, a photographer for a big tourist agency and her father being traveling musician. Neither her mom or dad could stand being in one place for too long, and so from birth to adolescence Samantha was whisked from one place to another. She didn't mind though, as it allowed her to make friends wherever she went.
After her thirteenth birthday, she began expressing a desire to go off on an adventure on her own, like some of her friends were already beginning to do. Her parents, unlike some of their generation, weren't all that keen on letting a 13 year old out on their own. They did however promise her that when she turned 16, not only would they send her off with well wishes and pride, but they'd even get her her own pokemon.
Her sixteenth birthday is coming up, and they are making good on their word. Once they hit the next town, a small place called Littleroot, they'll throw her the best birthday/going away party ever, and her father's told her he has a special surprise for her. The only hint he's given her is a single Pokeball...
Other: Less of a character bit, but more of a player bit. Mon, Thur, Sat and Sun are nights I work, so posts on those nights might or might not be forth-coming.
I give credit to the Pokemon Trainer Creator v.2 by Hapuriainen seen