Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Icaelus » Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:36 pm

Deni grinned to herself as she scanned through the pictures she had taken..that Charmander was quite the photogenic one, wasn't it! Unfortunately, that little mistake led her on bump straight on into another Pokemon who looked scared and was mostly doing the same thing she had been doing : sneaking around the battle. Both sides were obviously taken by surprise.
The girl fell back in surprise, whipping her Pokedex out and scanning the Pokemon, revealing it as Zigzagoon, the TinyRacoon Pokemon! Her eyes examined the Zigzagoon, going through all those zigzags patterned into that bristly fur..it was..adorable!
"Liz. We're getting you a friend here!"
Deni said, smiling in anticipation. Now, the usual way of going to catch a Pokemon was usually beating on it till they were weakened enough..but was that really the right way to treat a friend? Still. How did one go about making friends with Pokemon?
"Um. Hi, I'm Deni and this is Liz. Nice to meet you!"
She crouched down to face the Pokemon, gesturing to herself and Liz. Wonder what would've Mom say if she ever saw her daughter introducing herself to a Pokemon like this..Denieve vaguely remembered her mother as one of the most merciless Trainers out there before she had settled down with her father..
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:36 pm

Forgot I had to tutor today, so I'm putting this up a few hours early.

In Littleroot:

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Birch once again looks nervous under the reopened discussion of what he let slip. Looking straight at the door, he says, "OhwouldyoulookatthetimeohmyI'vegotmoreresearchtodoenjoyyournewfemalemudkip!" so fast you can barely comprehend it as he bolts out the door, literally escaping your questions. Holy crap, you've never SEEN someone move that fast! Oh well, there goes that. You could always call your brother yourself, but you doubt he'd be willing to tell you any more than Birch was willing to. Maybe your sister would know and be willing to say something, but she can be a bit elusive at times so you don't 100% recall her number or where you can reach her.

On Route 101

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(No Post! One count towards Inactivity)

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The Zigzagoon looks at you with confusion and still more than a bit of anxiety in its eyes. It seems to understand that you're not willing to hurt it right now, but it still seems to be nervous around people. And it must be people because it doesn't seem to have a problem at all with Liz. You begin to wonder just how many people knocked this critter out without capturing it for it to get to this point. But still, maybe it'd be for the best if you left it to Liz to bring this little guy into the fold.

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The net result is something of a stalemate, the previous momentum of the Poochyena being a bit too fast for Larvitar to dodge the move, so instead it takes the brunt of the attack and Bites the Poochyena as a counterattack while it's head's in his gut. It's not very effective though... But it's all you have to work with other than Leer so you've gotta do SOMETHING with it. The Poochyena looks like it's ramping up for the next round, so maybe you can preempt him? Or at the very least cut it off so it can't do as much damage.

On the S.S. Tidal:

Tsubaki and Sladen
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Trying to move reveals that Tsubaki can now move her extremities (her toes and her fingers) and feeling is starting to slowly filter back from there, feeling like little pinpricks that she can use to track the progress. Meanwhile, the Abra is frozen in shock, not even remotely expecting a human to directly attack him. His inbred instinct not to attack humans seems to be at war with his Trainer's orders, keeping him locked in place as Nobi runs up and lands a clean Bite right in the torso! That snaps it out of it long enough to know that it's severely outmatched and it uses Teleport to get out of there while it still can. Creed didn't feed too terribly much since Tsubaki seemed to recover her spirits almost as soon as she saw Sladen and the Shuppet barge into the room, but it does pick off her worry about Nobi's safety and Nobi's worry about his trainer and eats that up. With the crisis averted, there's still not too terribly much Tsubaki can do even though she just got the feeling back in her hands and feet, meaning that if Sladen decides to take out Nobi, there's not a whole lot she can do about it unless she buys more time. You both can keep the S.S. Tidal slowing down, meaning you must be close to Petalburg. Decisions, decision, Sladen!

In Mauville:

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The woman is someone who seems to play with Lady Luck as a hobby and is therefore used to looking for subtle tells on people, so your stalling in explaining the game and that almost unnoticeable nod immediately puts her on edge. She doesn't know WHAT you're planning, but she knows you're planning something.
"Maybe you can win that too. Now what's the game?" she says, a little colder than she was acting before your actions. She seems to regard you as a challenge rather than an one-off card buddy now. You're not sure if that's a good thing or not yet. She seems momentarily distracted by some yelling outside about a kid and his backpack, but then she locks right back onto you, looking for any tip offs on what you're about to do.

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(Ditto's your Pokemon to control, so you dictate how it acts and all that good stuff)
The range of reactions goes from people straight up ignoring you, pretending there isn't a lady yelling next to a junkyard known for harboring homeless kids, to looking at you like you're crazy. There's also the men who look at you with perversion in their eyes because you're in your uniform and maid fetishes aren't exactly uncommon, but you can most likely safely ignore those since anyone who steps forward out of that bunch would probably know nothing and expect a favor out of you before revealing that they knew nothing. Speaking of, one of those men, a respectable looking man (sans the lewd look he's giving) in a suit with glasses steps up to you.

[color=#00FF40]"I didn't see a kid, but I might have seen where the backpack went." is all he says to you. Ditto almost seems to shutter at the look he gives you, causing him to finally notice it as well, his look deepening if that was at all possible. Your Ditto seems to almost beg you with its eyes not to talk any further to this man, but that's still up to you to decide.

In Lavaridge:

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(No Post! One count towards Inactivity)

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The kid becomes visibly distressed when you ask him for further information. He doesn't seem afraid that the information will hurt him in some way, but he DOES seem terrified of giving out that information. You can actually SEE him gathering up his courage to answer further, he's so scared.

"I-I-I." he stops, trying to conquer his nerves. "I don't know where they're centered. I-I-I tried to bring Officer Jenny to stop it t-t-the next night, b-but they were g-g-gone. I think they move locations every night. And who runs it... EEEEP!!" the kid cries out in such a high pitch Granite recoils from hearing it. Looking down, you see the formerly unconscious woman grabbed his leg and is raising to her feet.

"Now, now, Nel, no one likes snitches." she says menacingly as she recovers her footing. Once she's at full height, she grabs Nel by the back of the neck in what looks like a painful fashion and doesn't look to be letting go anytime soon. "I'll deal with you later. I'm gonna want payback for what ya did to me. As for you." she reaches back for her PokeBall to find it's not there. She lets out a curse under her breath and reaches into her pants, pulling a miniaturized PokeBall from... well, it could only be her panties. "I'm giving you one chance to get outta here before I REALLY get pissed." She seems horribly unsteady on her feet, still suffering the aftereffects of being tazed and all her focus being on keeping Nel by her side. It doesn't look like it'd take much to send her back into the realm of dreams and she's focused entirely on you, not seeing Steve behind her. She could very well be bluffing, the Pokemon in her hand being something you can take out no problem. Or this could be her ace in the hole, something much more powerful than what Granite recovered.

On Route 119:

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On Route 121:

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Not seeing you coming, the Team Aqua Grunt takes the punch right across the face, letting go of the girl's PokeBall. She doesn't look back as she bolts, leaving you alone with the now pissed off Grunt. His anger turns to an oily sort of leer as he takes in his attacker and recognizes her to be the annoying bitch that he has orders to capture on sight. You can almost feel the perverted thoughts sliding through his mind as he licks his lips at you.

"Oh the things I'm gonna do to you before I turn you in." he sneers at you, so much raw perversion and greasiness in his voice that it almost makes you sick. Grabbing his own Pokeball, he releases a Tentacool which almost immediately picks up on its Trainer's vibe and offers you an apologetic glance tinged with fear that says it can't go against his Trainer for fear of punishment. "Tentacool, why don't you go ahead and Constrict this girl. You know the way I like it." The Tentacool seems to take as much time as it can going through with the order, giving you more than enough time to flee if you want to. The fact that it knows Constrict at all tells you it's more than a few levels above both of your Pokemon combined and that it'd be a bad idea to take it head on.

In Mossdeep:

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Months of running have landed you on the relatively isolated island that is Mossdeep City, where you have slipped under the radar of your Team Aqua pursuers. Faces may change, but one contain is that one of you chasers is a relatively slim young man with purple, spiked up hair. He's always spectacularly cruel if he gets anywhere near you and always promising to make you his sex slave if he gets a hold of you. Thankfully, he's never gotten the chance to make good on his promise, especially since you're finding it easier and easier to inflict harm on him despite the Eevee DNA spliced into you screaming at you when you try. Other people, not so much, but hurting him seems to come easily. Following slipping Team Aqua, you've had a rare opportunity to relax and recuperate in the care of a family of Pokemon Breeders who specialize in Psychic Pokemon and think things through. What are you going to do with the rest of your life? Could maybe a Pokemon Professor turn you back to normal? Just what happens next? Well, at least that last part's being answered for you. You can see people on couple of motorboats wearing an all too familiar uniform. They've found you! How doesn't necessarily matter right now, but you need to find a way off the island! The Ferry won't be around for a while yet, so those motorboats are looking like your best option. The question is, how are you getting over there without being noticed? Especially by the cruel one who, as usual, is one of the four people on your trail.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby 13Lack12ose » Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:26 am

The Abra dealt with, Sladen looks over at the girl, who appears to be paralyzed, but regaining her motor control. He then looks over the Growlithe, feeling the various cuts and bruises dealt to it by the psychic attacks of the Abra. Sladen has the sudden though of killing the Growlithe, leaving the girl defenseless. She would be an endless source of energy for Creed. He could snap the poor thing's neck, knock her out, and then... And then what? Trapped on a boat and about to dock in an unknown port with a girl in tow is just going to end badly. Anyway, Sladen's morals are too high to do such a thing.

After pondering this for a moment, Sladen reaches into his bag and pulls out one of his three potions. He then sprays the potion onto the various wounds of the Growlithe. Having never done this before, he isn't sure if he's doing it right, or making a complete fool of himself. The Growlithe healed (?), Sladen looks back at the girl, and sits next to her. "I'm not sure if you can answer me, but my name is... John. My name is John. I'm wondering why a random Abra was in your cabin, and why you can't seem to move, but that's your business, and I won't inquire too deeply. I patched up your Growlithe as best I could, but you might wanna take him to a Pokemon Center. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce Creed, my Shuppet, who was the reason that I came in here. That, and I thought that there was some domestic abuse, and felt like it was my duty to help out," Sladen says. "Anyway, I'll stay here until you regain control of your body, then I'll be on my way, as I have serious duty...elsewhere." Sladen knew that it was risky to stay onboard the ship, but he knew that if he left the girl alone in this state, the Abra might come back, or another trainer might think that her Growlithe would look good on their wall. Still, with the boat slowing down, Sladen knew that he would be on his way again soon.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby berserkerhorn » Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:55 am

Lisa feels Ditto's negative vibes from his slimy grip on her shoulder. She sighs "how much is this information going to cost?" she asks taking out 1000 (pokemon money). She looks at the well dressed man right in the eyes. She realizes that ditto has transformed into it's human form and is dragging Lisa away from the man that she was going to pay for information. Ditto drags Lisa all the way back to the mansion. Lisa does not try to escape as she is dragged across the streets. Instead she blushes in embarrassment for being a rag-doll behind her pokemon

(well... seems like i have two people to control)
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby dndman997 » Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:22 am

Duo grunted seeing the boy get bullied "let him go now" he said showing no sign leaving. digging his feet into the dirt. Granite glared at the woman and readied himself. "im not leaving here till you let him go and apologize for what you have done." he said in a serious tone.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:23 am

Kana looked up for her place of rest to see the motor boats aproaching
She made sure no one was around before voicing her disdain in English
"oh no! They have found me"
She quickly ran over to the pokémon the nice people have been breeding and spoke to them in poké language (OOC: Idk what to call it lol)
"team aqua has found me! I need a place to hide, do you known anywhere to?"
She asked pleadingly
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby daxtinator396 » Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:27 am

Steve was going to simply give Duo his PokeGear number and head on his way but he decided maybe he should stay for a moment. This man had a purpose... a good one. He watched the kid as he tried to speak and then suddenly shrieked! That couldn't be good! He looked with amazement to see the woman rising to her feet and she did indeed seem to be an evil character. This wasn't good and Dusky bristled next to him as she tensed up ready to spring at command. He would give it too. She hadn't noticed him and he was going to make sure she was down for the count this time. He knew that it wasn't right to use pokemon against a person but this was a special circumstance. He prepared to tackle her as he whispered to Dusky,"Use Ember." She nodded and with a deep breath blew a shower of tiny flames at the woman's backside and he jumped to tackle her down,"Kid get Jenny! Hurry!" He called out as he tried to subdue the woman from behind.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:53 am

Finding her ability to move slowly but steadily returning, Tsubaki's expression relaxes a bit from the relief...only to get all beaming again with joy and excitement, seeing the combined efforts of Nobi and her mysterious savior chase the Abra off! Victory!!

"Thank you so much, John!" Tsubaki wastes no time in thanking her white knight, and with a beaming smile on her face. "You really saved our bacon there! If that Abra got to me...well, let's just say I'd have a lot more on my mind than Nobi's tactics..." It's true; without John's help, Nobi probably would've been beaten, and there would've been nothing to stop that Abra from warping her into the arms of...eugh... "Oh! But I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm Tsubaki, but you can call me "Sue" for short." In all fairness, "Tsubaki" is something of a hard name to remember, so she's used the nickname of "Sue" before. "And that's Nobi, my faithful friend and companion. Together, we travel the globe in search of adventure!!...but yeah, I need muscle feelings in order to do that, don't I? Hehe..." Tsubaki looks over at Nobi with worry all over her face. "It's okay, Nobi. Just rest, alright? You've had a rough day..."

"Still, you saved me, John, and I can't just let that go unrewarded, so..." Tsubaki pauses, thinking about what she could offer John in her current state. She has no idea what sorts of items or money that pack may have in it, and she wouldn't feel right using John as a "test dummy" to look through it...hmm...

"Well, I just met you, so this is kinda crazy...but when I can move again, if I give you my number...call me, maybe?" Tsubaki would be lying if she said John wasn't cute, and who knows? Maybe she can call him up later on, and they can get to know each other a little better? She made sure to leave home with her PokeGear, so once she can reach into her pocket to pull it out, she can find her number in its database, and trade numbers with him. As if her thoughts of his cuteness weren't obvious enough in that statement, she's also blushing...d'awww...
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:32 am

Claire blinks three times. "What?" she says out loud. She scratches her head in confusion. "Well... That was weird. What a strange guy." she says. She sighs and then walks out of the lab. "Well! Time to start my journey!" she shouts outside. Claire uses her (Pokenav?) to call her brother and sister. She wait for a response. "Come on. Come on! Pick up!" she says.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby 13Lack12ose » Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:48 am

Just as he is about to turn away, the girl starts speaking. Somehow Sladen thought that she would instantly know his secret, his reason for being on the boat. He dismissed it all as being foolish, he had given her a fake name, and she didn't recognize him, he was in the clear! And when the girl, Tsubaki, said that she would give him her number, his heart skipped a beat. "If something like this is happening less than a day after I started my journey, it could be an omen or something right? A sign that what I did WAS right, WAS justified.... But what kind of relationship can I have with someone who doesn't know me? Who doesn't even know my real name? And she'll most likely want MY number in return, which I just can't throw around, being a criminal and all. No, I saved the girl because it was the right thing to do, and I'll accept her number because she'll think it's strange if I don't. But I won't call her, I won't make any contact to her at all. It's better this way," thought Sladen quickly, blushing slightly and smiling.

"Yea, sure I'll call you, but you don't need to thank me, the Abra was mostly finished by the time I got in here. That's a strong Growlithe you've got yourself, Nobi, right? I'm sure he'll protect you wherever you're going, as Creed protects me. Anyway, the boat is slowing down, so we'll be stopping soon, I hope that you're able to move by the time we do, or else we're going to have some explaining to do to the captain." Sladen pauses and looks around the room at the broken furniture and torn wallpaper. "Actually, we already have some explaining to do to the captain. Unless of course you want to just wait until the boat docks and run for it? It's not like this is your fault, so you can't really be expected to pay for it right?" Sladen was thinking that is he could convince the girl to leave the room like this, he wouldn't be questioned by the captain and possibly the police, which could prove fatal. If she chose not to leave with him, Sladen was just going to have to think up an excuse.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Icaelus » Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:17 pm

Denieve frowned as she locked eyes with the Zigzagoon, who seemed quite afraid of her indeed. The apprehension in it's eyes was only too obvious. This Zigzagoon must've been a target of many trainers in the past, used simply as training fodder to level up their own Pokemon. Poor thing.
The girl wisely stepped back, nudging Liz forward with a gentle push.
"Liz. Try talking to it..she seems scared of me. Don't give me that look! I'm not that scary!"
She pouted as Liz fixed her with what seemed like an amused look, shaking her head resignedly.

Deni quickly went into a hiding spot, or what at least she thought was one as she hunkered down behind the tall grass, her pink hair sticking out like a neon sign. Liz glanced back at her Trainer and shook her head once again, before turning back to the Zigzagoon at hand and beginning to speak to it, informing the Pokemon that the stupid girl behind the grass currently wanted some new Pokemon friends and would like you to join them on their journey. Of course, if the Zigzagoon was unwilling to leave it's home, they would respect their wishes and leave it be.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:01 pm

Elixia stood firmly, then bolting for it at the quickest opportunity. She avoided running towards where she hid her pokemon. She would run as far as her legs would take her, not even looking back. She would try to stay around where her pokemon were so she could go back to that spot. But for now she was focused on the saving of that girl's pokemon, carrying her legs as far as she needed to go.

She managed not to panic, despite the constant adrenaline pulsing through her. Her entire body was tingling with the thrill of getting away with something. She could see herself getting caught but, she wouldn't let that happen. She told herself, renewing her resolve as fear crept into her heart a bit.
Death Is Inevitable.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:27 am

Jackson is slightly surprised by the attack he had given not working at all but soon says " Okay Larvitar lets try that again but this time take a run at it. " Larvitar couches down with one arm on the ground then takes off running at Poochyena full speed then at the last moment before he hits her Jackson shouts " Jump now " Larvitar jumps into the air perfectly lined up with Poochyena if everything goes right he should land on her pinning her to the ground and allowing for bite to be used to it's fullest. But if she dodges this whole thing could go wrong.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby MiscChaos » Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:59 am

In Littleroot:

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Since you don't have your sister's number, calling her up is a no go. Your brother, however, picks up on the second ring sounding drowsy.

"Hello?" he groans, sounding completely out of it. You apparently just woke him up and he isn't on his game yet. Oh the fun you can have with this...

On Route 101

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(No Post! Moved into Inactive List)

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The Zigzagoon listens to everything Liz has to say and looks positively petrified at the idea of staying here any longer. Since Liz has vouched for you, she expresses a desire to come with you since that's a foolproof guarantee that she won't be left on the side of the route, bruised and knocked out, vulnerable to some Pokemon in a rut with no qualms with attacking an already beaten prey. Matter of fact, she begs to come now that she knows you're not like that, pleading to go anywhere from here. Well, looks like Liz has done well and you have a new companion!

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The Poochyena bunkers down as Larvitar runs at it, preparing to counter before it gets Bitten. So ready it is to counter, it's completely thrown off when Larvitar starts sailing through the air. It shakes the shock off and prepares to dodge, but by that time, Larvitar's right on top of it, belly flopping right on top of it and using Bite. Unfortunately, still being a Dark type move against a Dark type Pokemon, the Bite itself has little effect. What DOES, however, is having about 160lbs of muscle drop on top of it. When Larvitar jumps off, the poor dog is still trying to recover its breath.

On the S.S. Tidal:

Tsubaki and Sladen
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The pinpricks of feeling start to slide up Tsubaki's arms and legs, basically giving her free movement even though she can't feel her shoulders or hips yet. It's enough for her to improv some movement off of at least. Sladen's amateur first aid works well enough, Nobi recovering enough to once again be a challenge and making the bruises from the psychic assault fade to little more than dots. The Growlithe gives a quick bark of appreciation before returning to Tsubaki's side, watching over her as she gives out her PokeNav number (ya'll wanna actually make a number? Or just say it was given? Respond in the OOC). The reminder that the trashed bed and now gone desk from where the Abra Teleported should get you moving out of the room quicker as the boat comes to a complete stop and sounds off to announce its arrival. Any sneaking off will have to be done quickly, before the other Trainers/Passengers really start milling around to get off or on the Ferry.

In Mauville:

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(Just for the minor things. For major events, such as if you DIDN'T assume control this post, I will have at least a minor part in the actions of your Pokemon)
The man takes on a grin you can only describe as predatory when you start to offer him money, but it quickly slides off to become one of surprise as Ditto literally drags you home in it's human form. He looks like he wants to object, but you don't mess with a Pokemon that can become another Pokemon or a stronger human. Once you've been fully dragged home, you find Mistress Madeline sipping a cup of tea, looking more than mildly surprised to see you arrive in such a fashion. She looks you over and sees no backpack so she assumes the worst and sighs.

"So what happened?" is all she asks.

In Lavaridge:

Steve and Duo
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Her attention wholly on Duo, the woman doesn't see Steve and Dusky coming until she suddenly feels her ass on fire from the Vulpix's Ember, though Dusky immediately recoils upon doing it since it's against inbred instinct not to harm humans. Releasing Nel and jumping into the air screaming obscenities and patting her butt down as the burning really starts to kick in, she's easy prey for Dax's tackle, immediately brought back to the ground by it. Only, Steve's coming to realize just how powerful this woman is: he's only going to be able to hold her for a short while before she overpowers him. Hopefully long enough for Nel, who immediately followed Steve's command and ran for an Officer Jenny, to return, but that's doubtful. Even worse, Duo can see her hand creeping for the PokeBall trapped underneath her and she fights to get Steve off of her. Things will REALLY end badly for Steve if she gets to it...

On Route 119:

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On Route 121:

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"HEY!" you hear the Grunt shout as you sprint away, immediately giving chase. You're fast, a speed honed from all your hit-and-run missions against Team Aqua in the past, but the man's actually keeping pace. Not gaining on you by any stretch of the imagination, but falling behind much, much slower than you're used to. Turns out not to matter. Seeing you book it, Entropy decides to get a little revenge of its own, cutting the Grunt off and using Lick on him to paralyze him. You stop running once that happens, the Grunt now entirely at your mercy thanks to Entropy's intervention. What are you gonna do with him?

In Mossdeep:

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(Yeah, just call it PokeLang since I don't have a better name for it.)
"Oh dear, that is more than a small problem, isn't it?" the mother of the house says, airy as always. In the time you'd been here, you'd noticed that she was horribly absent-minded and airier than a tornado, but she was kind and sweet, so that would be kinda easy to overlook. The husband, more grounded, just a little more serious, looks critically at the motorboats and you can almost see his mind start to work.

"Alright, Kana, go wake up Remmi and tell her to get the more mature Pokemon ready for a brawl." He says, already scrambling to get a few things to prepare for what he has in mind. "We'll run distraction and try to keep them at the Beach front for as long as possible. See if you can take the back way into Steve's house so you're closer to the boats. You can take the opportunity to get away while we're battling them. Take this." he hands you a small backpack with a set of PokeGear inside. "It has mine, Pam's, and Remmi's numbers in the PokeNav already. Call one of us if you get into trouble or you make it safely away, just so we know and can help if need be. I'd give you more, but unfortunately, we just had a simultaneous birth so our supplies are really limited." He gives you a brief look to see if you've got everything he said, then Pam, out of nowhere sweeps you up in a hug.

"You take care of yourself, okay? It's not everyday we take care of such a cute little PokeHuman like you." she seems to forget you're just about the only "PokeHuman" as she calls you around, but that's just like her to say, so it's not really worth it to bring it up.

"Now get Remmi up and running." he says as he walks out the door.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby dndman997 » Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:39 am

Duo glared and quickly hatched a plan as he saw the girl reaching for the other pokeball. Turning to Granite he smirked "granite quick retrieve that ball using a bite attack" he commanded and waited for him to comply. He himself would cover Granite by tackling her to the ground and hold her down till help arrived.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:40 am

Jackson takes this opportunity to throw a pokeball at the poochyena, In a flash of white light the poochyena is gone and the bokeball is laying on the ground rocking back and forth. Jackson stares at the pokeball hoping to catch it while it's still dazed from the belly flop. Larvitar backs up a little bit and hunkers down waiting to see what happens ready to attack if the pokeball failed.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:14 am

Claire smiles. She begins to think and then thinks of a wonderful plan. She speaks in a deep voice "Ahem. Hello Samuel. It is your father. Professor Birch got drunk last night, and he was talking about you getting attacked by a trio of Poochyena? I want you to be more careful! But I've gotta a secret for you. I'll trade it for the rest of the story. Don't worry. I won't tell a soul." she says. She laughs quietly. "And if you don't tell me, I won't tell you my secret. And you will be grounded. I will force you to release your pokemon and you will stay with your mother and I! "Claire the father says.
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Reapergod36 » Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:39 pm

Elixia turns around, shocked by Entropy's performance. Even more so by how he escaped from his pokeball, usually it takes a lot of willpower to break free once caught. Considering she had only just met Entropy and he already loved her this much. She sauntered over to Entropy and the grunt. Giving Entropy what little affection she could she petted his head, a little peck on the cheek if possible. She then walked over and recovered the empty pokeball and the pokeball containing the poochyena. She looked for the tentacool, not really concerned that it would help its trainer. It seemed to fear its trainer more. She takes gaze around for the tentacool. Hopefully it would be more willing to serve a less cruel master.

She then would look to the grunt; she had a look of sensual lust about her. She got close to the grunt, ever so lovingly, her arms wrapped around him. But just as her breast or crotch were about to touch him. She whispered in his ear, "And what were you going to do to me, before you took me back?" Upon hearing his answer, if it was sexual and rape worthy. She would knee him in the crotch, if it was a cop out, and he failed to show his same sexual lust. She would ask, "Why was such a lust quelled in a matter of minutes. From how it sounded, you were practically pressing against your pants with your need... Well I suppose people change.." She would step back and slap him as hard as she could across the right side of his face.

Either way, she would push him onto his back and trample on his back a bit before walking away; Looking for the tentacool, if her efforts were unfruitful. Then she would go on her way to become stronger. As well as keeping on the lookout for more Aqua members, as she surely wouldn't hear the end of this now that they heard she was able to actually stop their thievery. Perhaps not as urgent as shutting down their business, so they may be lenient. Maybe even a warning, depending on how generous they were feeling.

However if she found the tentacool, she would promise a life beyond such needless torture. If it did not accept, then she would offer again. But revealing the threat of it being caught again and forced instantly back into the torture it seeks to escape. That she can protect it, if it will serve her. Then she would proceed with the above. (Either way, she would push him onto his back etc.)
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:10 am

Tsubaki pouts at the "run for it" suggestion at first, the idea not being the most comfortable one for her...but considering the circumstances, it seems a wise move. *sigh* "...I guess abandoning ship is the best move, eh?" Between the room's damages, her numbness, and the guy currently standing in her room, it would all suggest that her and him did..."unorthodox" things together. Besides, who would ever buy the "Abra tried to kidnap me, so my buddy roughed him up" story for this?

Feeling the nerves in her limbs get back up to speed, Tsubaki attempts to sit up...only to realize that her torso, shoulders, and hips are still paralyzed. Sighing in annoyance at this fact, she does her best to sit up, using her arms to prop herself into the right posture. "Sorry to bother you, John...but could you help me up? I'm still numb in the hips..." She offers John hand for him to help her up, making sure to grab the pack to carry out with them. Once he can help her walk, Nobi follows behind, as fitting of the faithful companion he is. "Don't worry, we can trade numbers once we're off the ship. I'm a girl of my word." Tsubaki reassures with a light giggle, finding the idea of a getaway with her "white knight" to be an adventurous idea. Besides, no true adventurer goes it all alone, and between him, his Shuppet, and Nobi, they'll make a pretty nice team, no?
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Re: Pokemon: Gotta Fuck 'em All!

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:55 am

Kana returns into her human form and puts the pokégear into the backpack and dons the backpack, shedding a tear
"thank you...for all you have done for me...I am extremely grateful!"
She gave them both a hug and went to wake Remmi, she bursts in
"Remmi, team aqua is coming, wake up!"
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

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