ToG, since you posted at the same moment I was about to post this up, I'll edit your post in a bit later.
In Littleroot:Claire, Denieve, and JacksonSpoiler (click to show/hide):
The Professor stutters and starts for a while, looking thoroughly embarrassed and scratching the back of his head before devolving into naught but some nervous chuckles.
“The thing is I wasn't even supposed to tell you that much. He asked me to keep that story a secret and I'm pretty sure he'll kill me for even letting that much slip. So, in the interest of self-preservation, I'll say no more.” he says, his voice and stance pleading for you to just let it go and start your journey. You doubt you'll get anything more out of him without incentive greater than not getting reamed by your brother anyway.
Then Jackson walks in and the relief on Birch's face is almost palpable. “Not at all, young man. We were just wrapping up a conversation we'll NEVER. COME. BACK. TO.” he gives Claire a pointed look the entire time he emphasizes the final words. “As for a PokeDex, I haven't received one, but I have more than a few lying around, so I wouldn't mind handing you one. I'd just ask that it be replaced by the one you have in shipping when you get the chance” he says as he moves to a side of his work computer and pulls out a shelf, revealing a literal drawer of the things. Does he get them for free or something for being a Professor!? He hands Jackson one and awaits either more conversation or everyone starting their journey, not really having anything to say. Things kind of stir up again as Jordan blitzes out before anyone really registers a) her hug for the Professor or b) her self-answered question for Jackson, but die down once she’s gone.
“I swear, that girl…” he mutters while shaking his head, though he does have a smile on his face. “Can’t wait for those pictures though.”
On Route 101GarianSpoiler (click to show/hide):
High off the adrenaline of combat after so long, Charmander rushes down the Wurmple, coming up with a fierce uppercut with his claws out. The Wurmple jumps back to avoid the brunt of the damage, but it's pretty obvious that he REALLY felt that one, especially since it flies back even further than it intended to, powered by the blow it received. It wobbles a bit before shaking it's head to get back in the game and trying to gut-check Charmander with a tackle. Because of the distance between them, Charmander has more than enough time to get out of the way. It's like time freeze frames on that moment. The Wurmple is overextended and completely vulnerable. If you were to land a blow during this moment, you're sure it'd be a critical. Hurry and make your move!
DenieveSpoiler (click to show/hide):

Kinda leaving everyone in your dust with your departure, you take the first official steps of your journey, heading onto Route 120. You see a man with a Charmander embroiled in a battle with a wild Wurmple, just sizing each other up at the moment, waiting for someone to make a move. You COULD interfere with the battle, but you’re not sure if the man will thank you for that or not, so it might be rude. Or you could circle around him and be on your way, a plethora of beautiful nature to capture on camera. Just be aware that a battle so close seems to have riled up the surrounding Pokemon, either getting their blood pumping and wanting a fight of their own or causing them to shrink into the darkest corner they can find.
On the S.S. Tidal:TsubakiSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Well, you got your wish and it didn't release any fumes. What it DOES, unleash however, is twofold: First, it fires a dart into your neck, stealing your ability to move freely while keeping you conscious. Next, a mechanism inside the pack pushes a collapsed PokeBall, unleashing an Abra into your cabin. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together: The Abra's likely going to Teleport itself and you back to Dewford and into the sketchy man's hands if something's not done quickly. You can still give commands to Nobi, but it'd better be a good one if you wanna get out of this unscathed! After all, you've likely only got one shot!
SladenSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Due to people being from different areas of the region, no one really gives Creed a second glance other than to maybe worry about the size of it. With that being the attitude of those you cross, you make it to your room with a problem. Lying back on your bed, it seems no one's been alerted to your crime or your presence just yet, though the boat's gonna seem an obvious first place to look once they do get on the ball. You rest for now, but you need to be well prepared to either smuggle yourself off the boat without notice or fight whatever authority they have looking for you when you awake.
In Mauville:IanSpoiler (click to show/hide):
(No Post! 1 Count towards Inactivity)
LisaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
You hear the clicking of the PokeGear camera going off like Bullet Seed fire from his position and you question whether he even heard your question, caught up in the simple fact that he has a girl stripping in front of him. When you're finally nude, it gets hard to distinguish one click from another he's going so fast. Then it abruptly stops as you start moving your hands across your body. Looking at him, you see something almost feral in his eyes, the boy's overwhelming lust causing him to stop thinking for the moment. His nervousness, his inexperience, his morals, all gone as his hormones completely take over. If you feel the need to call him back to his senses, now's the time. Beyond this point, he MAY just do whatever he feels like.
In Lavaridge:SteveSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Exiting the Gym with your perverted fantasies in mind, you come across a woman suddenly, and for no reason you can discern, being knocked out by a boy with a stun gun! And he doesn't even look guilty about it, starting up a conversation you're too far to hear with a man being followed by a Growlithe. You suppose you could move on, start your journey, pretend you didn't see anything... but you're betting that'd screw with your sense of morality. Such a slight should NOT go unpunished, so the only thing now is do you stop to find out if anything prompted such a violent response or do you avenge the lady's honor? Or you could still go the third route and move along since you have your supplies.
DuoSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Shaking herself from her perverted daydreams, the woman fixes you with a glare. She looks ready to curse you out or start making threats, her hand moving towards her PokeBall when suddenly she drops like a sack of bricks, moving towards unconsciousness before she even registers anything has happened. From where she stood is the earnest young man you tried to approach earlier, holding out a stun gun being powered by his Shinx. When did he even call it out!?
“Thanks a lot, Elly!” he says, petting the Pokemon before recalling it. “Er... mister, I can still give you some stuff if you want it.” he holds out a small pack. “I'd understand if you didn't want it anymore with all the trouble it's brought you. But I'd definitely wanna be gone by the time she wakes up. She's... scary.” You see overwhelming, genuine fear in the boy's eyes and have to wonder how he even managed the courage to knock her out like he did. Still... there's gotta be a reason behind that fear. Maybe it could be relevant to your quest?
On Route 119:EddySpoiler (click to show/hide):
In the Safari Zone:JordanSpoiler (click to show/hide):

Leaving the rather Gothic looking girl behind, you quickly arrive at the Safari Zone. Immediately, the receptionist at the front asks for 500 Yen and your Pokemon since battling is not allowed within the Safari Zone. Once that’s done, she’ll hand you 30 Safari Balls and a map detailing the zones of the place.
“Oh, and I’d suggest you don’t go into Zones 5 and 6 right now. The Pokemon in there have been acting… strange. She says before you tear off.
“Not ‘they’re in their heat cycle’ strange, but some other kind of oddness. We have scientists in there now trying to find out what’s wrong, but until they report, please try to stay away from there.” her warning delivered, she goes back to looking neutral behind her desk. Taking a look at the map, you notice that Zones 3 and 4 can’t be accessed without a certain type of bike, meaning you’re restricted to Zones 1 and 2 right now. That should be fine. There’s plenty of Pokemon in those zones alone!
On Route 121:ElixiaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
It seems the girl, Jordan she introduced herself as, doesn’t really heed your words, instead shooting off to whatever it is that she wants to do. Not that you have time to dwell on that. Almost as if hiding in the dust cloud the girl left you choking in, a Poochyena appears. It looks kind of vicious, making it a bad idea to try the same method Jordan seemed to use. Matter of fact, it looks like you’d lose a finger or two if you got near it. What do you wanna do about it?