In Littleroot:Claire and DenieveSpoiler (click to show/hide):
“Oh, of course, right. Something about having the sense scared out of me somehow caused me to forget.” Birch says, caking on the sarcasm in his last sentence. Looking over Claire, he studies her face for a moment before snapping his fingers. “I remember them all right! Samuel was right back over here minutes after he started, chased by a trio of Poochyena… Oh, oops, he told me not to tell that story.” He cuts himself off, scratching the back of his head. He coughs into his head and continues. “Anyways, ever since Brendan and May left on the beginning of their journey, I’ve taken to preparing a bag of supplies for every potential trainer just in case. You two are no exception,” he turns around and grabs two small bags and hands them to each of you, “so here you go. You’ll find a Pokedex, a Map app for your PokeGear, 5 Pokeballs, and 4 Potions. Should be just enough to make it through to your first gym battle or at least a town where you can get more and better supplies.” You can look in the bag to double check, but he seems pretty sure about what’s in there. “Now, if you have any questions, ask. If not, then I won’t stop you from getting your journey on the road.” He finishes at last, a grin on his face. Ask around if you have a question, otherwise, it’s off to Route 101 you go! You’ll also need to decide if you’re going together or apart. Together has an odd tendency to attract Pokemon to you in pairs of two, but there’s safety in numbers!
JacksonSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Your dad mutes whatever show he’s watching, looks like a comedy sketch involving Sudowoodo, a Charizard, and some rather unorthodox methods of cleaning, and rises out of the chair to face you. He looks like he’s sizing you up, trying to get a feel of how serious you are about following his advice and going off a journey. Seeing you’re basically ready to go and hearing you ask about the PokeDex brings a smile to his face.
“My son! Ready to start his journey into the world!” he says, sounding proud as if you’d just married an actress or something. “I’m tellin’ ya, this will be good for you. Even if you don’t make the same connections that got me where I am today while you’re out, you’ll get a view of the world that can’t be replicated. Experience unlike any other and sure to come in handy. Memories to last a lifetime!” he says as he reaches towards the TV to grab his wallet, money in his sight, therefore on his mind, at all times as per usual. He hands you 5000 Yen. “Unless you’re careless with it that should easily get you to Petalburg and beyond. After that, it’s up to you.” He says, voice still laden with pride. Looks like he has high hopes for your journey. Not one for overly emotional displays, he reaches out and grabs your hand for a shake, deciding at the last second to pull you in for a one armed hug. As he releases you, he says, “Take care, my son.” and watches you as you leave. Well, this is the official beginning of it all! What’s your first move?
On Route 101Garian Spoiler (click to show/hide):
(No post! 1 Count towards Inactivity)
On the S.S. Tidal:(Since I still can’t find a picture I’m happy with for the S.S. Tidal, I’ll have to make do with my words. Since I have to use words, I’m making some changes to it, matching it to what I have in my head rather than what’s in game. I’ll add more detail either as it occurs to me or… well, really just at my whimsy)
The Ferry has changed a bit, becoming a mix of cruise ship and ferry. It’s much more massive than it used to be, with 4 decks worth of cabins inside to better accommodate large parties. The top deck is pretty open aired with a pool on deck on the opposite side of the ramp you both used to board the ship and to the left. There’s also shuffleboard near the front, but who plays shuffleboard? To your left are stairs leading up and down.
Going up, you find everything needed to plot their course and steer (I forget the actual term for it right now). That’s where the majority of the crew is right now, sans the captain, though they look too busy to chat at the moment. Behind that are the kitchens. Odd placement, huh?
Going down, to your right, there’s the Captain’s Quarters, right there in case of emergency so they can be the first to respond. It looks rather large too, taking up a quarter of this level. The rest of this is Trainer cabins, compact compared to the Captain’s Cabin, but still the size of a small apartment room. All in all, there are 16 rooms on this level, including the Captain’s Room, excluding the men and women’s restrooms.
Below that, things look much like the deck above, but with more rooms since there’s no Captain’s Abode. There are about 20 rooms on this deck, again excluding the restrooms. A lot of these are Crew Quarter’s though, so only about 4 rooms are available. Still seems like a horribly low number of rooms for an entire crew. Maybe they share or something? On the bottom deck is the engine room, off limits to the normal folk. Or at least they claim as much.
TsubakiSpoiler (click to show/hide):

The Captain’s Cabin’s only sign is the one that tells you to go down to the second Floor. Beyond that, it’s kinda easy to see since the room takes up a quarter of the deck and has “Captain Briney” on the door. Hearing your knock, the Captain, a rather kindly looking old man in something that looks JUST short of an orange gi, opens up and greets you with a smile. However, it seemed he was busy with something and was only near the door temporarily, so he hands you the key to room 213 and shoos you along, closing the door not long after hanging a few keys on his doorknob. Just what is he doing in there anyway? Anyway, looking around, you notice you’re already in the 200s, so it’s just a matter of finding room number 13, which isn’t a problem.
Inside the room, things are kept simple: a bed off to your left, a desk off to your right, and a closed in shower further down the room. There’s a sign saying to keep showers to a minimum to reduce the need to recycle water. Other than that, the boat’s yours! You saw a few people milling around between the Captain’s Place and here, so challenging someone could definitely be in the cards. Or you could just chill. Your choice.
SladenSpoiler (click to show/hide):
As you make it onto the S.S. Tidal, you hear an ear-piercing, yet familiar voiced shriek. Seems your mom finally snapped back to reality. And not a moment too soon as the Ferry powers away, taking you to safety. Well, relative safety seeing as it won’t be long before the long arm of the law is upon you. Still, for the moment, you’re as free as a bird! A bird with no clue what to do with the depression powered Shuppet by your side, but still a bird! Having owned the Shuppet for a while, you remember that they love to feed on negative emotions such as envy, greed, etc., so as long as you find a supply of that for Creed somewhere, you should be fine. The attendant who boarded shortly after you points you towards the Captain’s Cabin for your key, then backs off, looking wary of you. You suspect she knows what Shuppets feed on and wonders just how much you’ve fed it to get it to grow to its current size. Whatever you decide to do about that, if anything at all, there’s a sign on the front of the stairs claiming the Captain’s Quarters are on the floor below. Should you leave the attendant alone, you’ll arrive just as a woman and her Growlithe are going down the hallway, presumably to her own room. You turn to find the Captain’s Room, only to see it’s impossible to miss, taking up a quarter of the level you’re on and haing “Captain Briney” on the door. Also impossible to miss are the keys hung from the doorknob. There’s 205, 318, 217, and 220 to choose from, so choose and decide what you’ll do next. There are a few trainers milling around. Maybe you can battle them? Or maybe you should look into getting a food source for Creed since you can’t be depressed all the time?
In Mauville:IanSpoiler (click to show/hide):
“That’s more the usual speed.” She says, almost sighing it, as you pay your compliment. A beautiful woman like that with her head screwed on like hers is? Should’ve known that one would fall flat, if only because she’s heard it a million times before. Giving you a level look, she continues. “I wouldn’t know how my luck is. I’ve only just started.” She says, giving the bag on her hip a pat to show its fullness. She must be looking to throw quite a bit at Lady Fortune! “Now, was there something you wanted? Or can I play my slots?” her words may come across as blunt and harsh, but her voice says she doesn’t mind you as much as the words would suggest, though that may be the novelty of your initial move in play here. You’re gonna have to make the kill or move on before that wears off.
LisaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
“Deal!” the boy shouts, almost before you’re done with your sentence, leaving you to wonder if he really heard you or not. Still, that’s probably the best you’re gonna get at this point unless you force it out of him. So excited is he at the prospect of seeing you naked that he actually LEADS you to your room, a floor up and down the right wing, instead of following you. When you catch up, he’s already in the opulent velvet chair pairs with the solid oak desk that came with the room.
O-o-on the bed.” He stammers out, pointing to the canopy style bed that’s about 2 times your size. Flowing from the top of the frame is red silk, dying the light that passes through it in its colors, turning the white sheets of the bed red as well. Other than whatever personal effects you have scattered in the room there’s also a mahogany dresser, almost taller than you, a closet larger than most entire rooms, and a chandler in the middle of it all to decorate your room. And this is the LEAST furnished house in the mansion, the room designated as the lowly maid’s room.
The boy, however, appreciates none of this. Instead, he has his PokeGear out, most definitely prepared to take pictures of you, both during and after you get through stripping. Well, you’re already in this far…
In Lavaridge:SteveSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Contrary to your expectations, Flannery breaks out into a smile, maybe chuckling at your nervous demeanor a bit. “Aiming high right from the get-go, huh? THAT’S a fire I like to see!” Then she puts a finger to her chin and looks up, seriously in thought at what to tell you. “If you’re going to go with fire-types, Ice Heals are your new best friends. Actually, if you run into an ice type at all, just try to get them knocked out as quickly as possible. Against water… well, you’re not a Gym Leader, so I’d suggest at least having one Pokemon to deal with that. Seriously, there’s nothing worse than having someone Hydro Pump their way through your entire team.” It sounds like basic advice, but it looks like she’s genuinely struggling for any meaningful tips, like the entire concept is new to her. “Oh! Travel with friends if you can swing it. Cuts a lot of the boredom in travel times.” At this point, it seems she’s deflated her supply of useful information, so she gives a defeated shrug. “Anything else you kinda learn as you go. It’s kinda hard to convey that kinda experience.” Chargine herself back up, she shines you a bright smile again. “As for stuff… Well, hold on a sec.” She disappears into the Gym for a few minutes before coming back with her hands full. “I don’t travel as much as I’d like, so these will be more useful for you than me.” She hands you 3 Ice Heals, 3 Super Potions, 2 Great Balls, a PokeBall, and a Potion. Seems like such a random assortment… “I’ll have a TM and a badge for you, maybe something else too, IF you manage to get strong enough to beat me.” She says with a wink.
DuoSpoiler (click to show/hide):
If possible, the smile on her face gets EVEN GREASIER at your words, something that should seriously make you reconsider dealing with her. [color=#BF00BF]“Purchasin’? Who said anything about buyin’? No, no, I just need some favors cashed in and you look like you might be someone who could do it.” She looks you up and down, the raw perversion in her gaze telling you what’s on her mind better than any psychic you know. “Of course, I could find another use for you. Your Growlithe too if he’s into that.” She throws a glance his way, looking much the same as she did at you. Oh boy…
On Route 119:EddySpoiler (click to show/hide):
On Route 121:JordanSpoiler (click to show/hide):
The Oddish (much like your GM) looks completely and utterly confused as gush over it, expecting any manner of moves except that. Its confusion deepens, an impressive feat considering how confused it was already, as you yank it off its feet and cuddle it. You can’t actually see its face as you press it against your chest, but you can probably assume that it’s a deeper flavor of the same dish.
“Odd?” it says, both a repetition of its name and a perfect summary of the whole situation. Still, the fact that it hasn’t used any attacks on you bodes well. ”Odd!” it says, a bit more sure. It seems like it’s taking you up on your offer. All that’s left is to formally catch it and move on to the Safari Zone!
In Lilycove:ElixiaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
The only way to go is towards Route 121 since the other route leading to nothing but water, so you head that way. There, you come across the sight of a girl… hugging a Pokemon? Whatever, either deal with that in some way or move on. Choosing to move on earns you a fight with a Poochyena, vicious looking, snarling, but looking like it’s bark is worse than it’s bite.