It seems as if it's been quite sometimes since this website has been up which is quite impressive due to the fact it came from just merely a flash game!
Anyways, I want to thank everyone on this forum for making my time here so far so great! Renara for keeping this place running smoothly, All the mods out there working hard (or hardly working) must also get thanks for... well... being mods and doing such a great job! hahaha
Also must say thanks to you creators out there
Ivan (MiM)
Blargh (also a MiM game)
Gorepete (Sakyu, Dusty's)
Corta (Corta'splatformer)
Humbird0 (many great games)
Mr. D(Mr. D's Crystal Ball)
Z-Fied (Resident-Evil Progeny)
and of course everyone else that has made a game, attempted to, or contributed to a game!

As for you lurkers >_> have fun playing these games and be sure to give appreciation to them as they put a lot of hard work into it!
Dont forget a few people in the RP section!
I know I wasnt the best at rping and I am quite annoy at times but thanks for making my first time a good one! ^_^
I have only been here for a few months but I've learned quite a lot from everyone on here
Anyways Happy New Years! Thank you for making the end of this year fun for me!
Lets have another great year!
Now its your turn! Tell us what was some things that made this year great for you!
How about a New Year's resolution? (I mean no one ever follows them but might as well hear them as this is a New Year's thread!)