by Thaedael » Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:52 am
"I am sorry Chrissy" she says with a hint of sympathy, understanding full well that the cold metal on flesh was not only annoying, but quite painful too. "It is that or the uncomfortable straight jacket option, neither of which are really comfortable' she said. She picked up the keys the guard had left her, placing them gently off the desk to one side, where a second desk stood, it's top covered in files and a computer, the screen saver a bunch of pictures of the psychologist on her many trips around the world throughout the years. Something the benefits of her job allowed her to do. She reached into a pocket of her work vest, pulling from it's silken hold a simple black digital recorder.
"Now that we are well acquainted, might as well start the process." She flipped the switch on the side, causing a small click to be heard, and a flashing light blinking sporadically, before placing it on the table between the two. "Dr Alicia Cunningham, with patient Chrissy here, Investigating into inter-personal relationships that have been building up in the prison as of late. At the requests of the warden, research will begin on the process in which one girl is made the proverbial... bitch, pardon the term, and eventually made to love the woman who treated her so. It is a semi-classic case of the Stockholm Syndrome, and more work needs to be done on it to see if it could help improve the networks between prisoners."
With all the formalities done, she pointed to the girl across from her, and spoke. "So, start with how you met the girl".