by lok987 » Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:41 am
Yeah, I have to agree: making these games is a shit ton of work. Patiently waiting and motivating the creators to continue their projects is really the best (and only) thing you can do. There are many games in development, which are really promising, but they all take a lot of effort and time.
Some examples:
- Resident Evil Progeny: there were no real updates for months, but it's now rather active again.
- Corta's Platformer: Corta completely disappeared for about a year until he picked it back up. Now he's been gone for 3 months again.
- Hounds Of The Blade: Small updates only approximately every 3 - 5 months.
- DirtyC101's Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs: updates about every 6 months.
- Projekt Wolfenstahl: they wanted to finish their game by end of Juli / August. It's still not finished now, but maybe in Q1/13?
- I think Kyrieru intended to have his new game finished by now (end of 2012) as well. Instead he's currently taking a break from it and makes another one, before returning to his main project.
- Gorepete is also nearing 4 months of hiatus mid January.
- Toffisama is also taking lengthy breaks in between. He was gone for over 6 months this year, before updating Amazon Kara.
So, it takes quite literally years before such ambitious projects get finished. That is, of course, if they aren't officially abandoned at some point.