Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby hailey<3 » Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:15 pm

Ashley giggles. "It's ironic mistress. However I think it is still sexier when I do for you." Ashley winks and when boots are on she gets out of the cellar carefully and motions for Chrissy to join her when the coast is clear.
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby thealchemist » Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:04 am

Rachel blushed and said a quick thank you before continuing. "I don't know. Samantha just had this... alluring presence. It just made me want to be next to her. Its strange how I hated her when we first met. I hated the duties she made me perform and yet, I felt myself become... aroused by her acts, presence, and her voice. What a voice she had. Samantha had this sexy tone in her voice that just made you willing to do anything. From then on you know. So whats my diagnoses?"
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby Thaedael » Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:26 am

"Beats me, just sounds like you either fell in love with someone that represented everything you weren't, power, control, willpower, etc. Or perhaps stockholm syndrome where you fell in love with your captor. That or you are just crazy" she shrugged her shoulders, flicking the cigarette towards the floor once more. "Either way, admitting the problem is at least a step in the right direction." she said with a smile.

Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby berserkerhorn » Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:53 am

Stella turns around and moves towards the prison entrance. Now that yard time was over she makes her way to cell 6B. She walks inside and says "Hello? I was told to come here?" She looks around for anyone waiting for her. She tries to see if the black girl that told her to come here was also in the cell
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:40 am

hailey<3 Wrote:Ashley giggles. "It's ironic mistress. However I think it is still sexier when I do for you." Ashley winks and when boots are on she gets out of the cellar carefully and motions for Chrissy to join her when the coast is clear.

Chrissy would follow, holding Ashley's hand. "Lets get back to our cell, and that way you stop dripping in your panties.."
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:42 am

berserkerhorn Wrote:Stella turns around and moves towards the prison entrance. Now that yard time was over she makes her way to cell 6B. She walks inside and says "Hello? I was told to come here?" She looks around for anyone waiting for her. She tries to see if the black girl that told her to come here was also in the cell

The black woman walks into view, then a shiv is felt at Stella's back. Its not cutting Stella, but the owner has a british accent as she says. "Aw, what a pretty little girl. You came for the fun eh?"
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby berserkerhorn » Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:52 am

Stella backs away from the girl with the shiv. “I hope that’s not what you mean by fun…” she says pointing to the shiv in the British girl’s hand. “I was sent here by her.” Stella says pointing to the black girl that told her to come. “She said she wanted to see how I would look when I am pressed and that I would anger Patrice if I didn’t come.” Stella says trying to get as far away from the shiv as possible. “By any chance are you Patrice?” Stella says cocking her head to one side.
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:33 am

berserkerhorn Wrote:Stella backs away from the girl with the shiv. “I hope that’s not what you mean by fun…” she says pointing to the shiv in the British girl’s hand. “I was sent here by her.” Stella says pointing to the black girl that told her to come. “She said she wanted to see how I would look when I am pressed and that I would anger Patrice if I didn’t come.” Stella says trying to get as far away from the shiv as possible. “By any chance are you Patrice?” Stella says cocking her head to one side.

"I am Patrice," Said the red headed, white skinned girl. She had neon red hair, and looked a bit insane. "I just wanted to give you a bit of a scare is all. And don't worry, you'll have some fun, or at least we will. And you'll get pressed, all the way down, and you'll be a good little girl about it. Or else!" Her hair was a medium short style. She was wearing a standard prison uniform, but she had a bit of blush makeup on her face.
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby thealchemist » Fri Dec 14, 2012 5:55 am

Rachel smiled with Alicia, but hers was a sad one. "Yes, but what is the right direction. Where do I go from here? My heart has been broken and a fog has settled on my path." Rachel propped her head against her hand as she began to think. "Can you please help me find my path Alicia. May I call you that?"
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby Thaedael » Fri Dec 14, 2012 6:07 am

"We are two people here, having a simple and civil discussion. Formalities are out of the question, most of us went to school to further our knowledge, not to be called by our profession." she said. "As for what you want to do, it is all up to you, I am here to support you, and to help you find you own little niche. Instead of hiding every little strength and focusing on every little negative thing about you, why not just continue to find out who you are, and to make your time here an introspection. The system may have been a little harsh, so let's be friends so that your experience here isn't always about being some other girl's bitch" she said.

Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby hailey<3 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:22 am

Ashley quickly replies. "It's not my fault I am still horny. They decided that Yard Time is over." She walks uncomfortably back to the cell. She is blushing however it is very discreet.
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:45 pm

hailey<3 Wrote:Ashley quickly replies. "It's not my fault I am still horny. They decided that Yard Time is over." She walks uncomfortably back to the cell. She is blushing however it is very discreet.

As they made it back to their cell Chrissy laid down on the bottom bunk. Taking off her boots, "Ah... So nice.."
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby hailey<3 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:50 pm

"Would Mistress Chrissy like my special hands and tongue? To help you relax?" Ashley stands there with a little giggle and continues to stand there. She was glad to have a little time with her mistress.
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Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:53 pm

"Sure, just make sure not to miss anything my pet." Chrissy said with her eyes closed and smiling.
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby hailey<3 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:59 pm

Ashley gets on the bed and starts slowly massaging her feet. She slowly rubs the high pressure spots which releases the stress and when she has given her foot a good scan she then slowly licks up it and sucks on each toe giggling quietly. She kisses her foot and moans as she does so. This was bliss just spending the time with her mistress. "Do you like it?"
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:20 pm

hailey<3 Wrote:Ashley gets on the bed and starts slowly massaging her feet. She slowly rubs the high pressure spots which releases the stress and when she has given her foot a good scan she then slowly licks up it and sucks on each toe giggling quietly. She kisses her foot and moans as she does so. This was bliss just spending the time with her mistress. "Do you like it?"

Chrissy didn't say a word, then suddenly. She gripped Ashley under her arms and pulled her up to her. Snuggling with Ashley, "Yes, I just wish it also didn't make me tired."
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby hailey<3 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:27 pm

Ashley yelps in surprise and giggles. "I thought I had messed up there. You just went quiet." Ashley kisses Chrissy's nose and whispers. "I hate being in this prison. There are only some things that I can enjoy."
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby thealchemist » Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:13 am

Rachel sighed. "Thats where the problem is. I don't know my strengths and when I wasn't someones bitch bad things happen. It was only from Samanthas teachings that I haven't been shanked." Rachel felt a little mad, it seemed whenever something goes right, the retribuition is doubled. "Thank you so much for listening to talk about my problems Alicia."
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:23 am

Mia had fallen into a sudden depression throghout the entire time that she had been out in the yard. Every convict was a criminal, some worse than others; all of them no doubt deserving to remain locked up for the better good. Almost none had noticed her and if they did, the two guards would have scared them away just by reminding them of the heavy guns they carried. They wore full body suits with dozens of layers of body armor from head to toe. Their helmets had a wide visor capable of stopping a good number of bullets or hits.

She never would have thought that one little girl needed so much protection. Her old butler could have wrecked his way past those two guards and the entire prison. Although, he had gone missing after the private jet she had been sleeping in weeks earlier had been shot down.

Mia didn't need to be hurried, her next appointment was with the Warden herself. She had been informed it was to become a daily habit, for what though; she didn't have a single clue. The two heavy looking guards escorted her across the prison and towards the Warden's office, many convicts rapidly hurrying to get out of their way. To anyone, she would seem like a rather young girl, probably by the age of 15 or 16 even. The young little lady was barely in her early 18's, her petite and flawless, feminine and girly appearence betraying her age. It even looked wrong to see such a pretty and young girl offered so much security.. and yet, she had done not a single illegal deed. Only the paranoia of a world-wide known Mob Boss and his cruel wickedness were the cause of her staying in such a place.
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Re: Re: Prison Rules Bitch!: The Sister Prison IC

Postby Reapergod36 » Sun Dec 16, 2012 7:26 am

hailey<3 Wrote:Ashley yelps in surprise and giggles. "I thought I had messed up there. You just went quiet." Ashley kisses Chrissy's nose and whispers. "I hate being in this prison. There are only some things that I can enjoy."

"I would hope i'm something you enjoy..." Pulling Ashley up on top of her, as Chrissy laid on her back.
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