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Postby Gorbaz » Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:29 am

Report: DST-33713-B-0094
Subject: Intruders in system J-25
Ref: XB-04857F; XB-04857G; SS-3339-N-3702
Message Start
--> 00:23:18;
----> Scan of {Ralison Nebula} sector {04} complete
----> {17} Anomolies, {0} Stellar Events, {0} Vessels, {82} Elements, {121} Miscilania detected
----> Secondary reports filed; DST-33713-B-0094-A; DST-33713-B-0094-B; DST-33713-B-0094-C
----> End Sub-report

--> 03:18:59;
----> Scan of {Ralison Nebula} sector {04} complete
----> {14} Anomolies, {0} Stellar Events, {2} Vessels, {82} Elements, {129} Miscilania detected
----> Secondary reports filed; DST-33713-B-0094-D; DST-33713-B-0094-E; DST-33713-B-0094-F; DST-33713-B-0094-G
----> End Sub-report

--> 10:00:47;
----> Scan of {Ralison Nebula} sector {04} complete
----> {6} Anomolies, {1} Stellar Events, {0} Vessels, {82} Elements, {79} Miscilania detected
----> Secondary reports filed; DST-33713-B-0094-H; DST-33713-B-0094-I; DST-33713-B-0094-J; DST-33713-B-0094-K
----> End Sub-report

--> 10:34:18
----> [[ALERT]] Unidentified body moving within {Ralison Nebula}.
----> No IFF detected
----> No communications detected
----> No identification beacon active
----> Course plotted: 027/415
----> End Sub-report

--> 10:44:01
----> [[ALERT]] Unidentified body entering system {J-25}
----> No identifiable markings
----> Course unchanged
----> End Sub-report

--> 10:46:44
----> [[ALERT]] Body matched to archive data {SS-3339-N-3702}
----> Ship flagged as {hostile}
----> Course unchanged
----> Priority alert beacon active
----> End Sub-report

--> End Report

==On board the SS Obfuscation==

Alarms bared and lights flashed to alert status throughout the transport vessel's corridors The ship was enting it's designated contact zone, and it was time to weak up the insertion team that would be soon leaving the ship and venturing onto, quite literally, alien terratory. The sterile white of the walls were washed with red as the alert lights continued to flash. The Obfuscation, being a personnel transport, was designed differently to bulk transports, with two main cargo wings - one for cryo-sleep chambers, and the other for their gear. Between the two of them was both the mess hall and meeting room.

Sergent Pollis of the Special Combat and Tactics Division strode through the cryo-sleep station as the chambers themselves started to open with a hiss. The man was big, his body betraying a good many years in the Marines, his bronzed skin marked with scars, and a mechanical eye replacing his own missing right eye "Up and at 'em ladies! This ain't no pleasure cruise! Get your shit together and get to breifing in 10 - beuty sleep is for the dead!"
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Re: Invasion!

Postby daxtinator396 » Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:26 am

Amber steps out onto the cold floor of the cryo bay shivering in the tight body suit they were all issued before entering cryo sleep. She quickly heard Sergeant Pollis shouting at them and she quickly piped up in her own voice,"Sarge I take offence to that! These men don't deserve to be called ladies!" She said jokingly keeping abit of gender rivalry alive in the group. Helps make the group work harder to outdo each other. She quickly turned to head towards the other wing for her gear so she could head to the briefing on time.
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Re: Invasion!

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:56 am

Jon yawns as he awakens from cryo-sleep, still preferring the comfort of an actual bed to that chilly ice-tube. "Always when it's a sexy dream..." he mumbles under his breath, a bit disappointed with how he got woken up during a dream-world harem with galactically-famous bounty hunters. There was Nevvy, and Sam, and Bay...a whole slew of 'em, really...ah well.

"Yeah yeah, roger that and all, sir. I'll just get me a little breakfast in those 10 minutes." Jon replies to Sgt. Pollis; really though, a sergeant is their C.O? Would it kill the higher-ups to at least give them a lieutenant for this one? Sheesh...meh, whatever. As long as the dude doesn't go picking a fight with him, he won't have to get anyone demoted for "tactical deficiency"...

...but enough about that. Right now, Jon grabs his lucky playing card off the nearby counter: the ace of spades. It's a bit of a lucky charm he keeps on him, as well as a reminder of an old friend. He also puts on any apparel he may need to after cryo-sleep, waits until everyone else is risen and shining, then asks: "I'm getting some grub at the mess hall. Anybody wanna come with?"
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Re: Invasion!

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:37 am

Katya looked at Jon as she stepped out stretching
"Da....I will take you up....on that offer"
She said just loud enough for him to hear
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Invasion!

Postby Harcin » Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:04 am

'Doctor' Richter awakens quietly, moving quickly and purposefully to the other pods, observing the opening process with efficiency, making sure everyone gets out alright, then looking over to Jon and replying simply, without hesitation, "Nein. Briefing first."

He then turns his head a bit, talking to the group as a whole, "I recommend unt post-cryo physical after ze briefing. Ve should all be at peak efficiency for vhatever is coming."
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Re: Invasion!

Postby Gorbaz » Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:55 pm

"Food can wait" Sgt Pollis shouted as he made a return thrip through the bay. "Or did you come out here for a picnic, soldier?". He stopped in front of Jon as he said the last bit, giving him stern glance. "We are here for war, not some namby-pamby holiday! This is a very special breif that you are getting here, and the sooner it is done, the sooner you can stuff some gruel into your bellies. You now have eight minutes"

The sergent turned to leave the cryo room, and everyone to get themselves ready
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Re: Invasion!

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:32 am

Jon halts in his tracks when Sgt. Pollis cuts him off and yells in his face, but only because he can't just walk right through the guy. Doing his best not to grimace from the sergeant's notably bad breath, he replies with a light sigh of mild annoyance: "No, sir. I just operate better on a full stomach." Honestly, it's hard-assed, pushy guys like that which make him wish he still had his old C.O.; Cap'n Alkaid at least gave enough time for breakfast before the briefing.

After Sgt. Parade-Piss...err, Pollis leaves the room again, Jon says to his teammates: "Well, since Sarge is so very insistent, I guess we have no choice. Briefing first, then breakfast...and we'd better have time for at least that afterwards. Even my patience has its limits." Knowing how calm and collected Mr. Edge often is - even when a sergeant with horrid halitosis is treating him like a green recruit - it's clear that Jon holds a decent breakfast in quite high regard.

Well, whatever. For now, Jon heaves another annoyed sigh, and heads off for the briefing room. He's timing himself, too, and if the Sarge says "you're late," he'll be quite happy to retort...
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Re: Invasion!

Postby daxtinator396 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:11 am

Amber heads quickly to the briefing room having gotten all if her equipment together. She was ready and she might even be the first to make it there and could gloat about all the slowpokes still scrambling around in cryo! She giggled to herself as she hurried to the briefing room.
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Re: Invasion!

Postby Harcin » Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:29 am

'Doctor' Richter looks around, making sure everyone's either out of cryo, or on their way out, completely ignoring Sgt. Pollis' last obnoxious tirade, and heading out after Jon and Amber towards the briefing room, hurrying a bit, though mostly just because he wanted briefing over with, so he could finally get to work...
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Re: Invasion!

Postby That_One_Guy » Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:08 pm

Garian stood up after falling out of cryo and stretched a bit, cracking the bones in his body to get them less stiffened. He listened to the Sarge before watching him leave and went to his locker, grabbing his clothes while whistling a tune. "Well, waking up naked with a bunch of girls seems like a dream come true before you realize where you're at and what you're doing!" he yelled to them all as he finished getting his clothes on, he still felt stiff, "Man, I got to admit that I'll never get used to Cryo." He admitted and fell to the ground to do some push-ups, trying to get back into shape and make ease the stiffness in his arms and back.
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Re: Invasion!

Postby RavenLord » Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:53 pm

Richard soon followed Garians example, leaving his own pod. Richard was tall ( standing 2.12) and well muscled though nothing close to sergeant in that area. There were scars on his chest and arms, though few in number, they marked him as a veteran soldier. The biggest one was on his chest, starting from his right shoulder and ending at his left side.

Richards body easily shrugged off the aftereffects of cryo-sleep. He strecthed his muscles before turning his attention to sergeant, hearing out his orders. He snorted at Garians comment. He went for his own locker, taking out his own clothes, a blue jean, a white shirt and a brown jacket. Soon he was ready. He turned to Garian who was doing push-ups. Come on shorty. Let's go, we souldn't make others wait. he said to him. Deciding to wait for his fellow squadmate before leaving the cryo-room like others did.
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Re: Invasion!

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:05 pm

Katya sighed as their CO denied them breakfast
Being a professional she would not complain over her hunger
She simply replied before standing by the door waiting for the rest of the squad
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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