SimBrothel G pacs on hiatus

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Which Anime Theme Would You Like To See In The Next Gpac?

Samurai Champloo
Neon Genisis Evangleon
Gurren Lagann
Shugo Chara
Total votes : 35

SimBrothel G pacs on hiatus

Postby riddlebox1321 » Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:33 am

Let me start off first by saying; if you have played Sim Brothel and liked the game then this is for you.

If you haven't played Sim Brothel then I recommend the game to you. I am attaching the game to this post. If it doesn't work then here is a link:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

In the game you get to run brothels, collect girls, train them, gain abilities, customize equipment, and manage the lives of the girls working in your brothels. Shortly after playing the game I found a development board where they had been working on a second game, err versions of a second game. They had developers and members suggesting what should be in the updates, kinda like this place.

Anyways, the last time I checked they were looking for new developers and losing a couple old ones to long vacations. If you are interested in joining the board, or are just curious to check it out, then here's the link.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

1/14/13 - 14.1.13 and here are links to download the games:
sibr1x v.976a newest version small update.
Nothins Sim brothel v0.03b
Sim Brothel release v2.1.4 100125 1 (7Zip file)
Old Sim Brothel Remake

Games also posted on the board:
Brothel 0.5.1 released (Newest updates link found there) 2-22-13

Here are Gpacs you can load into sibr1x with the girlmaker to make new girls (New Gpac Update 1/20/13 / 20.1.2013):

Sibr1x has a girl maker for editing and creating new girls, I have posted a tutorial on how it works on the second Gpac link. Let me know If a link goes bad.

Xela Wrote:People who have:
- free time on their hands
- are motivated to participate in design of a SimBrothel type of game

and can either:
- Write well and willing to learn some basic scripting.
- Photoshop or otherwise create graphical elements like frames, buttons, bars etc.
- Are good at hunting for pictures, music, sounds, graphics.
- Can design interesting game elements AS CONCEPTS (not in code), but real concepts that describe logic, gui and purpose.

Thanks for the support!
Voting for your favorite brothel sim was almost unanamously in favor for Sibr1x, thank you for your support. when A playable beta of PytFall is released by xela maybe we can post it here and have another poll. I know that I haven't been around to update for a while but I plan to change that from now on. First on my agenda is to get rolling on some Gpacs for Sibr1x, some sound effects for PytFall and learn how to use my python writing program so I can help xela code a little. If you would like to help I will be starting a poll for what Gpac I should create first, voting for your favorite anime and lok characters, aswell as posting any others for the next poll would be very helpful. Also for those who want to do my leg work and know the anime well or want to help research to help design the stats please feel free.

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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby Veggetossj » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:17 pm

played this a while back, pretty nice game, most of the girls are form different anime/manga.
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Sim Brothel development board (Sim Brothel Games)

Postby riddlebox1321 » Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:02 am

Ignore this post, it is a duplicate from the topic merge.
Last edited by riddlebox1321 on Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:59 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby ac429 » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:27 pm

Hey man, Sim Brothel release v2.1.4 100125 1 is bugged.

When you sell girls, the the application selects the wrong girl. For example, if i try to sell the 4th girl, the 3rd girl gets sold.

Otherwise, cool game, bro! I always thought pooolka's original sim brothel had a good design, and I'm glad to see these games are sticking to it.

I remember another game where you were like a gang leader and you had to manage gangs and a dungeon and stuff. That's too much, too unwieldy, way too much out of scope. We got to remember, it's just a game about running a brothel. Nothing more and nothing less.

I'm glad to see that you guys seem to appreciate that. :)
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby riddlebox1321 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:31 am

ac429 Wrote:Hey man, Sim Brothel release v2.1.4 100125 1 is bugged.

When you sell girls, the the application selects the wrong girl. For example, if i try to sell the 4th girl, the 3rd girl gets sold.

Otherwise, cool game, bro! I always thought pooolka's original sim brothel had a good design, and I'm glad to see these games are sticking to it.

I remember another game where you were like a gang leader and you had to manage gangs and a dungeon and stuff. That's too much, too unwieldy, way too much out of scope. We got to remember, it's just a game about running a brothel. Nothing more and nothing less.

I'm glad to see that you guys seem to appreciate that. :)

Will take note of the bug, the games are still under production. Thanks for the feedback it's always helpful :D
Also here are some Gpac files you can load into sibr1x with the girlmaker.
My Gpac downloads found here

Some more from Vince77 at the Sim Brothel Development Board
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby BlueLight » Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:01 am

Just for anyone that's hating on, i believe this program orginally started out of their forums and it got created and uploaded there. While it's not they're game, it did orginalate from their forums.
My information might be complete wrong but i believe i found it on their forums years back before I knew about LoK and likely it was around before then.

also..... IP ADRESSES FOR THE HACKING PEOPLE! Just look at the first post URL.... i shouldn't be shouting this to the world.... Well happy hacking you crackers. While i a legit hacker shall distance my self from anything illegal.
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby riddlebox1321 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:28 am

BlueLight Wrote:Just for anyone that's hating on, i believe this program orginally started out of their forums and it got created and uploaded there. While it's not they're game, it did orginalate from their forums.
My information might be complete wrong but i believe i found it on their forums years back before I knew about LoK and likely it was around before then.

also..... IP ADRESSES FOR THE HACKING PEOPLE! Just look at the first post URL.... i shouldn't be shouting this to the world.... Well happy hacking you crackers. While i a legit hacker shall distance my self from anything illegal.

What do you mean IP address? I gave the link to download form media fire so ppl could just click and download without the hassle of going through hoops.
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby Shadoon » Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:51 am

Damn it, i began my adventure in hentai games with this one, i almost forgot completely about it
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby Zeus Kabob » Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:55 am

riddlebox1321 Wrote:
BlueLight Wrote:Just for anyone that's hating on, i believe this program orginally started out of their forums and it got created and uploaded there. While it's not they're game, it did orginalate from their forums.
My information might be complete wrong but i believe i found it on their forums years back before I knew about LoK and likely it was around before then.

also..... IP ADRESSES FOR THE HACKING PEOPLE! Just look at the first post URL.... i shouldn't be shouting this to the world.... Well happy hacking you crackers. While i a legit hacker shall distance my self from anything illegal.

What do you mean IP address? I gave the link to download form media fire so ppl could just click and download without the hassle of going through hoops.

I followed the links and they lead to Mediafire. I could do some more complex diagnostics to see if they're legitimate, but I think it's no big deal.

Bluelight, saying that you're a "hacker" simply gives people bad impressions. The main hacker that anyone knows about is the "script kiddie", and anyone worth their salt knows that that's a tiny portion of people who would consider themselves "hackers".

Anyway, I don't really want to get too deep into that, just stay safe people.
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby BlueLight » Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:09 am

.... really people, it was joke because IP addresses were provided for the links. You want to know how easy they are to get? Just get Firefox 3, get a plug in called IP look up and goto anysite.

As for IP adress : ... 76a%29.exe
okay remove - http://
now we have :
remove - /l046hz8f81og/4svgt6ohvm1krxn/sibr1x+%28976a%29.exe
Now we have : = IP ADDRESS!

IP address are normally used with hacking because your contacting the server and don't have to deal with controls on the domain name. For instatants if i own the domain "" and "" i could redirect you when you put in "" to "\monkey\notjustBurgersareFatting_com\lalalalallaall"

He's not a hacker, it's likely he got the links from a site which provided them in that form.

Also hackers and crackers are two different things. I tend to call myself a hacker because i tend to understand more about how computers work than most people i talk to. I'm a low level hacker at best. I have never hacked anything but my old XP but really by hack we're talking about about calling up a restore point because i lost my password. I did lose the password to my Vista but that required somebody elses 3rd party program so i don't consider that a hack.

Okay now to explain the joke.

The joke is this, a IP address was provided; and hackers(Well crackers) are known to use IP addresses in most fiction to log into website.
At best this would get a chuckle. Now i don't slander peoples' name without knowing them at the very least; and it's really out of character if i did do that.

So i think i've cleared up everything in the thread about my post, and if i didn't you can PM and leave this thread alone with the off topicsiness :roll:
I just downloaded the lastest version, i'll try it later. Give your self 2 points for every spelling mistake i did; it's 3 points if it's a grammar mistake; and a whooping 10 points if a grammar or spelling mistake is followed by it's inverse.

I wonder if people will think i consider them dumb or something with that last joke... great :?
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby riddlebox1321 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:15 am

...So you're more along the lines of Tech support person in training?
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby BlueLight » Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:17 am

Um, you not creating this, or are you? While i don't think there is a rule saying you can't post this hear if your not creating it, i would suggest you don't.

-The great rule Nazis, blue
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby riddlebox1321 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:21 am

I am on the board to help develop it, I am not taking credit for the creation of it as a whole but as part, also I can argue that it was posted as a reference.
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby riddlebox1321 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:29 am

@ BlueLight,
All is forgiven, simple mistake.
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby Birdo » Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:46 am

Oh WHAAAT? I JUST made this account to post a java game I made inspired by this game. I had been working on it for weeks. The twist is you can easily customize which girls were in it. Pretty nifty, eh? I'm actually a little disappointed to see this here now, what inconvenient timing.
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby Kantirocks » Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:41 am

There is one that someone completely remade and started again, he hasn't posted since October but here's his blog:
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby riddlebox1321 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:52 am

Kantirocks Wrote:There is one that someone completely remade and started again, he hasn't posted since October but here's his blog:

This looks cool, I'll have to check it out.
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby ac429 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:44 am

riddlebox1321 Wrote:
ac429 Wrote:Hey man, Sim Brothel release v2.1.4 100125 1 is bugged.

When you sell girls, the the application selects the wrong girl. For example, if i try to sell the 4th girl, the 3rd girl gets sold.

Otherwise, cool game, bro! I always thought pooolka's original sim brothel had a good design, and I'm glad to see these games are sticking to it.

I remember another game where you were like a gang leader and you had to manage gangs and a dungeon and stuff. That's too much, too unwieldy, way too much out of scope. We got to remember, it's just a game about running a brothel. Nothing more and nothing less.

I'm glad to see that you guys seem to appreciate that. :)

Will take note of the bug, the games are still under production. Thanks for the feedback it's always helpful :D
Also here are some Gpac files you can load into sibr1x with the girlmaker.
link 1 LOD girls ... ync.6d40sr
link 2 code geass pt.1 ... ync.9v1rw4
link 3 code geass pt.2 ... ync.9wv4f5

Holy crap, that's awesome, thanks! Of the 3 versions you linked in OP, sibr1x's version is my fav. No offense, but Nothin's sim brothel make health tracking really difficult. v2.1.4 100125 1 was also really cool, and I think exactly right on how streamlined it should be. It's style system is really cool, too. I like how it doesn't really delve into extra things like security/goons/cops/romancing/etc. It lets you focus on the accounting. :)

I had my doubts about sibr1x's version in the beginning, because it seemed like a lot of micro-management in the beginning. But because you can save schedules, I made 2 self-sustaining schedules and worked with that.

Btw, I'm acac on your board. Thanks for answering my question before, about "ranks". I think that can be really confusing for new players, and it should probably be renamed to "level", to reflect the character sheet. :)
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby riddlebox1321 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:47 pm

Thanks for the support acac I'll post this in the suggestions section on the board
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Re: Sim Brothel development board

Postby riddlebox1321 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:38 pm

I wonder if there's a moderator lurking about that I can ask this question to:
Would it be a violation of conduct if a began making LOK Gpac's?
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