Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. - Commissar Groden Bevro
++Incoming Transmission from Inquisitor Iyaden Frostborn++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
**Decryption engaging+++++++++++++20%...40%...60%...80%...100%...Parsing Now++++++++++++++
Terran Year 400.M41
It is not yet quite sure what it was that lead to the eventual civil war that broke out across
the hive world of Fair Frozen, only that it was beset on all sides by the forces we strive
to stamp out. It could have been a tragedy, another world doomed to the fate of planet
wide exterminatus.
Like many worlds within the Imperium it is a world of vital importance, though the weight
of that importance is much greater in proportion to the crux it bears as a manufactorum.
Planet wide there is a population of 80 million people, spread across multiple hive cities.
Yet it differs from that of other planets in the Segmentum Solar, in that the hives are
localized along a gouge in the ground known affectionately as the Cat's Eye. An endearing
nickname earned from the view of the planet from space. Yet I digress.
The world is responsible for keeping the forces of Chaos at bay, for it floats lazily around
it's twin suns to the north of the Eye of Terror. A formidable bulwark of fortress worlds
surround the eye of terror and the world of Fair Frozen is but one of the logistical planets
that keeps the Garrison both armed and supplied.
It has vital importance to the Imperial Navy as well as a major site for the maintenance of
ships, especially the Emperor Class Battleships that patrol the length of the Eye of Terror's
vast expanses. Long space elevators are located along the gouge, their forms descending from
the heavens down through the perpetual industrial smoke that clouds the ice world.
It is here that our story begins, where the rise of a few courageous individuals against
the odds and stood their ground in the face of the foes of the Emperor. It is from the common
folk that heroes were born, and legends born, continuing the long and illustrious legacy of
the hive world.
+End of Transmission+++++++Closing...10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0++++++++++++++++++++
Segmentum Solar, Cadian Sector, Planet Fair Frozen, The Frozen Walk Hive City
It had been another long day among the hard working labor pool of the planet Fair Frozen, the chiming of large manufactorum cast-adamantium bells ringing true throughout the main capital spire. Under the watchful eye of Valkeryie transporters darting across the skies on plumes of exhaust the workers begun to systematically flood from the many floors of factories. The Cat's Eye trench is several kilometers wide, and several hundreds of kilometers deeper, running the length of a major latitude line. From every level of the hive capital did people emerge, the changing of shifts occurring systematically with practiced routine as fully a third of the planet's population begun to make the transition. Whole sections of the hive rumbled under foot, the passing of large swarms of people darting across the gargantuan gangways hanging out and over the edges of the wall. Below the city and factories built deep into walls of the chasm, the walls continued to stay alight, the bright lights giving the name of the planet's main feature; The Cat's eye. It was from this chasm that the majority of equipment in the Cadian sub-sector was made, an ever increasing and demanding toll executed upon the planet. For life beyond the industrial trench was non existent, the very rock being nothing more than the resources of the Imperium to expend in the defense of an ever losing galactic war. There was no purpose in the life of the citizens sentenced to working in the factories producing the materials that had won and protected this sector from the mounting black crusades of Chaos.
The sounds continued to chime through the chasm, the crowds beginning to die down as the flurry of activity neared completion. Those that were free to do what they want did little more than make their way home, 12 hour shifts saw little to the needs of the human body of sleep and food. The wind continued to howl furiously through the ever quieting chasm, the sound of industry being the only other constant sound in the background, the thrum of the industrial heart of the Imperium so perpetual and routine that it was often mentally blocked out by those that lived and died by it's manifestations. Below statues of the various Imperial heroes the last of the crowds died down, another day ending below the perpetual light of the world's twin suns.
By all accounts it was nothing more than an average day, for none could suspect the events that were to transpire that day, or the effects felt long after. Below the spires of the nobles the change of shift had played out, and once more the factories continued to produce the lifeblood of the sector. The only activity left on the surface was that of snow drifts playing out across the paved areas of the Cat's Eye, and the occasional guardsmen on leave from the ships in dry dock up in space. A curious kid could swear he saw the forms of the various battleships hanging in space above, the perpetual smog and cloud cover sometimes being suddenly displaced by the blowing of wind.
It could have been a day like any other, but it was the fall of Fair Frozen into a period of long and bitter civil war.
Location; The Shivers, 2 Kilometers into the surface of the Cat's Eye, Main Hive City "The Frozen Walk"
The sound of motors began to whine, the power feeds vibrating as energy begun to be feed through them. With an audible click the one and only door into the habitation unit slid inwards then up, resting flush against the ceiling of the unit. In the doorway stood a woman, her form covered in the crimson red cloak of one of the many community initiatives that littered the chasms's wall at the sub level. Intricate fabrics were woven together into the deep crimson form of the coat, many strips hanging loosely about the form of the woman as she lifted a sleeved arm to remove her worn work boots. The trims of her coat were golden, the threading forming intricate designs of the stylized cogs that littered the landscape, the sign of the adeptus mechanicus. Yet she was no adept in name, working as nothing more than the lowliest menial servants indebted to a life of servitude on the assembly line by the peace their planet offered.
She let out a low sigh, her shoulder slumping with the realization that another long day had come to an end, and that she had made it home once more to her daughter alive and in one piece. She ducked out of the way of the door, stepping further into the rock-crete walls of the unit, their grimy tanned walls welcoming her back into the comfort of a civilized life. It wasn't much of a place, a room no more than fifteen meters by fifteen meters. The hab unit was separated into three thirds, each opening towards the opening of the household, each dimly lit by the low glow of lumiglobes. To her left the simple living quarters, nothing more than a small area, cramped with supplies stockpiled, a gas burner, and distilled water in large containers with the imperial eagle stamped upon them. To her right was the small washroom, a simple hole in the floor toilet with ruptured tiling on all sides, held together by willpower than any form of material. Along side the washroom was a plas-crete washing tub, it's edges rimmed with grim from the lack of use, for water was important at this level.
Yet none of this mattered. She slowly begun to peel the coat from her form, draping it along the worker's coat rack salvaged from the slag heaps of the under-hive. The middle room was what mattered most, the light of the sleeping quarters still on. She walked forward on tip toes, walking as quietly as a mother who wanted to observe the smile of her sleeping child would. The room was small, nothing more than two beds stacked one upon the other, the opposite wall a salvaged book shelf from one of the many abandoned administorums in thr under-hive that have since long been moved to upper levels of the hive. Everything in the room was a time capsule of times long past, when the lower levels were new, and when life was of happier quality. Almost everything.
The mother smiled, her calm blue eyes looking at the form of her daughter who laid atop the bed. She slowly walked across the room, before sitting on the edge of the bed and easing herself into it, wrapping a worn but loving arm across the form of her child. "Ishiko, your mother is home" she said lovingly, rousing the child from her sleep slightly. There was no sign of her husband, his presence most likely were it was needed most, a simple re-purposed room on the end of the shivers.
Location - The Shitter - 2.5 kilometers into the surface of the Cat's Eye, Third Spire Base of the "Frozen Walk" Main Hive
"Hurry up you fucking Juve" the woman called out from ahead of her, her body obscured by the halo of light surrounding her form as she begun to emerge from one of the enormous storm drains that dotted the wall of the Shitter. They were in the water-works of the hive, the deepest and most dangerous part of the hive. It was from here that run off melt-water of the glaciers were collected, and it was from here that the majority of the industries continued to pull water into the major manufactorums. It was also the site of dumping raw sewage, the majority of it coming from the primitive and sometimes outright archaic piping systems that led away from the under hive, for this was truly the lowest point of the hive.
Hilda was always impatient, a more experienced ganger from the Sump Sucker's gang that ran a profitable racketeering profit from the local mold farmers. What couldn't be bought in imperial crowns could easily be bought with in food, the most basic of necessities often inaccessible to those that made a living in the abandoned realms of the hive. Yet it was not for this reason that Hilda ran through the malfunctioning water intake, today there was something special in the air.
"Hurry up Jika, or will you just fall flat on your face once more, this time with actual shit on your nose from trying to brown nose your way up to me" the girl said mockingly. The girl was no older than Jika, having just hit the 18th melt cycle of her life. She was as every part the woman that Jika had looked up to, as beautiful as she was strong and independent, but more importantly a kindred spirit trying to make it in the worst of places.
"Boss slack jaw wants us to see what the fuss is about, supposedly a group of men that we have never seen are gathering around here, who knows what kind of things we can loot from their corpses" she said laughing. Her autogun stood slung from her shoulder, its beaten metallic form muted out by the bright clothing she wore, multi-colored stocking, tight pleather pants, and a mean flak jacket opening up to a simple tank top. The rest of the gang was already making their way to the sighting, eager to measure up against the would be gangers trying to impede their territories.
Location - The Mid Hive Plaza 0.3 kilometers into the surface of the Cat's Eye, Third Spire Base of the "Frozen Walk" Main Hive
It was a special day, the first trickle of the glacial waters begun to slide down the walls of the main hive into the depths below. Every year his father would bring him there, but the last few years that duty was left to the ever-caring uncle of his, the only real connection to this cold and desolate place the child had found himself upon. The older gentlemen placed a warm hand on the head of the kid, ruffling his short black hair in a re-assuring manner. He was a tall man, easily the match of any of the many citizens that stalked the promenades of the plaza, his form especially cutting in the outfit of an officer of the local planetary defense force.
The older gentlemen looked down his aged nose, a wrinkle of a smile playing across the bridge of his nose as he beheld his nephew. "I know that another year here with me is not what you want, but Terra be bless that I am glad to be here in place of your father young one" the man said with love. He lifted the kid onto his shoulder, shifting him carefully so that he did not sit awkwardly on the pronounced edges of his carapace armor, the stylized imperial eagle pauldrons providing every reason to do so. They walked together along the pressed rock-crete of the plaza, enjoying the sites of the water trickling down mighty icicles, the flow ever increasing as they joined time and time again into greater streams.
"You grow another year older this day, and with it the responsibility of growing up into a man that honors both your parents begins to dawn upon you. If only your mother could see you now". The death of his sister is what caused his brother-in-law to run off and fight the good battles of the Imperium, robbing him of all his family on the planet but that of little Garian. "With the wealth and prestige of your father, have you given any thought as to what you will begin to do with you life?" the man asked. They continued to watch the waterfalls form upon the opposite wall, the crowd of people growing ever larger.
Location - Cromwall Residence, 0,5 Kilometers into the surface of the Cat's Eye, Third Spire Base of the "Frozen Walk" Main Hive
"... it really is something you should consider". The man leaned over the younger boy, lifting him up off the floor by the cuff of his neck. "I know it isn't easy, but you should rest proud knowing that your father laid down his life for the glory of the Imperium. He will now and forever sit at the Emperor's right side." The guardsman continued to talk to him but no words were making it into his mind. All he saw was the mans mouth moving, partially obscured by the half-clasped re-breather hanging from the straps of his helmet.
The soldier had come down from the righteous fury, a battleship hanging in low orbit above the skies of the spire. He had brought the worst possible news that any soldier could bring, that the kid would now be an orphan the rest of his life. Yet with it came the glimmer of hope, his father was recognized as having sacrificed himself for the sake of the Imperium, and with it, the admittance to the Schola Progenium became available to him.
"I know it is not much consolation, but we are offering you a chance to become so much more, to continue the legacy of your father in service to the Emperor. There is nothing left for you here kid." the soldier said with a grim look on his face. He produced from his pocket a medal, the honor bestowed to his father posthumously. "Think over it for a while kid, when the answer comes, you know where to find me." The man placed the key on a beaten metal table, the card an invitation to the the battle-ship that would take him to the most prestigious of all the schools, the one on Cadia itself. It was really a once in a life time chance.
The man gave the kid a salute, before clasping his re-breather back on, and stepping out into the cold of the chasm, the silhouette of his hot shot pack fading away as he walked into the snow.
Location - ????
It was all so vivid once more, the image of her loving father smiling at her, his features warm and caring as she ran towards him along the iron-grated walkways of the ship. Around them the ship was apprehensive, the shutters were pulled over all the view ports, armed guards set at every few intervals as the ship continued to rock back and forth, an amber glow of light filling the hallways. She continue to run, a carefree child, slowly making her way to the only other person that meant anything to her. Then it all went wrong, the world torn asunder as the ship pulled itself back into real world.
She was thrown to the ground, as was everyone else, the warp shutters pulling open to show the view of the outside. The ship had translated into the hull of another ship, the fully materializing form fusing where they had collided, the sound of metal groaning on all sides before the bulkheads had begun to collapse. One by one the windows had begun to crack, full sections of the corridor collapsing and crushing man and equipment alike. She looked up to see her father running towards her...
"SAMEYA" he screamed. She reached for him, her small hands feeble among the chaos of the impact. "SAMEYA" he reached for her, "SAMEYA WAKE UP...!"
Location - Merciless Respite, Bane Blade Production Facility - 2 Kilometers above the surface of the Cat's Eye, Third Spire Base of the "Frozen Walk" Main Hive
The techpriest overseer slammed the ornamental part of his tool into the desk next to her head, jolting her from her sleep. His voice sounding nothing like that of her father, the mechanical voice box mocking the sounds of the elegant speech. He wore from head to mechanical feet the garbs of the tech priest, dark red robes with the white cog-teeth hemming along the trims. Every part of him, she had discerned in times of rest, was metal, his organic components having long since been replaced. He was as old as the hallowed halls in which she worked.
"I would scold you, but to do so would be to waste more time. The shift is up" he said. "You really should work on not falling asleep, you may be the best baneblade control-throne artificer in this complex, but by all means falling asleep like that will gain you no favor with the Adeptus Mechanicus you so dearly aspire to, let along the multiple cults you continue to refuse. Take the next few days off, whatever it is on your mind may lead to the angering of the machine spirit upon which you work." He turned on his heel, walking way from the desk upon which she slept, the sound of his mechandrite appendages grinding against the metal of the catwalk raised up and above the hulls of the mega-tanks being built. All around her the sound of heavy machining and manufacturing echoes, the half machine-half human servitors going about their automated routines.
(OOC took a lot longer than I thought to write that, english isn't my main language so if anything doesn't make sense or needs to be clarified please make a note of that in OOC and I will get around to fixing that. If you have complaints about how your intro started, please also let me know.)