(OOC: Well, if Nyx's scene is gonna be written by the GM, I'll at least provide a little "awesome factor" to precede it with.

Victor knew this plan wouldn't keep them safe very long. He had a feeling the Necros had some way to find them without sight, though he was expecting something more akin to nosy hunting hounds...not giant skeletal dragons of pain and FUBAR. When Sierra flies in, he knows they're in trouble; as if her alone wasn't enough, she's also riding a giant draco-lich! How are they going to-oh...elementals...great...
Groaning with annoyance, Victor unsheathes Mjolnir, and charges up to the nearest Water elemental he can find, blasting it at point-blank with a
Shippu Taiho attack. An Earth elemental comes at him next, obviously planning to use his elemental weakness, but is met with a super-fast slash enhanced by wind. Then three more Water elementals rush him, thinking their superior numbers will see them through...but a swift 1-2-3 punch of a
Shippu Taiho bolt to the first, a
Jiretsuha wave to the second, and a
Taifuzan slash to the third. So far, he's holding his ground pretty well...
...and then he sees four Storm elementals look at Nyx, and...fuse? Well, it might as well be fusion, because they appear to combine their electric bodies, and charge up for a massive energy attack.
"Dammit!" he shouts in anger and concern, quickly moving between Nyx and the elementals, sheathing Mjolnir, and chanting an incantation along the way:
"I, who stand betwixt earth and heaven, call upon the air's fury. Grant me thy shield to deny my enemies!" Reaching the pathway of the fused elementals' attack, he puts his right arm forward, grasping its wrist with his left hand for stability, and calls out:
"TSUYOI TEIKO!!" ("Strong Resistance")
With that incantation - combined with some pre-spell energy channeling - Victor has effectively tripled the resistant power of his
Teiko barrier, which he gambles should be enough to handle the fused elementals' blast. He raises the barrier of electro-magnetism and air pressure just as the enemy's electric blast streaks forward, sending up small plumes of dust behind him from the sheer force of impact. For the time being, however, he holds his ground, appearing nearly unphased by the wall of thundering death just in front of him. Then...he puts one foot further forward, actually pushing back against the electric stream.
"Begone, foul creatures...sink in the abyss...that awaits you, and your masters...the Sword that Cleaves Thunder...does not grant you passage!" He knows that he can't keep this up too much longer...already, he can feel his senses beginning to fatigue from heavy exertion, his nose bleeding a little from the nearby air growing thin. The very earth beneath him feels hot, and his barrier begins to fluctuate from stress. And yet, if he can just hold out a little longer...long enough to decipher the blast's polarity and frequency, and...YES! Bingo!
"YOU, SHALL NOT, PASS!!!"The distortions in air make his voice seem to echo, as Victor polarizes his own electric power with his enemy's, redirects it, and hurls it back at them. Being unprepared for their own attack, the elementals are quickly overloaded, and violently explode. Unfortunately, that stunt took everything Victor had to spare...including his ability to remain conscious. With just enough stamina left to smirk triumphantly, he falls to the ground, passed out from over-exertion. He gave Nyx the opportunity to continue living...to keep carving out her chosen path...and for him, that's all that matters right now...