25 things i hate about Christmas.

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25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:25 am

Half joking, half serious. I'm going to post a new thing i hate about the Christmas season each day on my tumblr page. Hope it gives you guys a good laugh.

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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby napsii » Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:20 am

aww, what's to hate about christmas carols? if anything i think we should all be hating the rampant consumerism >:C

songs and festiveness are what christmas should be about...y'know, culture and friends and family

Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby BlueLight » Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:25 am

Happy holidays.... I hate that about Christmas. I, as a person that has taken a couple logic class have to say that the reason i've heard them use that term is bullshit in today's word.
I mean sure Christmas was a Christian holiday but it's changed to something different. It's called a genetic fallacy to consider something like this to never change. Now you celebrate Christmas even if your not a Christian. Also the whole "Jesus's birth day" thing. That's made up by the catholic if i remember my information right.
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:45 am

Oh don't worry *spoiler* both those are on my list.
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby Renara » Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:53 am

Top of my 25 would be that Christmas advertising starts earlier and earlier each year; I saw Christmas stuff in shops in August this year, so now a full third of the year is Christmas? It's crazy; I always enjoy the day but by the time it comes around I'm fed up of the advertising, the terrible songs (other than Fairytale New York, since it's not exactly festive ;)), and people asking me if I've done Christmas shopping yet (as if finishing by the start of December is somehow late now?).

Someone gave me an album of Bob Dylan singing Christmas songs and I have to say I seriously considered whether or not it was worth having ears anymore. I love some of his songs but Christmas ones are bad enough when they're sung tunefully…
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby Thaedael » Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:20 pm

The top of mine is insisting I don't want anything and having people call me depressed or emo or something along those lines. I am happy just to be with friends and for snow.

Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby BlueLight » Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:35 pm

Thaedael Wrote:The top of mine is insisting I don't want anything and having people call me depressed or emo or something along those lines. I am happy just to be with friends and for snow.

I live in a rainy state and we sometime get snow but it's not super common. Anyways we had a horrible snow storm last year which i guess started after DEC. The moral of this story is, Lina-chan doesn't like driving in snow and hearing trees split in half as the weight of the snow is to much for them.
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby Reaver » Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:21 am

Worst part is the hangovers afterwards.... Like Jesus Christ they hurt! Especially when I mix the eggnog with rum, tequila and and a couple drops of white wine. I'd give you the full recipe but Its a family secret ;)
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby BlueLight » Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:47 am

Reaver Wrote:Worst part is the hangovers afterwards.... Like Jesus Christ they hurt! Especially when I mix the eggnog with rum, tequila and and a couple drops of white wine. I'd give you the full recipe but Its a family secret ;)

You're to blame for that stupid move.... BTW... I'm totally getting your mod powers for X-mas. I just have to convince Ren i'm really a female and then seduce him.
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby Reaver » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:56 am

Hey! Words like that are hurtful D:. Besides if u get my mod powers then I get to be the dictator of Germany and declare bars open 24/7.
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby Zeus Kabob » Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:31 am

BlueLight Wrote:
Reaver Wrote:Worst part is the hangovers afterwards.... Like Jesus Christ they hurt! Especially when I mix the eggnog with rum, tequila and and a couple drops of white wine. I'd give you the full recipe but Its a family secret ;)

You're to blame for that stupid move.... BTW... I'm totally getting your mod powers for X-mas. I just have to convince Ren i'm really a female and then seduce him.

I don't think that's going to happen. XD
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:29 am

In reply to Reaver, BlueLight Wrote:BTW... I'm totally getting your mod powers for X-mas. I just have to convince Ren i'm really a female and then seduce him.

Uhh...Blue? You just blew your own cover.
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby BlueLight » Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:07 am

Zender_Solarheart Wrote:
In reply to Reaver, BlueLight Wrote:BTW... I'm totally getting your mod powers for X-mas. I just have to convince Ren i'm really a female and then seduce him.

Uhh...Blue? You just blew your own cover.

who's stupid enough to still use fission? I'm already on fusion and nearly at a tech level where i get Ion.
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby CryptidChimera » Fri Dec 21, 2012 12:21 am

I'd have to agree with everything on the list. I'm the only hombuggee in my family. Don't get me wrong I don't try to ruin anyone's holiday and I love the season(winter that is) but it's like every person I walk past feels this unrepressable urge to ask me where my holiday spirit is. To which my only reply is "dead and buried." now bring forth the eggnog :lol:
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby BlueLight » Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:22 pm


I'm getting cash for my Xmas <- to lazy to type it!
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:57 pm

Note to self: find that "official 2012 Twitter" I heard about, and troll the shit out of it.

Seriously though, I feel for ya, Trunks. It's become a little more bearable, since the people that actually expect gifts from me are easy (and inexpensive) to shop for, but about everything else is pretty much hitting straight home. People in my area seem less serious about that whole "12/21/12" business, but there's still that occasional nutjob that we have to deal with...and laugh at. Also, I have the unique displeasure of having a natural Christmas tree this year, instead of our artificial, easy-to-set-up one that broke last year. Now we have to watch my stepsister's puppy, just to make sure he doesn't get pine needles stuck in his gullet. >_<

On the plus side, the good things about Christmas seem to overshadow the bad this time around...at least so far. Believe it or not, finding a copy of Mario Kart Wii to gift to my girlfriend was a more pleasant experience than you may think. XD
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Re: 25 things i hate about Christmas.

Postby Trninja2 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:16 am

Zender_Solarheart Wrote:
On the plus side, the good things about Christmas seem to overshadow the bad this time around

I hear that. I was so happy when i managed to obtain wwe 13 from wal-mart on black friday. High fives for everyone, on me.
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