Champions of the Corrupt IC

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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby daxtinator396 » Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:48 pm

Dax looks out past her as she cracked the door and he quickly lowered his hands at her warning not wanting to start a fight that didn't need to happen. He was suddenly very glad he did as he heard the marching g footsteps and loud cadence being shouted by them. He really felt unnerved by these soldiers especially that Jason fellow. No one man can be the law and he sure as hell isn't doing a great job protecting these people who needed it. He stayed hidden in their diner and said to Shelby," I don't like that... he feels cold to me..."
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Nov 23, 2012 12:30 am

Shelby shudders a little hearing the guards' power-drunk marching song. "To oppose him is to oppose the law?" The gangs may be really bad, but giving absolute legal power to one man - not even of royal lineage - is only going to make things even worse. It's abusive moves like that which tend to spark full-out revolts and riots in the if the gang wars weren't enough.

Dax seems to have a similar thought on the matter as Shelby does, and she replies: "'Cold' isn't the word I'd use...but yes, they sound like trouble in the making. Unfortunately, there's not much we can do about that right now..." As much as she'd love to point out Jason's hubris herself, doing so would only land her and Dax both in deep trouble...and Jered wouldn't think too highly of it, either.

" still hungry?" Shelby asks Dax, knowing that they can reach a decent place to eat from here well enough. After her long work day, she'd be up for some good food, and with her recent job's profit, she can pay for it just fine.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby daxtinator396 » Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:15 am

Dax nods his head at her comment,"I agree. He can't even stop the gang thugs from ruling the streets here how can he be the law.?" He shook his head again in exasperation at how arrogant and useless the man was. He then heard Shelby's welcome change of subject and what a welcome subject it was. Food. He hadn't eaten since breakfast and his stomach growled in answer for him,"Yes Miss Shelby. I'm starving! I haven't eaten since this morning to be honest. I think I can pay my way with the money I picked up this morning for helping a nice family move in. I worked hard to keep that money too. I wouldn't have it though if it wasn't for my mysterious rescuer. Now let's get something to eat! any place in mind?" He asks with a smile.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Lady Foxy » Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:44 am

Azrael had felt disgusted by the massive crowds of people trying to shove, push or force their way through towards the city, occasionally having to knock out a couple of low-life pickpockets who were just trying to push the short luck they carried too far. There was an entire space open for her younger sister to walk into as he followed behind her, every soul that had been trying to enter the city alongside them having decided to step away and give the menacing warrior not one more than a single look before definitely minding their own business. He had that effect on people, simply having to make a rock-solid gesture to make them reason that he wasn't one to mess or trouble with. The only reason keeping him calmer than usual was the lovely humming of his sister, hearing her lovely tune fill up the mood with a much more gentle, innocent and purer tone.

The Market district wasn't much more than a lot of people crowding it's streets, merchants shouting back and forth as the economy flowed freely around those parts. As much of a lack of discipline it had, the two siblings traversed with ease across the from one street to another as one of them had begun to notice the appearance of several red-robed figures walking nearby, some of them who had been leaning against a shop's wall to their right had even stared at them for a short while before Azrael glanced back and forced them to focus their sights elsewhere.

Ellen had rather spent a blissful time ever since she arrived at the city with her older Brother, being all kind smiles while softly dancing instead of walking, keeping a lovely pace that seemed to cast almost anyone into a spell from her unmatched beauty. It wasn't one that could be challenged, being totally.. Not human in the first place. The two of them were Elfs, most of the time passing for normal humans even though there were occasions were their difference was noticed significantly. She was intrigued by the crowd that had begun to form into the form of a circle around an upper platform within the middle of the Market's square. There was a tall-looking figure with an armor decorated in white and gold, another figure being on his knees next to himself while the simple sight had brought her great curiosity. ''Brother, let's see what all the commotion is about, come!'' She spoke with her young, flawlessly smooth and sweet feminine tone, just in a lovingly melodic voice. While her graceful steps would bring her Brother to carry forward with her wishes, staying right behind her as they moved past the members of the crowd with ease, thanks to one of Azrael's low grunts; before they'd find soon enough that they were currently within the front 'seats' of the show, Ellen herself leaning against Azrael's chest with her caring affection, one of Azrael's hands -- his right one to be exact, had fallen onto her right shoulder to rest softly upon it, himself growing a bit curious from what had gotten her sister's attention.
Last edited by Lady Foxy on Fri Nov 23, 2012 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby napsii » Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:10 am

This city is so very segregated. It is like walking from the mouth of a volcano to a grassy field. thought Adele.

The juxtaposition between the regal Heart District and the other Districts was dramatic, indeed. The courtly posture of her new surroundings helped her relax, but her mind and her heart still beamed with curiosity and sympathy for the state of the city. The Heart District was almost certainly the pinnacle of the city's wonders and its founders' devotion, but Adele knew it had been built atop turmoil and suffering. Admittedly, no city -- Kveyni included -- was excused from having its own dark areas of history, but the inequality in Riviana was startling. The people around her, nobles, it seemed, no doubt rode the privilege granted by their blood. The young woman found it hard to be critical, however. Fear seemed to hang perilously over this city.

I only hope the Queen's ambitions are as sanitary as the Heart District she has protected. she thought sourly. While she would not give Krenko more credit than he was due, it was evident that the city's criminal elements controlled much. Too much. Were the situation as disheartening as her pessimistic side thought, then Riviana's government was fighting a losing battle. Against criminals, and against greed. Perhaps the mottos apparently trumpeted by Jason Agroma's men were more than just rhetoric. Plausibly, he could be one of the pillars strained to keep the city from falling. Adele wanted to sigh, even though the surroundings were worthy of a painter's brush. She knew her mission was simple, but she was also anxious.

The sturdy palace reminded her of Kveyni's own Royal Castle. The architecture was almost a complete about-face from the elegant antique designs of her home city, but her keen eye noted the loving detail sculpted into every arch and colonnade.

Eyes fixed forward, she walked head-on into the Palace. She had more desire than ever to meet the Queen.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Taria » Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:46 am

Blaire shrieks visciously at the fire walkers as they flee, but Sentari is more concerned with her friend than them. Gathering up water in a large bubble, she dumps it over Blaire like a bucket, putting her out as she shivers and yelps. Blaire stares at the blood on her hand silently as Sentari turns towards the elecric walker with a cocky smile. "Hmm, thanks for the assist." She says, grinning mischeivously, "Now then, could you explain what the hell is going on?"
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby SugarCookie » Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:00 pm

One look at him, and Kiku forgets she is trying to be asexual "Uh, wow... your... hot" She says dumbly (while her player's mind is feeling off, so a short post for the moment it must be! She hopes for forgiveness.)
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:14 am

Hermes releases an almost inhuman growl of rage as the white energy blocks her kill strike. By the time she's done glaring at the asshole that made it, her target's turned around and is inching towards her. She'd do the same thing again, but she gets the feeling, javelin or not, that guard #2 will block it again, this time with guard #1 retaliating somehow while she's off balance from the blocked attack. Still, guard #2 is still in her low pressure area bleeding out, so it might just be a matter of waiting him out. She decides to slowly back from guard #1, keeping him between her and guard #2 to keep him from just chucking the javelin, though she stays wary of anything he might do anyway, keeping an eye out for an opening she can take to end this.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:33 am

Shelby thinks for a moment, when prompted by the "any place in mind" question. She had a thought in her head a moment ago, and if she can just recall it...aha, there it is!

"Well, I know this nice diner nearby...and no, it's not all sketchy like this one." She has a bit of humor in her tone on that last part, trying to lighten the mood. "Seriously though, they serve some really good food, and for good prices, too. Interested?" Of course, she'll be keeping tabs on the time with her self-built watch - so she doesn't miss her chance to meet Jered - but hey, it's not like having some good food for dinner would take that long.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby daxtinator396 » Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:34 pm

His stomach growled loudly again,"Yes please Miss Shelby! That sounds fantastic! I think we better go before my belly decides to eat itself! That would not be good..." He said to himself as he looked quite comical more like an anime character than a person at the moment with his over expressionalized face and all but he managed a smile again and said to her," Lead the way Miss Shelby! We have a date to keep after all and we don't want to be late!" He said as he opened the door eager to escape the sketchy diner which felt even sketchier after those twins enetered and left. It was like they had stained it somehow...
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:04 am

Shelby giggles light-heartedly at Dax's "eaten by his own belly" comment. "Hehe, yeah. 'Man devoured by his own stomach' isn't the headline I'd want to make, either." she jokes, keeping the overall mood lax and cheery. She then follows him out the door, increasing her pace momentarily to have her walking just a slight bit ahead of him. She's the one who knows where the diner is, after all, so she might as well lead the way.

(And from here, we wait until Jay decides whether to have something happen along the way. :P)
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby jayjaycaps » Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:58 am

Claire: (Heart District, Prison Cell)
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Your protests only seem to make the man grow more excited. "A virgin, eh? Don't worry, I'll fix that in just a few minutes." Standing up, the convict grabs the bulge in his pants. "You like what you see, baby? I'm gonna stuff you good with this."

He undoes the button holding his pants up, and lets them drop to the floor. Attached to his crotch is his fully erect prick, about 8 inches long. Moving back to you, he puts his hand on the back of your head, and pushes the head of his penis into your mouth. "First, you're gonna suck it, like a good little girl. Now no teeth, otherwise I'll make sure you never leave this cell alive."

Jormag: (Housing District, Abandoned House)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You bust the door open, the old rusty lock breaking with ease. Inside, your disturbance causes the many layers of dust to kick up, making you cough and sneeze. You also scare away a pack of rats, who quickly squeak and scurry away into various holes in the walls. Other than the rodents, it doesn't look like anyone has lived here for quite some time.

The entire house consists of three rooms, one being the main room you are currently standing in. To your right is an open doorway, leading into some sort of living room. To your left is another closed door. The entire house appears to be made of stone, and the only pieces of furniture left are a wooden chair, and a small wooden night stand beside it. Dust covers the floors and walls, the wall paper is peeling or has been torn off, and the windows have all been boarded up with wooden planks.

Dax, Shelby: (Back Alley District)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

As the two of you walk down the streets, you notice how dark it's becoming. The street lights all begin to twinkle on, the bars and pubs are becoming louder, and you notice a few scantily clad ladies waiting on street corners for lord knows what.

But before you can reach your destination, you come across a group of men. They all lean against the building, talking and laughing at each other, and wear distinctive blue bandannas around their right arms and wrists. You both immediately recognize the bandannas as telltale signs of the Water Walker Gang.

Once you get close enough to them, they stop their chatter and watch you two. Eventually, they move to form a semi circle, blocking your path. There are about 6 or 7 of them. "Well, well, well, lookie what came our way, eh boys?" One of the Walkers jokes. "Yea, a cute couple who lost their way!" Grins and laughter fill the dark street. As they quite down, the group becomes much more serious and dark. "You wandered into a baaaad part of town, mother fuckers."

Adele: (Heart District, Riviana Palace)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


You enter the throne room, Jason closing the massive wooden door behind you. On either side of the corridor, ten white knights stand at the ready, saluting Jason as he marches past them to the throne. He promptly kneels with his head down in front of the throne, bowing to the woman seated there.


"Jason Agroma. You may rise." Her voice fills the room, it's very sound letting you know of her power here. You detect hints of tiredness in her voice, or perhaps it's just boredom. Jason stands once he is told to, and moves to stand just behind and to the right of the woman. She trains her eyes on you, only slightly turning her head to speak to Jason.

"Who have you brought to my Palace? Another one of Krenko's spies? Or was it Odric's, this time?"

"Neither, Queen Elspeth. This is Lady Adelphia Kveyna, emissary from Kveyni. You sent me to retrieve her."

"And you were late. Explanation?"

"Krenko had taken her into one of his hide outs. Had some men impersonate royal guards to gain her trust. I had my men cut them down to retrieve her." At this point, Elspeth relaxes, her gaze becoming warmer and a smile forming on her lips.

"Ah, Lady Adelphia Kveyna. You will have to excuse my lack of manners; one can never be too careful with one's trust in this city." Again, you notice how tired she sounds. "My apologies on your unexpected indecent upon your arrival. I hope Krenko and his men did not harm you? It must make me and my city look awful, having been kidnapped by the local thugs before you even get a chance to sit down..." She waves her hand at the mention of the gang, dismissing them as a threat. "Nevertheless, I welcome you into my city with open arms. Riviana would do well to gain a friend, in particular one as powerful as Kveyni."

Sentari, Blaire (Back Alley District, your brothel)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Lex stands behind you, awkwardly squirming around. "Yea, see, here's the thing. I owe the Fire Walkers some money... Some might say I owe a lot of money. I figured I'd come down here before paying them, have a good time, you know? But I get they got tired of waiting, and came to find me. That's where you come in." He looks over your shoulder, inspecting the damage they caused. They managed to do quite a lot: sever couches and chairs have massive holes and scorch marks, the walls and floor have various black spots from the flames, and there are several unidentifiable piles of white ashes.

Kiku: (Back Alley District, Althaia's Apartment)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The Fire Walker scratches the back of his head, unsure of how to take the complement. "Gee, uh, thanks... I guess...? You too?" He looks you over, then stretches out his hand. "Hi. I', Jace. Thanks for saving me back there." Althaia gives you another nudge, giggling like a school girl. She knows that you're asexual, but can't help but poke fun.

Hermes: (Heart District)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Guard #2's face starts to get a little pale, and you notice some sweat on his brow. Seems your low pressure pocket is starting to take it's tole. But constantly having to focus on keeping that low pressure has started to take it's tole on you too. A headache has started in your brain, and you feel a little sluggish.

Mean while, Guard #2 can't get a clear shot at you, so instead waits for Guard #1 to get out of his way. Guard #1 gets close enough to hit you, so he swings his massive shield at you, bashing you to the ground. You fall onto your back, as he moves on top on you, ready to bring his spear down. Meanwhile, Guard #2 realigns his shot, ready in case the spear misses.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Hermes: On the ground, hit by shield. Minor headache, feeling a little slow.

Asylum Guard: Standing over Hermes, ready to deliver killing blow.
Asylum Guard: Aiming javelin. Bleeding out.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Taria » Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:20 am

Sentari places her head against her palm as she takes a look around the room. "Yeah, and now you owe me for all the repairs it's going to take to put this place back together. Meanwhile Blaire begins straightening out her hair, gathering whatever remnants of her clothes and dignity is remaining. Her skin looks like what one would expect from a burn victim, yet the condition doesn't seem to be bothering Blaire. She's currently more interested in pulling herself together. "Did I do well, Mistress?" She asks meekly. Sentari flips her hair with a sassy attitude as she begin shuffling through the rubble of her place of bussiness, setting upright any intact furniture she can find and just generally salvaging what can be salvage. "Yeah yeah, you were a real show stopper hun, now why don't you go get cleaned up?" Blaire nods tersely, holding her tattered bits of clothing shyly against her naked body as she exits the room for the showers.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby MiscChaos » Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:29 am

Hermes smiles as the effects of her low pressure pocket start to show themselves. She could do without the headache it came with, but she's used to in-battle Elemental fatigue. It's pretty much a cornerstone of Wind Valley fighting. Getting her dome ringed by the guard was new though. Having a man stand over her, ready to end her shit isn't though. It actually causes a flashback of the last time this happened, in Badass Lilia's throne room with the man who replaced her ready to slay her before her Badass declared the battle over. And what happened after...

This memory whips Hermes into a frenzy, cancelling her low pressure area and redirecting her energies on getting as much wind under Guard #1's armor as possible, specifically around the codpiece. Then she turns them into razor winds, aiming to utterly destroy the man's genitals and prevent the fate she suffered last time. While that's happening, she's also stabbing into the man's armor from the outside, trying to find a weakpoint to get in and do the same job her wind is doing, screaming like a wounded animal the whole time.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:58 am

Well, isn't this an unwelcome surprise? Shelby was hoping her and Dax could just get to the diner and have some good food, without this kind of situation popping up...ah well, leave it to the gangs to be inconvenient. With a tone that's so calm, it's almost scary, she says to the gangsters: "First off, we're not really a couple. And second, I ask you - vain as it may be - to leave us alone. I do not wish for needless violence."

Shelby unhooks the sword and sheath from her back-mounted harness while giving that warning, showing that she's ready to fight on a moment's notice. However, she won't actually draw her sword unless one of the gangsters makes a move first. She's also already analyzing them in her mind, sizing up their threat level:

Six aggressors visible, possibly a seventh hidden from view. Chance of reinforcements: uncertain.
Weapons are unknown, most likely concealed blunts and short blades. Current armament should be sufficient.
Blue bandanas give away their Water Walker powers, which can be countered by my Electric powers. Dax's Earth powers are also a factor.
Overall threat estimate: Medium-High or Medium, depending on Dax's combat abilities.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:51 am

Claire stares at the man's penis. "Sir, you want me to do what? Suck that? But it smells horrible. I don't want to do that sir." she says. She attempts to push the man away and tries to move away from him. "Sir, please leave me alone. " Claire says. She tries to crawl away from her cellmate. "Please sir. I just want to be left alone." she says to him, once again.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby daxtinator396 » Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:11 am

Dax walked dutifully behind Shelby as they headed for this diner she had heard of and he could not wait to get some of the food there! He was so hungry and his stomach wouldn't let him forget it. It growled loudly every few moments as if to whine and complain about the lack of food being given to it. He noticed darkness approaching and said to Shelby," Looks like its getting pretty dark... Are we almost there? This place is not a..." He then notices the group of guys hanging about before they go to move around them,"... good place. Shit." He mumbles the last part to himself before composing himself. Shelby was ready it seemed and he was going to play shield. She was the sword he should be the shield. He takes his stance to better feel the earth and mold it to his wills with focus and then says to Shelby,"How are you at flying? I think you shall Buena wing of death. You play sword. I play shield." He pushes the earth below her up a little to show her what he meant. He was going to launch her in the air so she could get the drop on these thugs. They were getting between him and a meal and he was starving dammit! He was going to have his meal and these thugs are going to pay for getting between him and said meal!
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:36 am

Shelby listens to Dax's plan, honestly a bit confused by his..."indirect" choice of words, at first. When she feels the earth rise up a tiny bit beneath her, though, she gets it in full: he plans to launch her into the air, apparently with his risen section of ground serving as the "shield," while her sheath plays "sword," using the gravitational descent to amplify her strike's impact. A pretty decent plan of action, though she'll have to be careful not to swing too hard. Depending on how high she's launched, her sheath-strike attack could end up causing grisly damage to the target's vital organs...and like always, she doesn't want to kill her opponents.

(I'm also assuming Dax's plan was whispered, cuz it'd be pretty dumb to strategize among the enemy in an outdoor voice. :lol:)
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby daxtinator396 » Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:19 pm

Dax nods his head to her as she seems to understand his plan and prays that it works. He isn't the best at combat only decent. He usually avoids combat if he can but because of where he lives he has had dealings with the gangs in the past and has learned to defend himself as best he could and he intended to use those skills now. He raised the earthen platform below Shelby alittle higher than the first time to prepare her and then launched her by raising the platform about fifteen feet in the air with a stomp. The same stomp summoning 5 large clods of earth to fly at the other gang members besides the one directly in front of Shelby.
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Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

Postby SugarCookie » Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:52 pm

Of all the wrong thing she could say, FUCK!
Well it could be worse, she could of said something offensive... but still, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuck!
Blushing, she playfully shoves Althaia "Sh-shut up... It just slipped out a little.
" she continues, trying to change the subject before anything else about the matter is said "Jace was it? What's your story, why were you walking around in hostile territory?"
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