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In response to Victors inquiry, the talking dove looked down at him and stretched her wings before answering him.
"The Necromancers don't want to kill you, they just want to drain you of some of your blood. Your blood contains your elemental powers as well as the blessings you have all received, but believe me, they aren't nice enough to kill you. I wasn't supposed to reveal your destiny to you, but our enemies are quite good at messing up plans. To put it simply, you remember the ancient order of Paladins that were centered in the Gold City called 'Kelenmabre'? The order that kept the necromancers and their ilk at bay for the past seven hundred years, was not just light element warriors like Sortaix. We had warriors from every element, the gods themselves gave us our power, Minerva, goddess of light, Thor god of Storm, Ifrit god of fire, Poseidon god of water, and Gaia goddess of earth. This order was built to protect the people of our world, only to be destroyed by the very same people it was built to protect, twenty years ago."
The bird then gave a sad sigh, as she flew down to rest upon Dax's shield.
"Sortaix is the last of us, the only one of our blood to still be alive. He represents the element of light, you on the other hand, represent the other elements. You have each been chosen by the gods to be the leaders in this war to come, to lead the people as they rise up against enemies and pathetic rulers alike. The same nobility that claims to help the people, yet demands their gold in unlawful taxes, and takes their food as 'tribute'. You all have been chosen to end all of it. Kelenmabre was destroyed by the Elven, Human, and Furr nations, because we spoke against the cruelty of much of the nobility, so they convinced the people to turn on us, their greatest protectors. The gods allowed this to happen, for they knew without us to stop them, the Necromancers and their minions would reassert their presence in the world and inflict horrors upon the population. This was the punishment of the gods for destroying...us. Also, by doing this the people would see the horrors they were protected from for all these years and when the new elemental champions rose to lead them, they would not hesitate to follow you, even if you demanded the heads of their so called 'nobles".
She said spitting out the word with severe hatred.
"But, to be able to do this, you have a connection with the gods, that will allow them to channel their powers into you. To do this, you must go to the ruins of Kelenmabre, and open the blood seal. Sort, being the last of us, is the only one that can. Behind that door is the library where all the knowledge of the gods lies, and all you need to know to fight this tide of darkness. But, how can a library hold the knowledge of the gods you ask? The answer is that it cannot, in the library is a place that allows the gods to enter into this realm and they will train you personally, however it is your blood that will open the portals. That is why the Necromancers are after you, you threaten all they work to achieve, and you also carry within your veins, the only way they have to assault the heavens themselves and allow their dark master to challenge the gods.
The bird then flew up to hover over Victor as she looked into his eyes.
"If our enemies gain your blood and open the portals in the library, no body or soul will be safe from them and their twisted horrors. They will defile everyone and everything, their ultimate goal is to help their dark master, the daemon of death, 'Sheldon' conquer and enslave the gods themselves."