Much Ado About Samus

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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:42 am

BUT !!! It is not a official version of components ;)

I do not know what Corta do now - may be it will not work with his new update - i hear that he wants to change some thing :mrgreen:

So it will be very good if on some phase modification of components will be stoped and all work start with animation - becouse i am afraid that new components and old will have some conflict.

So i hope Corta will soon end them and tell us what to do ;) Image

Corta we all believe in you Image Image ;) :mrgreen:
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Alcander » Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:25 pm

...Why are the script comments in Russian?
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Thaedael » Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:49 pm

Не все вы знаете английского

Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:30 pm

I am from Russia Image Thats why :mrgreen: I did not expect some body will use it ;) So for me it is a little more simple for understanding :lol: :mrgreen: My english is not good ;)

И что много тут ещё русских ? :mrgreen: Image
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Thaedael » Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:03 pm

А тут еще один ...
Had to take russian as one of my three languages in high school. Though I am finally getting rusty at it.

Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby trunks2585 » Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:11 pm

"In Soviet Russia, language writes you." Couldn't resist doing it.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Nex » Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:47 pm

Meh... didn't work for me. It's alright, though. I found a backdoor to let me use the components I want.

I just realized, I'm new to flash and don't know sh*t about AS. For now, I think I'll stick to Movie Clip animation, and leave AS stuff to the pros. When I do post, feel free to use my material.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:49 pm

It did not work ?

It is bad becouse if you use another parts or part of it (not all) it will not work like we want it to work :(

Hmm it is not good - but i have an idea - i can a little simplify sistem - it will not need any code from your side - but it will be upgradable - so it will be good if you will say what are you going to do :mrgreen:

Corta where are you ? I have a lot of questions to you - for example what are you planing ;) and will you change some thing or not - if you will not (it is good for me - i like all like it is now) - the components can be used - if you are going to change some thing - what we have to do ? Wait or all components will be compatible :?:

About components - may be make standarts Naked components - like statick for animators side - and than add dinamic part to it later (or block it) and let animators use only part of it = to block AS - if they do not want to use it ?

Becouse as it is now - it is a lot of good works with components that we can not use ?

Or may be i did not understand some thing ? If i did please tell me :mrgreen:
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby corta » Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:54 pm

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:It did not work ?

It is bad becouse if you use another parts or part of it (not all) it will not work like we want it to work :(

Hmm it is not good - but i have an idea - i can a little simplify sistem - it will not need any code from your side - but it will be upgradable - so it will be good if you will say what are you going to do :mrgreen:

Corta where are you ? I have a lot of questions to you - for example what are you planing ;) and will you change some thing or not - if you will not (it is good for me - i like all like it is now) - the components can be used - if you are going to change some thing - what we have to do ? Wait or all components will be compatible :?:

About components - may be make standarts Naked components - like statick for animators side - and than add dinamic part to it later (or block it) and let animators use only part of it = to block AS - if they do not want to use it ?

Becouse as it is now - it is a lot of good works with components that we can not use ?

Or may be i did not understand some thing ? If i did please tell me :mrgreen:

yeah, I've been goofing off for the last few weeks.. looks like something has been going on here, though.. (there's certainly alot going on in ^there^)
now, let's see..

I'm still an as2 lad, so support that I can give is pretty limited
(I'm worried that I'll put people off as3, now. so here's the disclaimer: if you're learning from scratch- start with as3, it'll be ALOT easier on you)

well, I could just add a little bit to my code to account for not having a set variable. hopefully that won't cause any problems..

pretty much the same, 2 part backs don't look nice and have virtually nil movement. (the practical answer would be a 3 part torso, but the work/benefit ratios are in the suicidal range.) [a separate neck might make sense, though..]
..probably some hands coming up, though.
and maybe some genitals if I see a nice set around, (..sounds creepy, huh?)
oh yeah, looking into making the jawline nice-er looking when open, too..

Anyway, have the next part of the gray-with-line-space-themed animation set phenomenon: SPACE PIRATES AHOY (milking it? nawwh..)

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

SpacePiratesAHOY.swf [ 970.95 KiB | Viewed 25893 times ]

(not a bad amount of content considering my last few weeks!)
dominating poses still under construction,
submissive back still looks funny, the pose is all wrong from the get-go.. (kept going for some reason, it didn't turn out that bad, I guess..)
Submissive for enemy attacks, dominating for player-attacks, and aggressive for (I dunno) boss battle creeps..
1,200 frames down, planned multi-teams for dominating poses - so another 500 or so to go, (plus polishing what we've already got)
sounds, expressions, titty wigglin' and all that other crap on the way, too.

comments, anyone?
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby KaTsuO_O » Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:56 pm

Awesome! love What you did in Submissive back when there is three of them.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby MrBear » Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:23 pm

Hahahaha I knew corta was going to do a 3 way gang bang >=)

EDIT: Jesus christ dude you got some great animations skills. I thought the submissive was great but wowzors the aggressive animations are impressive. Cant wait to see all these animations implemented into the game itself :)
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby ronpepper » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:44 am

Nice job. Really nice animations, Corta.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:15 am

corta Wrote:
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:It did not work ?

It is bad becouse if you use another parts or part of it (not all) it will not work like we want it to work :(

Hmm it is not good - but i have an idea - i can a little simplify sistem - it will not need any code from your side - but it will be upgradable - so it will be good if you will say what are you going to do :mrgreen:

Corta where are you ? I have a lot of questions to you - for example what are you planing ;) and will you change some thing or not - if you will not (it is good for me - i like all like it is now) - the components can be used - if you are going to change some thing - what we have to do ? Wait or all components will be compatible :?:

About components - may be make standarts Naked components - like statick for animators side - and than add dinamic part to it later (or block it) and let animators use only part of it = to block AS - if they do not want to use it ?

Becouse as it is now - it is a lot of good works with components that we can not use ?

Or may be i did not understand some thing ? If i did please tell me :mrgreen:

yeah, I've been goofing off for the last few weeks.. looks like something has been going on here, though.. (there's certainly alot going on in ^there^)
now, let's see..

I'm still an as2 lad, so support that I can give is pretty limited
(I'm worried that I'll put people off as3, now. so here's the disclaimer: if you're learning from scratch- start with as3, it'll be ALOT easier on you)

well, I could just add a little bit to my code to account for not having a set variable. hopefully that won't cause any problems..

pretty much the same, 2 part backs don't look nice and have virtually nil movement. (the practical answer would be a 3 part torso, but the work/benefit ratios are in the suicidal range.) [a separate neck might make sense, though..]
..probably some hands coming up, though.
and maybe some genitals if I see a nice set around, (..sounds creepy, huh?)
oh yeah, looking into making the jawline nice-er looking when open, too..

Anyway, have the next part of the gray-with-line-space-themed animation set phenomenon: SPACE PIRATES AHOY (milking it? nawwh..)


(not a bad amount of content considering my last few weeks!)
dominating poses still under construction,
submissive back still looks funny, the pose is all wrong from the get-go.. (kept going for some reason, it didn't turn out that bad, I guess..)
Submissive for enemy attacks, dominating for player-attacks, and aggressive for (I dunno) boss battle creeps..
1,200 frames down, planned multi-teams for dominating poses - so another 500 or so to go, (plus polishing what we've already got)
sounds, expressions, titty wigglin' and all that other crap on the way, too.

comments, anyone?

Image - it is so good that i did not even know what to say ;)

May be you can post some CS4 *.fla Image ?

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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby imp32 » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:20 am

The little constructive notices I can say are your animations can't be talked down and you've hit all the major points on: multiple encounter possibilities, positions, position to position animation (favorite part of the whole flash from submissive:back).

More position -> position+ animations =D.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:11 pm

Image - my friend phoned me so i did not sleep for 8 hours - only 3-4 i think - so as i promise - Corta look about my idea - 2 versions (1 for AS2 another fot AS3) - can work without code for animators - and with it for some body who wants.

There are 2 lines in it :

/*For AS2 users

... Some code ...

For As 2 users */


/*For AS2 users

... Some code ...

For As 2 users */

Remove the red lines for code work.

I want to make 1 source but $%^&*( Image adobe - make 2 different compilators for flash AS2 and AS3 - and it think that it is diferent code and do not work witj it =)

(I mean on creation of file i say it is AS3 so if i try to use AS2 - it think it is AS3 and say arror :mrgreen: )

So code is the same with a little changes - but file is saved in AS2 and AS3 versions.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Afroman » Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:40 pm

Corta I registered and made an account just to tell you how much I love that short animation of yours. The work is done awesomely and I especially like the Aggressive back, I thought no one would do anything foot fetish related. Amazing work dude.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby warlord42 » Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:52 pm

The last flash is awesome! Great work! It would be nice if you would make some new dominant or agressive ones would give the space pirate a ruined orgasm or make him cum on himself. Please continue this :)
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby corta » Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:50 am

alright, oos. here's my version of an AS2 template.

it was easier than I thought it'd be (turns out !variable works!)
it's part of the already working code, so nobody has to juggle template versions ( AS2, anyway..)
this will give you a naked, un-cannoned Samus when variables arn't set, and whatever you want when they are.

now, here comes the patronizing 'helpful tips' part.. sucks, I know. but this'll save me typing out personal messages..

#Animating with helmets & shoulder-pads,
in short: wire-frame mode.
you can click through it, you can see through it, it looks normal when you play. easier than playing with alpha variables.
wireframe.png (142.59 KiB) Viewed 28471 times

#The 'amazing' bootfix
what is it? What does it do?!
it's magic and it's magic. - you don't even need to bother using it at all. ('till you want to use varia boots)

And I think that should do it for now,
good luck to anyone looking to make a start!

stay tuned, fun stuff next time.. probably..

PS, thanks for all the support, everyone
Corta's Character Template CS4.fla
(4.58 MiB) Downloaded 642 times
Corta's Character Template.fla
(2.61 MiB) Downloaded 430 times
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:16 am

One good in code solution:

It is more simple to comment more than 1 line of code like :



;) Will wait for new works - and i hope they will be in CS4 fla ;) - not only in *.swf :mrgreen:
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Arson » Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:21 pm

Hah, I wonder why shes got full clothing on and aliens are still raping her butthole :roll: :?:
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