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Re: Attitudes

Postby shiro8 » Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:54 pm

nice one really nice idea I liked the sound too
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Re: Attitudes

Postby Yawg » Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:17 pm

I know it's only a quick-and-dirty example using the old sprites, but if the amount of attention that went into the different animation cycles is impressive- fantastic work :) I can tell v0.3 is gonna be worth the wait...

Back to the topic at hand... I think the "attitudes" feature will add a measure of replayability to the game... depending on whether Sharpclaw A's animation choices are the same or different as Sharpclaw B's. This may mean a lot of work for Yoyooyo- I hope he's ready! Heck, even if he's not, he could probably get Corta to help- he also does some amazing work.
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Re: Attitudes

Postby KaTsuO_O » Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:43 pm

Great to see somethings up.

I like how they moves when they standstill, it makes it looks so much better and the fuck animations looks a lot better than the 0.2 ones.Will you only be able to choose one of the alternetives?
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Re: Attitudes

Postby KaTsuO_O » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:06 pm

Yes, that was what i meant.

I would also like to hear some breath sounds when she gets fucked, its somethin thats missing.

This position is my persenal favorite so i would be happy to see it (if its to hard to see i could draw it instead) "state how you'd want to view each part of the animation" I dont really understand what you mean but i would like it as medium.
(its not a download link)
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Re: Attitudes

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:37 pm

Something else me and ebonizza had talked about with this attitudes system was (and this depends on what ends up happening with the rpg elements of the game) was unlocking new stages of the scenes based on your level or whatnot. for example a level 1 krystal can handle the more laidback submissive enemy. a level 5 krystal could then go to the same enemy and take the moderate scene and a level 10 krystal could handle everything that the enemy can dish out.

I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about this. Should the positions be avalable from the start to make grinding levels less repetitive, or should you level up and unlock new positions and give you a reason to come back?

As ebonizza said, not all enemies would be this flexible, I think most would at least have two versions of their scenes but those would usually just be a rougher position than the first one, guys that could could do three scenes as different as in the example would be more limited, we'd probably mark them as such with gold armor or something.
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Re: Attitudes

Postby KaTsuO_O » Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:01 pm

It would be a lot better if you have to level up to unlock new positions and others because it makes the game longer and it would also be great if you got points for each level and that you could put on something.
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Re: Attitudes

Postby MrBear » Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:20 pm

I have to say, this is what we all need, the team actually sending us files that we can give our opinions on.
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Re: Attitudes

Postby Yawg » Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:49 am


Also- I didn't mention it before, but the Sharpclaw grunts and groans are good, too... plus, I love that the mouths of both parties move in synch with the sound effects.
An excellent addition!
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Re: Attitudes

Postby imp32 » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:03 am

The concept will make the game better and last longer due to giving the player more options, choices, and content with the option playing longer.
**Of course if the player decides to play longer then his choice lets you have a slippery slope on making things a little harder/take a little longer to unlock more content. The reason why the slopes available relies on their "choice" staying as something they want to do versus being forced to do. The reasoning behind the slope will only hold though if the decision process isn't too difficult of a jump or in other words too simple to say f-that.**

Grunts were kind of a boner killer. The reason could be because we're not use to that new effect or frequency of the voice or the sound clip itself.

Would love to see this implemented in the game either on a choice level or as part of conditions that must be met for said scenes to be seen or unlocked later after higher lvling as a move you can do to get different outcomes. (<-- lots of complex coding and work so I wouldn't bother but its worth noting)

soooooooooo Fuck yes, DOOOO IT!
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Re: Attitudes

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:11 am

Animation is perfect !!! Image Image Image
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Re: Attitudes

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:44 am

imp32 Wrote:Grunts were kind of a boner killer.

Have to agree on that, sounds to pervert to me.
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Re: Attitudes

Postby krystalfreak » Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:09 am

Finally new material! Very pleased with this, thanks! The grunts however... Ick.
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Re: Attitudes

Postby NecroBalrog » Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:32 am

trunks2585 Wrote:Something else me and ebonizza had talked about with this attitudes system was (and this depends on what ends up happening with the rpg elements of the game) was unlocking new stages of the scenes based on your level or whatnot. for example a level 1 krystal can handle the more laidback submissive enemy. a level 5 krystal could then go to the same enemy and take the moderate scene and a level 10 krystal could handle everything that the enemy can dish out.

I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about this. Should the positions be avalable from the start to make grinding levels less repetitive, or should you level up and unlock new positions and give you a reason to come back?

As ebonizza said, not all enemies would be this flexible, I think most would at least have two versions of their scenes but those would usually just be a rougher position than the first one, guys that could could do three scenes as different as in the example would be more limited, we'd probably mark them as such with gold armor or something.

That is an excellent idea Trunks. Would love to see scenes with an enemy, then come back later in the game with more exp and see what she could do then ;) And props to you guys that made this. loved everything about it. From the way their mouths moved whenever they moaned, to the way krystal eyed the sharpclaw hehe. would love to see a similar one of this only with an oral theme instead (just suggesting). Think it would be awesome!
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Re: Attitudes

Postby swirls » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:46 pm

Wow, this looks pretty nice actually! Kudos to 3-Y for the animation quality. Others have kind of pointed out things already (like the mouths moving) so... yeah. I think I might like the 'tease' one the most.

I think I'm gonna have to go with the crowd that doesn't like the voices though. But, I imagine there would be a sound on/off option later on.
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Re: Attitudes

Postby sharpclaw9 » Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:24 am

I love it! :D

keep working on it, and make one where he cums in her pussy in your next update, i haven't seen a single pussy shagging on this site
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Re: Attitudes

Postby Name_Taken » Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:24 am

Amazing! That was excellent! I really hope you keep it up!
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Re: Attitudes

Postby wizard » Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:57 am

I highly approve. As time has gone on I've read more posts about how Krystal should be more "happy" during the sex scenes. Having an option like this will make people like me and the "happy Krystal" people well....happy.
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Re: Attitudes

Postby Secretsense » Tue Jan 25, 2011 5:53 pm

I agree i loved that fact that Krystal could tease and enjoy the guard, while some people didnt like the male grunting i friggin loved it, got me off more lol x
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Re: Attitudes

Postby Succasuck » Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:51 pm

Really nice work, I love the choice idea. The sounds are good enough for what it is too I think too. Keep up the good work!
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Re: Attitudes

Postby Trevor_Belmondo » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:43 pm

Wooow, amazing job!
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