Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Koopaling: Larry

Postby QuizmasterBos » Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:25 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:
QuizmasterBos Wrote:The only thing that looks a little odd to me is the hat/cap in the sideways view. It looks too thin almost, as if it's been cut-off.

I can fix that in a second. But lemme sleep first. I'm tired after making Larry.

Speaking of Larry...Ok Larry (AND IGGY!), come in! They were made from scratch (Iggy is not a recolor of Larry! He is also taller, slimmer, and have different muscle placements). Their dicks are similar only in the tip (they're brothers anyway). According to developers, these are Bowser kids (now adults) but from different mothers.

Total curves: 730 (+ hair + mouth + spikes = 900)

Should have said this before, but I think the design of the koopalings should be more different. More adult, actually.

When comparing Morton to Adult Morton you'll notice that they are undoubtedly the same character, except one is adult and the other a kid.
With Iggy and Larry they just look like they have incredibly big and muscular bodies, but the same kid heads.

I also think not every koopaling needs to be muscular. They might be brothers, but not from the same parents. So, maybe Lemmy should be tall, but not a heavyweight.
Roy on the other hand should have a look similar to Morton, as they have similar body structures.

In short, I'd like to see more variety in body structures and faces that actually show adolescence.

For a first draft though, not bad!

ivanaedler Wrote:
Darthan Wrote:Looks good, other than the fact that it looks like someone broke Larry's left hand off then glued it on sideways.

Incredible enough, its possible to do this in real life.

Yup, I can do it. I even sometimes shake my hand left and right really quickly (kind of like a dog shaking off water). It apparently looks really disgusting, according to girls. :P
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Re: Koopaling: Larry

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:34 pm

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Should have said this before, but I think the design of the koopalings should be more different. More adult, actually.

I tried the most to keep the young style, while maintaining an 'almost adult style' (18, 19, 20 years-old later teens). That's in order to let the players certain they are really 'fighting' the koopalings, due to the resemblance. And because they're punk. They like bomboxes, going out at night...you name it. They're like this in the games. If I make them 'too adult', they will be regarded as 'papa's trying to be a street teenager with those hair', and Koopa (their Dad) will be which age? 60? Okay, in mushroom kingdom, all can be with an age of, say, 30, but Peach is younger now, why they need to be more mature than that? :/

Also, Morton is the second youngest (Larry is the first). If I make the olderst in a way they are drawn older than Morton, they will appear having...30, 35 years old. I dont think it will be nice (the same 'papa trying' syndrome).

Seeing at Iggy, he resembles Flanders, the neighbor of Homer Simpson :P And he's very adult, IMO.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:When comparing Morton to Adult Morton you'll notice that they are undoubtedly the same character, except one is adult and the other a kid.

The same with Larry and Iggy. But I got your point. They may need a 'less curvy eyes' and more hair in their faces. Even some mustache in some, like Ludwig. However, I think they can stay, and I can improve them over time. (EDIT: Diminished Iggy glasses and Larry eyes. They became more adult). See it in the last page.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:I also think not every koopaling needs to be muscular. They might be brothers, but not from the same parents. So, maybe Lemmy should be tall, but not a heavyweight.

I'll make a fatty Ludwig. He's the best example we can diminish muscles and increase fat. I can also diminish Iggy muscles a bit. Or course I'll make them all different. Even color tones. In the game, due to simplicity, developers made 6 of them with equal colors (cartoon versions too), except, of course, Morton.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Roy on the other hand should have a look similar to Morton, as they have similar body structures.

Yes. But I'll be remaking the Morton entirelly anyway. His original colors (like in the jaw) ins't that sand color, but a bit brown/purple.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:For a first draft though, not bad!

Yes, yes, they're made from scratch, first version. But we can animate them right away, then I can improve during that. That avoids me from taking too much of my time improving this and that, the entire day, halting other development.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby QuizmasterBos » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:10 pm

Here's the "surprises"

A little while ago, I send you the lines for Koopa Troopa and Shy Guy via PM. I have redone some of these lines, except came up with one extra thing.
I made slut lines and virgin/embarassed lines.
See, Peach should mentally change as she adapts to fucking enemies that she didn't want to fuck before. So I made two sets of lines each to show a player clearly when Peach gets used to fucking.

I'll send you these new lines in a bit via PM, in order to not clog the thread.

The order, more interesting thing has somewhat to do with an idea Asian and me came up with, but never posted here before:
The diary should contain Menus, so that it becomes more clear where each thing is written down. A first draft would look a little like this:

DIARY of Princess Peach

- My life (talks about what's going on storywise)
- My secrets (talks about sex and such)
- Notes (which brings you to a new menu, containing such things as:)
* Potionrecipes
* Tattle log (explanation below)

If you're not Princess Peach, ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, then please
close this diary and put it back where you found it. (Drawing of a heart)

So, the tattle log, although it will be named differently, will contain info on enemies. It's still a bit in its early stages, but I think it covers the bases for now.

If you have Word, you can download it via this link:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/3uc1ca27s ... E_1.1.docx

You can also see it embedded in your browser via this link:

Each bit of trivia is completely made up by me and has been added in just for fun.
Info is mostly based off the games and the character look.
Penislength is a guess, but my hand is about three inches wide, so if I look at it sideways and compare it to Peach during handjovb scenes, it should match up.

If you have any ideas for info to add in, then please tell me.

What do you think?
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:24 pm

Hey, Quiz, thank you! Let's talk about this!

QuizmasterBos Wrote:A little while ago, I send you the lines for Koopa Troopa and Shy Guy via PM. I have redone some of these lines, except came up with one extra thing.
I made slut lines and virgin/embarassed lines. See, Peach should mentally change as she adapts to fucking enemies that she didn't want to fuck before. So I made two sets of lines each to show a player clearly when Peach gets used to fucking.

Very nice! So, new texts ;) I got it.
Well, I just need to make some code brainstorming (while alone), in order to see what can be done with code to make it adapt to it, as its not random.

This make me remember of other thing (LINE ART). I was thinking about some face changes (e.g. she will be walking with the mouth a bit open and eyes a bit 'down'). However, as I want to lower code complexity, I may make 'eye/mouth components'. I need to improve eye code to follow this rule. In the current state, I can control her eyes directly (when she's walking, standing up..) however I only control this while programming. When she's already moving in the game, I cant change her mouth/eyes (they animate, but with code I did before, like hard-coded). In order to change her eyes according to slutness, or horniness, I need to create a new variable which will override current mouth/eye 'recipes' to another recipe. I cant change those recipes while Peach is playing, but I can exchange it to another recipe. Are you with me? So, short answer: "even if we dont put this new feature of different lines, it's a necessity to make a way to change her eyes according to some action. So she can even walk with her eyes completelly closed. This is a thing I want to do. But it requires code brainstorming. And I can share it with people here, in order to choose the best approach'.

The same with other line changes (like her belly, breasts)... But in this case, I'll need to , actually, create new characters (like 'Peach slutty body', 'Peach excited body with hard nipples'). Not a problem, but it takes time.

I like the diary menu idea. So this menu is shown in the cover, and if player presses one of them, it will go right in the page of these info. I may also disable page numbers. Why? Because it will be complex for me to sort and adjust pages according the the number. E.g. Pages 1,2,3,4 has goombas experiences, and page 5,6, shyguys. If Peach makes more sex with a new goomba scene, and there is'nt space available on page four, I'll have to change 5 and 6 to , say, 7 and 8. :/

So I'll be making these changes when I'm right int he diary development again.

PS: I liked the enemy information. And the trivias :D
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby Biles » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:35 pm

Gone for over a week and still alot more catching up to do. I was caught up in other stuff. I'm gonna play around a bit on the new release.
Need some basic Flash character animations? Then stop by at:
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby Allsop2604 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:36 pm

Hey ivanaedler,

I tried the EXE version of 1.8.2 and am actually noticing it running slower than the SWF, and it lags more. Seeing as how you were looking for the opposite effect I though you'd want to know. I wasn't even going to mention anything but it's actually significantly worse. I actually don't even get lag for the SWF.

I'm running quad core 2.66 with 8 gigs of ram. I run the SWF versions in ether chrome or the newest version of adobe flash debugger. The comparison is when running both version fullscreen (I have a hunch that this may be the issue).
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:39 pm

Biles Wrote:Gone for over a week and still alot more catching up to do. I was caught up in other stuff. I'm gonna play around a bit on the new release.

Hi ;) Hey, sorry I didnt put your new animations yet (jaunting, etc), because I was caught making some new features unrelated to that. And I was testing the new 'touchingGround' algorithm.
There are so many interesting things I've talked in other pages. If you have time, you can read it and quote what you want, here. I like those 'back to the past -> back to the present' links. Sometimes I caught myself reading the first pages of this topic and Blargh's one.

Allsop2604 Wrote:I tried the EXE version of 1.8.2 and am actually noticing it running slower than the SWF, and it lags more. Seeing as how you were looking for the opposite effect I though you'd want to know. I wasn't even going to mention anything but it's actually significantly worse. I actually don't even get lag for the SWF.

Interesting enough, I've got a different effect here. I play full screen here without lag, using the EXE. I think it depends on the machine configuration. I also think its not optimized for 4 core or more. Only testing will show.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby QuizmasterBos » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:44 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:Hey, Quiz, thank you! Let's talk about this!

Glad to be of service.

ivanaedler Wrote:
QuizmasterBos Wrote:A little while ago, I send you the lines for Koopa Troopa and Shy Guy via PM. I have redone some of these lines, except came up with one extra thing.
I made slut lines and virgin/embarassed lines. See, Peach should mentally change as she adapts to fucking enemies that she didn't want to fuck before. So I made two sets of lines each to show a player clearly when Peach gets used to fucking.

Very nice! So, new texts ;) I got it.
Well, I just need to make some code brainstorming (while alone), in order to see what can be done with code to make it adapt to it, as its not random.

I knew it wasn't random (anymore), so I made the lines around that. I prefer it like this actually. It allows me to make something a bit more interesting, like when Peach refers to the Shy Guys penis as a little friend and talks to that only. (The idea behind is that the Shy Guy is so shy, he doesn't stand out, except his dick does so Peach teases him by talking to the penis ;))

ivanaedler Wrote:This make me remember of other thing (LINE ART). I was thinking about some face changes (e.g. she will be walking with the mouth a bit open and eyes a bit 'down'). However, as I want to lower code complexity, I may make 'eye/mouth components'. I need to improve eye code to follow this rule. In the current state, I can control her eyes directly (when she's walking, standing up..) however I only control this while programming. When she's already moving in the game, I cant change her mouth/eyes (they animate, but with code I did before, like hard-coded). In order to change her eyes according to slutness, or horniness, I need to create a new variable which will override current mouth/eye 'recipes' to another recipe. I cant change those recipes while Peach is playing, but I can exchange it to another recipe. Are you with me? So, short answer: "even if we dont put this new feature of different lines, it's a necessity to make a way to change her eyes according to some action. So she can even walk with her eyes completelly closed. This is a thing I want to do. But it requires code brainstorming. And I can share it with people here, in order to choose the best approach'.
Will you also fix Peach's mouth? At times her mouth looks really weird. I actually have a little list of things that need updating, changing and what not. It's currently 19 things. I can post it here or PM it, whatever you prefer.

ivanaedler Wrote:I like the diary menu idea. So this menu is shown in the cover, and if player presses one of them, it will go right in the page of these info. I may also disable page numbers. Why? Because it will be complex for me to sort and adjust pages according the the number. E.g. Pages 1,2,3,4 has goombas experiences, and page 5,6, shyguys. If Peach makes more sex with a new goomba scene, and there is'nt space available on page four, I'll have to change 5 and 6 to , say, 7 and 8. :/

I don't think this should be on the cover, but on the first page. I think the cover should look like it does now, except make the first page look like what I posted.

ivanaedler Wrote:PS: I liked the enemy information. And the trivias :D

Do you, or anyone else for that matter (come on guys, Ivan may have this thread but by helping me out, you'll help out Ivan as well), have anything to add? Besides info on existing characters that is, that's already planned.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:13 pm

Updated again (1.8.2) with the castle being a different level and a new side area. EXE version outdated in regard to this.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:It allows me to make something a bit more interesting, like when Peach refers to the Shy Guys penis as a little friend and talks to that only. (The idea behind is that the Shy Guy is so shy, he doesn't stand out, except his dick does so Peach teases him by talking to the penis ;)

Shyguys will use their belts soon, while still being shy. It will be like a compulsion (they dreamt a lot about this).

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Will you also fix Peach's mouth? At times her mouth looks really weird. I actually have a little list of things that need updating, changing and what not. It's currently 19 things. I can post it here or PM it, whatever you prefer.

I like her current mouth (when she's standing up), but yes, you can PM me.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:I don't think this should be on the cover, but on the first page. I think the cover should look like it does now, except make the first page look like what I posted.

Ok, first page then.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Do you, or anyone else for that matter (come on guys, Ivan may have this thread but by helping me out, you'll help out Ivan as well), have anything to add? Besides info on existing characters that is, that's already planned.

For me its enough. But more ideas are welcome. I dont think its wise to increase complexity, though.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby QuizmasterBos » Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:54 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Will you also fix Peach's mouth? At times her mouth looks really weird. I actually have a little list of things that need updating, changing and what not. It's currently 19 things. I can post it here or PM it, whatever you prefer.

I like her current mouth (when she's standing up), but yes, you can PM me.

I also like it, except it stretches oddly in many cases (like the virgin ending).

ivanaedler Wrote:
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Do you, or anyone else for that matter (come on guys, Ivan may have this thread but by helping me out, you'll help out Ivan as well), have anything to add? Besides info on existing characters that is, that's already planned.

For me its enough. But more ideas are welcome. I dont think its wise to increase complexity, though.

Instead of adding things, there could also be things to remove. Females will have breastsize instead of penislength of course, but maybe the species 'tab' is unnecessary?
By the way, I won't make info until the characters have been added in the gallery, sex scenes and all (so no Boos yet). Neither will I do Morton yet, because I'll likely state something about comparisons to the siblings in the info 'tab'. I might start making the info on Toadsworth, but I get a feeling some interesting bits will be added in.
Guess that means I'll have to wait till Pokey get scenes.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:26 pm

QuizmasterBos Wrote:I also like it, except it stretches oddly in many cases (like the virgin ending).

Ok tell me the areas (like this one) and I'll fix it. Its not related to the mouth image, but the placement.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Instead of adding things, there could also be things to remove. Females will have breastsize instead of penislength of course, but maybe the species 'tab' is unnecessary?
By the way, I won't make info until the characters have been added in the gallery, sex scenes and all (so no Boos yet). Neither will I do Morton yet, because I'll likely state something about comparisons to the siblings in the info 'tab'. I might start making the info on Toadsworth, but I get a feeling some interesting bits will be added in.

Yes lets wait. Remember I also fix bugs, rearrange features, create (and recreate) others, and the most important: testing.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:23 pm

Biles I thought you died...i missed you :cry:

Quiz I am truly sorry I couldnt do those lines but times are difficult nowadays. My house burnt down, my ISP wont help me cuz I'm asian and Paper Mario SS sucks and makes me depressed.

Ivan doin work! Geez man how many times have you hit the gym this week?

Soo...I make pills?
What do you think about labeling and color coding? Since there will be random effects i was thinking red for effects on Peach and blue for enemies and then even a mix!

What if we make one of the pills shrink the enemy it hits? I know sometimes even with the wide area, enemies could be overwhelming and can crowd up. So if you shrink them it would equal no sex scenes (just get hurt), and smaller enemy so it would be easier to maneuver around. Of course with it randomized you gotta cross your fingers and hope! Lol

But should I make it now? Or should I not make it at all? Or should I wait...or should I go fix my internet first...or should I go grab some lunch?
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:39 pm

VOTING POOL: Final Round. The three best chosen names from former votes were in. Now, with no mercy and no way to create new names.

NEWS: Blargh made the FIRST pokey scene. I'll be adding to the game soon. Thanks Blargh!

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Ivan doin work! Geez man how many times have you hit the gym this week?

No gym :/ But I'll restart it on monday, thats for sure. 7 to 8 pm.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Soo...I make pills?

I prefer you make more furnitures/objects/walls (if you could). I currently want to make Toadsworth bedroom (like Palcomix one). You can also make a lovely door (Like smurfs or toads door). I've been using the current toad house door for the new area on Peach Castle. Check it there (SWF updated). For about pill effects, I think pills should affect only enemies, and potions should affect her (those which Peach can find in a level). Those potions are 'Mario 2' ones, which can show an invisible door, those white doors. HOWEVER. We can brainstorm about this - pills giving a random effect (good or bad) for Peach too. (Quiz included in our meeting).

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:What if we make one of the pills shrink the enemy it hits? I know sometimes even with the wide area, enemies could be overwhelming and can crowd up. So if you shrink them it would equal no sex scenes (just get hurt), and smaller enemy so it would be easier to maneuver around. Of course with it randomized you gotta cross your fingers and hope! Lol

IT COULD BE! Also, I'm thinking about shrinking Peach. As long as there werent sex scenes with mini Peach, its fine, because it does not require new sex scenes. If Peach is shrunk, of course she will be imediatelly stark naked.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:should I wait...or should I go fix my internet first...or should I go grab some lunch?

You can make furnitures and chain chomp chains, in case you want ;) Be my guest, man, and thanks for your help, as always!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:02 pm

:o deranked from enemies to furniture :o

Haha just kidding. I'll get on makin stuff!
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:52 pm

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote::o deranked from enemies to furniture :o

Of course not, Asian. You accelerated enemy creation by 200%! I can even put all of them right away in the gallery (even with no sex scenes yet) Just for us to see them alive and breathing ;)

I want to still priorize some things I can do faster. I may add the new Peach animations by Biles (finally) and / or the Toadsworth bedroom. I really want to make this room. So I will have a room where Toadsworth can wander, talk, and do scenes. Then I make the prison cell room (where Peach stays until the player press 'continue' from a game over).
Toadsworth will be in different places according to some actions. So, If the player repeats level 1 over and over, for example, he will not be repeating the same scene with Toadsworth (when he greets peach for the first time). He will do it once (no blowjob), then he will go to his bedroom.

I'm now taking some rest. This was a long week. I'll eat some sushis soon while listening to 'Boogly Woods' theme song (yes Its true). They refresh my mind.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby QuizmasterBos » Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:07 am

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Quiz I am truly sorry I couldnt do those lines but times are difficult nowadays. My house burnt down, my ISP wont help me cuz I'm asian and Paper Mario SS sucks and makes me depressed.
What are you apologizing for? None of these things were your fault. The fact that you managed to get some internet and even did a lot of good work on here is truly commendable. You should get a medal.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Soo...I make pills?
What do you think about labeling and color coding? Since there will be random effects i was thinking red for effects on Peach and blue for enemies and then even a mix!

The idea was that pills would only work one enemies, because Peach throws them. Pills are also doublesided, meaning that although full red pills exist, I think the classic half-red half-blue pill would be best. The potions you create in the lab in 9-1 have effects on Peach.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Idea:
What if we make one of the pills shrink the enemy it hits? I know sometimes even with the wide area, enemies could be overwhelming and can crowd up. So if you shrink them it would equal no sex scenes (just get hurt), and smaller enemy so it would be easier to maneuver around. Of course with it randomized you gotta cross your fingers and hope! Lol
Great idea. With hurt you mean losing clothing parts? That sounds good. Is it a positive or a negative effect though?
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:00 am

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Great idea. With hurt you mean losing clothing parts? That sounds good. Is it a positive or a negative effect though?

And where will Peach be gathering those pills? In Luigi's clinic, the market and/or abandoned in some level grounds?
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby QuizmasterBos » Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:40 am

ivanaedler Wrote:
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Great idea. With hurt you mean losing clothing parts? That sounds good. Is it a positive or a negative effect though?

And where will Peach be gathering those pills? In Luigi's clinic, the market and/or abandoned in some level grounds?

She gets them with the nurse outfit. She can pull them out of nowhere.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:57 am

QuizmasterBos Wrote:She gets them with the nurse outfit. She can pull them out of nowhere.

Ok, like Fire Dress powerup, but instead of fire, pills, right? So, if the player changes the current outfit for certain powerups (like dress, burn mushrooms, frog, etc), she can wear this new costume (this function is already in the game) but, like the others, those costumes wont activate the current powerup. In this case, using nurse outfit, no pills to throw. Only if she takes a 'nurse powerup', a piece of clothing available in some areas. I plan putting some of them in some levels only. Its a bit rare.

Even so, she may receive some pills by the toadsworth (in some cases) or in Luigi's clinic. She will have to swallow it. Or to be treated (in her ass), in case she's injured (this can be cast when she is poisoned by some enemies, like poisonous piranhas).
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8.2 (nov 15/12)

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:02 am

The only way to cure posion is for someone to suck out te poison...of her TITS :twisted:
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